Santiago Tesis Ingles 07-05-2022 Listo

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Centre ď enseignement professionnel de Vevey

Avenue Nestlé 1-1800 Vevey

Enseignement de culture genérale (ECG)

The Pacific War

Name: Juan Paul Barreto Cardona

Name of school: ESSC Vevey:
Matria: ECG Enseignement de Culture Genérale/Enseñement
of General Culture
Level: 2nd bimester 1st year of ASSC




1. INTRODUCCIÓN...........................................................................................1

2. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM...........................................................2

3. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES...........................................................................2

3.1. General objective.....................................................................................2

3.2. Specific objectives...................................................................................2

4. JUSTIFICATION............................................................................................2

4.1. Social justification....................................................................................2

4.2. Disciplinary justification...........................................................................2

4.3. Personal Justification..............................................................................3

4.4. Methodological justification.....................................................................3

5. LIMITS OF THE RESEARCH........................................................................3

5.1. Geographical and/or spatial limits...........................................................3

5.2. Time limit.................................................................................................3

5.3. Substantive limit......................................................................................3

5.4. Limit of content, field or area...................................................................3

5.5. Aspect......................................................................................................4

6. METHODOLOGY..........................................................................................4

7. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK....................................................................4

7.1. Background of the Pacific War................................................................4

7.2. What was the role of women in the Pacific War?....................................5

7.3. The role of women in politics...................................................................5

7.4. The role of women in the navy................................................................6

7.5. The role of women in the battlefield........................................................6

7.6. Bolivian nitrate.........................................................................................7

7.7. Chile 's interest........................................................................................8

7.8. Signing of the secret Peruvian-Bolivian treaty........................................8

7.9. Relations between Bolivia, Chile and Peru...........................................10

7.10. The naval campaign...........................................................................10

7.11. The land campaign.............................................................................11

7.12. Battle of Arica.....................................................................................12

7.13. Consequences of the War.................................................................12


PERSONAL REVIEW.........................................................................................16



INTRODUCTION: The War of the Pacific is a historical event that dates back to
1879-1883, when Bolivia, allied with Perú, engaged in a war with Chile over
nitrates, located in the Bolivian Atacama Desert. Chile, with its expansionist
aspirations, signed friendly treaties against Bolivia, which later served to declare
war on Bolivia.

JUSTIFICATION: These will be the reasons that will support the contribution of
the methods, techniques and instruments, models or strategies of the research,
to generate valid and reliable knowledge from the subject of study, gathering
information from reliable sources, also using completely concrete methods and
reliable procedures.

LIMITS: The following study and research work, through the application of its
geographical and / or spatial limit was conducted in the department of Santa
Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia and through the application of its time limit was
conducted in a period from April to May of the current year management 2022,
for the collection of all data obtained.

OBJECTIVE: To describe how to develop a documented research and

bibliographic review on the topic of study and research on the Pacific War.

METHODOLOGY: The methodology used in this research work is essentially

descriptive and qualitative, to carry out the investigation of the problem of the
present topic of study through the compilation and documented bibliographic
review of the topic to be investigated.

DEVELOPMENT: The socioeconomic development of the three countries south

of the Andes followed a very different path from that of the colonial era, based
on the export of agricultural products from the central valley such as wheat,
flour, wine, dried meat, cereals, copper and silver, has seen its economy grow
steadily. On the other hand, Peru and Bolivia saw a rapid decline in production
and prolonged financial difficulties due to local glorification of the cult of
Caudismo, anarchy and lawlessness in the region.

CONCLUSIONS: In this monographic research work we come to conclude that

according to a general analysis from the objectives set out initially that if
described how you can get to develop a documented research and literature
review about the topic of study and research on the Pacific War, In the same
way, a theoretical and conceptual framework was indicated through information
and basic knowledge that can inform the population in general about the topic of
study and research, also the negative and positive factors concerning the
Pacific War were identified, finally a documented bibliographic review research
was carried out on this topic of study and research which is the Pacific War.

KEY WORDS: War, pacific, viceroyalty, construction, saltpeter, guano.


The war in the Pacific is the focus of the national military discourse. The broken
country is praised, unlike the others and the Indians, and fits into this Peruvian
discourse. The long stretch of the Tacna and Arica scandal delayed the end of
the conflict for decades, essentially at a time when the Chilean intelligentsia
was reevaluating the idea of nationhood, including its discourse on race or
ethnicity. It was a feeling of extreme pride that, combined with the Course of
History itself, made him take a reactive stance. It is vitally important for the
future of nations to overcome these opposing positions and views, as well as
cooperation, support and brotherhood. Since we have been discussing the
former so far, it might be time to highlight the latter. The War of the Pacific was
an armed conflict from 1879-1883 in which Chile confronted Peru and Bolivia
over Peru and the large saltpeter mines of Antofagasta and Tarapacá. The
conflict ended with the victory of the Chileans who annexed the disputed


The War of the Pacific is a historical fact that dates back to 1879-1883, when
Bolivia, allied with Peru, engaged in a war with Chile over the nitrates located in
the Bolivian Atacama Desert. Chile, with its expansionist aspirations, signed
friendly treaties against Bolivia, which later served to declare war on Bolivia.

Peru did everything possible to avoid war, which was evident from the Laval
mission, but it was in vain, but Chile did not stop and declared war not only to
Bolivia but also to Peru, taking advantage of the precarious armament position
of both countries.

The war ended in favor of Chile, because from the beginning it was doubtful that
Peru had fought fiercely for its heroes; due to its government at the time, this
could not be said. Many people are surprised not that Peru lost the war, but that
she is still fighting it, said the heroic Huáscar and her skillful commander, who
kept the enemy at bay for six months1



The following question of the problem is asked:

How will it be possible to get to know about the Pacific War and develop a
documented research and bibliographic review about it?


3.1. General objective

To describe how to develop a documented research and bibliographic review on

the topic of study and research on the Pacific War.

3.2. Specific objectives

 To point out a conceptual theoretical framework through information and

basic knowledge that can inform the general population about the topic of
study and research.

 To identify the negative and positive factors related to the Pacific War.

 To carry out a documented bibliographic review research on this topic of

study and research which is the Pacific War.


The justification of the research includes explaining why it is convenient to carry

it out, the benefits, rewards it provides, how it improves the performance of the
study, or the consequences, what is the reason for not implementing it. There
are any weaknesses or flaws at risk. Demonstrating requires a broad
understanding of the causes, effects, and objectives that drive an investigation.

4.1. Social justification

In this work we will try to develop and carry out an investigation to make known
pertinent information on the subject of study with the purpose of collaborating
and helping in some way in the knowledge of the population and the society in
general to try to solve the present problem, becoming convenient or functional
for our purposes.

4.2. Disciplinary justification

Through an argumentation of the disciplinary pertinence of the research, we will

say that the most important relevance of our topic of study is: the pacific war,
being this very multifaceted and participatory to determine its importance.

4.3. Personal Justification

Personally, it can be said that it will be very important to acquire knowledge of

the topic of study and research in general and the contribution it can generate to
knowledge in a global context and of my person in terms of the aspects that
address the research topic, in order to try to help in some way in the solution of
the problem.

4.4. Methodological justification

The methodological justification will be the reasons that will support the
contribution of the methods, techniques and instruments, models or strategies
of the research, to generate valid and reliable knowledge from the topic of
study, gathering information from reliable sources, also using completely
concrete methods and reliable procedures.


The limits of a topic of study mean, to focus in concrete terms the area of
interest, to specify its scope, to determine its limits. That is to say, to take the
research problem from a very large situation or difficulty that is difficult to solve
to a concrete reality, easy to handle.

The limits imply separating, restricting access and at the same time, defining,
distinguishing areas of occurrence and situations or different spheres of action
that refer to the subject of the research study, in this case the Pacific War, in
such a way that expressions such as the following will be handled:
Geographical and/or spatial boundary: place or limit. Temporal limit: Period and
date. Substantive limit: theoretical, practical and methodological methods. In
this sense, the limits imply the establishment of territorialities, domains or areas.

5.1. Geographical and/or spatial limits

The following study and research work, through the application of its
geographical and/or spatial boundary, was carried out in the department of
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.

5.2. Time limit

The research, through the application of its time limit, was carried out in a
period from April to May of the current year 2022, for the collection of all the
data obtained.

5.3. Substantive limit

By means of the substantive limit, the theoretical, methodological and practical

scope of the subject of study is established, so that the theoretical and practical
knowledge that will be applied to this work will be delimited, through the use and
application of the appropriate methods for this research.

5.4. Limit of content, field or area

Civil Law

5.5. Aspect

The Pacific War.


The methodology used in this research work is essentially descriptive and

qualitative, to carry out the investigation of the problem of the present topic of
study through the compilation and documented bibliographic review of the topic
to be investigated.


7.1. Background of the Pacific War

During the first two centuries of colonization, Peru and Upper Peru became one
of the two great centers of the Spanish colonial empire, the emergence of these
territories, which were home to one of the most popular, most advanced and
brilliant cultures in the world. with the desertion and poverty of Chile, a more
southerly colony, the Araucanians or Mapuches against the European
conquerors. In the 18th century, the situation began to change gradually due to
the liquidation of the fleet system, which restricted the jurisdiction of the
Audiencia de Charcas (Upper Peru). From that day on, all the valuable mining
area of Upper Peru, centered around Potosí, was incorporated into a new
political-administrative structure with its capital in Buenos Aires.

The New Viceroyalty had access to the Pacific through the Atacama Desert, the
Audiencia de Charcas itself or Chile, which continued to depend on the
Viceroyalty based in Lima. The limit of this southern colony was then the
Atacama Desert in the north, the population of northern Chile in the valley of
Copiapó, its possessions then extended throughout Patagonia, gradually
exploiting and exporting wheat to Peru.

The establishment of the Río de la Plata Viceroyalty and the opening of the port
of Buenos Aires had a very negative impact on the colonial economy of Peru,
which explains why the southern region of Peru began to systematically decline
around mining. As a result, the isolation of many regions has been emphasized,
and the complacency of the economy has expanded, except for central Peru
and the northern coast.

The socioeconomic development of the three countries south of the Andes

followed a very different path than in colonial times, based on the export of
agricultural products from the central valley such as wheat, flour, wine, dried
meat, cereals, copper and silver has seen their economies grow steadily. On
the other hand, Peru and Bolivia saw a rapid drop in production and prolonged
financial difficulties due to the local glorification of the cult of Caudismo, anarchy
and lawlessness in the region. A new type of dependency was beginning to take

shape: taking advantage of the orphanages of the three new states and their
main suppliers of industrial goods, and in a truly new homeland, English traders
joined, beginning with the War of Independence, across the Pacific Ocean.
South American coast,

It was under these different conditions that Chile's first war against Peru and
Bolivia broke out. The building of the Peru-Bolivian Federation, based on deep
historical ties and united traditions, had as its architect General Andrés de
Santa Cruz, founder of the lodge that worked for the union of Peru and Bolivia.
In January, the desert intended to form the Peru-Bolivian Union by uniting the
two southern Andean states with a majority of indigenous peoples.

This yearning was not only fueled by the traditional economic and commercial,
cultural, ethnic and historical ties between Upper Peru and Peru, which allowed
Santa Cruz to launch a military offensive on June 15, 1835, and after the victory
of Socabaya, officially declared the establishment of the Peru-Bolivian alliance.

7.2. What was the role of women in the Pacific War?

The role of women in the War of the Pacific was huge and enormous. From
1879 to 1884 the War of the Pacific broke out, a conflict in which Chile
competed with Bolivia and Peru for territories rich in saltpeter, including some
women. The contribution of women in the War of the Pacific was evident both
on the battlefield and in the rear of the city, and writers emphasized women's
participation. However, the evidence that women's presence in the War of the
Pacific was much broader and more varied.

The most iconic female role models in the campaigns were women, or
companions, helped wounded soldiers and provided them with water in battle,
women in the regiment always wore screens as women . . They are willing to
sacrifice their lives, risking to be caught in the middle of the action, in the midst
of bullets and infectious diseases that infect the combatants, in many cases
women are forced to wield rifles and bayonets to fight defending military
positions, some suffered the most merciless the dead, others achieved glory by
receiving decorations and ranks and to this day are heroines, part of the many
legends that shaped the nation's past.

On the other hand, when the conflict ended, the women did not receive the
state pension that the state grants to soldiers as compensation. It must be said
that it was not only women who accompanied the soldiers to Antofagasta, they
even brought children with them. On the other hand, it was necessary to limit
the presence of women to avoid the contagion of syphilis among the soldiers,
funds were donated from the cities, clothes were sewn and linen was prepared
for the treatment of the soldiers. The elites of different provinces worked
diligently to raise funds.

7.3. The role of women in politics

In recent decades, alongside the current constitutionalism, which includes

women in all spheres of life and is openly discussed, a radical division of labor
has become deeply rooted in capitalist societies, which means for women some
restrictions, sometimes reduced to a minimum. When it comes to issues and
aspects of family protection and social security, access to politics is not through
a theocratic system that values not skill and competence and objective.

The low participation of women in politics is often understood as a result of

gender differences in socialization. The problem is due to the socio-cultural
overlay of gender stereotypes, so the low proportion of women in policy making
is due to the presence of structural barriers that must be overcome by taking
positive steps to clarify persistent misunderstandings performance.

Parties are the key actors involved in the elite selection process. Their priority is
to master a variety of formulas of different strategies for the promotion of
women, so the postulate about women deployed in election campaigns is, more
or less bombastic, rather than when women participate in politics, in terms of
affirmative action. This is based on the premise that without the social, political,
economic and cultural role of women it is not possible to achieve full democracy
in the elaboration and development of Equal Opportunity Plans Encourage the
formation of women's unions aimed at equality between men and women. Being
the objective is to achieve equality between women and men, and the operation
of an organization with a society incorporates new feminist sentiments, as well
as actions and initiatives specifically aimed at the participation and membership
of women.

7.4. The role of women in the navy

Historically, any claim for women's rights has been backed by a patriarchal
ideology that sets the stage for male privilege, uprooting notions that reinforce
the image of women as second-class citizens. The institutionalization of the
State allows for reflection on the process of incorporating women into its ranks
and contributes to advancing the guarantee of women's rights by increasing the
diversity of military functions, helping to promote the humanization of the armed

This is the time to analyze women in the Armed Forces FF.AA. Therefore,
through this study, we seek to contribute not only to the identification of
cognitive characteristics related to the role of women, but also to the possibility
of creating mechanisms that promote fairness in the role of women to develop
their work. In this sense, the inclusion of women in conflict resolution situations
requires understanding them beyond their typically defined roles. The role of
women in the Armed Forces is no exception, so their place in the Armed Forces
is determined by the guarantee and protection of human rights. It also provides
women with the opportunity to increase their skills in all situations, and women's
participation in the armed forces reflects broader realities, focusing on public
stealth, women's work and their difficulties for equal integration in the labor

This inclusion means that women, through their participation, develop conflict
prevention and resolution strategies that lead to their increased participation in
the armed forces, but for this participation to be more difficult to realize, they
must become participants in senior positions military commanders according to
their skills and abilities.

7.5. The role of women in the battlefield

Women's participation in war or on the battlefield is a problem that involves

problems: the problem of physical ability to meet military requirements, the
problem of mental coping and adaptation, the problem of assimilation of the
cultural traditions of the armed forces. In short, there are physical, psychological
and cultural factors to consider.

Thus, the sources often reveal cases of women actively participating in armed
conflicts, and situations that force not only women but the entire population to a
position of absolute defense, the intervention of women, which, as mentioned,
occurs in times of extremes, a crisis that requires the participation of women in
the conflict. In the context of the Spanish wars of conquest, women participated
in battles on the battlefield.

The War of the Pacific was one of the most important events in the republics of
Bolivia and Peru, had a tremendous impact on the entire nation, the historical
truth about the participation of women is still forgotten, because they are the
result of a combination of the totality and variety of human activities, although
many of these activities escape the consciousness of its author, and the woman
engaged in the war with Chile could not reveal their actions and intentions

When it comes to women, people immediately think of Chilean cantineras and

rabonas when it comes to Peruvian-Bolivian forces. Rabona is known as a
woman who silently accompanies her husband in endless military campaigns. 2

7.6. Bolivian nitrate

The importance of the saltpeter industry since the last third of the nineteenth
century is an undeniable attraction, create products from Bolivia, Argentina,
Peru and Chile, and achieve high levels of expertise can withstand the cutting
cordillera. The north coast of the Argentines on the problems of Bolivia, the
clothing used in the process of leaving salt plates, such as belts and wool water,
called "Guahucio". However, the labor force from different provinces in western
Bolivia is the most important economic, social and cultural flow, which has
reached the salt foam that has happened to Chilean miners, to work in
Antofagasta and Tarapacá.

Traces of saltpetre roads in the vicinity of the San Antonio de Zapiga office, Tarapacá, Chile.
Photograph: Sergio Gonzales Miranda, 2008.3

The saltpeter industry, as a pole of attraction, also generates flows across the
ocean that, in turn, become a platform for cargo transportation. Not only
industrial products are threatened, but also luxury goods, and these flows
circulate through cultural goods that can collide and come from areas
surrounding the saltpeter industry. The most important thing is the language
and ideas defended by the immigrants, because before the great crisis of the
saltpeter industry it was not only about a socio-cultural identity called pampina,
but also about the emergence of the city in the middle of the Atacama Desert.

It seems paradoxical that after the end of the saltpeter war (1879-1883), Arica
and Tacna were annexed to Chile, and a long and painful path of diplomatic and
social conflict and the saltpeter cycle began on the border between Peru and
Chile. The expansion characterizes the Chilean economy, where this
manufacture is located in the Atacama Desert between Pisagua and Taltal.

It is well known the presence of Peruvian and Bolivian populations to the north
of the saltpeter field due to the origin of the province of Peru and the proximity
to the Bolivian highlands.4

7.7. Chile 's interest

The war was not so much for the guano but for the saltpeter, in the Bolivian
Atacama there were and there were important deposits of saltpeter in Atacama,
Bolivia, and since then they are exploited by the Chilean capital. As a result,
Chile saw an opportunity to escape poverty and expand its small territory, and
as a result, more and more people flocked to the waters of Peru and Bolivia,
leaving them with no possibility of improving their lives, this with the darkest
intentions and trying to deceive Bolivia to force it to sign treaties against them.
Chile's excellent international base should be the sea, so its work is focused on
how to eliminate Bolivia's sea along with its saltpeter, unable to expect many
economic changes in the future.

Therefore, Chile always worried about expanding its territory, even the
presidents have motivated their people to enter into conflict and say that we
should dominate the Pacific Ocean, and because of the clear intentions with
Chile that did not mind destroying weak countries, because Chile is only looking
for trouble in its eagerness to expand, which was beneficial to him, Bolivia
understood and realized but because of the treaties they had signed was too
late to react.5

7.8. Signing of the secret Peruvian-Bolivian treaty

The reasons why Peru signed the secret treaty of 1873 with Bolivia, which
became the cause of the war in the Pacific. While Chile was born on the border

with Peru in the unpopulated Atacama which is our northern border, and it has
been agreed that the territories between the 23rd and 25th parallels will be
subject to jurisdiction and number of the product of its exports will be subject to
jurisdiction, will be distributed in the same way. Liability, proven by our

Peru - Bolivia defensive alliance treaty6

To provide and sign a secret agreement in 1873 in the years 1872 to 1876, the
Peruvian government, as well as economic decline and powerful, beginning to
replace, such as fertilizer. Seen that the Bonanza has been completed, so he
decided to repeat the idea of nitrate formula he needed, there is no difficulty to
become the nitrate loop, but worse, the discovery of new organizations in
Antofagasta and ending the only fruit of this action will bring a great promotion
of production, which is tobacco. The Chilean-owned Antofagasta Saltpetre
Company could export its products without any tax, all known nitrate ores are
given to the Peruvian railway contractor, except Antofagasta ores, at the mercy
of the Peruvian monopoly government not only during the many years of
continuous work and considerable investment in the creation of Antofagasta,
but also the discovery of sulfur in Chilean territory at Taltal and Aguas Blancas. 7

Preamble to the Peru-Bolivia defensive alliance treaty8

7.9. Relations between Bolivia, Chile and Peru

The need to look at old problems between Bolivia, Chile and Peru and the
growing dangers of marginalization and exclusion from a modern perspective.
From this research and the opportunity to discuss its results with scientists,
diplomats, politicians, intellectuals, businessmen, who have developed an
opportunity and, who knows, the need to immerse themselves in new horizons,
visions of this type. The fundamental convergence of intellectual visions and
political perceptions among the social strata of our three countries lies in the
complex relationship between the three countries, the geographical proximity
beyond any doubt and the mistrust in history and thus was born the idea of
promoting, from civil society and from academic institutions of each of our three

Tri-border conflict zone10

7.10. The naval campaign

In 1879, Chile, Peru and Bolivia fought an all-out war that lasted almost four
years for the control of the Atacama Desert in this unknown conflict that left
some 20,000 people dead. Even today, its consequences are a source of

discord between Chile and its neighbors, both materially, especially at sea, and
in terms of doctrine and conquests of the weak, naval blockade by the stronger;
Decisive battle, the end of hostilities and even the ability to call a deadly
guerrilla. Let us remind you of the current events is hottest. 11

Pacific War Naval Campaign12

7.11. The land campaign

The War of the Pacific ended in 1883 with the victory of the Chilean army,
keeping Tarapacá and Antofagasta from Chile, including Tacna, until 1929.
From then on, relations between Chileans, Peruvians and Bolivians will only be
marked by armed conflict, distrust and resentment are central elements of the
relationship. In Peru and Bolivia there is a lot of suspicion towards Chile, and in
Chile there is a lot of suspicion towards Peru and Bolivia.

So it is clear that there is a distrust and an undeniable historical rivalry between

Chile, Peru and Bolivia, the existence of a Chilean problem or a political
opportunity plays a more evident role in the dynamics, in that sense Chile, Peru
and Bolivia have lived logically of rivalry, distrust, bitterness, resentment and
mutual ignorance, in which the success of one means the failure of the other,
and the weakness of one turned into the strength of the other. 13

The Pacific War and its land campaign14

7.12. Battle of Arica

June 7 marks the 136th anniversary of the Battle of Arica, in the War of the
Pacific, the war that came to Peru in a period of economic weakness and bad
political decisions. This conflict caused great damage to Peru and Tacna in
particular, many people were injured and killed, both tacneño and people from
other parts of the country at that time sacrificed their lives in a war that did not
belong to them, greatly damaging Tacna. I used to feel with this conflict that the
people of that time were more and more inspired by the spirit of nationalism,
they are gestures that I think just listening to them is very noticeable. In the end,
I think it was during the Battle of Arica that I saw, above all, a commitment and
a love for the homeland, that these truths seemed to me worthy of discussing
and trying to imitate, imitate in the sense of the word to express what we feel for
each other. I believe that during the Battle of Arica there was a lot of
spontaneous love, which is the most important event in Latin American history. 15

he Battle of Arica Resistance and heroism for love of the homeland 16

7.13. Consequences of the War

Once the war was over, the interested countries carried out several diplomatic
negotiations. The saltpeter wealth of these territories allowed the reactivation of
the national economy and the beginning of an expansive cycle that lasted until
1930, when the state began the process of modernization of the country. With
this, a rigorous and broad public policy in favor of the private sector was

initiated, as well as the reactivation of agriculture with the creation of a new
internal market.

The war also affected political life, it was possible to implement a program to
democratize the political system, to take advantage of the solidarity developed
around nationalist - patriotic feelings. It also had a great social impact, and the
new annexed territories, where the salt industry required a large amount of
labor, gave rise to the proletariat that laid the foundations of the new dynasties,
social and political movements.17

The aftermath of the War of the Pacific was positive for Chile, Antofagasta
faced a severe economic crisis. The territorial annexation of Antofagasta
allowed Chilean elites to take control of the salty land with unique prospects in
the international market.18

However, the participation of many miners in the war temporarily paralyzed the
mining missions and the city government was dismissed during the Chilean
military occupation of Antofagasta. This system completely corrected the
process of extinction of the territory, but inhibited the growth of Antofagasta. In
the years 1879-1885 Antofagasta suffered a heavy defeat, a renaissance of the
city that began with the end of the conflict, which granted political rights to the
inhabitants of Antofagasta. At the same time, the policy of promoting the
exploitation implemented has contributed to the growth and development of the
Port City in the following years.

Consequences of the Pacific War19

Consequences for Peru and Bolivia20


In this monographic research work it is concluded that according to a general

analysis based on the initially stated objectives that described how it is possible
to develop a documented research and bibliographic review on the topic of
study and research on the pacific war, In the same way, a conceptual
theoretical framework was indicated through information and basic knowledge
that can inform the population in general about the topic of study and research,
also the negative and positive factors concerning the Pacific War were
identified, finally a documented bibliographic review research was carried out on
this topic of study and research which is the Pacific War.

In conclusion, we can not ignore as Chile tries and wants to do, with our country
Bolivia with regard to the maritime issue, we can not ignore that Chile continues
to play deaf or not listening to a great obligation that it has to assume and that
there is still a pending issue or discussion with Bolivia, which is that of the sea
or the Litoral the problem that must be settled once and for all, since the
solution to be taken alone would not be for Bolivia, otherwise, it will also be
useful for the business of a coastal state, as the present shows.

From the beginning Chile was worried about the country of Argentina to protect
its region or territory but more could his ambitious attitude to appropriate
Atacama, and in fact the saltpeter, supporters of the idea tried to seek short-
term results, Patagonia did not know, which in the end proved eminent. At the
end of the battle, the aggressor and invader country increased the size of its
territory, stealing by evading our region, stealing our riches and heritage, but the
nation recovered again, as we do the countries of fighting and courageous


The major drawback of my thesis work has been to look for information
regarding the research topic in reliable sources and pages, such as scientific
articles or other more reliable sources of information.

Another of the difficulties that I encountered in the realization of my research

work was the translation of the work into English language since I did it in the
Spanish language more concretely to say it this way, since the respective
tradition must be done analytically and meticulously in order not to have errors
of any type specifically speaking.

Through my thesis and research work, carried out by means of a documented

bibliographic review, it has been very useful to me to improve my knowledge of
the subject of study and research, which is the Pacific War, seeing ridi about the
battle itself, from its beginning and motives to its consequences and outcome,
and in this way it will be of enrichment and learning in terms of history and
culture for me as a person.

Personally, I also feel quite happy and satisfied with what I have learned in this
thesis work, since it is a very important topic for the history and culture of my
country and it answers the questions that I proposed to myself at the beginning.

An exhaustive research of documented bibliographical revision character was

made in depth under the revision of authors, which means that it made a quite
long continuous and meticulous search, either specifically in articles of scientific
magazines as much as books and some other pages or electronic addresses.

I also had to make a work schedule to divide, share and coordinate my time in
general, between work, family and giving me time for the realization of my
thesis work, extracting the relevant information through reliable sources and
then make a reading of each of them and start writing, so that way I could share
my time as it is correct and necessary.

Trying to follow the parameters and goals set out in the modalities is a little
difficult, but I have tried to follow the proposed rules, so I had to fulfill little by
little and in full compliance with the planned schedule.

It is worth mentioning that my best virtue has been to not let myself fall and go
ahead without hesitating at any time with my thesis work so that at the end and
at its conclusion I feel proud of myself and very satisfied.

It was necessary to make a very tedious and laborious summary of all the
information obtained on the subject of the Pacific War, taking into account the
most important part of the inquiry or research done and obtained, to get to do
the thesis work.


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