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dominant (not submissive) businesslike (not chivalrous)

master (not apprentice) competent (not incompetent)

bossy (not meek) eloquent (not unpolished)
rich (not poor) city-slicker (not country-bumpkin)
queen (not princess) extravagant (not thrifty)
bold (not shy) cosmopolitan (not provincial)
coordinated (not clumsy) driven (not unambitious)
stylish (not slovenly) direct (not roundabout)
captain (not first-mate) picky (not always down)
competitive (not cooperative) decisive (not hesitant)
alpha (not beta) worldly (not innocent)
pro (not noob) mighty (not puny)
persistent (not quitter) rigid (not flexible)
high standards (not desperate) armoured (not vulnerable)
celebrity (not boy/girl-next-door) diligent (not lazy)
hard (not soft) neat (not messy)
overachiever (not underachiever) judgemental (not accepting)
demanding (not unchallenging) motivated (not unmotivated)
self-disciplined (not disorganized) impatient (not patient)
workaholic (not slacker) cultured (not rustic)
strict (not lenient) presidential (not folksy)
studious (not goof-off) beautiful (not ugly)
badass (not weakass) secretive (not open-book)
opinionated (not neutral) purple (not orange)
chic (not cheesy) hard (not soft)
high IQ (not low IQ) sturdy (not flimsy)

manicured (not scruffy) guarded (not open)

cold (not warm)
intense (not lighthearted)
cool (not dorky)
individualist (not communal) privileged (not oppressed)
formal (not intimate) refined (not rugged)
stubborn (not accommodating) precise (not vague)
distant (not touchy-feely) cynical (not gullible)
official (not backdoor) lavish (not frugal)
hunter (not gatherer) prestigious (not disreputable)
main character (not side character) serious (not playful)
urban (not rural) ferocious (not pacifist)
fire (not water) cocky (not timid)
assertive (not passive) self-assured (not self-conscious)
narcissistic (not low self esteem) perceptive (not unobservant)
pointed (not random) fast (not slow)
arrogant (not humble) independent (not codependent)
highbrow (not lowbrow) frank (not sugarcoated)
active (not slothful) bitter (not sweet)
important (not irrelevant) specialist (not generalist)
go-getter (not slugabed) logical (not emotional)
complicated (not simple) spicy (not mild)
thick-skinned (not sensitive) confident (not insecure)
rhythmic (not stuttering) resourceful (not helpless)
intellectual (not physical) scheduled (not spontaneous)
genius (not dunce) tight (not loose)
bourgeoisie (not proletariat) winter (not summer)
authoritarian (not democratic) insulting (not complimentary)
fresh (not stinky) prideful (not envious)
work-first (not family-first) extraordinary (not mundane)
skeptical (not spiritual) reserved (not chatty)
alert (not oblivious) suspicious (not awkward)
OCD (not ADHD) tense (not relaxed)
fighter (not lover) extreme (not moderate)
tasteful (not lewd) wise (not foolish)
demonic (not angelic) feminine (not masculine)
jaded (not innocent) concise (not long-winded)
never cries (not often crying) machiavellian (not transparent)
private (not gregarious) fortunate (not unlucky)
money-focused (not love-focused) feminist (not sexist)
bookish (not sporty) preppy (not punk rock)
legit (not scrub) rude (not respectful)
opinionated (not jealous) industrial (not domestic)
contrarian (not yes-man) hoarder (not unprepared)
corporate (not freelance) non-gamer (not gamer)
fearmongering (not reassuring) washed (not muddy)
receiving (not giving) angry (not good-humored)
valedictorian (not drop out) offended (not chill)
charming (not awkward) analysis (not common sense)
orderly (not chaotic) selfish (not altruistic)
chosen one (not everyman) clean (not perverted)
believable (not poorly-written) builder (not explorer)
deliberate (not spontaneous) factual (not poetic)
pretentious (not unassuming) cunning (not honorable)
resolute (not wavering) feisty (not gracious)
knowledgeable (not ignorant) suspicious (not trusting)
mature (not juvenile) gloomy (not sunny)
on-time (not tardy) mad (not glad)
cat person (not dog person) tailor (not blacksmith)
dramatic (not comedic) artistic (not scientific)
quarrelsome (not warm) insider (not outsider)
entitled (not grateful) sarcastic (not genuine)
deviant (not average) real (not philosophical)
atheist (not theist) overspender (not penny-pincher)
consistent (not variable) rock (not rap)
neurotypical (not autistic) treasure (not trash)
mysterious (not unambiguous) pensive (not serene)
vengeful (not forgiving) gendered (not androgynous)
cruel (not kind) trendy (not vintage)
old (not young) realist (not idealist)
permanent (not transient) haunted (not blissful)
pessimistic (not optimistic) playful (not shy)
ivory-tower (not blue-collar) sheriff (not outlaw)
poisonous (not nurturing) realistic (not fantastical)
exhibitionist (not bashful) ambitious (not realistic)
unemotional (not emotional) dry (not moist)
sorrowful (not cheery) French (not Russian)
resistant (not resigned) soulless (not soulful)
frenzied (not sleepy) emancipated (not enslaved)
psychopath (not empath) close-minded (not open-minded)
stingy (not generous) English (not German)
miserable (not joyful) attractive (not repulsive)
inspiring (not cringeworthy) tall (not short)
interesting (not tiresome) vain (not demure)
works hard (not plays hard) modern (not historical)
salacious (not wholesome) Coke (not Pepsi)
punchable (not loveable) rational (not whimsical)
forward-thinking (not stuck-in-the- hurried (not leisurely)
exuberant (not subdued)
still (not twitchy)
charismatic (not uninspiring)
hard-work (not natural-talent)
stoic (not hypochondriac)
bad boy (not white knight) rough (not smooth)
ranged (not melee) chortling (not giggling)
creative (not conventional) political (not nonpolitical)
linear (not circular) deranged (not reasonable)
debased (not pure) conspiracist (not sheeple)
paranoid (not naive) straightforward (not cryptic)
rebellious (not obedient) hypocritical (not equitable)
biased (not impartial) stoic (not expressive)
flamboyant (not modest) apathetic (not curious)
villainous (not heroic) charming (not trusting)
humorless (not funny) heathen (not devout)
dispassionate (not romantic) empirical (not theoretical)
high-tech (not low-tech) wild (not tame)
confidential (not gossiping) crazy (not sane)
cautious (not impulsive) moody (not stable)
libertarian (not socialist) western (not eastern)
sad (not happy) bad-cook (not good-cook)
focused on the future (not focused on efficient (not overprepared)
the present)
open to new experinces (not
proper (not scandalous) uncreative)
objective (not subjective) literal (not metaphorical)
enlightened (not lost) pop (not indie)
epic (not deep) concrete (not abstract)
vibrant (not geriatric) cannibal (not vegan)
devoted (not unfaithful) zany (not regular)
kinky (not vanilla) civilized (not barbaric)
obsessed (not aloof) conservative (not liberal)
brave (not careful) interrupting (not attentive)
ludicrous (not sensible) doer (not thinker)
unfixable (not fixable) introspective (not not introspective)
practical (not imaginative) reliable (not experimental)
thin (not thick) lustful (not chaste)
street-smart (not sheltered) loud (not quiet)
no-nonsense (not dramatic) weird (not normal)
traitorous (not loyal) serious (not bold)
straight (not queer) sober (not indulgent)
edgy (not politically correct) Roman (not Greek)
decorative (not utilitarian) involved (not remote)
freak (not normie) extrovert (not introvert)
genocidal (not not genocidal) animalistic (not human)
healthy (not sickly) multicolored (not monochrome)
mischievous (not well behaved) reclusive (not social)
hedonist (not monastic) 'left-brained' (not 'right-brained')
goth (not flower child) sexual (not asexual)
masochistic (not pain-avoidant) disarming (not creepy)
Italian (not Swedish) child free (not pronatalist)
stick-in-the-mud (not adventurous) compersive (not jealous)
calm (not anxious) egalitarian (not racist)
proactive (not reactive) bored (not interested)
arcane (not mainstream) shallow (not deep)
statist (not anarchist) metrosexual (not macho)
tactful (not indiscreet) factual (not exaggerating)
varied (not repetitive) profound (not ironic)
methodical (not astonishing) jock (not nerd)
earth (not air) hipster (not basic)
self-improving (not self-destructive) bright (not depressed)
oxymoron (not tautology) classical (not avant-garde)
prudish (not flirtatious) unorthodox (not traditional)
musical (not off-key)
🚴 (not 🏋️‍♂️)

triggered (not trolling)

two-faced (not one-faced)
radical (not centrist)
literary (not mathematical)
quirky (not predictable)
reasoned (not instinctual)
crafty (not scholarly)
nihilist (not existentialist)
😊 (not 🤣)

sage (not whippersnapper)

wooden (not plastic)
luddite (not technophile)
head@clouds (not down2earth)
fast-talking (not slow-talking)
pack rat (not minimalist)
flourishing (not traumatized)
morning lark (not night owl)
😏 (not 😬)

spelunker (not claustrophobic)

antagonist (not protagonist)
unpatriotic (not patriotic)
expressive (not monotone)

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