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Meanwhile the force under Haesten set out to march

platforms, catechisms, theological dissertations, tracts of all

often coarse wit. There are, however, many passages in his

B. Corridor.

the only means of putting an end to the piracy was to

balloon. Tubes of greater capacity have also been tried.

bank of the Agno, which divides the province of Naples from

equally to charter-parties. lt may be desirable to add a few

Sea, has been considerably reduced in numbers by pelagic

twenty-one. In 1701 he was urgently invited to accept charge

the field, but a successful ruler and administrator, and the

the name current in Babylonia, whereas Adad was more common in

Storage Company, are of the Faure or pasted type, but the

also made over Kandahar to the new amir; but Ayub Khan,

Captain Mahan, gives the best critical examination of the

south), the Col d'Altare or di Cadibona (1624 ft.), leading

more became German. By the bill for the incorporation

word is not restricted to the lower units of organization; for

and the low lands which skirt the south-western shores of the

is called an indorsement ``in full.'' When an indorsement

pamphlets. His wife, Mrs Sheldon Amos (Sarah Maclardie

altered, so that with a greatly increased importation of

(1827); Transatlantic Sketches (1833); An Expedition of

ps, primary gill-slits, 1, 5, and 13; rm, right metapleur

in 1829. During the Crimean War its fortifications were

m. N. Of Avezzano. It was originally a town of the Aequi,

objects (see CRETE). (2) An Art, whose products cannot

a piling-up of anything; technically, in law, the continuous

Otranto, through which it connects at the south with the

(1843). He edited Bentley's Miscellany, in which Jack

furtherance of the intrigues, Allen and Parsons went to Rome

Anatolian provinces, where he was engaged for more than three


distinguished scholar, and wrote Psalmi poenitentiales

resolved to give his whole time to mathematics. In 1741 he

Arabian folk-lore, as the manifestation of a demon residing in

per acre that had been harvested since 1868, which is always

grooves. The rifle was not easily loaded, and soon

by his victorious rivals with the view of discovering some

statistical and general information connected with agriculture,

uniformly level banks being only interrupted by swamps and

to pre-Dorian times. It is usually stated on the authority of

home; remembering that, as British troops are usually engaged

European. Like complete albinoes, this race suffers from

The city is in a rich farming country, which produces Indian

of the year, when the Purus valley is inundated; and,

the beylik of Titeri, is now French in character. Miliana

to the cost of their production. If, however, this thought

Carboniferous times Africa and India were undoubtedly united to

ALLAN, SIR HUGH (1810-1882), Canadian financier, was

Council, led by Mr (afterwards Sir) J. M`Dougall, a well-known

majority of the Europeans are Roman Catholics. Most of the

Bormio and Chiavenna, but in 1797 these regions were finally

the Roman people, who out of gratitude instituted in her honour

by his prerogative, so as to enable him to communicate an

16 years 1884-1899 . . . . . . . . 30

America; Chibcha-Kechua, the Cordilleras of South America;

C. T. Newton demonstrated these to be no strayed Phoenician

an expedition against Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary,

In 1689 was held here the first inter-colonial convention in

give up at least the Portian church in the suburbs. As he

prisca ac vera alpina Rhaetia (1538, also in German,

appearance of other European powers in Africa induced Lord

company that for some time before these occurrences the

it remained till 1837, when the government, requiring the use

down Halep emerges again as the great gathering-place of

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on the 24th of April 1809. He

and subject to sudden swellings and overflowings, which cause

the law of nature and of nations. Here, too, he commenced

n natural numbers, and the sums of their squares and cubes.

1 Nativitas et victoriae Alexandri magni regis was the original title.

days of Napoleon. In a battle such as Chancellorsville or

APONO or APONENSIS, Italian physician and philosopher,

payable to the person who has been dispossessed of his property.

in one of the world's most formidable wars has no counterpart

of farce, drollery and joke was Samuel Langhorne Clemens

forms the intestinal glands (see EPITHELIAL, ENDOTHELIAL

known as Maimonides) was styled ``Rambam,'' from the initials

Evangelicals the spuriousness of the letters is almost generally

Bombardment of 1882.

that is fertile in literature. The political unity of the

withdraw part of its fleet from other purposes to protect

being part of a Parthenion found in 1855 on an Egyptian

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