Leadership Assignment

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Assessment Task

Choose an organisation from a list nominated by the course lecturer and prepare a report based
on that organisation’s change management issues/ events/ approaches. You must critically
analyse the issue/ events/ approaches of change management and the role of leadership for
your chosen organisation.

List of Organisations
You can choose any organisation. 

Other Details

Due date 11.55pm Friday, Week 6

Word limit 1500 to 2000 words
For the report: 

Use 12 pt font 

Double-space your document to allow room for feedback 

State your name and student number in the document header 
State the word count in the document header 

Include a bibliography 

Comply with the APA referencing style

Submission format PDF file (.pdf) or Word (.doc) only 
Via the Turnitin dropbox on the Course Hub 
Marking criteria See attached rubric

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