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The Mandorla Project Presents

Decemb er 2-6, 10am 4pm Each Day Location: Private retreat center, details given upon registration, Seattle, Washington Cost: $485 if registered by Nov 1st. $495 after Nov 1st. (No refunds available after Nov 15th)

The Vigil: Offering Spiritual Care in the Last Days and Hours This five-day retreat is offered to those, who would like to deepen their knowledge of spiritual care to the dying. We learn how to offer vigil and provide spiritual care through compassionate, nonverbal means of communication and presence. We learn specific skills for the dying process such as sound healing, visualization, use of scriptural text and poetry, prayer, energy medicine, and mantra/sacred chanting. Students also learn detailed understanding of the dying/dissolution process as taught by the wisdom traditions with a special emphasis upon the five elements. Day 1 Dissolution Process Day 3 Spiritual Intervention: Sound Healing We will learn the use of the sensory modality of hearing for offering guidance and comfort to the dying. We will learn sound healing, mantra, and the use of voice to support the dying. we will explore the water element and its role in the dying process. Day 4 Spiritual Intervention: Therapeutic Touch We will learn the use of the sensory modality of touch for offering guidance and comfort to the dying. We will explore the fire element and its role in the dying process. Day 5 Spiritual Intervention: Aromatherapy and Sacred Ritual of Anointing We will learn the use of the sensory modality of smell for offering guidance and comfort to the dying. We will learn how to use anointing oils and flower essences to assist the dying. We will learn the tool of sacred ritual. Special attention will be paid to helping the patient at the time of death and the minutes and after death. We will explore the elements of air and space and their role in the dying process.!

! We will learn a detailed spiritual view of the dying process

reviewing consciousness literature as well as texts and teachings from several wisdom traditions. We will discuss the way consciousness leaves the body, energetic processes, as well as physical and emotional signs. We will learn ways for seeing signs of these processes. We will learn the medicine wheel of elements as it relates to the dying process. Day 2 Spiritual Intervention: Visualization We will learn the use of the sensory modality of sight for offering guidance and comfort to the dying. We will learn prescriptive visualization, discernment for when to use visualization and when not to, the use of scriptural text, and poetry and other visual techniques to support the dying. We will explore the earth element and its role in the dying process.

To register, contact Connee at or, 707-363-2940 Mailing Address: The Mandorla Project, care of Joe Fischer, PO Box 5808, Napa, CA 94581

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