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A Proposal
Submitted as the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For Writing a
Thesis at English Department

By :






It should be general statement

A. Background
first, do not immediately explain
specifically, for example
explaining technology first.
Indonesia's SPADA program is basically the implementation of the Law of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System,
Law no. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, and Regulation of the Minister of
Education and Culture Number 109 of 2013 concerning the Implementation of
Distance Education in Higher Education. The development of information and
communication technology is currently very fast. Technological developments have
changed students and teachers in carrying out learning and teaching activities more
quickly and practically. So that SPADA should be used by students and lecturers as a
fast and easy online learning media.

Where in Permendikbud 109 of 2013, states that one of the scopes of distance
education is the scope of courses. One of the goals of the SPADA Indonesia program
is to increase equitable access to quality learning in higher education. With an online
learning system, SPADA Indonesia provides opportunities for students from one
particular university to be able to take certain quality courses from other universities
and their learning outcomes can be recognized equally by the college where the
student is enrolled.

In scientific journals published, according to Laster, 2005; Mullinix &

McCurry, 2003; Simpson & Payne, 1999 in Gautreau (2011): “An LMS is a web
based software consisting of courses that contain electronic tools including a
discussion board, files, grade book, electronic mail, announcements, assessments, and
multimedia elements. An LMS provides access to student-centered teaching
approaches, increased accessibility, assessment and evaluation features, and improved
management of course content and administration tasks.”

Meanwhile, according to Amiroh (2012: 1) Learning Management System (LMS)

or Course Management System (CMS), also known as Virtual Learning Environment
(VLE) is a software application used by educators, both universities / colleges and
schools as media internet-based online learning (e-learning).

The author's interest in LMS, especially SPADA, is because I have used SPADA
so I want to know what other students think about SPADA itself.
B. Definition of Key Terms

Title of this proposal “English Major Student Perception On the Use of

SPADA as a Learning Management System (LMS) at UHO”. In order to avoid
misunderstandings and maintain wrong assumptions about this thesis, the writer first
explains each term contained in it, so that the reader can understand it well.

Perception is a response to something that is seen or heard, or it can also be

meaningful as a process of observing an object using the five senses. According to
Robbins (2003: 97) which describes that perception is an impression obtained by
individuals through the five senses then analyzed (organized), interpreted and then
evaluated, so that the individual obtains meaning. Meanwhile, perception according to
Desirato: Perception is the experience of objects, events, or relationships obtained by
concluding information and interpreting messages. Messages can be regarded as
giving meaning to sensory stimuli (sensory stimuli).
So based on the definition above, the student's perception in question is the
opinion of a student majoring in English education at UHO regarding how to integrate
our application of things around the individual with existing impressions or concepts,
and then recognize these objects.

Sistem Pembelajaran Daring (SPADA) is a program of the Directorate General of

Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher
Education (Kemenristek Dikti) which aims to increase equitable access to quality
learning in higher education (Drs. Mulyo Wiharto, MM in the article entitled SISTEM

Learning Management System (LMS) according to Ellis (2009:1) is a software

for administrative purposes, documentation, reports on an activity, teaching and
learning activities and online activities, e-learning and training materials, all of which
are done using on line. Furthermore, Riyadi (2010:1) explains that LMS is software
used to create web-based online lecture materials and manage learning activities and
their results. In the LMS there are also features that can meet all user needs in terms of
learning. These features include administration, delivery of materials and easy access
to reference sources, assessments, online exams, feedback collection and
communication which includes online discussion forums, discussion mailing lists, and

Based on the explanations above, the proposal entitled : “English Major Student
Perception On the Use of SPADA as a Learning Management System (LMS) at
UHO” is a field research that discusses students' opinions on the use of SPADA as a
Learning Management System (LMS), besides being an online learning site for
English education students at UHO, besides that, the author also wants to know
whether SPADA can be a learning media that makes it easier for English education
students at UHO.
C. Research Questions

What is the student's perception on the use of SPADA as a Learning Management

System ?

D. Research Objectives

The purpose of this research are :

1. To find out the perception of English education students at UHO towards the use of
SPADA as a Learning Management System (LMS).

E. Research Benefits

The benefits of this research are as follows:

1. Theoretically, hopefully the results of this research can be a reference material for
other research and add a little insight related to SPADA as a Learning Management
System (LMS).
2. Practically, the results of this research are hopefully able to add insight and in-
depth scientific studies regarding the impact of SPADA as a Learning Management
System (LMS).
3. Academically, this research can provide additional information and knowledge for
the study of English education and insight into SPADA as a Learning Management
System (LMS)
Should use the future tense, because
research has not been done but just
A. Research Time and Location planned.It should be “ This research will be
conduct for…”
This research was conducted for ...... and took place at the Halu Oleo University
which is located at Anduonohu, District. Kambu, Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi.

Table 1.1 The Time of Research

No Activities Month
October November December
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
1 Submission of a title
2 Planning
3 Action
4 Research instrument
5 Collecting Data
6 Analyzing data
7 Observation

Should use future tense.

It should be “ Specifically, the researcher will use a

B. Research Type descriptive analysis model “

The study used quantitative design. Specifically the researcher employed

descriptive analysis model. According to (Resseffendi 2010: 33) says that descriptive
research is research that uses observation, interviews or questionnaires regarding the
current situation, regarding the subject that we are studying. Through this descriptive
research, the researcher will explain the students' actual perceptions about the use of
It should be “This study will use
quantitative design”

C. Population and Sample

1. Population
According to Sugiyono (1997: 57), the population is a generalization area
consisting of objects and subjects that have certain quantities and characteristics
determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. The population
in this study were all students of the UHO English Education Department batch 2021.

It should be “ The population in

this study will be…..”
2. Sample
According to Nana Sudjana and Ibrahim (2004: 85), the sample is part of the
population that can be reached and has the same characteristics as the population from
which the sample was taken.
The criteria that the authors specify in the sampling are students who have used
SPADA as an LMS.
So, the sample in this study amounted to 29 UHO English Education students
batch 2021.

Population Sample

The population in this study were all The sample in this study was..... UHO
students of the UHO English Education English Education students class of
Department batch 2021 2021.

Should use future


D. Research Instrument

In this study, the instrument used was questionnaire. Questionnaire is a technique

of collecting data through forms containing questions submitted in writing to a person
or group of people to get answers or responses and information needed by researchers
(Mardalis: 66). This study uses a questionnaire, the list of questions is structured in
the form of multiple choice questions and open-ended questions. This method is used
to obtain data of English Major Students Perception on the Use of SPADA as a
Learning Management System (LMS).

E. Technique of Data Collection

1. Questionnaires
The most apparent way to get data from people, both quantitatively and
qualitatively, is by asking them questions. Accordingly, although questionnaires can
also be used to gather qualitative data, they are particularly well suited for gathering
quantitative data. This process of gathering data is frequently referred to as a survey
(Kamaluddin, A Lio, Nunia, 2022)

2. Observation
Researchers have an active role in certain environmental situations. That is by
observing research informants and then researchers actively conducting interviews
with informants to obtain complete information and data (Ruslan, 2010:36).

3. Documentation
Documentation is useful as a complement to the users of data collection
techniques by observation and interviews. Documentation is a record of events that
have passed. Documentation can be in the form of writing, pictures, or monumental
works of someone. This is taken by researchers in order to obtain more authentic data.
The documentation is in the form of writings in the form of notes, books,
manuscripts, material texts, documents or archives. Related to the discussion of this
research. From the documentation, the writer will use it to collect data. By studying
written material so that it can assist the author in finding information related to
research problems (Rahmah, 2013:13-14).

Muh Jamil Reza, Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Penggunaan Media Sosial Youtube Sebagai
Media Content Video Creative (Studi Deskriptif Pada Mahasiswa Unismuh Makassar), pg.

Kamaluddin, Asrun Lio, and Nurnia, Research Methodology in Education, pg. 9

Microsoft Word -Skripsi BAB III, pg 27

M. Hadi Saputra, Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Berita Online Jejamo.Com Sebagai Sumber
Informasi Seputar Lampung, pg. 17

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