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Beyond literal similarity

Article  in  Psychological Review · May 1979

DOI: 10.1037/0033-295X.86.3.161 · Source: OAI


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1 author:

Andrew Ortony
Northwestern University


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Psychological Review
V O L U M E 86 NUMBER 3 MAY 1979

Beyond Literal Similarity

Andrew Ortony
Center for the Study of Reading
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Hitherto, theories of similarity have restricted themselves to judgments of what

might be called literal similarity. A central thesis of this article is that a com-
plete account of similarity needs also to be sensitive to nonliteralness, or meta-
phoricity, an aspect of similarity statements that is most evident in similes but
that actually underlies metaphorical language in general. Theoretical arguments
are advanced in support of the claim that metaphoricity can be represented in
terms of the relative degrees of salience of matching (or matchable) attributes
of the two terms in a comparison. A modification of Tversky's account of sim-
ilarity is proposed. The implications of this proposal for similarity statements
are discussed, along with implications for the psychological processes involved
in their comprehension. It is argued that the general account of similarity pro-
posed, including, as it does, nonliteral similarity, can form not only the basis of
a theory of metaphor but can also give a credible account of the relationship
between metaphor, analogy, and similarity.

Most theoretical approaches to similarity between their representations in a multidi-

have been based on geometric models in mensional space. One problem with such ap-
which the similarity between two objects is a proaches is the difficulty that they have in
decreasing monotonic function of the distance readily accounting for the lack of symmetry
that is often found in similarity judgments,
since geometric models are constrained by the
The work was supported in part by the National
Institute of Education under Contract US-NIE-C- fact that the distance between two points in
400-76-0116 and by a Spencer Fellowship awarded a Euclidean space is the same regardless of
by the National Academy of Education. the direction in which it is measured.1
Particular thanks are due to David Rumelhart Partly in response to this problem, Tversky
and Glenn Kleiman—to the former because the
basic idea in this article was developed as a result
(1977) proposed a contrast model, based on
of extensive discussions with him, and to the latter feature matching, that seems able to deal
for patiently reading several drafts and making in- with the asymmetry problem. But neither
valuable suggestions at each pass. Thanks are also Tversky's model as it stands, nor the spatial
due to Sam Glucksberg, Larry Jones, Doug Medin, models that he criticized, are able to deal
Robert Sternberg, Tom Trabasso, and Amos Tversky
for helpful discussions on various aspects of this well with the radical asymmetry that is the
Inquiries concerning this article should be sent
to Andrew Ortony, Center for the Study of Read- There have, however, been proposals- to avoid
ing, University of Illinois, SI Gerty Drive, Cham- these difficulties, most recently by Krumhansl
paign, Illinois 61820. (1978).

Copyright 1979 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0033-29SX/79/8603-0161$00.75


hallmark of what might be called nonliteral with the utilization of schemata in compre-
similarity statements. The most obvious ex- hension, the availability of schemata and sub-
amples of such statements are similes, but schemata should be sensitive to context. It is
nonliteral similarity seems to underlie many here that the second important concept, sali-
kinds of figurative uses of language and, in ence, comes into play. Several studies (e.g.,
particular, seems to constitute the basis of Anderson & Ortony, 197S; Barclay, Brans-
metaphors. ford, Franks, McCarrell, & Nitsch, 1974)
Since it is widely believed that metaphori- have shown that context influences and de-
cal language and metaphorical thought are termines the particular aspects of word mean-
based on statements and judgments of simi- ings that are salient on any particular occa-
larity (see Ortony, Reynolds, & Arter, 1978, sion. In terms of schema theory, this means
for a review), there is a need for a theory of that in any particular context, some sub-
similarity that is sufficiently powerful to deal schemata may be irrelevant or inappropriate,
with nonliteral comparisons. The main pur- and consequently will not be involved in the
pose of this article is to offer some proposals comprehension process. This, in turn, can be
that might lead to a comprehensive theory of expressed by saying that the salience of con-
similarity sufficiently powerful to constitute stituent structures in a knowledge representa-
the basis of a theory of metaphor—in other tion can change as a function of context.
words, a theory of similarity that goes be- In this article it will be assumed that salience
yond literal similarity to nonliteral similarity. can be operationally defined in terms of sub-
Such a theory would also be tantamount to jects' estimates of the prominence of a par-
a theory of metaphoricity, since it would tell ticular attribute with respect to a concept
us what makes a metaphor metaphorical. to which it does or could apply, although
What is presented is not yet an empirically other (presumably highly correlated) mea-
tested theory. Several investigators are cur- sures, such as frequency or order of mention
rently engaged in research that promises to in an elicitation task, might do just as well.
provide data pertinent to some of the issues The first major claim to be made is that
raised, but it may take many years to accu- Tversky's (1977) account of similarity can
mulate sufficient data to resolve them. There- be profitably modified so as to provide a
fore, in the spirit of the hypothetico-deduc- measure of similarity that is sensitive to
tive method, it seems appropriate to attempt metaphoricity. It will be argued that the
to identify the issues and to propose possible principal source of metaphoricity is the dif-
solutions to them now. ference in the relative salience of matching
Two theoretical constructs constitute cen- attributes of the terms in the comparison.
tral presuppositions of this article. Both are This discussion can be found in the section
familiar, but it is important to lay them out on salience imbalance and metaphoricity. The
so that their interpretation in the current next section identifies another variable that
context is clear. The first is that of a knowl- affects metaphoricity. This variable is at-
edge representation. The representations that tribute inequality; it arises when putative
will be presupposed here have been variously matches in fact only match metaphorically
called frames (e.g., Minsky, 1975), scripts or at higher levels of abstraction in some as-
(e.g., Schank & Abelson, 1977), and sche- sumed taxonomic structure. It is particularly
mata (e.g., Rumelhart & Ortony, 1977). noticeable when the domains from which the
Henceforth, the term schema(ta) will be two terms are drawn are very disparate or
used. A crucial characteristic of schemata is incongruent. It is claimed that attribute in-
that they embed; a schema may contain equality enhances the metaphorical effects of
tokens of, and tokens of it may be contained salience imbalance. The third section, on
by, other schemata. Such subschemata can metaphoricity and asymmetry, discusses a
be viewed as representing predicates or at- number of symmetry-related issues arising
tributes of the schemata that they dominate from the proposed modification to Tversky's
or by which they are dominated. formulation of similarity. Then the next sec-
It is necessary that in any model dealing tion, on two types of similarity statements,

attempts to show that similarity statements the discriminability of an object from other
that are understood in terms of discovered objects with which it is implicitly or ex-
matches of attributes have to be distinguished plicitly classified. It therefore presupposes a
from those that can only be understood by context of alternatives for the object. In the
introducing new attributes to the first term. absence of such a context, or in a context in
In the last section, on metaphor, the implica- which the contrast set can only be con-
tions of the proposals for a theory of meta- sidered to be the universe of objects in gen-
phor are discussed. eral, diagnosticity presumably plays no role.
Unfortunately, Tversky did not explain how
Salience Imbalance as a Source of intensity and diagnosticity interact, but for
Metaphoricity present purposes the important point is that
The theory of similarity proposed by Tver- a consequence of Tversky's position is that
sky (1977) is designed to account for the when diagnosticity does not come into play,
degree of judged similarity between two ob- the salience of an attribute is independent
jects represented by, say, the terms a and b. of the object(s) of which it is an attribute.
The theory, which is well supported by the This means that the measure of an attribute's
data, is that the perceived similarity, s*(a,b), salience would be a constant and that it
is a weighted function of the intersection of would contribute a constant amount to the
attributes of a and b less the sum of a overall salience of the stimulus. Mathemati-
weighted function of the attributes distinc- cally this is convenient, since it means that
tive to one and a weighted function of the the determination of the salience of the set
attributes distinctive to the other, giving of intersecting attributes in Equation 1 is
s (a, b) = Of (A r\ B) - af(A - B) quite straightforward: f ( A n ) , the measure of
attribute « in A, and f ( B n ) t the measure of
-pf(B-A). (1) that same attribute in B, will be the same.
Here, the function / is a measure of the The chief difference between Tversky's
salience of features or sets of features. 6, a, model and the present one is that the latter
and /3 are parameters that reflect the impor- requires that the salience of an attribute de-
tance of the shared and distinctive features. pends on the particular object of which it is
Thus, for example, if a = ft = 0, and 6=1, an attribute, as well as on other, contextual,
the perceived similarity depends only on the factors. In the present model, the perceived
shared attributes. Accordingly, changes in the similarity between two objects depends, in
values of a, ft, and 8 give rise to different part, on the relative level of salience of
similarity scales. A and B represent the sets matching attributes; thus, in general, it can-
of features of a and b respectively, while not be assumed that }(An) =/(£„). Rather,
(A — B) is the set of features distinctive to it is supposed that independent of diagnos-
A, and (B — A) is the set distinctive to B. ticity, an attribute can be more important
It is assumed that the salience of a set of with respect to one object than it is with
attributes is given by the sum of the salience respect to another, just as some members of
of the members of the set. (See Tversky, natural categories are more typical than
1977, p. 332.) others (e.g., Rips, Shoben, & Smith, 1973;
Tversky argued that two principal factors Rosch, 1975). For instance, as a rule, being
determine the salience of an attribute. The made of iron is a more important attribute of
first, intensity, is independent of the object magnets than it is of railroad tracks; and,
and even though not necessary for either, being
refers to factors that increase intensity or signal-to- red is a more important attribute of a fire
noise ratio, such as the brightness of a light, the truck than it is of a brick. The issue of
loudness of a tone, the saturation of a color, the whether or not the salience of an attribute
frequency of an item, the clarity of a picture or is independent of the object that possesses it
the vividness of an image, (p. 342)
is an unsettled empirical question. Yet, it is
The second factor, diagnosticity, does depend not at all easy to test. It is difficult to dis-
on the object. Diagnosticity is concerned with tinguish between the absolute amount of sali-

ence an attribute contributes to an object and anomalous ones can be characterized.

and confounding variables such as the rela- To the extent that matching attributes are
tive amount it contributes and the amount of lower salience in A than they are in B,
of knowledge that subjects have about the while there exist high salient attributes in B
objects. that cannot be applied to a, comparisons be-
The rejection of Tversky's assumption that tween the corresponding terms will be non-
the salience of an attribute is independent literal (high B/low A). Such statements are
of the object raises a difficulty for determin- usually called similes. And, to the extent that
ing the salience of the intersection of A and similarity statements are neither literal nor
B in Equation 1. How is j(A(~\B) to be nonliteral in the sense just explained, they
computed? The answer to this question con- will be anomalous. Thus, literal and non-
stitutes one of the central claims of the literal similarity statements do not form mu-
present proposal: The salience of the inter- tually exclusive classes of statements. Nor,
section of A and B is dependent on the for that matter, do anomalous and meaning-
salience values of matching elements in B, ful ones. It is preferable to think in terms of
rather than on some function of the values in three components of similarity statements:
both A and B or of their values in A alone. the literal, the nonliteral (or metaphorical),
Equation 1 can now be rewritten as and the anomalous. Sometimes one or two of
these components contribute virtually nothing
s(a, b) = 6fB(A r\B)- afA(A - B) to the perceived similarity (e.g., the anoma-
(2) lous component contributes nothing if a state-
ment is perceived as a literal similarity state-
where jA and /B represent measures of sali- ment). As will be discussed in greater detail
ence based on the values in A and B respec- with the help of Statements 1-4 below, the
tively. present proposal identifies two rather differ-
The measure of similarity, as given by ent sources of anomaly in similarity state-
Equation 2, remains essentially the same as ments. One arises from the assertion of simi-
Tversky's (Equation 1) in cases in which the larity between two things for which the only
matching attributes are of comparable sali- matches are of trivial attributes (low B/
ence in both A and B. So, when the matching low A matches), and the other arises from
attributes are of relatively low salience for cases in which there is, essentially, a reversed
both objects, those objects will not be judged simile (low .B/high A).
very similar; when the salience levels of What is being claimed is that the imbal-
matching attributes are relatively high for ance, I (a, b), in salience levels of matching
both, the predicted similarities will again be attributes of the two terms is a principal
similar to those from Equation 1. Hence- source of metaphoricity. A convenient way
forth, I shall refer to similarity statements of conceptualizing this imbalance is to visual-
in which the matching attributes are of com- ize the attributes of a and b as a list with
parably high salience (high .B/high A) as the most salient attributes at the top. Then
literal similarity statements, although it salience imbalance can be thought of as the
should be recognized that this is a shorthand degree of diagonality from attributes in B
way of saying that such statements are pre- to attributes in A and can be characterized,
dominantly literal, since literalness (and its to a first approximation, by considering the
complement, metaphoricity) is a matter of combined effect of the difference in salience
degree. This seems to accord with common between the matching attributes for a and for
sense. It could be taken as axiomatic that b together with the (independent) degree of
if two things share some characteristics that salience in each, as in Equation 3
are important to both, then those things will /(«,*) = gtfB(Xi,...,Xi+n)
be perceived as literally similar.
J \-X-i, • • •) ^t+n)Ji (3)
However, it is now possible to go further
than the mere characterization of literal simi- where g is some, probably additive, function,
larity. Both nonliteral similarity statements and {Xit . . . , Xi + n} = A C\ B. In cases in

which salience imbalance is the only source to both terms are trivial attributes low in
of metaphoricity, the degree of metaphoricity salience, such as "being a thing" or "being a
can be equated with the degree of salience physical object," and thus the measure of
imbalance, or diagonality. It then follows similarity will be very low. What makes such
from Equation 3 that the more literal a simi- a statement anomalous is that it cannot nor-
larity statement is, the lower will be its de- mally be expected to fulfill a communicative
gree of metaphoricity because the matching function. It seems to violate the Gricean
attributes have comparable (predominantly maxim of quality (Grice, 1975). In State-
high) degrees of salience in both A and B. ment 4 the two terms seem not even to share
Furthermore, the terms in highly literal simi- low-salient attributes; consequently, it too
larity statements are likely to be judged is anomalous in essentially the same way.
more similar than the terms in more meta- Finally, in Statement 5 the only match seems
phorical ones because the set of intersecting to be of an attribute like "being soporific,"
attributes is likely to be larger in the former; that is, a high-salient attribute of the a term
and the rated similarity of nonliteral simi- and a low-salient attribute of the b term.
larity statements is likely to be higher than The anomaly here is of a different kind.
for anomalous ones because in the former the There is indeed a match, but both the simi-
measure of salience of the set of intersecting larity and the metaphoricity are low since
attributes will be greater, as determined by the value of jB(A C\ B) depends on the (low)
the term IB(AC\ B), than that measure for salience value of the attribute for the b
anomalous comparisons, in which the inter- terms, sermons.
secting set may often even be empty. One prediction that follows from this is
The present proposal, then, not only dis- that other things being equal, cases like
tinguishes literal from metaphorical similarity Statement 5 will tend to receive slightly
statements and provides a measure of simi- higher similarity ratings than cases like
larity that is sensitive to both, it also char- Statement 4, because the intersection term is
acterizes two sources of anomaly in putative necessarily always empty for the latter.
similarity statements. Consider the following Cases like Statement S might also be ex-
similarity statements: pected to receive higher similarity ratings
than cases like Statement 3 because the ab-
1. Billboards are like placards, stract and low-salient attributes that are
2. billboards are like warts, shared (e.g., "is a thing") by the terms in
3. billboards are like pears,
cases like Statement 3 are probably not
directly represented in the schemata asso-
4. chairs are like syllogisms, ciated with the terms. By contrast, prelimi-
5. sleeping pills are like sermons. nary data that we have collected suggest that
subjects often recognize that reversed similes,
According to the present proposal, Statement like Statement S, are indeed reversed similes.
1 is basically a literal comparison, since bill- Perhaps for this reason, rated similarities for
boards and placards share a number of high- reversed similes tend to be higher than pre-
salient attributes. By contrast, Statement 2 dicted by Equation 2.
is a nonliteral comparison because, although There is always the possibility that a re-
no high-salient attributes are shared, there versed simile may give rise to a new simile
are some high-salient attributes of warts that with a totally different meaning but with
are less salient attributes of billboards (e.g., comparably high metaphoricity and similar-
they are ugly), whereas there are other high- ity ratings, as, for example, is the case with
salient attributes of warts that cannot be Statement 2 and its reversal, Statement 6:
applied to billboards at all (e.g., they are
found on the skin). Thus, Statement 2 is a 6. Warts are like billboards.
metaphorical similarity statement—that is, a
simile. The remaining cases are anomalous. Some people find that ugliness, although im-
In Statement 3 the only attributes common portant in the meaning of Statement 2, be-

comes much less important in Statement 6, (Equation 3). This account seems to fulfill
in which attributes related to prominence the need for a measure of similarity that
seem to come more into focus. Another ex- does not predict unrealistically low similarity
ample of the meaning change associated with ratings for similes, as does Equation 1. How-
the reversal of terms in a simile is provided ever, salience imbalance is not the whole
by Statements 7 and 8: story.

7. Butchers are like surgeons, Attribute Inequality in Incongruent Domains

8. surgeons are like butchers. The notion of matching attributes is ob-

viously essential to the account of similarity
Here, not only are the bases of the compari- that is being proposed. Both similarity and
sons different, they are actually incompatible. metaphoricity depend on it. Yet the notion is
The present account explains this fact quite not without its problems, particularly if one
easily; it maintains that the basis of a simi- tries to use it in the context of schema-
larity statement depends on the salience theoretic representations. This section starts
levels of matching attributes relative to the with a discussion of these problems and then
b term, and that due to salience imbalance, examines their effects on metaphoricity.
the basis is likely to be different as the two Consider Statement 9:
terms are interchanged. Notice, also, that in
.Statements 7 and 8 there is a reversal of 9. Blood vessels are like aqueducts.
affective valence. Affective attributes are
According to the present proposal, the basis
often (although by no means always) an
of similarity lies in the matching attributes.
important part of the basis of nonliteral simi-
At first glance it might seem that there is no
larity statements.
problem; blood vessels and aqueducts are,
In spite of the peculiar behavior of re- at least, both channels through which liquids
versed similes, the similarity statements that move. This, however, is a misleading over-
the present proposals identify as anomalous simplification. It is true that aqueducts are
are relatively difficult to interpret; the gen- channels for carrying liquids, but it is not
eration of an interpretation cannot normally very convincing to argue that some predicate
be readily achieved. It is true, as with most like "is a channel for carrying liquids" is
well-formed sentences in a natural language, represented as an important part of a per-
that an interpretation can be forced. It is son's knowledge about aqueducts. It seems
usually possible to construct a context in more natural to suppose that what is repre-
which comparisons like Statements 3, 4, or 5, sented directly in the schema for an aqueduct
can be interpreted. It may be, however, that is that it is a channel for carrying water.
such a context only permits an interpretation The predicate about liquids is the result of
by causing a change in the relative degrees of an inference through the one about water.
salience of the attributes of the terms. The Similarly, blood vessels convey blood; to be
point is not that is impossible to conjure up sure, "being a liquid" is an important attri-
a suitable context—it almost never is impos- bute of blood, but presumably it does not
sible. The point is merely that it is much appear as a subschema in the schema for
more difficult to produce such a context for blood vessels. But this seems to lead to the
anomalous cases than it is for meaningful conclusion that Statement 9 is trivial, being
ones. based merely on the fact that both blood
What we have so far, then, is the proposal vessels and aqueducts are channels. The
to replace Tversky's (1977) measure of sali- problem is that this conclusion is plainly
ence of shared attributes with a measure wrong.
based on the salience of those attributes in Suppose, for a moment, that instead of
B. The contrast in salience levels of attri- conceiving of attributes as simple predicates,
butes in B and A, the diagonality, can then we concentrate on schematic structure, taking
form the basis of a measure of metaphoricity into account the relationships between the

attributes, not just the attributes themselves. may well help to establish the superiority of
For aqueduct, it might be supposed that the one kind of representational approach over
schema is a structure resembling the fol- another.
lowing: But we are not yet out of the woods. It
Structure 1 can still be objected that the attributes that
are purported to match do not really match
Aqueduct Schema—isa (x, Aqueduct)
at all. For example, in what sense are both
Al: isa (x, channel)
blood vessels and aqueducts really channels?
A2: flows through (water, x)
There are many kinds of channels, some
A3: purpose oi (Al, A2)
man-made and varying greatly in such prop-
(et cetera)
erties as size and material of construction,
This can be compared with Structure 2, and some natural, also varying greatly in
which might be used to represent (some of) comparable properties. Furthermore, there is
a person's knowledge about blood vessels: a wide variety of things that flow through
channels—all sorts of liquids, gases, and
Structure 2
even information. It is certainly the case
Blood-Vessel Schema—isa (x, Blood Vessel) that a blood vessel is a very different kind
Al: isa (x, channel) of channel from an aqueduct. But, if this is
A2: flows through (blood, x) so, on what basis can it be claimed that
A3: purpose of (Al, A2) "being a channel" is the same attribute for
A4: isa (artery, x) both? This is the attribute inequality prob-
(et cetera) lem. Attributes that may be nominally the
If Al, A2, and A3 are viewed as attributes, same often seem to change their meanings as
then the match on Al represents the fact they are applied to terms in different do-
that both are channels. But, in addition, mains, so that across those domains they are
although the variables in A2 differ (water related by similarity rather than by identity.
in one case and blood in the other), the The solution to the attribute inequality
structure of A2 is the same in each case; problem lies, at least partially, precisely in
in other words, the attributes, although not this last statement of it. The criterion for a
identical, are themselves similar. A recursive match has to be that the attributes should
mechanism for finding matching attributes be highly similar, rather than identical. This,
could thus reveal a second-order match of, of course, introduces a recursive element into
for example, "flows through (liquid, x)." It our account of similarity, but there is noth-
is also important to notice that A3 is shared ing wrong with that. Returning to State-
because A3 can be considered to be a kind of ment 9, it can now be seen that Attributes
meta-attribute that incorporates information A2 from Structures 1 and 2, although not
about interattribute relations (i.e., it incor- identical, are highly similar, and that con-
porates information about the structure of sequently they can figure in the set of inter-
the schemata themselves). This is one of the secting attributes. Of course, the reason they
reasons why it is helpful to use an approach are similar is that blood and water themselves
to knowledge representations that incorpo- share the high-salient attribute of being a
rates structure, an approach that is richer liquid. So, one of the reasons that blood ves-
than a mere listing of simple attributes. It sels are similar to aqueducts is that they
appears to be a good way of capturing the share attributes of attributes.
fact that many statements of similarity de-
There remains a difficult problem, how-
pend on some structural isomorphism be-
ever. The existence of higher order matches
tween the knowledge associated with the two
concepts rather than on merely a match of is not sufficient to ensure similarity. For
simple attributes. These observations indi- example, penguins are not normally thought
cate how sensitive attribute matching is to of as being similar to wolves, even though
the way in which attributes are represented, there is a higher order match—they are both
how they relate, and what they are; they animals. Why is that not sufficient to make

them similar? One reason is that it seems in which lexical descriptions of the intersect-
to be the only basis for a match, so that the ing category might be a "place where things
distinctive attributes easily outweigh it. are stored," a "place where things can be
Another reason, however, might be that found," or a "source of utility." It is also
there exist constraints on the level of speci- one reason why, under suitable contextual
ficity of the categories to which the things conditions, superficially anomalous compari-
being compared are typically thought to be- sons may become interpretable.
long. Although this proposal is very tentative, Whether or not the general problem of
suppose it were assumed that in the absence attribute inequality can be solved along these
of direct, first-order matches, the existence lines, it is a problem that has to be dealt
of some reasonably specific shared domain with in any theory of similarity that relies
were a precondition for a sensible similarity on attribute matching. The question then
statement; that is, that the existence of such arises as to how attribute inequality relates to
a domain was a necessary but not a sufficient metaphoricity. Does it, perhaps, enhance sali-
condition for two things to be perceived as ence imbalance? It seems reasonable to sup-
being even potentially similar. One way to pose that it does. This would mean that less
interpret the notion of a reasonably specific salience imbalance would be needed to give
shared domain would be in terms of basic rise to some particular degree of metaphor-
level categories (e.g., Rosch, Mervis, Grey, icity if the matching attributes were not in
Johnson, & Boyes-Braem, 1976). A level fact identical. More obvious, however, is the
of specificity at or below the basic level possibility that metaphoricity is increased
would count as being reasonably specific, in this way if the matching attributes are
whereas a level of specificity more abstract related by nonliteral similarity. This situa-
than the basic level would not. Or, one might tion is evident in Statement 10. When sub-
appeal to a more sophisticated "natural" jects are asked to list attributes of encyclo-
taxonomy wherein there are more levels from pedias and gold mines, they often list "being
which to select a cutoff point, as with, for valuable" as a high-salient attribute of both.
example, the taxonomy described by Berlin, Clearly, however, the sense of being valu-
Breedlove, and Raven (1973). able that applies to encyclopedias is one per-
The consequences of this kind of assump- taining to intellectual or mental domains,
tion can now be considered. In an anoma- whereas the sense that applies to gold mines
lous case like Statement 3, the domains of is a financial or pecuniary one (cf. Schank
advertising and fruit do not come together & Abelson's, 1977, distinction between
in any conceivable taxonomic structure in a MTRANS and PTRANS). It might well be ar-
category at or below the specificity of a basic gued that the basic (literal) sense of "valu-
level category. So Statement 3 fails to sat- able" applies in the pecuniary domain and
isfy the precondition for a sensible similarity that the applications of the attribute in the
statement. By contrast, it has been supposed intellectual domain is derivative or meta-
that blood vessels and aqueducts come to- phorical.
gether in a domain of channels or conduits, To summarize, the domains from which
which does satisfy the precondition. Pen- the terms in a statement of comparison are
guins and wolves only meet in the animal drawn can be incongruent or semantically
category, which is at a level of specificity remote from one another. When this happens,
more abstract than the basic level; conse- there often appear to be no real attribute
quently, the precondition is again not satis- matches at all. To the extent that there are
fied. It need not necessarily be possible to matches, they tend to depend not on attri-
find a natural, already encoded category; butes, or configurations of them, being iden-
sometimes a psychologically plausible cate-
tical, but on their being similar. This simi-
gory has to be "constructed." This, for ex-
ample, is probably the case for Statement 10: larity itself often has an element of meta-
phoricity associated with it, as seems to be
10. Encyclopedias are like gold mines, the case with "is valuable," and as is cer-

tainly the case with "involves digging similarity statement that depends for its
around" in Statement 10. Thus, it seems that success on some kind of pun, for as has
the notion of an attribute match has to be already been implied, this characteristic
revised. It has to be based not on attribute turns out to be quite widespread, often rely-
identity but on attribute similarity. A match ing on systematic, conventional, underlying
of attributes requires either high similarity analogies between two different domains (in
between them or high metaphoricity as de- this case, temperature and emotions, and in
fined in Equation 2. It may well be that others, luminosity and personality, etc.). In
even when there is attribute inequality, there fact, Jackendoff (1975, 1976) claimed that
is still some degree of diagonality, but that the entire semantic system of English can be
perhaps domain incongruence enhances its built up using such notions. He argued, for
effects on metaphoricity. example, that give is basically the same verb
Domain incongruence and attribute in- as go, except that the domain of the former
equality are of general importance in lexical is possession, whereas that of the latter is
semantics and especially in the analysis of location. Implicit in this approach is the view
dual function terms like cold, bright, hard, that nonliteral similarity is a fundamental
and so on. Consider Statement 11, discussed building block of language in general.
by Searle (in press): It seems, then, that metaphoricity depends
not only on an inequality between relative
11. Sally is (like) a block of ice. salience levels for cases in which there are
genuine attribute matches but also on do-
One aspect of Statement 11 that is rather main incongruence for cases in which there
important, and sometimes overlooked, is its are not. One might imagine an experiment in
ambiguity. If it is used in the context of which ambiguous comparisons like Statement
Sally coming in from an extremely cold en- 11 appeared in contexts that forced either
vironment, it will have a much lower degree the domain-congruent interpretation or the
of perceived metaphoricity than if it is used domain-incongruent interpretation. Subjects
in the context of a disillusioned would-be asked to rate the degree of metaphoricity and
lover bemoaning Sally's unresponsive frigid- similarity should give higher metaphoricity
ity. The reason for this difference is that in ratings in the domain-incongruent interpreta-
the first interpretation there is domain con- tion but higher similarity ratings in the do-
gruence, whereas in the second there is not. main-congruent interpretations.
Thus, in the first interpretation, although So, returning to Statement 10, when we
being physically cold (e.g., to the touch) is say that encyclopedias are like gold mines,
not a high-salient, persevering attribute of a cognitive gear change is needed. Gold mines
Sally, it is a high-salient attribute of a block are sources of physical wealth; encyclopedias,
of ice; consequently, it satisfies the condi- of mental wealth. The possibility of apply-
tions for being a simile. The attribute cold ing terms like wealth in two domains is a
applies to each term in the same domain. result of the fact that there are underlying
The communicative success of such a hyper- attributes that are shared by the two appli-
bole depends on the fact that the intensity of cations of the term. The knowledge that the
the coldness is different vis-a-vis the two terms are conventionally so applied serves, in
objects, but it does seem to be the same comprehension, to short-circuit what might
attribute. otherwise have been a recursive process re-
By contrast, in the second interpretation, quired to uncover those similarities. How-
the attribute cold has to be applied across ever, the domain incongruence serves to in-
domains, namely from the physical, tem- crease the semantic distance that the com-
perature domain appropriate to ice in the prehension process has to bridge, so that the
one case to the emotional domain applicable perceived metaphoricity of a similarity state-
to "psychological" characteristics in the ment that involves fundamentally different
other. This should not be construed as a domains will be greater.

Metaphoricity and the Asymmetry of Another way of putting this is to say that
Comparisons the salience of the color attributes is in-
creased above the salience of all the other
In the present account of metaphoricity attributes so that the latter no longer play
in similarity statements, a great deal of em- a significant role. The result is a match of
phasis is placed on salience imbalance. This high-salient to high-salient attributes. Ac-
section deals with the relation of salience im- cordingly, judged metaphoricity should di-
balance to a number of problems connected minish from Statement 12 to Statement 13.
with the asymmetry of similarity statements. Furthermore, the prediction that perceived
Factors resulting in changes in judged simi- similarity increases follows readily. How-
larity and metaphoricity are also discussed. ever, even with respect to an individual at-
First, however, it will be helpful to review tribute such as color or size, the match may
briefly an important component of Tversky's not be perfect; John's face was perhaps not
(1977) proposals, the diagnosticity principle. literally the color of a beet. This suggests
This principle is basically concerned with the that fine tuning is required, that the attri-
fact that context can influence the salience of bute of color itself has attributes that may be
attributes. Indeed, the influence of context more or less well matched (e.g., intensity,
may even extend to introducing an attribute hue, and saturation). Consequently, even
that otherwise would be trivial. Tversky's when an attribute of comparison has been
example is that the attribute real has no di- foregrounded in this way, the similarity of
agnostic value in the context of actual ani- two objects with respect to that attribute
mals; that is, it would be of very low sali- can vary. In other words, attribute inequality
ence. Yet in a context of animals that in- can be found in literal similarity statements
cluded imaginary and mythical beasts, it too, which is why it was suggested earlier
might become very important. that some degree of salience imbalance is
If the proposed modification (Equation probably a necessary condition for meta-
2) to Tversky's model is accepted, it follows phoricity.
that a temporary (or, for that matter, a Even though the replacement in Statement
permanent) change in the salience levels of 13 of a high 5/low A salience match by a
matching attributes should result in changes high /J/high A match as a result of the ex-
to judged metaphoricity and similarity. For plicit mention of a shared attribute has been
example, many people have the intuition that proposed as an explanation of the reduction
specifying or linguistically constraining a di- in perceived metaphoricity, this is not suf-
mension of similarity in what would other- ficient to guarantee symmetry. There remain
wise be a very metaphorical similarity state- strong constraints on the natural order of
ment, reduces the degree of metaphoricity. terms. One reason for this may be that
Consider Statements 12 and 13: whereas the attribute is matched qualita-
tively, it is not matched quantitatively. Per-
12. John's face was like a beet, haps statements like Statement 13 depend
13. John's face was red like a beet. for their effectiveness on the intensity of the
matching attribute being higher in B than in
In Statement 13, John's face is compared to A. This may relate to Tversky's observation
a beet with respect to redness. The effect of that we normally find the more natural order
specifying the dimension is to identify, or of terms in a similarity statement to be
"foreground," the most diagnostic attri- the one in which a deviant object is referred
bute (s). Much the same would be true, al- to in subject position, and the more proto-
though perhaps to a lesser extent, if was like typical one in the object position, as in State-
in Statement 12 were changed to looked like. ment 14:
The consequence of foregrounding in State- 14. North Korea is like Red China.
ment 13 is that all other attributes of both
John's face and of beets have less impact on In the case of Statement 13, then, some-
the perceived similarity between the two. thing is needed for the b term that is more

prototypically red—it would be unnatural to similarity relation can be symmetrical only

compare the redness of John's face to some- if the basis for the comparison is the same,
thing that was not generally believed to be regardless of the order of mention of the
typically red (e.g., a grape). This point be- terms in it. Thus, if a is like b in exactly the
comes more obvious with attributes like cold, same respects in which b is like a, then the
in which the perception and measurement of relation could be symmetrical. It should by
intensity is more commonplace. now be clear that this condition can never
The proposal, then, is that one reason why hold for nonliteral similarity statements, be-
finding a nominal match, even if it is a high/ cause they share high-salient B and low-sali-
high one, does not guarantee symmetry is ent A attributes. If all the shared attributes
that a matching attribute may vary with in a simile have this high U/low A relation,
respect to some of its own attributes. Thus, then the simile, if reversed, will result in an
in spite of the fact that "John is strong anomalous comparison. Furthermore, it fol-
like an ox" isolates strength as the matching lows that with certain kinds of anomalous
attribute, it is presumably the case that al- cases (low 5/high A), the reversal will result
though both may be very strong, John is in an interpretable simile, as was the case, for
really very much less strong than the typical example, with Statement 5. Anomalous cases
ox. In general, the determination of such of low B/\ow A are also reversible in the
within-attribute similarity calls for the same trivial sense that they are uninterpretable
kind of operations that are required for nor- in both directions for the same reasons.
mal similarity judgments, which again leads The fact that similarity statements in gen-
to the conclusion that the process of simi- eral are not purely literal or purely nonliteral
larity perception may have to be viewed as also has implications for symmetry. As men-
a recursive one. As long as attributes are con- tioned earlier, the basis of Statement 2 lies
sidered as subschemata, the idea of attributes in high-salient attributes of warts, such as
themselves having attributes seems to be being protrusions and being ugly. However,
perfectly acceptable, since it is part of the when reversed to give
theory of the representation of knowledge
15. warts are like billboards,
that the current account of similarity pre-
supposes. However, it should be noted that other attributes seem to take over; now the
there seems to be a price for gaining the flex- notions of prominence and obviousness seem
ibility that the embedding characteristic of to be more central. Thus the meaning of
schemata endows on attributes. It appears to Statement 2 is different from that of State-
be increasingly difficult to pin down the no- ment IS. In literal comparisons the basis of
tion of an attribute. comparison is more likely to remain the same
In considering the question of symmetry, regardless of the order of the two terms,
it is important not to overlook the fact that consequently the difference in meaning be-
the sentence topic itself imposes constraints, tween the two orders is generally much less
so that generally a difference between "a is dramatic, although residual matches of high
like b" and "b is like a" will always remain to low may still have an effect. This relates
because in the first case the sentence topic to Tversky's observation that "the variant is
is a and in the second it is b; that is, there more similar to the prototype than the pro-
are constraints resulting from such things as totype is to the variant" (p. 333), as evi-
the given/new relationship and the subject/ denced by comparing Statement 14 with
predicate relationship. Tversky refers to this its reversal. However, for cases in which
as the focusing effect, noting that greater (most) people perceive the matches as being
weight is normally assigned to the attributes at similar levels of salience, the maintenance
of the subject term than to those of the of symmetry is easier, as in Statements 16
second term (i.e., « > y 3 ) . If one considers and 17:
the intersection term in Equation 2 as pro-
16. Czechoslovakia is like Hungary,
viding the basis of similarity, the question of
symmetry seems to reduce to the fact that a 17. Hungary is like Czechoslovakia.

The general conclusion, then, is that the means; that is, they sometimes have to in-
degree of symmetry is inversely related to troduce new attributes into their representa-
the degree of metaphoricity, so that the more tion for the a term. This section focuses on
metaphorical the comparison, the less sym- the differences between such attribute-intro-
metrical it is likely to be. Notwithstanding ducing statements and the more straightfor-
this, it remains true that other factors also ward cases in which it will be supposed that
cause asymmetry. For example, there may be the preexisting matching attributes have their
subtle meaning changes resulting from high salience levels in the a term promoted.
B/low A matches becoming low B/high A Suppose that someone utters Statement 11
matches, and vice versa. Second, the kind of with the intention of imputing sexual inert-
variables mentioned earlier—the subject/ ness to poor Sally. The distinction of con-
predicate relation, the given/new relation, cern is reflected in the kinds of reply that
relative amounts of knowledge associated the listener might make: "Yes, I know she is.
with the terms, and the typicality of the It's a shame, isn't it?" as against "Oh really?
terms—will almost always have a residual I didn't know that. I would never have
effect that can to a large extent be handled thought it."
by accepting Tversky's account wherein, So, when we say "a is like b," we may be
usually, a > ft, thereby giving less weight to inviting the listener not to find a match of
the distinctive features of the second term. attributes but to take some salient attributes
Finally, metaphoricity can be reduced when of b that were not previously part of his or
linguistic devices are used to foreground cer- her schema for a and to build them into it.
tain attributes or classes of them at the ex- It should be noted at the outset that
pense of others. This is why specifying a strictly speaking, the difference between at-
dimension with respect to which two other- tribute-promoting and attribute-introducing
wise substantially dissimilar objects are to similarity statements is not a difference that
be compared seems to reduce the metaphor- pertains to the similarity statement per se,
icity. This is also why verbs of similitude but rather a difference that has to do with
more specific than to be like, that is, verbs the use of a statement by a particular per-
such as to look like and to sound like, gen- son, to a particular person, on a particular
erally give rise to more literal similarity occasion. Nevertheless, given that the deter-
statements. mination of matches plays such a central role
in the present proposals, the distinction
Two Types of Similarity Statement gives rise to an important question: What
sort of comprehension mechanism can ac-
The account of literal and nonliteral simi- count for the fact that people are able to
larity statements that has been proposed lo- understand similarity statements when there
cates the basis of comparison of two puta- are no matching attributes?
tively similar terms in the intersection term One answer is that the mechanism is that
of Equation 2. In the case of metaphorical of attempted predication. This means that the
similarity statements, the basis of compari- comprehension process might be something
son is usually called the ground (of the meta- like this: With preference being given to
phor). This situation implies that from the the most salient subschemata associated with
point of view of someone attempting to un- the b term, an attempt is made to apply
derstand a similarity statement, success can them to the schema for the a term. Now, one
only be achieved if the intersection term is way to determine whether a particular at-
not empty. From this perspective, compre- tribute can be applied to something is to
hension will be straightforward if the match- determine whether or not it is already in-
ing attributes are already part of the sche- cluded in the representation of that thing.
mata for both the a term and the b term. Thus, matching, or at least testing for a
But this need not always be the case. It imatch, might well be the first step in the
sometimes happens that people have to make process. However, matching cannot possibly
inferences about what a particular statement always be the only step, because if the test

for a match fails, it is not possible to con- What happens if no high-salient attributes
clude that the attribute in question cannot from B seem to apply to the a term? How
'be applied but only that it is not already can one account for the apparent fact that
present. The simplest prospect if the match one can usually dream up a context in which
test fails would be to determine whether any even the most anomalous statements can
gross conceptual incompatibility would re- make sense? One answer to this question,
sult by applying the attribute in question to already hinted at, is that a speaker (or lis-
the concept. This incompatibility would have tener, reader, or writer) may reorder the
to be unresolvable. Thus, for example, the salience of the attributes of (especially) the
attribute "being white" cannot be applied second term in the comparison. Such reorder-
to the concept sermons as part of the process ing is clearly involved when the kind of fore-
of trying to apply high-salient attributes grounding described with respect to State-
of sleeping pills to the concept sermons, ment 13 occurs. Foregrounding, it may be
because to do so would result in an unre- recalled, promotes the salience of some at-
solvable incompatibility. White things are tribute or group of attributes, often with the
physical objects; sermons, although often result of reducing the degree of metaphoric-
sufficiently boring to induce sleep, are not ity. Thus Statement 3 can be made inter-
physical objects. pretable by presupposing a context in which
The results of comprehension vis-a-vis being a physical object is very important.
changes in the nature of the schema for the So, a context in which it makes sense to
a term enable us to characterize the differ- utter Statement 18 will also be able to sup-
ence between the two types of similarity port an interpretation of Statement 3:
statements. In the case of attribute-promot-
ing statements, subschemata corresponding to 3. Billboards are like pears,
the matching attributes already exist in the 18. insofar as they are 'both physical objects,
schema for a, and all that happens is that billboards are like pears.
their salience levels are increased. In the
case of attribute-introducing statements, However, even though Statements 3 and 18
either the existing value of a variable is are perfectly interpretable in a context that
changed or a value is provided where pre- permits the reordering of attributes, without
viously there was only a variable. Further- such an assumption they remain very odd.
more, in both kinds of statements it could The basic proposal, then, is that similarity
be assumed that the attention to a particular statements are processed by attempted pre-
variable (or to a set of them) that is occa- dication. It may be, however, that if the
sioned by the use of the statement gives rise process fails to find a match of high-salient
(at least temporarily) to an increase in the attributes, or more specifically, if it fails to
salience level of that variable (or set of find a literal interpretation, then the matches
them) for the a term. This kind of account that are subsequently found come to be per-
permits the comprehension of both kinds of ceived as being more important than they
similarity statements, be they literal or non- otherwise would. For example, the simile
literal, to be absorbed into the general frame- (Statement 19, below) seems to have a higher
work of comprehension that is suggested by degree of subjective similarity (if under-
schema theory. It has the added advantage stood) than would be predicted by Equation
of suggesting that from the point of view of 1, even allowing for the proposed modifica-
comprehension, there may not be much dif- tions (Equation 2):
ference between similes and their correspond- 19. Cigarettes are like time bombs.
ing metaphors: Both proceed by attempted
prediction. In addition, it is consistent with Furthermore, it appears that similes are
the view that nonliteral similarity statements rather like jokes in the sense that if an ini-
do not require a different comprehension tial failure to properly comprehend is later
mechanism from literal ones (Ortony, Schal- followed by a full understanding, the anoma-
lert, Reynolds, & Antos, 1978). lous components lose their force.

In a pilot study designed to investigate parent from surface structural features. The
this question, subjects rated the similarity present proposals, however, are incompatible
of the terms in similes as consistently higher with this view if it is taken to be a philo-
when encouraged to perceive their meta- sophical or psychological explanation.
phorical nature than under conditions that According to the account that I have de-
encouraged literal interpretations. Lower rat- veloped, metaphoricity is a characteristic of
ings in the literal condition were found for similarity statements. So, the similarities that
14 out of 15 items. This suggests that people are covert in metaphors are themselves meta-
may reduce, perhaps to zero, the weights phorical in nature. It follows from this that
accorded to distinctive attributes (« and ft) nothing can be explained about metaphor-
on discovering that they are working with icity itself by (correctly) identifying a meta-
a nonliteral comparison. phor's relationship to its corresponding sim-
The central point of this section has been ile (if it has one). If the metaphor,
to offer an explanation of how people can
understand comparisons when they have in- 20. encyclopedias are gold mines,
sufficient information about the subject term is a meaningful statement by virtue of the
to enable them to find matching attributes. fact that encyclopedias are like gold mines,
It was suggested that a mechanism of at- that does not explain what it is about State-
tempted predication of attributes of the b ment 20 that makes it a metaphor, since en-
term to the a term could handle this prob- cyclopedias are not really like gold mines at
lem. Testing for a match would then be one all, they are only metaphorically like them.
way to determine the applicability of an So, although it is perfectly true that there
attribute. Some effects of context on salience may be little difference between a metaphor
levels were also discussed, particularly those and its corresponding simile (indeed, if the
that by permitting reordering of salience comprehension mechanism is one of selective
levels enable a comprehensible interpreta- attribute prediction,2 it could be the same for
tion to be imposed on a superficially anoma- both), any problems about the nature of
lous similarity statement. metaphors and the comprehension mecha-
nisms for them remain unsolved.
Metaphor The mistake in the view here being criti-
cized is to suppose that similes are "literal"
The • present proposals have a number of
comparisons. This supposition is implicit in
implications for a theory of metaphor—im-
the view of Kintsch (1974) that (necessar-
plications that seem to raise serious prob-
ily semantically anomalous) metaphors are
lems for some widespread assumptions while
reinterpreted as semantically acceptable (ex-
throwing light on others.
plicit) comparisons, and in the view of Miller
The idea that metaphors are really just
(in press) that the (only) difference between
covert comparisons, or analogies, has domi-
a simile (to which a metaphor can be re-
nated philosophical approaches to the prob-
duced) and a literal comparison is that in
lem for centuries and has begun to take hold
the latter the basis of the comparison is "ob-
in cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics.
vious." It is quite explicit in Searle (in
This view, which is the standard Aristotelian
press), who refers to similes as "literal
one, has recently been proposed as the basis
for a psychological treatment of metaphor
The view that the comparisons underlying
comprehension by, for example, Kintsch
(1974) and Miller (in press). In many ways
it is an appealing notion because it not only 2
It is possible that there are cases in which, or
offers the prospect of accounting for a diffi- occasions on which, attributes of the 6 term are
cult concept like metaphor in terms of an predicated, not by selecting applicable, highly salient
easier concept like comparison, but it also ones, but by rejecting inapplicable ones and apply-
ing the rest. Such application by attribute rejection
recognizes that comparisons do underlie rather than by attribute selection might result in
metaphors, even though this may not be ap- richer representations in the modified topic schema.

metaphors are unproblematic literal com- accepted, it follows that a second widespread
parisons can be shown to have problems in- assumption about the nature of metaphors
dependently of the current proposals. There suffers from the same problem. This is the
is linguistic evidence from the use of certain view that metaphors are based on or are co-
kinds of hedges (see Lakoff, 1972). Consider vert analogies. Again, the problem is not that
the hedges "metaphorically speaking" and this observation might be false. The problem
"really." If two things are really similar, it is that even if true, the claim has little or no
should seem odd to say that they are meta- explanatory value. Analogies are statements
phorically similar, and, conversely, if they of similarity—similarity between relations
are metaphorically similar, it should seem between "objects," rather than between ob-
odd to say that they are really similar. jects themselves, but none the poorer for
Statements 21 and 22 support these pre- that. If metaphoricity is a characteristic of
dictions: similarity statements, one would expect anal-
ogies to vary in their degree of metaphoricity
21. Metaphorically speaking, education is like a in just the same way as simple similarity
statements do. Consider, for example, State-
22. education is really like a stairway. ments 27 and 28:
Whereas Statement 21 makes perfectly good 27. Lambs are to sheep as kittens are to cats,
sense (some people might even think that it 28. putting William Miller in charge of the Federal
is true), Statement 22 is false. If something Reserve Board would be like putting Rudolph
is genuinely metaphorically like something Nureyev in the ring against Leon Spinks for
else, it cannot be really (literally) like it. the heavyweight title of the world.
The converse is that if two things are really
similar, it makes no sense to say that they Both are analogies, but Statement 27 is
are metaphorically similar. So, although "really" true, whereas Statement 28 (Wil-
Statement 23 seems reasonable, Statement 24 liam Proxmire's remark at Miller's senate
does not: confirmation hearings3) is not.
Thus, it can be argued that Statement 28
23. Stairways are really like escalators, is a metaphorical analogy. There are no
24. metaphorically speaking, stairways are like high-salient attributes (i.e., relations) of the
escalators. second term that are of comparably high
salience for the first (viewing the terms as
Similarly, one would expect that the negation the set of relationships between each pair of
of a nonliteral similarity statement inter- constituents). Statement 27 is a literal anal-
preted literally would be true, whereas the ogy because there- are shared high-salient
negation of a literal one would be false, as attributes of both. The pairs of constituents
in Statements 25 and 26: in an analogy can be regarded as complex
schemata. The attributes of such complex
25. Science is not (really) like a glacier,
schemata are the sets of relations of which
26. an icefall is not (really) like a glacier. they are constituted. An important differ-
ence between statements of (analogical)
Linguistic data like these support the idea similarity and simple similarity statements
that the locus of metaphoricity lies not in is that in analogies, the complex schemata
the surface structure of a statement (e.g.,
the presence or absence of "like") but in
the underlying comparison itself. The stan- 3
It is interesting to note the radical ambiguity
dard view of metaphor as covert comparison of Proxmire's assertion. It could either be inter-
has no way of accounting for these observa- preted in terms of the high salience of Nureyev's
potential nimbleness and elusiveness or, antitheti-
tions, whereas the proposals for nonliteral cally, in terms of the high salience of Spinks's
similarity that have been presented actually superior strength and power. It takes only a little
predict them. imagination to decide which of these alternatives
If the inadequacy of the standard view is Proxmire had in mind.

that are produced by the two pairs of terms supplied, but knowing what it is seems to
usually have to be constructed at the time presuppose knowledge of the yetjto-be-estab-
of comprehension rather than retrieved from lished relation.
memory as already available schemata. This
means that one would expect metaphors 30. Informers are the uranium of criminal justice.
based on underlying analogies (often called
"proportional" metaphors) to be more dif- It is interesting to note, in this example, that
ficult to understand. There is some evidence the most natural interpretation is far re-
that this is true developmentally (Billow, moved from that for Statement 29. Now it
197S). seems that uranium is functioning to high-
light attributes related to value and scarcity,
Metaphorical analogies are not at all un-
so that the most natural interpretation is
common in ordinary discourse. For example,
that informers are very valuable to criminal
the following analogy is taken from a story
justice. This confirms the claim made earlier,
("Your Cover is Showing," 1977) about the
that attributes, since they can be complex,
alias program for reinstating safe lives for
can often be equivalent to relations, even
informers. The story opens with the follow-
though they may look like simple predicates.
ing analogy:
However, to express relations in nonrela-
29. Informers are to criminal justice what uranium tional ways can, as in this case, be very mis-
is to a nuclear reactor . . . . leading. Since no sharp distinction is being
made between statements of similarity that
Left unexplained, Statement 29 is somewhat are fundamentally analogical in character
obscure, perhaps because in constructing a and those that are not, this matters little.
complex concept for the second term ("what But it is not very encouraging for those (e.g.,
uranium is to a nuclear reactor"), all kinds Miller, in press) who would argue for a con-
of relationships can be introduced; uranium version process of metaphors to similes and
is the fuel, it is one of the more dangerous analogies as the essence of the underlying
aspects of a reactor, and so forth. Yet none comprehension mechanism. Thus, the Aris-
of these high-salient relations are obvious, totelian notion that metaphors are based on
high-salient relations of the first term (what the principles of analogy is not very helpful.
"informers are to criminal justice"). A literal Neglecting for the moment the distinction
analogy would have a match of high-to-high between metaphors and similes, it has to be
salient relations; this one does not. Thus, one concluded that metaphors, like analogies, are
is willing to deny that it is true, literally, based on the principles of similarity.
just as one is willing to deny that non- Even if it is true that there is no funda-
literal statements of similarity in general are mental difference between a simple state-
true. And, just as with similarity statements ment of similarity and an analogy, it does
in general, the explicit statement of the basis not mean that a theory of similarity judg-
of the comparison that follows serves to re- ments is ipso facto a theory of the problem
duce the perceived metaphoricity by enhanc- solving that goes into the solution of analogy
ing the salience of a particular attribute. problems. The present proposals have nothing
The second part is essential if the entire sen- to say about the manner in which the com-
tence is to be understood: "Informers are plex concepts are constructed. In standard
to criminal justice what uranium is to a nu- analogy problems, part of the problem is to
clear reactor—they make the system go, but construct a schema that involves one of the
they're an awful lot of trouble to dispose of pairs of concepts in some central way in such
afterward." a manner that the relation between them can
Interesting things happen to analogies be applied to the other side of the "equation."
when their terms are omitted. For example, The approach to similarity being advocated
one can convert Statement 29 into State- here is neither capable of nor intended to
ment 30 in a way that makes it even more deal with the way in which analogy prob-
obscure. Now the missing term has to be lems are solved.

It is now possible to explicate the rela- are of high salience for the former but of
tionships between (a) metaphors and (b) low salience for the latter.
similes and analogies. Essentially, a metaphor If the account of nonliteral similarity that
is a nonliteral comparison either between has been presented is correct, it has some
objects or between relations between objects. particularly important consequences develop-
In the former case it is related to a non- mentally. It is common knowledge that chil-
literal similarity statement that is normally dren appear to produce metaphors long be-
called a simile; in the latter case it is re- fore there is evidence that they can under-
lated to a nonliteral similarity statement that stand them, a state of affairs that if true
is normally called an analogy. In both cases, would be completely contrary to what is gen-
the difference between the metaphor and its erally believed about language acquisition,
corresponding similarity statement is not namely, that comprehension precedes produc-
that one is metaphorical and the other literal; tion. The point was well put by Winner,
the difference is that one is an indirect state- Rosenstiel, and Gardner (1976), who started
ment whereas the other is a direct one. their article with the following paragraph:
Loosely stated, metaphors are indirect speech
acts; similes are not. The fundamental mis- There is an apparent paradox concerning the de-
take in the standard view is that it con- velopment of metaphoric sensitivity in children.
It has been argued, on the one hand, that the ca-
fuses metaphoricity with indirection. pacity to understand metaphoric figures of speech
Finding the comparison view of metaphor develops only during late childhood and early ado-
unsatisfactory, there have been those (most lescence (Asch & Nerlove, 1960; Elkind, 1969;
notably, Black, 1962, in press) who have Schaffer, 1930). This contention is consistent with
the view that metalinguistic skills (the ability to
proposed an alternative account of meta- perform operations on language itself) develop only
phor known as the interaction theory. The in the final stages of language acquisition (Inhelder
idea behind this view is that the two terms & Piaget, 19S8; Jakobson, 1960 . . .). On the
in a metaphor somehow interact to produce other hand, studies focusing on the child's ability
to produce figurative language have repeatedly docu-
some new emergent meaning. The view has mented the spontaneous use of metaphors, similes,
been criticized on the grounds that the no- and other figures of speech by preschool-age chil-
tion of interaction is too vague and itself too dren (Carlson & Anisfeld, 1969; Chukovsky, 1968;
metaphorical (e.g., Black, in press; Searle, Gardner, 1973; Gardner, Kircher, Winner, & Perkins,
in press). Although equally vague about how 197S; Weir, 1962). In addition, preschoolers have
been shown to be able to match words to elements
to characterize interaction, Verbrugge and from other sensory modalities in a metaphor-type
McCarrell (1977) found evidence leading paradigm (Gardner, 1974). (Winner et al., 1976, p.
them to conclude that it is not sufficient to 289)
assume that "the topic is 'passively' schema-
tized by salient properties of a vehicle do- Winner et al. (1976) attempted to resolve
main: The topic and the vehicle terms inter- the paradox by distinguishing between vari-
act in specifying the ground (p. 528)." Ac- ous levels of metaphoric comprehension, at-
cording to the present proposals, the ground tempting to show that very young children do
of a metaphor will be the shared attributes have some rudimentary forms of metaphoric
of the underlying nonliteral similarity state- comprehension after all.
ment and, in particular, those attributes that If the present proposals are accepted, how-
are of high salience for the vehicle but of ever, there is an alternative way of resolving
low salience for the topic. Consequently, it the paradox—a way that is perhaps more
appealing. It could be argued that preschool
would seem that a notion of interaction could
children who are apparently producing meta-
be captured by the fact that the attributes phors are instead producing statements based
comprising the ground will depend on both on underlying literal similarities from their
the topic and the vehicle. The topic and ve- perspectives. For example, Chamberlain and
hicle interact in the sense that the topic term Chamberlain (1904) cited the case of a child
imposes constraints on the attributes of the who used the word moon to refer to cakes
vehicle term that can be applied and that (among other things). Now, it would of

course be possible to argue that since cakes space distance is small, then we have a good
are not really moons, the child was speaking metaphor. They also hypothesized that the
metaphorically, but that hardly seems likely. aptness and the comprehensibility of a meta-
A more reasonable approach would be to phor goes down if the between-subspaces
deny that the child was speaking metaphori- distance gets exceedingly large. In many re-
cally, asserting that very young children spects, the account offered by Sternberg and
lack the metalinguistic awareness needed. his colleagues is compatible with the views
One would then reason that from the child's that have been presented here.
perspective, the moon and cakes shared a The present proposals are that metaphor-
high-salient attribute, that of being roughly icity requires high-salient attributes of the
circular in shape. Thus, moons and cakes vehicle to be (applicable as) low-salient at-
were literally similar given the nascent state tributes of the topic while there exist high-
of the child's schemata. Later, as those salient attributes of the vehicle that cannot
schemata developed into ones more closely be applied to the topic at all. This latter
approximating an adult's, the matching attri- constraint can be interpreted as requiring the
bute would be high in salience for the b domains (local subspaces) from which the
term and low in salience for the a term, thus terms are drawn to be different. Although
satisfying the criterion for nonliteral simi- their theory does not demand salience im-
larity. Consequently, from the adult's per- balance as a condition for metaphoricity,
spective, productions of children may appear Tourangeau and Sternberg (Note 2) found
to be metaphorical because the adult has sub- empirical evidence that vehicles (but not
stantially differently structured schemata and topics) that were extreme on relevant di-
(presumably) more highly differentiated sali- mensions within their domains tended to
ence information for their components. The produce more comprehensible metaphors.
child, on the other hand, perceives the two They attribute this finding to the possibility
things in question as being really very simi- that "the extreme values in the vehicle help
lar. The resolution of the paradox would thus us find its relevant characteristics by making
depend on the recognition that the knowledge them more salient" (p. 37). Since the high
representations of adults and children are correlation between extremity and compre-
often substantially different. hensibility was not found with topics of
Finally, one might ask how the present metaphors, their results can be interpreted
proposals relate to the goodness of meta- as evidence of high .6/low A matches in simi-
phors. There has been all too little research larity statements that were understood as
into this question, although some is begin- metaphors.
ning to emerge. Recent research by Sternberg The present proposals have not addressed
and his colleagues (Sternberg, Tourangeau, the question of the quality or aptness of
& Nigro, in press; Tourangeau & Sternberg, metaphors; however, it seems reasonable to
Note 1, Note 2) is based on a geometric suppose that quality will be primarily de-
approach. Their research assumes a repre- pendent on metaphoricity. If both meta-
sentation in which the topic and the vehicle phoricity and similarity are low, the simi-
of the metaphor (the first and second terms, larity statement will appear to be anomalous
respectively) are viewed as belonging to dif- and will be correspondingly difficult to com-
ferent subspaces within a more global hyper- prehend. Apart from this, no special rela-
space. When the two terms are juxtaposed tionship between goodness and comprehensi-
in a metaphor, one can think of superim-
bility is predicted. This account, in fact,
posing their corresponding local spaces, coor-
dinating the dimensions. Then, the goodness gains some support from Tourangeau and
of a metaphor can be characterized in terms Sternberg (Note 2 ) , who failed to find their
of the within-subspace distance and the be- predicted negative relationship between com-
tween-subspaces distance. If the local sub- prehensibility and between-subspaces dis-
spaces from which the two terms are drawn tance but who did find a positive relationship
are remote but the superimposed within-sub- between comprehensibility and aptness.

The question of the goodness of metaphors which reversals still result in meaningful
is a much more complex one than might be comparisons, the meaning change will be
supposed at first glance. Kintsch (1974), for greater for similes than for literals. The ac-
example, pointed out that the phrase bache- count also predicts that the terms in similes
lor girl seems much better than the phrase will be perceived as being more similar than
spinster boy, assuming that both are in- theories based on literal similarity alone
tended to be metaphorical expressions. If would predict. Whereas the full consequences
these expressions are cast into similes ("Some of the proposals for theoretical and empiri-
girl [or other] is like a batchelor" and "Some cal research on metaphors will have to await
boy [or other] is like a spinster"), it would further work, a number of suggestions in
be necessary to show how the degree of this direction were made.
metaphoricity of the former was higher than It should be reiterated that metaphoricity
that of the latter. The only hope would be is a characteristic of similarity statements
to find that the relative difference between (and judgments). This observation alone
the levels of salience of shared attributes was could have important consequences for the
higher in the one case than in the other, and/ way in which similarity is conceptualized and
or that a number of attributes (perhaps emo- for the kind of empirical research that is
tive ones) were present in the schema for undertaken in the area of metaphor. We can-
one of the concepts (e.g., spinster), that were not hope to properly understand the con-
not present in the schema for the other. tribution that the perception of similarity
Thus, for example, attributes such as makes to cognition if we fail to recognize
"straightlaced" and perhaps "prudish" might that people are not restricted to judging, per-
be of high salience for spinster (and conse- ceiving, and talking about literal similarity.
quently, "unmarried" might be of relatively Much of cognition depends on the recogni-
lower salience), whereas these attributes tion of metaphorical relations—on going be-
might not exist in the schema for bachelor yond literal similarity.
at all (and probably do not). Whether or not
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