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Teaching Science Through Inquiry

Chapter · January 1993


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David L. Haury
The Ohio State University


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t Teaching Science Through Inquiry

By David L. Haury
, If a single word had to be chosen to describe the goals of science findings indicate that, "students are likely to begin to
educators during the j}-year period that began in the late 1950s, understand the natural world if they work directly with natural
it would have to be inquiry. @eBoer, 1991. p. 206) phenomena, using their senses to observe and using instruments
, In a statement of shared principles, the U.S. DeparEnent of
to extend the power of their senses" (National Science Board,
1991, p.27)
Education and the National Science Foundation (1992) together

t endorsed mathematics and science curricula that "promote active

leaming, inquiry, problem solving, cooperative leaming, and other
instructional methods that motivate students." Likewise, the
National Committee on Science Education Standards and
In its essence, then, inquiry-oriented teaching engages students
in investigations to satis$ curiosities, with curiosities being
satisfied when individuals have constructed mental frameworks
that adequately explain their experiences. One implication is

I Assessment (1992) has said that "school science education must

reflect science as it is practiced," and that one goal of science
education is "to prepare sfudents who understand the modes of
reasoning of scientific inquiry and can use them." More
that inquiry-oriented teaching begins or at least involves
stimulating curiosity. There is no authentic investigation or
meaningful learning if there is no inquiring mind seeking an

answer, solution, explanation, or decision.
specifically, "students need to have many and varied opportunities
for collecting, sorting and cataloging; observing, note taking and The Benefits of Teaching Through Inquiry
sketching; interviewing, polling, and surveying" (Rutherford and Though some have raised concems about extravagant claims
Algren, 1990). made for science instuction based on activities and laboratory
work (Hodson, 1990), studies of inquiry-oriented teaching
T Distinguishing Features of Inquiry-Oriented Science Instruction (Anderson et al.,
1982) and inquiry-based programs of the
Inquiry-oriented science instruction has been characterized in a 1960s (Mechling and Oliver, 1983; Shymansky et al., 1990)
variety of ways (Collins, 1986; DeBoer, l99l; Rakow, 1986) and have been generally supportive of inquiry approaches.
promoted from a variety of perspectives. Some have emphasized the Inquiry-based programs at the middle-school grades have been
T active nature of student involvement, associating inquiry with found to generally enhance student performance, particularly as
"hands-on" leaming and experiential or activity-based inshuction. it relates to laboratory skills and skills of graphing and data

I Others have linked inquiry with a discovery approach or with

development of process skills associated with "the scientific
method." Though these various concepts are intenelated,
inquiry-oriented instruction is not synonymous with any of them.
interpreting (Mattheis andNakayama, 1988). Evidence hasalso
been reported that shows inquiry-related teaching effective in
fostering scientific literacy and understanding of science
processes (Lindberg, 1990), vocabulary knowledge and

I From a science perspective, inquiry-oriented instruction engages

students in the investigative nature of science. As Novak suggested
some time ago (1964), "Inquiry is the [set] of behaviors involved in
conceptual understanding (Lloyd and Contreras, 1985, 1987),
critical thinking (Narode et al., 1987\, positive attitudes toward
science (Kyle et al., 1985; Rakow, 1986), higher achievement
on tests of procedural knowledge (Glasson, 1989), and
the stuggle of human beings for reasonable explanations of conshuction of logico- mathematical knowledge (Staver, 1986).
T phenomena about which they are curious." So, inquiry involves
activity and skills, but the focus is on the active search for
It seems particularly important that inquiry-oriented teaching
may be especially valuable for many underserved and
knowledge or understanding to satis$ a curiosity. undenepresented populations. In one study, language-minority
students were found to acquire scientific ways of thinking,
J Teachers vary considerably in how they attempt to engage students
in the active search for knowledge; some advocate strucfured
talking, and writing through inquiry-oriented teaching
(Rosebery et al., 1990). Inquiry-oriented science teaching was
methods of guided inquiry (lgelsrud and Leonard, 1988) while shown to promote development of classification skills and oral

I others advocate providing students with few instructions (Tinnesand

and Chan, 1987). Others promote the use of heuristic devices to aid
skill development (Germann, l99l). A focus on inquiry always
communication skills among bilingual third graders (Rodriguez
and Bethel, 1983). Active explorations in science have been
advocated for teaching deaf students (Chira, 1990). Finally,

involves, though, collection and interpretation of information in experiential instructional approaches using ordinary life
response to wondering and exploring. experiences are considered to be more compatible with Native
American viewpoints than are text-based approaches (Taylor,
From a pedagogical perspective, inquiry-oriented teaching is often 1988).
conhasted with more traditional expository methods and reflects the
consfuctivist model of leaming, often referred to as active leaming, Caution must be used, however, in interpreting reported
T so shongly held among science educators today. According to findings. There is evidence ofinteractions among investigative
consfuctivist models, learning is the result of ongoing changes in approaches to science teaching and teaching styles (Lock,
our mental frameworks as we attempt to make meaning out of our 1990), and the effects of directed inquiry on student
experiences (Osbome and Freyberg, 1985). In classrooms where performance may vary by level of cognitive development
T students are encouraged to make meaning, they are generally (Germann, 1989). There seems also a possible conflict of goals
involved in, "developing and restructuring [their] knowledge when attempting to balance the needs of underachieving gifted
with phenomena,through exploratory

schemes through experiences students to develop more positive self-concepts with the desire
talk and teacher intervention" (Driver, 1989). Indeed, research to develop skills of inquiry and problem solving (Wolfe, 1990).

It must also be emphasized that an emphasis on inquiry-oriented Lloyd, C. V., and Conferas, N. J. (October 1987). "What research
teaching does not necessarily preclude the use oftextbooks or other says: Science inside-out." Science and Children, 25Q\, 30-3 l.
instructional materials. The Biological Sciences Cuniculum Study Loclq R (March, 1990). "Open-ended, problem-solving
investigations: What do we mean and how can we use them?"
materials are examples of those that include an inquiry orientation
School Science Review, 7 l(256), 63-72.
(Hall and McCurdy, 1990; Sarther, l99l). Other materials have
Maor, D. (April 1991). Development of sndent inquiry skills: A
been identified by Haury (1992). Several elementary school constructivist approach in a computerized classroom enyironment.
textbooks have been compared (Staver and Bay, 1987) and acontent Paper presented at the Annual Meeting ofthe National Association
analysis scheme for identifring inquiry-fiiendly textbooks has been for Research in Science Teaching, Lake Genev4 WI. ED 336 261
described (Tamir, 1985). Duschl (1986) has described how Mattheis, F. E., and Nakayam4 G. (September 1988), Efects of a
textbooks can be used to support inquiry-oriented science teaching. laboratory4entered inquiry program on laboratory skills, science
As mentioned by Hooker (1879, p.ii) years ago, "No textbook is process skills, and understanding of science knowledge in middle
rightly constructed that does not excite [thel spirit of inquiry." grades snden*. ED 307 t48
Mechling, K. R., and Oliver, D. L. (March 1983). "Activities, not
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Pr inc ipal, 62(4), 4 I 43.
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Narode, R., et a/. (1987). Teaching thinking skills: Science.
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being examined (Litchfield and Mattson, 1989), and new materials National Committee on Science Education Standards and Assessment.
are being produced and tested (Dawson, l99l). Use of (1992). National science education standards: A sampler.
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Chira , S. (March-April 1990). "Wherein balloons teach the leaming Implicalions of children's knowledge. Auckland, New Zealand:
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Duschl, R. A. (January 1986). "Textbooks and the teaching of fluid Sarther, C. M. (Winter-Spring l99l). "Science curriculum and the
inquiry." School Science and Mathematics, 86(l),2'l-32. BSCS Revisited." Teaching Education, 3(2), l0l-08.
Germann, P. J. (March 1989). "Directed-inquiry approach to leaming Shymansky, I. 4., et a/. (February 1990). 'A reassessment of the
science process skills: Treatrnent efrects and aptitude-freatment effects ofinquiry-based science curricula ofthe 60's." Journal of
interactions." Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 26(3\, 237 -50. Research in Seience Teaching,2TQ\, 12744.
Germann, P. J. (April l99l). "Developing science process skills through Staver J. R., and Bay, M.
(October 1987). "Analysis of the project
directed inquiry." American Biologt Teacher, 53(4), 24347. synthesis goal cluster orientation and inquiry emphasis of
Glasson, G. E. (February 1989). "The effects of handson and teacher elementary science textbooks." Journal of Research in Science
demonstation laboratory methods on science achievement in relation to Te ac hing, 24(7), 629 43.

reasoning ability and prior knowledge." Journal of Research in Science Staver, J. R. (September 1986). The constructivist epistemologt of
Te ac hing, 26(2) l2l -3 l. Jean Piaget: Ils philosophical roots and relevance to science
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Hooker, W. (1879). Natural ftistory. New York: Harper and Brothen. Tinnesand, M., andChan, A. (September 1987). "Step 1: Throw out
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Kyle, W.C., h., et al. (October 1985). "What research says: Science tlrough Author.
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Litchfield, B. C.; and Mattson, S. A. (Fall 1989). 'The interactive media EDO.SE-934
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Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 9(l\, David Haury is an Associate Professor of Science Education at
3'l-43. The Ohio State University and the Director of the ERIC
Lloyd, C. V., and Conteras, N. J. (December 1985). The role oJ Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental
experiences in learning
science vocabulary. Paper presented at the Education.
Annual Meeting of the National Reading Conference, San Diego, CA.
ED 281 189


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