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Test 3 answer key with extra explanations

Part 1
Questions 1–6
1 The correct answer is B: The woman says ‘It was as if Sicily itself prevailed – above all the
different cultures’. A is incorrect because the concept of less well-known aspects of history is
not mentioned. C is incorrect because the number of objects on display is actually referred to
as being quite limited: ‘little more than 200’.

2 The correct answer is A: The woman describes being struck by an overwhelming sense of
mystery regarding the objects, giving a face mask as an example. The man then gives another
supporting example: ‘Or the … stone door’ whose patterns reinforce ‘the enigmatic nature of the
objects’. B and C are incorrect as they are not directly referred to.

3 The correct answer is B: The man says ‘I was fed up of being a slave to it (the phone) and
needed to see I could do without it for a bit’. A is incorrect because the extra time he felt he
had at the weekend was ‘an unexpected benefit’. C is incorrect because meeting friends was
‘another spin-off (benefit)’ rather than the original reason for his action.

4 The correct answer is B: The woman says she now limits herself ‘to a few set points in the
day – and for just ten minutes each time … this is doable’ after initially finding the whole process
hard. C is incorrect because she used to try doing other activities, but it didn’t help her stop
thinking about her phone messages.

5 The correct answer is B: The man says he noticed the tutor ‘really picking up on (noticing
and responding to) stuff. His criticism was always constructive’. A is incorrect because he
actually loved singing alone. C is incorrect because although he mentions the crowd of people
and their variety, he doesn’t show surprise at how many individuals were there.

6 The correct answer is A: The woman says when she sang ‘The clutter in [her] head just
disappeared’ and the man says ‘worries melt away when you’re doing it (singing).’ B is incorrect
because although they both talk about having to do lots of things at once while singing, the man
says ‘I can’t imagine ever being able to put everything into practice,’ so his multi-tasking skills
are not improving. C is incorrect because although both the man and the woman are planning
to persevere (continue) with singing, they don’t say singing itself teaches perseverance.

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Part 2
Questions 7–14

7 The correct answer is ‘animal welfare’ or ‘animals’: Alice says she was ‘keen to do more on
animal welfare’ and the shark project seemed ‘ideal’. ‘Environmental studies’ is incorrect as she
had finished those.

8 The correct answer is ‘protection strategies’: Alice says ‘closest to [her] heart’ (so highly
appreciated) was the chance to ‘develop protection strategies for sharks’.

9 The correct answer is ‘shower’: Alice says ‘The way we lived there was unsophisticated
(very simple) but very green – like the shower we had which used water coming from the local

10 The correct answer is ‘(our) carbon footprint’: Alice says they wanted to reduce the
potential impact they might have ‘to cut down on what’s commonly called our carbon footprint’.

11 The correct answer is ‘shack’: Alice says ‘I always thought of [the satellite camp] as a
shack’. ‘Haven’ is incorrect because that was what another volunteer called the camp.

12 The correct answer is ‘introduction (programme)’ or ‘introduction (program)’: Alice

explains that ‘As I was already a qualified diver, I was relieved (felt lucky) I didn’t have to follow
the introduction programme’.

13 The correct answer is ‘peanut butter’: Alice says that ‘I had my own peanut butter which
went down well (was popular) with everyone’. ‘Jam’ is incorrect because, although that was
popular too, it belonged to another volunteer.

14 The correct answer is ‘colour(s)’ or ‘color(s)’: When referring to the coral, Alice says she
‘was blown away (very impressed) by their colours underwater’.

C1 Advanced 4, Test 3 answer key with extra explanations, Listening 2

© Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2021
Part 3
Questions 15–20

15 The correct answer is D: Anna says that we ‘now have so many alternative ways of
recording our thoughts and communicating, we don’t take handwriting as a given … So I think
it’s time to look very critically at … handwriting’. Although the other options are referred to, they
are not given as the reason handwriting should be studied.

16 The correct answer is B: Anna says handwriting ‘somehow stimulates cognitive processing’
and has ‘even been found to support retention of concepts’. Richard says that ‘if you want to
take notes in a lecture, it’s better to write by hand because you actually think more about what’s
being said, and so recall it more easily later on’. None of the other options are mentioned by
either speaker.

17 The correct answer is C: Anna says ‘We need to teach this production by hand (meaning
handwriting), which granted eats up a lot of (takes a lot of time from) the curriculum’. Richard
says that ‘a huge amount of class time [is] devoted to teaching handwriting in primary school’.
While Anna refers to literacy skills, for example, none of the other options is mentioned by both

18 The correct answer is B: Richard admits that there will be ‘a loss’ when handwriting
disappears but sees it as ‘simply another step along the way in which we communicate with
each other’. A is incorrect because admitting the loss is not the same as saying it will be sad.

19 The correct answer is A: Anna says ‘writing is used in lots of different situations. And that’s
been true through history’. C is incorrect because she doesn’t say handwriting influenced major
events, but that such events were recorded in some form of writing.

20 The correct answer is D: Anna mentions ‘pretty conclusive studies finding that teachers and
professors will grade students lower if they have poor handwriting, even if the content’s identical
to someone with good handwriting. Similarly, excellent job applicants in the past may have been
passed over (ignored), due to the impression that their handwriting gave on a letter or resumé’.

C1 Advanced 4, Test 3 answer key with extra explanations, Listening 3

© Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2021
Part 4
Questions 21–30

21 The correct answer is F: Speaker 1 says their ‘instructor was amazing – never a harsh word,
never a shout of alarm – she was calmness personified’. H is incorrect because the weather is
only mentioned negatively. C is incorrect because their mum’s saying had no direct influence
on the lessons.

22 The correct answer is E: Speaker 2 says that they would ‘never have managed it [the
driving] without his [friend Dave’s] constant comments from the back’. B is incorrect because
the instructor is mentioned, but not in terms of repetition.

23 The correct answer is G: Speaker 3 says that ‘the real secret [to success] was taking up the
instructor’s suggestion to have the lessons at the crack of dawn (very early in the morning)’. E
is incorrect because friends helped, but not during lessons. H is incorrect because ‘a breeze’
here means ‘easy’, rather than referring to weather.

24 The correct answer is A: Speaker 4 says that ‘breathing exercises … got me through
(enabled me to succeed)’. B is incorrect because the instructor is only referred to briefly as
friendly and trying (unsuccessfully) to help the learner stay calm. C is incorrect because it was
not advice from a relative but a DVD from the speaker’s father that helped – and only with theory,
not the lessons themselves.

25 The correct answer is B: Speaker 5 says the instructor’s ‘insistence on going over stuff time
after time, lesson after lesson, was the key to [them] passing’. C and E are incorrect because
although their mum was both a passenger and spoke to the instructor, the speaker doesn’t say
they found that helpful.

26 The correct answer is G: Speaker 1 says that ‘it was the sheer weight (amount) of traffic
that threw me’.

27 The correct answer is D: Speaker 2 says that ‘more often than not we’d end up racing (being
in a hurry) to make the lesson’. F is incorrect because it was the instructor who was impatient.

28 The correct answer is B: Speaker 3 says that ‘the empty roads did tempt me to whizz along
(travel) a bit on the fast side – something I still struggle with today’. G is incorrect because there
was in fact ‘hardly any traffic’. H is incorrect because although other vehicles are mentioned,
the speaker does not have to adapt to them.

29 The correct answer is F: Speaker 4 says they were ‘constantly thrown by horns blaring at
me if I was slow to turn, or pulled up unexpectedly. People didn’t seem to make the slightest
concession towards me’.

30 The correct answer is H: Speaker 5 says their ‘greatest headache’ was the ‘driving school’s
inability to guarantee the same car for every lesson’. A is incorrect because although the speaker’s
driving instructor was ‘ex-army – used to his commands being carried out instantly, without question’
and they found him ‘a bit scary,’ they don’t say they had trouble reacting to his instructions.

C1 Advanced 4, Test 3 answer key with extra explanations, Listening 4

© Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2021

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