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Total: ___ / 70

Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

Listening Text 2
Have you ever dreamed of making a future career as a chef?
1 Listen to three people talking about the eating Would you like to spend your summer holidays learning
habits in their country. Complete the sentences with to do a variety of jobs in a restaurant kitchen?
words or phrases from the recording. Ideally, for a keen beginner, you’ll start with some simple
1 Karen thinks that it is ____________ to improve your jobs like peeling potatoes and chopping and mixing
eating habits. ingredients, but the end of our 8-week programme will see
2 Some years ago, Karen’s friend told her that she should you making a variety of complex meals, from desserts
read a ____________. to main courses. If you are not afraid of getting your hands
dirty and spending more than 10 hours on your feet, our
3 Oliver and his girlfriend ____________ cook at home.
culinary training programme is just for you. If you like
4 Oliver says that cooking takes time and ____________. a challenge, you will love the pressure of the busy life inside
5 Zoe thinks that ____________ is making good food a restaurant kitchen! Send your application today.
trendy. 3 The advertisement is mainly for people who
6 Zoe says that a lot of people want to get ____________ a can already cook very well.
too soon when they go on a diet. b want to learn some simple and more difficult things.
__ / 6 c want a job while studying.
4 From both texts, we learn
a what work in a restaurant kitchen is really like.
Reading b about dangers involved in working in a restaurant kitchen.
c what skills are needed to run a restaurant.
2 Read the texts and choose the correct answers.
__ / 4
Text 1
It’s hard to believe that the day is over at last! It’s well after
midnight and I came home just half an hour ago. I spent Language functions
the day working as a kitchen assistant in a restaurant that
belongs to my parents’ friends – a ‘crazy’ idea that I had 3 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.
to improve my cooking skills and earn some extra money 1 __________________ (Urządzamy przyjęcie) next
during the summer. weekend and I’d like you to come.
When I arrived at the restaurant, I knew it wasn’t going 2 __________________ (Napijesz się czegoś?) Some
to be easy. I knew it was going to be a long, hard day orange juice perhaps?
(indeed, I finished my work long after the restaurant closed). 3 X I’d like two pancakes, please?
I also expected to do lots of odd jobs, from helping
Y __________________ (Coś jeszcze?)
to prepare some simple meals to washing the plates, knives
and forks, and some other items that I can’t even name. 4 I don’t really want any meat. __________________
But nothing could have prepared me for the hot and fast life (Wolałbym zjeść) a vegetarian meal.
of a restaurant kitchen, full of shouting and running around. 5 I’ll try to __________________ (skontaktować się z)
There were quite a few moments when I wanted to take off Mark and Allie.
my apron, run out of the kitchen and never look back. __ / 5
But now, looking back on my day’s experience, I think:
‘That’s it! I’ve never had a better time in all my life.’
It no longer matters that I need to be more careful (I’ve got Vocabulary
some small cuts and burns on my hands) or that I’ll have
to learn to be mentally stronger (it felt really bad when some 4 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
of the staff were shouting at me). No, these things are not Some letters have been given.
important at all! I can’t wait to go back there tomorrow. 1 The meat from a cow is called _ _ e _.
1 On his first day of working in a restaurant kitchen, Nick 2 I love eating _ _ a _ o _ _, especially prawns.
was surprised by 3 You’d better avoid eating _ u _ k food like hamburgers
a the noisy atmosphere and fast things that happened there. and crisps.
b how long he had to work. 4 In countries like Italy and Spain, they use a lot of _ l _ _ e
c some strange things that he had to do there. oil for cooking and putting on their food.
2 After the day’s work, Nick thinks that the most important 5 The long orange vegetable is called a  _ _ r _ _ t.
thing for him is that 6 We usually buy a  _ _ r of honey every few weeks,
a he must work more carefully. because we all love it.
b he can ignore the anger of the staff. 7 I felt like having some fish, so I ordered some baked
c he is going to enjoy the job. _ _ l _ _ n for my main course.
__ / 7

Password 1 Tests © Macmillan Polska 2015 Photocopiable

Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

5 Read the definitions and write the correct words. Grammar

1 food products like cheese and cream ____________
9 Complete the sentences with a/an, the or [–].
2 the instructions for making a particular meal
____________ 1 It’s ______ very difficult meal to make. In fact, it’s one of
______ most complicated things I’ve ever cooked.
3 food made from grain, which we usually eat with milk
for breakfast ____________ 2 She only drinks ______ cup of coffee in the morning.
During the day, she usually drinks ______ mineral water.
4 food we buy hot in a restaurant or shop (e.g. kebab, fish
and chips) and bring home to eat ____________ 3 We stopped at ______ restaurant on the way for dinner,
but there was nothing interesting on ______ menu, so
__ / 4 we decided to try another one.
__ / 6
6 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
The first letters have been given.
10 Choose the correct words.
1 Could you p____________ some potatoes for dinner,
please? 1 X I’d like to make some cakes, but there isn’t some / any
2 The meal is good, but we could add some more
s____________. Perhaps some ginger and pepper? Y No problem, I’ll go to the shop. How many / much
do you need? A kilo?
3 He has dinner at about four so if he’s hungry in
the evening, he usually has a light s____________ like 2 I’ve bought a cookery book. It contains much / a lot of
yoghurt. interesting recipes, but so far I’ve only learnt how to make
a few / a little meals.
4 I love r____________ chicken. It smells and tastes
delicious. 3 X Oh dear, there isn’t any coffee left.
__ / 4 Y Check in the next cupboard. There should be any /
some in the green packet. Can you see it?
__ / 6

7 Complete the sentences with appropriate words.

1 I need to ____________ weight, so I’m going to join 11 Complete the sentences with the or [‒].
a gym.
1 ______ school near my home is a music school.
2 They’re still using an old gas ____________ in their
kitchen, but it has an electric oven. 2 She didn’t go to ______ school last week because she was
3 If some food is ____________, it is pleasantly hard and
makes a noise when you eat it. 3 ______ university is planning to open some new faculties
next year.
4 Fast food is very ____________ – you can quickly put on
some extra kilos! __ / 3
5 X I’m thirsty.
Y Have one of those oranges. They’re so ____________
that you won’t need anything to drink.
__ / 5

8 Choose the correct words.

1 I couldn’t keep / go to my diet. I still ate some unhealthy
2 I’m going to cut / resist down on sweets.
3 We ordered some ice cream for desert / dessert.
4 This meal is very tasty / tasteful. Can you teach me how
to make it?
5 When he stopped exercising, he soon got / put on weight.
__ / 5

Password 1 Tests © Macmillan Polska 2015 Photocopiable

Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

English in use Writing

12 Choose the correct word to complete each pair 13 Read the instructions and do the writing task.
of sentences. Studiujesz w Wielkiej Brytanii i chciałbyś/chciałabyś
1 I think you should ______ some more salt to the chicken zorganizować niewielkie przyjęcie dla znajomych
to improve the taste. ze studiów. Napisz e-mail (80‒130 słów) do kolegi z grupy i:
I’d also like to ______ that good eating habits keep you • poinformuj o swoim pomyśle;
healthy. • wyjaśnij, co zamierzasz podać do jedzenia w trakcie
a use przyjęcia;
• poproś kolegę o pomoc w zorganizowaniu przyjęcia,
b put
wyjaśniając, na czym miałaby polegać;
c add
• powiedz, kogo jeszcze chcesz zaangażować
2 I’m really hungry, so I’m going to ______ a big steak. w przygotowania i w jaki sposób.
My parents are very strict and always ______ me to be
back home before 10.
a order _________________________________________________
b make _________________________________________________
c have
3 Who’s going to wash the dirty ______ today?
I’m not good at cooking. In fact, I can only make a few
__ / 10
simple ______.
a plates
b dishes
c meals
4 He’s worked for this restaurant since 2012 and he’s
a brilliant ______.
I’m not interested in any recipes because I simply can’t
a chef
b bake
c cook
5 His restaurant isn’t popular at all, so he’s afraid that he’ll
______ all the money he has put into the business.
I’ve started jogging to ______ a few kilos.
a waste
b lose
c miss
__ / 5

Password 1 Tests © Macmillan Polska 2015 Photocopiable

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