Definition of Key Media Relations Terms

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Conceptual understanding of social media

 Media influencer:
A social media influencer is someone who has credibility and has a large amount of followers in a
specific industry.
Users on social media platforms such as twitter, Instagram, and YouTube could be media influencers.
Social media influencers can help businesses advertise their product to larger audiences and promote
positive branding to increase customer awareness.
 Software for media management
Definition: refers to a platform or tools that reduce the amount of effort it takes to use social media
effectively. streamlines processes and creates better collaboration across teams.
Examples: HootSuite, Zoho, Sprout Social
 Newsjacking
when a company/brand hops onto the day’s biggest news story and attaches the story to the brand to
bring attention to the organization. an example would be when oreo tweeted ‘you can still dunk in the
dark’ during the super bowl power outage
Traditional media
 Clickbait
A text or a thumbnail link that is designed to attract attention and to hook users to click into the piece of
online content. To get more clicks and exposure.
E.g. Why We Love ____chocolate___; __10__ Secret Tips for _growing follower_. 
 Media monitoring
The act of monitoring the outputs of various forms of media like broadcast, print, or online media
regarding a certain topic or brand. An example would be a brand monitoring what is being said about
them on Instagram. This is relevant for media relations as it allows organizations to monitor the media’s
coverage on them.
 Beat reporters
Specialized reporting where a journalist is assigned to a particular area of interest expected to generate
a story about the topic
Example- Jim McBride only writes about the Patriots for the Boston Globe
 Content Marketing
A marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract
and acquire a clearly defined audience. It is relevant to media relations because it educates customers,
increases brand awareness, and establishes the brand as an expert
 Media placements
the use of media to place advertising to promote the product or brand. There are two types of media
placements, BTL and ATL. BTL which is known as “Below the Line” is the type of ads that are directed to
consumers like direct mails or brochures. One the other side, ATL, which refers to “Above the Line” is
the type of ads that are not directed to its consumers like billboard or TV advertisements.
 Lead/Lede
The first sentence or opening paragraph in the news story and it usually the most newsworthy part of a
news story.
It is important because a good lead grabs the reader's attention and promises the reader that their time
will be well-spent. It also sets the tone and direction of the whole piece.
Ex : A man was injured yesterday after falling from a rickety ladder which collapsed as he was painting
his home.
 Wire service
Wire services are news agencies that gather and distribute breaking news, feature stories and photos to
subscribers over the Internet or historically, by teletype machines. Example of wire services: AP
(Associated Press) and Reuters.
 Inverted Pyramid
Used in news to say who, what, where, when, how at the beginning. As the story goes on the details
become less important. An example of this is if a boy fell on a bike, how he fell and what happened
during the fall would be priority. What he was wearing or the color of the bike would be towards the
bottom of the story.
Fear of missing out which is when people don’t want to miss out on things that others might be having
fun with. An example would be saying a product is low in stock. The product can be perceived as high
quality and popular. People want to buy it because they don’t want to miss what others are using.
FOMO is used in advertising to trigger fear in the audience and then persuade them to take action.

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