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Chapter 3: Research Methodology

This chapter tackles the methods used in order to come up

with this kind of study. This chapter includes a detailed description

of the research methodology that was utilized in the study. This

chapter organized in seven different methods used: research

design, research locale, population and samplings and participant

of the study. Data gathering procedure and treatment of qualitative

data that provide to a framework within research will gather and

information that will be a great help to this study. The lived

experience of Broken family.

Research Design

The researcher uses a qualitative research method in this

study about student which in to broken family they will collect

qualitative data through interviews.

Qualitative research design is primarily explanatory research.

It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions

and motivation. It provides insight into the problem or helps to

develop ideas or hypothesis for potential quantitative research. Its

also, used to uncover trends in thought and opinions, and dive

deeper into the problem.

Research locale

This study conducted in Grade10- Pletsa. In Polomolok

National High School (PNHS), researchers selected any of the

student which is from a broken family located at Polomolok,

Cannery Site, Octavio Village.

Population and Sampling

The population of this study are the Grade10- Pletsa learners

who are in a Broken family where age is about 14-15 years old for

gathering of the qualitative research, the participant was selected

based on their gender and then asked them if they are willing to

interviewed personally. They are composed of Grade10- Pletsa

learners who are in a broken family who’s willing to share their

experiences and problems.

Ethical consideration

As the process of this study, the researchers consider some

issues that made by the participants of the study. The purpose of

this consideration is to assure the privacy and the security to the

participants as well as to the confidential issues. That risk will need

to be balanced against the ethical interest in respecting the

autonomy of the person affected, and their close, about whether to

know or not.

In terms of the participants, he/she will be the one who will

decide what informative to do close and how to disclose it. If

he/she will not allow it, then the researchers shall not include that

information in the study.

Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

To have clearer finding about this study, the researcher

summarized the interpretations make and gathered.

Summary of findings

This study was conducted in determine the effects of having

a broken family to a student’s academic performance, attitude and

social status of Polomolok National High School Grade10 – Pletsa

students. The researchers’ objectives are to know the effects of

broken family to academic performances, attitude and social status

of the Junior High School students of Polomolok National High

School. The finding was based on the information given by the

respondents from the survey questionnaires.

The following are the findings of study and conclusion:

Not all students have the same experience that is why

over the survey the findings don’t have the same effect on

students’ academic performance for having a broken family.

Even thou their parents are separated, most of the

respondents still have enough financial support from their

parents. And their personal parent/parents. And their

parent/parents still care for their progress in school. But lack of

security from home affects the student’s performance in class.

According to our findings, being a part of a broken family is not

a hindrance to perform well in school but instead most of the

respondents use their situation to inspire themselves to do

well in school to have a better future.

2. Lack of parental guidance can affect the child’s attitude

having no one’s to share their problems with will make them

feel lonely. Some of the respondents usually are quiet at

times, even thou they have problems because of having a

broken family they bever plan or decide to live on their own.

They never bully other people but with the aid of friends.

According to our survey, it depends on the parent/parents on

how will they guide their child in understanding their situation

for having a broken family and how would it affect the attitude

of the students.

3. Being part pf a broken family can affect the social status of

the student but it depends on the situation they have

experienced. Some of the student encounters anxiety and

depression because of the emotional stress due to family

problems. Some of the students are ashamed that they apart

of a broken family but some are not because they completely

accept their situation and has learned to deal with it. In school,

they are many events that include family like family day, that’s

why some of the students who came from a broken family are

ashamed because of this situation. Some of the respondents

feel insecure with their other classmate for having a complete

family. What’s are positive about their situation, despite of

being a part of a broken family, they never experience

bullying. They have enough courage to face their problems in

life and how to deal with it.


Learned from the disclosed summary of findings, and now

conclusion the following recommendations are offered:

Teacher: The teacher should be more considerate

especially to the students who come from a broken family and

to help their self-esteem and to help them encourage to do

good and excel in school despite of their family problems.

Students: The students who come from a broken family are

encourage through this study to become a good student and

inspire them to be more productive and positive with the

emotional stress that they have encounter.

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