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Name: Francis Newell S.


Year and Section: IE4D

Written Work No. 1

You have now reached the end of the lesson 1. Let us check if you were able to meet the sessions
objectives by answering the ff. questions.

1. What are the roles of a Systems Engineer?

Systems Engineer is a very broad, but it is performed by all types of engineering discipline
( mechanical, electrical, computer, etc ). In other words, SE is the guideline or the plan to
fulfill the people wants. It is like the how the company work or what process they doing.

2. What Qualities should a Systems Engineer Possess?

- Ability to See the Small Picture

- Ability to lead and listen what your fellow people suggestion.
- Communication Skills
- Patience and Perseverance
- Have a Main Goal

3. What’s your take on the Frequency of Upgrading Systems?

It is important to upgrade the system because old and outdated software is vulnerable to
hackers and cyber criminals. To prevent known vulnerabilities from being exploited, all of
this system must be kept up to date. Because having a reliable security and installing patches
released by the software developers to close security holes found in the system.

4. What would you recommend for the improvement of our current enrollment systems in

For me, UBLC have a good technology to process what student needs but they lack of human
when it comes in Enrollment. Many students queue up to enroll, but sometimes they have one
or two people to assist all students and what if all the students go together, so it really takes
time. UBLC needs to add more people when it comes to this thing.

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