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REET Test Series

Set I
Language - II (English)
61. Monophthongs are
(1) pure vowel sounds
(2) pure consonant sounds
(3) semi vowel sounds
(4) a combination of two pure vowel sounds to form one
phoneme (1)

62. How many fricative sounds are there in English?

(1) 8
(2) 7
(3) 9
(4) 6 (3)

63. Identify the underlined sound

(1) /i:/
(2) /ei/
(3) /ə/
(4) /ɪ/ (1)

64.Pick out the pair having incorrect transcription.

(1) play /plei/
(2) beige /beɪʒ/
(3) sword /sɔːd/
(4) booth /buː θ/ (4)

65.Which of the following does not have /i:/ sound?

(1) week
(2) bean
(3) deep
(4) pretty (4)

66.I cannot decide what to do. I am in fact … .

(1) catching a Tarter
(2) blowing my own trumpet
(3) between Scylla and Charybdis
(4) in high spirits (2)

67.The usual subject matter of a Petrarchan sonnet is

(1) Biography of a person
(2) Courage
(3) Love
(4) Revenge (3)

68.An elegy usually gives expression to a

(1) Feeling of joy
(2) Sense of loss
(3) Feeling of victory
(4) Sense of defeat (2)

69.The modal ‘may’ can express the meaning of

(1) Advice
(2) Ability
(3) Possibility
(4) Prohibition (3)

70.A Shakespearean sonnet usually contains

(1) an octave and a sestet
(2) three quatrains with an interlinking of rhyme
(3) three couplets and two quatrains
(4) three quatrains and a couplet (4)

Directions (Q. No. 71 to 75) Read the poem carefully

and answer the following questions.
Ears of earth are never deaf
To the spiked song of the trumpet sun;
For time with wind and wave for finger
Plays on the four stops of seasons
Plays loudest in summer
After the low whistle of spring
And the long ovation of leaves falling
Leaves the trumpet sun mute in the show.

71.“Ears of earth are never deaf’ which of the literary

term is used in the above line.
(1) simile
(2) metaphor
(3) personification
(4) alliteration (3)

72.‘To the spiked song of the trumpet sun’ which literary

term is used here?
(1) personification
(2) metaphor
(3) simile
(4) assonance (2)

73.Rhyme scheme of the poem is

(1) abcdeffg
(2) abcdceef
(3) abcbceef
(4) none of these (2)

74.‘For time with wind and wave for finger’ is an example

(1) personification
(2) assonance
(3) simile
(4) alliteration (4)
75. ‘Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark.’
What is the figure of speech?
(1) personification
(2) assonance
(3) simile
(4) None (3)

Directions (Q. No. 76 to 80) Read the passage carefully

and answer the following questions.
The great advantage of early rising is that one can start
one's work long before others. The early riser can do a
large amount of hard work before other men have got out
of bed. In the early morning the mind is fresh and no
sounds or noise disturbs our attention. The work done at
that time is generally well done. Also one finds time to
take some exercise in the fresh morning air. Exercise
supplies him with a good deal of energy that enables him
to work hard until the evening. By beginning so early, he
knows that he has plenty of time to do his work
thoroughly. He has not to hurry over any part of his work.
He gets to sleep long before midnight. At that time sleep is
most refreshing. After a sound night's rest, he rises early
next morning in good health for the labour of a new day.

76. … sound …noise disturbs our mind early in the

(1) Either…or
(2) Neither…nor
(3) Both…and
(4) Not only…but also (2)

77. The work done at that time … well done.

(1) has
(2) have
(3) has been
(4) have been (3)

78.The early riser can do a large amount of hard work

before the other men… .
(1) rises
(2) rise
(3) raise
(4) raises (2)

79.The most suitable title for this passage is

(1) Benefits of early rising
(2) Exercise and health
(3) Work is worship
(4) This is a small paragraph (1)

80. Exercise supplies him with a good deal of energy … it

enables him to work hard until the evening.
(1) still
(2) but
(3) and
(4) or (3)

81. A speech community refers to a group of people who -

(1) are bilingual
(2) are multilingual tion
(3) share homogeneity with reference to their value system
(4) share community membership and linguistic
communica (4)

82. Activating learner’s scheme means

(1) Making a link between the topic and the learners’
background knowledge and experience
(2) Making a link between the textbook and its structural
(3) Dealing with learners having learning difficulties
(4) Showing a picture and asking learners to write a story
83. According to Noam Chomsky’s theory the role of
language acquisition device is to
(1) Generate grammar rules
(2) Memorize grammar rules
(3) Learn languages in formal schools
(4) Imitate the language (4)

84. A question tag is also known as a

(1) Tail question
(2) Descriptive question
(3) Critical question
(4) Head question (1)

85.Interactive listening means listening -

(1) Carefully for word stress and intonation
(2) To judge the speaker’s mood and tone
(3) Carefully to what is said
(4) Curiously to what is said (2)

86.Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation of a

learner is
(1) periodic assessment of learning
(2) periodic assessment of teaching
(3) continuous tests and assignments
(4) None (4)

87. Which of the following is not a part of the traditional

classroom -
(1) Textbook
(2) Chalk

(3) Computer network

(4) Black board (3)

88. Pedagogical knowledge includes -

(1) knowledge of content
(2) knowledge of methods
(3) both (1) and (2)
(4) practical knowledge (3)

89.English is a… language in India

(1) Second (2) Foreign (3) First (4) None (1)

90.Grammatical structures can be practised in a

controlled manner by
(1) Correcting wrong sentences written by the learners
(2) Doing composition exercises
(3) Explaining the use of particular structures
(4) Gap filling grammar exercises (3)

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