Assignment 1 CCU - La Ode Abdul Razak (A1M220048)

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Name : La Ode Abdul Razak

NIM : A1M220048
Assignment : 1 CCU

In the first video explaining ethnocentrism and cultural relativism, from the video we can
see that :
a. Ethnocentrism
Ethnocentrism is the view that ones own culture is better than anyone else’s culture
ethnocentrism fills they’re superior to every other culture. Ethnocentrism is the tendencies
to use one's own culture as a yardstick for judging the ways of other societies
Examples :
- One person forces another to return to where he came from
- Judging people's cultural outfits
- Judging other cultures food

b. Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is the idea that a person's beliefs practices and values should be
understood based on that person's own culture, rather than being judge against the criteria
of another. Cultural relativism trying to understand other cultures without judging them by
your own culture
Examples :
- Respect other people's taste in food
- Respect other people's belief

In the second video explaining about the differences between stereotypes, prejudice, and
discrimination using ABC understanding.
A. Affect and Attitudes (Prejudice
B. Behavior (Discrimination)
C. Cognition (Stereotypes)
From the video we can see that :
a. Prejudice
When talking about prejudice, it also talking about attitudes. Prejudice is overall positive or
negative feelings about a group.
Name : La Ode Abdul Razak
NIM : A1M220048
Assignment : 1 CCU
Examples :
- Looking at the poor tend to be stupid (negative)
- Looking at the poor is not necessarily stupid (positive)

b. Discrimination
Discrimination is what happens when you treat someone differently based on the group they
belong to. Discrimination is what happens when our actions are biased by the social
category that the other person belongs to.
Example :
A group of people treat or treat people differently just because of different beliefs
c. Stereotypes
Stereotypes are belief we have about another group, the attributes, characteristic, and
behaviors of a group.
Example :
Teachers are known as wise figures and can always be used as role models

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