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QUARTER ________/ SEMESTER _________


Grade & Section _________________________Subject: PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2

Name of Teacher: ____________________________________Date: _____________

I. Title: States the research question

II. Type of Activity: Concept notes with formative activities

LAS for summative assessment ( Written Work Performance Task)

III. MELC: States the research question

IV. Learning Objective/s: at the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

1. determine the factors and criteria in writing the research question

2. state the research question

V. For Print Material/s:

1. Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research. Ruben E. Faltado III, Ed D. et al.

Pp. 34-36.
2. Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research. Nelia G. Prieto, Ph. D., Victoria C. Naval,
DEM & Teresita G. Carey, D. A. LL. Pp. 19.

For Online Resource/s: (Please include website, URL and date accessed)

1. April 16, 2020.

2. July 20, 2009.
3. April 16, 2019

VI. Concept notes with formative activities

Writing questions isn’t a difficult task in itself, but it can be hard to work out if you have
a good research question. Research questions anchor your whole project, so it’s important to
spend some time refining them. According to McCombes, S. (2020), below explains the
conditions and criteria that can help you evaluate your research question.
1. Focused and researchable
A. Focuses on a single topic and problem. The central research question should
follow from your research problem to keep your work focused.
B. Answerable using primary or secondary data. You must be able to find an
answer by collecting data, or by reading scholarly sources on the topic to
develop an argument.

C. Does not ask for a subjective value judgement. Avoid subjective words
like good, bad, better and worse, as these do not give clear criteria for
answering the question.
D. Does not ask the question why. Why questions are usually too open to serve as
good research questions.
2. Feasible and specific
A. Answerable within practical constraints. Make sure you have enough time and
resources to do the research required to answer the question.
B. Use specific, well-defined concepts. The research question should have clear
meanings. Avoid vague language and broad ideas, and be clear about
what, where, who, where and when your question addresses.
C. Does not ask for conclusive solution, policy or course of action. Research is
about informing, not instructing. Even if your project is focused on a practical problem,
it should aim to improve understanding and suggest possibilities rather
than asking for a ready-made solution.
3. Complex and arguable
A. Cannot be answered with a yes or no. Closed yes/no questions are too simple to
work as good research questions — they don’t provide enough scope for
investigation and discussion.
B. Cannot be answered with easily found facts and figures. A good research
question requires original data, synthesis of multiple sources,
interpretation and/or argument to provide an answer.
C. Provide scope and debate for deliberation. The answer to the question should not
just be a simple statement of fact: there needs to be space for you to discuss and
interpret what you found.
4. Relevant and original
A. Addresses a problem relevant to your field or discipline. The research question
should be developed based on initial reading around your topic, and it
should focus on addressing a problem or gap in the existing knowledge.
B. Contributes to a topical social or academic debate. The question should aim to
contribute to an existing debate — ideally one that is current in your
field or in society at large. It should produce knowledge that future researchers or
practitioners can build on.
C. Has not already been answered. You don’t have to ask something
groundbreaking that nobody has ever thought of before, but the question should
have some aspect of originality.

Task 1: You can do this
Instructions/Directions: In the graphic organizer below, complete the data by writing the needed
information on the space provided. (1 pt.)

1. Focused and researchable  2. Feasible and specific

Criteria Criteria
A. _______________________ A. _______________________
B. _______________________ B. _______________________
C. _______________________ C. _______________________

Factors to consider in writing the

research questions

3. Complex and arguable 4. Relevant and original

Criteria Criteria
A. _______________________ A. _______________________
B. _______________________ B. _______________________
C. _______________________ C. _______________________

Task 2
Instructions/Directions: Match column A with the correct answer in column B. Write the letter of
your choice on the space provided.

Column A Column B
_____1. These are factors that provide scope and debate for A. Focused and researchable
deliberation. It cannot be answered with a yes or no
_____2. Answerable using primary or secondary data. B. Complex and arguable
Does not ask for a subjective value judgement
_____3. Contributes to a topical social or academic debate. C. Feasible and specific
Has not already been answered
_____4. Answerable within practical constraints. Use specific, D. Research question
well-defined concepts
_____5. It is a question that provides an explicit statement of E. Relevant and original
what the researcher wants to find out about.

Task 3
Instructions/Directions: Choose from among the words or group of words inside the box to
answer the following questions. Write the answer on the space provided.

Focused and researchable Complex and arguable

Feasible and specific
Relevant and original Research question

_______________________1. It is a question that anchors the whole research.

_______________________2. This factor explains that the research question should be
developed based on initial reading around your topic.
_______________________3. The answer to the question should not just be a simple statement
of fact: there needs to be space for you to discuss and
interpret what you found.
_______________________4. All the terms you use in the research question should have clear
_______________________5. If you have multiple questions, they should all clearly relate to
this single topic or problem.

Task 4 You can do more

Instructions/Directions: Modified true or false. Write true if the statement is correct and if it is
false, underline the word or group of words and write the correct answer on the space provided.
(2 pts.)
____________________1. Make use of subjective words like good, bad, better and worse, as
these do not give clear criteria for answering the question.
____________________2. The central research question should follow from your scope and
delimitation to keep your work focused.
____________________3. Even if the research project is focused on a practical problem, it
should aim to improve understanding and suggest possibilities rather than
asking for a ready-made solution.
____________________4. Make sure you have insufficient time and resources to do the research
required to answer the question.
____________________5. Why questions are usually too open to serve as good research

Task 5
Instructions/Directions: To make a good research question, the diagram below could be used.
Make a research question based from the given information. An example has been illustrated
academic success
When /Time? Where/Place?
2005-present senior high schools

What/Event? Who/Person?
standardized testing college freshmen

Research Question: How does standardized test contribute towards the academic success of
college freshmen students?

1. Topic
When /Time? Where/Place?
2011-2020 Vigan City

What/Event? Who/Person?
social development children

Research Question:

plastic bottles
When /Time? Where/Place?
no time limit disposal site

What/Event? Who/Person?
environmental consumer

Research Question:

3. Topic
alcohol abuse
When /Time? Where/Place?
2010-present senior high school

What/Event? Who/Person?
affect academic teens 

Research Question:

4. Topic
birth order
When /Time? Where/Place?
past ten years Philippines

What/Event? Who/Person?
financially first-born/oldest

Research Question:

5. Topic

When /Time? Where/Place?

past five years Ilocos Sur

What/Event? Who/Person?
violence children

Research Question:

Task 6

Instructions/Directions: Instruction: In the following table, the research question has been cited.
Complete the table by choosing whether the research question is broad or specific and write your
reason. (2pts)
Research question Broad/Specific Reason
1. What effect does social media
have on people’s minds?
2. Does the US or UK have a
better health care system?
3. What are the most effective
communication strategies for
increasing voter turnout among
under 30s in Region I?
4. How have economic, political
and social factors affected the
patterns of homelessness in Ilocos
Sur over the past five years?
5. Do employees’ length of stay
in their job affect their efficiency
and or effectiveness?

Task 7: Challenge Yourself

Instructions/Directions: The research questions below are either too broad, too narrow or unclear.
Modify each question to make them clear, specific and concise. Write the answer on the space
provided. (1 pt.)
1. Why are social networking sites harmful?
2. Are females smarter than males?
3. Does owning a pet improve the quality of life of older people?
4. Does medication help alleviate Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms?

5. Which national park is the best?
Task 8:
Instructions/Directions: With the topics written in each number, write a research question
bearing in mind the criteria and conditions that have been discussed in this lesson.

1. Social Media Sites: _______________________________________________________

2. Covid-19 Pandemic: ___________________________________________________________
3. Education under the “new normal”: _______________________________________________
4. Should the government legalize the use of smartphones in high school classrooms?
5. Do grades do justice on students’ knowledge?

Task 9
Instructions/Directions. Answer the question below. You may use the space below to write your
answer. (5 pts.)
Why is it important to have well formulated research questions?

Task 10: Level Up

Instructions/Directions: Develop a reflection regarding the conditions and criteria in writing
research question. You may use a separate clean piece of paper for your work.

Task 11
Instructions/Directions: Of the different conditions and criteria of the research question, choose
one condition or criterion and relate it to yourself? (5 pts.)
Task 12
Instruction/Directions: Device steps on how to construct the research question. (5 pts.)


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