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rate of enzyme (amylase) reaction is low / decreases / longer / lower. Vertical inference: At temperature 37C, the rate of enzyme reaction is higher than the rate of enzyme reaction at 5C / 28C / 45C / 55C // vice versa.

1) How to state the observation?

Must always involve 2 CRITERIAS: EX: Time Temperature Incomplete average answer Accurate answer (3 marks) (1mark) Observation 1: Horizontal observation: The time is different for At temperature 5C, time taken for iodine solution each temperature. remains yellowish is 12 minutes. Observation 2: The temperature influences Vertical observation: Time taken for the time taken for iodine to iodine solution remain remain yellowish. yellowish for temperature 37C is faster than 5C / 28C / 45C / 55C -

3) How to get full marks in hypothesis for an experiment?


Manipulated variable: temperature Responding variable : time taken for iodine solution remain yellowish / rate of enzyme (amylase) reaction / activity

2) How to state inference in Paper 3 Biology?

Also involves 2 criterias: EX: Rate of enzyme reaction Low / High (Reject: Lowest / Highest) Incomplete average answer Accurate answer (3 marks) (1mark) Horizontal inference Temperature influences the enzyme reaction. At temperature 5C, the -

Incomplete average answer Accurate answer (3 marks) (1mark) The higher the The temperatures temperature, the influence the enzyme reaction higher the rate of enzyme reaction / time taken for iodine solution remain yellowish (until it reaches the optimum temperature) When the temperature increases, the rate of enzyme reaction also increase (until the

optimum temperature)

starch was hydrolysed (completely) by amylase at the maximum rate.

4) How to draw the graph correctly in Paper 3 Biology? SAL or SAP which is S = Shape, A = Axis and L = Label / P = Point. Besides that, student must remember to write the title of the graph.

5) How to explain the relationship in Biology? In Biology Paper 3, it is more specified as compared to Chemistry. Students must provide the manipulated variable first and follow by responding variable and usually for the manipulated variable must have two supporting theories and a brief conclusion. EX:
Incomplete average answer (1mark) The higher the temperature, the higher the rate of reaction Accurate answer (3 marks) Students must state the relationship between the rate of enzyme reaction and the temperature base on criteria: R1 Relationship: the temperature increases, the rate of enzyme reaction also increase. (Theory 1) R2 Explanation 1: at 37C // at optimum temperature the starch hydrolyse (completely by amylase / enzyme) (Theory 2) R3 Explanation 2: at the maximum rate (Brief conclusion) As temperature increases (MV), the rate of enzyme reaction increases (RV). At optimum temperature the

6) How to answer the last question (Question number 2)? There are 9 sub sections (total 17 marks) that students need to answer. The mark distribution is as followed: 1. Problem statement (3 marks) 2. Objective (1 mark) 3. Variables (1 mark) 4. Hypothesis (3 marks) 5. List of material and apparatus (3 marks) 6. Technique used (1 mark) 7. Experimental procedure or method (3 marks) 8. Presentation of data (1 mark) 9. Conclusion (1 mark) 1) Problem statement (3 marks) Problem statement must be in question form. i.e. Does (MV) affect (RV) of xxx? How does (MV) affect the (RV) of xxx)? What is the effect of (MV) on the (RV)? 2) Objective (1 mark) It is a statement form: i.e.

To determine the effect of (MV) on the (RV) of a xxx. To study the effect of (MV) on the (RV) of a xxx To investigate the effect of (MV) on the (RV) of a xxx 3) Variables (1 mark) The entire variables (MV, RV and FV) must be correct to gain one marks from here. 4) Hypothesis (3 marks) The hypothesis must start with manipulated variable and follow by responding variable (MV + RV) 5) List of material and apparatus (3 marks) Students need to separate the list of material with the list of apparatus. i.e. Apparatus: photometer, stopwatch, cutter, beaker, meter rule, basin, marker/ thread Material: Balsam plant, water, Vaseline/grease, dry cloth 6) Technique used (1 mark) Students need to state the technique used in carrying out the experiment correctly. i.e. Measure and record the time taken for the air bubble to move a distance of 2 cm by using a stopwatch. 7) Experimental procedure or method (3 marks) Students are able to mention all the MV, RV and FV in the sentence. 8 ) Presentation of data (1 mark) Students are able to draw a complete table and record the relevant data base on 3 criteria.

9) Conclusion (1 mark) Students are able to write a suitable conclusion for the experiment. i.e. Ther higher/lower (MV), the higher/lower (RV). Hypothesis is accepted/rejected.

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