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Course LM02-PRED


01 0323

A c tivity S h eet

Name: Impante, Micaiah Grace B. Score:

Year/ Section: 1A Group No. 1 Date: May 5, 2021

Read and answer the learning styles assessment and identify your learning style.


Student Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Learning Style
Modality Modality Modality Modality

Hilario, Rochelle B. 23 19 19

Impante, Micaiah Auditory

19 21 20
Grace B. Modality

Llego, Rhiomeiza A. 19 19 20

Martin, Mitch Justine Visual

19 18 17
D. Modality

Salalila, Lorein Grace Visual

18 16 16
R. Modality

Learning Module: Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching 60

Course LM02-PRED

01 0323

A s se ss m en t

Name: Impante, Micaiah Grace B. Score: ___________

Year/ Section: 1A Date: May 5, 2021

Course Packet Assessment

Illustrate / Draw the Kolb’s Learning Styles. Add caption to clearly describe each learning



As you can notice in the scenario above the lady there was tasked
to do an essay about the President’s Speech. She had an idea
already on what to do, so she constructed her own essay. Then she
go to her teacher so that she can ask for revision and she can work
again on her essay.

Learning Module: Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching 61

Course LM02-PRED

01 0323


As you can notice in the scenario above the teacher asked his
students about a certain question regarding the most powerful
among the three, which are the president, the richest man and the
community. The student at the back observed the question and the
answers of his classmates and think about the other perspective
that he can conclude.

Learning Module: Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching 61

Course LM02-PRED

01 0323


As you can notice in my drawing above, there are group of people

who are currently doing a formal debate. The nature of debate
requires them to generate their ideas as a group and also observe
the stand and perspective of the other group of debaters.

Learning Module: Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching 61

Course LM02-PRED

01 0323


As you can notice in the scenario above a lady was tasked to do a

painting project. Her teacher said that she will paint something
that she can see in nature. She thinks what’s best to paint
regarding that matter and she concluded that she will paint a
rainbow. From thinking and conceptualizing her task to applying
it in her project.

Learning Module: Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching 61

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