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(The numbers in the parenthesis on pages 1-5 refer to the same numbers in the parenthesis on the chart): (4)

Herod the Great a) b) c) d) e) f) (Mt. 2:1,3,7,12,13,15,16,19,22; Lk. 1:5; Acts 23:35)

He lived 69 B.C. 0. In 36 B.C., he was appointed king of Judea by the Roman Senate. He was married 10 times He was the father of Herod Philip I, Herod Antipas, Archelaus, and Philip II. He was the grandfather of Herod Agrippa I, Herodias, and Salome. He was the great-grandfather of Herod Agrippa II, Bernice, and Drusilla. (Mt. 14:3; Mk. 6:17; Lk. 3:19)

(14) Herod Philip I

a) The son of Herod the Great. b) He married his half-niece, Herodias. They had Salome. c) Herodias left Herod Philip I, her husband and her half-uncle, and married his half-brother who is also her halfuncle, Herod Antipas. d) He was the half-brother of Herod Antipas, Archelaus, and Philip II. (15) Herod Antipas (Mt. 14:1,3,4; Mk. 6:14,16,17,18,20,21,22; 8:15; Lk. 3:1,19; 8:3; 9:7,9; 13:31; 23:7,8,11,12,15 Acts 4:27; 13:1) a) b) c) d) e) f) The son of Herod the Great. He lived 17 B.C.-43 A.D. He had John the Baptist killed He married Herodias, his half-niece, who was also the wife of his half-brother, Herod Philip I. He was the brother of Archelaus. He was the half-brother of Herod Philip I and Philip II. (Mt. 2:22)

(16) Archelaus a) b) c) d) e)

The son of Herod the Great He lived 18 B.C.-22 A.D. He was the successor to Herod the Great in Judea. He was the brother of Herod Antipas. He was the half-brother of Herod Philip I and Philip II. (Lk. 3:1)

(19) Philip II

a) The son of Herod the Great. b) He married Salome, his half-niece. c) He died in 38 A.D. He was the half-brother of Herod Philip I, Herod Antipas, and Archelas. (27) Herod Agrippa I a) b) c) d) e) f) (Acts 12:1,6,11,19,20,21)

The grandson of Herod the Great. He lived 6 B.C.-48 A.D. He was the brother of Herodias. He was the cousin of Salome. His son was Herod Agrippa II. His daughters were Bernice and Drusilla.

(28) Herodias

(Mt. 14:3,6; Mk. 6:17,19,22; Lk. 3:19)

a) The granddaughter of Herod the Great. b) She married Herod Philip I, her half-uncle. They had Salome. c) She left Herod Philip I, her husband and her half-uncle, and married his half-brother, Herod Antipas, who was also her half-uncle. d) She was sister of Herod Agrippa I. e) She was both the mother of and cousin of Salome. (31) Salome a) b) c) d) e) (Mt. 14:5 the d. of Herodias, 7,8,9,11; Mk. 6:22 the d. of the said Herodias,23,24,25,26,28)

The granddaughter of Herod the Great. Salomes first marriage was to Philip II, her half-uncle, the tetrarch of Trachonitis. Salomes second marriage was to Aristobulus, her half-second cousin, the King of Chalcis. Salome was the daughter of Herodias by Herodias first husband, Herod Philip I. Herodias was both her mother and her cousin. (Acts 25:13,22,23,24,26; 26:1,2,7,19,27,28,32)

(36) Herod Agrippa II a) b) c) d)

He lived 31-104 A.D. The great-grandson of Herod the Great. His father was Herod Agrippa I. His sisters were Bernice and Drusilla. (Acts 25:13,23; 26:30)

(38) Bernice

a) The great-granddaughter of Herod the Great. b) Bernices first marriage was to Herod, her uncle, the king of Chalcis. After his death in 48 A.D., she lived under great suspicion with her brother, Herod Agrippa II. c) Bernices second marriage was to Polenon, the king of Cilicia, but she soon left him and returned to her brother. She afterwards became the mistress of Vespasian and of his son, Titus. d) Her brother was Herod Agrippa Ii. e) Her sister was Drusilla. (40) Drusilla a) b) c) d) e) (Acts 24:24)

The great-granddaughter of Herod the Great. Drusillas first marriage was to Aziz, the king of Emesa. Drusillas second marriage was to Felix, the Roman procurator of Judea. Her brother was Herod Agrippa II. Her sister was Bernice.

(47) Felix (Acts 23:24,26; 24:3,22,24,25,27; 25:14) a) The Roman procurator of Judea who married Drusilla.


AntipaterIII(9) AristobulusIV(10) ==Berenice(24) Herodes(25) ==Mariamne(32) ==Berenice(38) Hyrcanus AristobulusMinor(26) ==Iotapa Iotapad.(35)who wasdeafandmute AgrippaII(36) Mariamned.(39) ==GaiusJulius ArchelausAntiochus Epiphanes Drususd.(37) Bereniced.(38) ==Herod(25),kingof Chalcis; ==Polamo,kingof Cilicia Drusillad.(40) ==GaiusJulius Azizus,KingofEmesa; ==AntoniusFelix (47),theprocurator ofJudaea Herodiasd.(28)
DrusillaandhersonAgrippa diedintheeruptionofPompeii.

Herodes(42) Aristobulus(34) ==Salome(31) Berenicianus Agrippa(43) Aristobulus(44)

==MariamneI (grandd.Of Hyrcanus)

Alexander(11) ==Glaphyrad.King Archelaus

AgrippaI(KingHerod) (27) ==Cypros(33)

Salampsio(12)d. ==PhasaelII


Cypros(13)d. ==Antipater

Herodthe Great(born 73or74BC, died4BC)(4)

==MariamneII(d. ofHighPriest Simon)

HerodIIBoethus (Philip)(14) ==Herodias(28) HerodAntipas (15) Tetrarch ==d.ofAretas ==Herodias(28) HerodArchelaus (16)Ethnarch Olympiasd.(17)

Alexander(29) Tigranes(30)



==Malthace(a Samaritan)

Salomed.(31) 1)Theequilssigns(==)indicates"marriedto" 2)Thestraightlinedownwardmeans"child"or"children" 3)Thed.means"daughter" 4)ThenamesthatareBOLDRED arethosepeoplewhoare mentionedintheNewTestamentScriptures

==Cleopatraof Jerusalem

Herodes(18) HerodPhilipII(19) Tetrarch==Salome (31) Phasael(20) Roxanned.(21) Salomed.(22)

==Pallas ==Phaidra ==Elpis ==Acousin(name unknown) ==Aniece(name unknown)

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