Crown Resorts

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Change management issues.............................................................................................................2

Research and Development..........................................................................................................2

Lack of executive support............................................................................................................2

Business model............................................................................................................................3

Impact of the pandemic................................................................................................................3

Change management events............................................................................................................3

Remediation Plan.........................................................................................................................3

Revised organisational structure..................................................................................................4

Adapting to the pandemic............................................................................................................4

Change management approaches.....................................................................................................4

Board and senior management renewal.......................................................................................4

Initiating a cultural reform program.............................................................................................5

Initiating a social communications network................................................................................5

Role of leadership for Crown Resorts.............................................................................................5

Create an Environment for Success.............................................................................................5

Provide a vision for their team.....................................................................................................6

Communicate the ideas to their team...........................................................................................6


Crown Resorts is a significant company that operates and has developed resorts in Australia, and
it is one of the country's largest entertainment companies. Crown operates and manages two of
Australia's most prestigious integrated resorts in Melbourne and Perth, along with one complex
in Sydney, which is the newest luxury hotel resort and restaurant complex (Crown Resorts). The
company also owns outlets in London, which is located in the United Kingdom. Crown
Melbourne is Australia's top integrated resort and also among the most visited tourist attractions
in the country.

The report discusses some change management issues that the company has been facing during
the implementation of its strategies, along with the change management events that have taken
place till present. Change management is an extremely essential aspect of an organization in
order to gain success and the competitive edge, therefore the report also discusses the approaches
taken by Crown Resorts to facilitate its change management and overcome the issues. Finally,
the report addresses the role of leadership and leadership qualities in Crown Resorts that will
help it prosper and gain a competitive edge against its rivals

Change management issues

Research and Development
Although Crown Resorts Corporation spends more on research and development than that of the
industrial average, it spends far less than some select competitors which have gained a
considerable competitive edge as a consequence of their unique goods. This is one of the
reasons that the company has been having difficulties managing the changes and implementing
them, which has a detrimental effect on the competitive advantage and success of the company.

Lack of executive support

Crown Resorts Corporation has a predominantly local workforce with a small percentage of
employees from different racial origins. Lack of diversity prevents employees of various ethnic
backgrounds to integrate to their new job, resulting in talent loss. When compared to rivals,
Crown Resorts Company has a greater employee turnover rate. This means that more individuals
are leaving the company, and as a consequence, more money is being spent on training programs
as workers leave and join. Furthermore, it is difficult to implement change management with a
high turnover rate, which is one of the reasons why crown resort has been facing some issues.

Business model
Competitors in the market can readily copy the business model. To address these issues, the
organization must develop a platform model which can combine suppliers, vendors, and end
consumers. Because the organization's structure is only consistent with the current business
strategy, growth into adjoining product sectors is limited. The business model of Crown Resorts
is outdated and has been implementing the same model at present times. This unwillingness to
change its services and various aspects of the company has been an issue for Crown Resorts as
well as its change management team.

Impact of the pandemic

The global epidemic has been hard on everyone, individual and businesses alike. Crown Resorts
has also been facing several issues and challenges due to the pandemic as they could not open
their businesses during the lockdown and had to shut down their facilities. The pandemic has
been going on for the third year, and the time has been difficult for Crown Resorts to implement
any changes planned by the organization. Furthermore, many employees have been quitting work
and being forced to stay at home due to the pandemic, contributing to the challenges in
implementing change.

Change management events

Remediation Plan
Crown has implemented strategies in accordance to issues revealed during different regulatory
procedures, focusing on achieving change and remediation to make Crown a more transparent
and recognized global corporation. Crown has established a thorough Remediation Plan in order
to achieve that, which serves as the foundation for several of the important changes to Crown's
business practices. The Remediation Plan's effective implementation of such changes is designed
to establish Crown as a market leader in terms of administration, compliance, responsible
gaming, as well as managing the financial crime risks, all of which are backed by an improved
organizational culture (Crown Resorts, 2022). Crown has made substantial progress in
attempting to implement the Remediation Plan's adjustments and is dedicated to provide
stakeholders with frequent updates on its performance.

Revised organisational structure

The Board adopted a new organizational structure in December 2020, which includes the
division of Crown's risk as well as internal audit responsibilities. A new Chief Risk Officer
position has been established, with an enhanced line of authority to the CEO and a line of
authority to the Risk Management Committee (Crown Resorts, 2022). Every Crown property's
Chief Risk Officer is also an Executive Team member, and they attend both the property's as
well as the Crown Board's meetings of the board. With the help of enhanced resources and
competencies, the organizational structure is expected to address the demands of the customers,
localities, authorities, and other partners at the local scale (Crown Resorts, 2021). It will also
keep the Crown Group's operations together, smart, and productive.

Adapting to the pandemic

All three national resorts have resumed and have implemented required vaccination programs.
Understaffing is a major problem at all three resorts, limiting operating capability. Operating
limitations in Crown Melbourne have been steadily eased for properly immunized clients and
personnel. The business patterns have been improving as limitations have been removed.  On
October 11, 2021, non-gaming activities resumed to fully immunized visitors and employees in
Crown Sydney (Crown Resorts, 2022). The hotel's services were well-received by the customers.
Upon resuming, occupancy has steadily risen, reaching 40 per cent since mid-November, with
greater accommodation on weekends and standard room prices roughly twice those of the
Sydney market's rivals.

Change management approaches

Board and senior management renewal
In order to implement the change management strategies, Crown Resorts has been taking some
approaches in the direction. Crown currently has an almost fully new management team on
board, after substantial changes at the Board and top management levels during the previous
year. Crown Resorts has made substantial changes to the Board of Directors (Reuters, 2021). The
company has also made a lot of turnover in top management, with a number of exits from
management representatives (Riordan, 2020). A drastic change in board and senior management
representatives will bring a new wave of ideas and change management strategies, which can
prove to be extremely helpful for the company’s success.

Initiating a cultural reform program

Crown's workers have welcomed the change with enthusiasm, passion, and devotion, and the
considerably rebuilt Board and leadership positions are dedicated to defining the standard desired
across the organization. Crown Resorts has decided to launch a holistic cultural reform program,
which will include an independent assessment of Crown's organizational culture (Crown Resorts,
2022). The reform effort is gathering momentum, and it will tackle cultural flaws in the Crown
that have been uncovered via administrative assessments and Royal Commissions. The cultural
reform program will increase diversity in the workplace along with productivity, and generate a
positive working environment thereby increasing the satisfaction level of the employees.

Initiating a social communications network

To guarantee that all workers operate in a safe and professional atmosphere where their input is
appreciated (Schantz, 2017). In order to address this, a social communications network was
introduced in Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney, giving employers a wider reach to connect
effectively with the employees. To discuss and encourage essential activities, the platform
contains specific groups for diversity programming. The platform improves communication
between employees, their supervisors, and the rest of the company. Crown's Chatbot has been
improved to give staff with additional information whenever it is convenient for them.
Throughout COVID-19-related lockdown times, the service allowed for better communication
and connectivity.

Role of leadership for Crown Resorts

Create an Environment for Success
Leaders are accountable for their team's productivity and must understand how their decisions
affect it. Leaders has to be able to communicate effectively with their staff, understand when to
push boundaries and when not to, and set acceptable standards for themselves and their team.
Such characteristics will aid leaders in creating an atmosphere that allows everyone to achieve
(Sedor, 2021). Furthermore, an excellent leader gives assistance to their team. The staff will
become more willing to take advantage of opportunities which are in agreement with the
company's goal when they feel encouraged. Employees are more committed to investing in the
additional effort to attain the goal when they know their management will motivate them. With
the completely new team of board and senior management members, Crown Resorts can expect
the leaders to create an environment for success and drive the team members towards dedication.

Provide a vision for their team

A good leader gives their team a comprehensive vision of what they want to achieve. Employees
may support a vision because it gives them guidance and significance. The vision, if properly
articulated and implemented, may inspire a team to achieve greatness. The crew might quickly
grow indifferent if the company's vision is not defined or not well stated. The capacity of a leader
to define a vision can have an influence on how their team should work, thus they have to be
good at communicating in ways that their team members understand. The team will have a path
to follow if there is a clear vision. When a corporation's vision isn't properly conveyed or
workers don't have a sense of purpose in their job, it can be challenging for them to succeed and
show action whenever they need to undertake independent decisions.

Communicate the ideas to their team

The communication abilities of a leader are what encourage and empower team members to
work hard and accomplish performance and organizational goals. A leader's ability to lead
successfully is aided by good communication. A manager's ability may be increased by
communicating more effectively with their team and coworkers, and they can get their
visions accomplished by the team members (Cortellazzo et al., 2019). The leaders that want their
team to succeed understand that proper communication does not include a single element;
instead, it involves two crucial elements, namely speaking and listening with comprehension. As
a result, in order to position themselves as a good and efficient leader, one should be an efficient
and powerful communicator. This will help the leader and their team achieve new standards of
good leadership. Introduction of the social communication network is a good example of
communicating and leadership for Crown Resorts company.

In this way, the report has addressed several issues that present itself during change management
in Crown Resorts company. The executive support and business model of the company have not
been updated regularly, which can be an issue for implementing changes. Furthermore, Crown
Resorts has been introducing events and approaches to facilitate change management and gain
competitive advantage against its rivals. Therefore, it is extremely essential for a company to
have an efficient leader that understands the role of creating vision and communicating with their
team members in order to succeed.
Cortellazzo, L., Bruni, E., & Zampieri, R. (2019). The Role of Leadership in a Digitalized

World: A Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. NCBI.

Crown Resorts. (2021). Crown Resorts Limited Investor Briefing (pp. 15–32). Crown Resorts


Crown Resorts. (2022). ANNUAL REPORT 2021 (pp. 17–63). Crown Resorts Limited.

Reuters. (2021, October 21). Crown Resorts shareholders reject executive pay plans, but spare

board. Reuters.


Riordan, P. (2020, January 24). Crown Resorts announces new chief amid executive reshuffle.

Financial Times.

Schantz, J. (2017, October 5). 9 Proven Tips For Successful Change Management. Root Inc.

Sedor, E. (2021, May 19). What are the 3 Most Important Roles of a Leader? Black Fox



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