Rubric - Lab Report 20224

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Items 1 2 3 4 MARK
Whole Format Incomplete with missing Incomplete because not in Complete but not in sequence. Complete and in sequence. 4
sequence. Not following sequence.
the format.
Method Incomplete description. Complete but poor description Satisfactory description with Very good description with flawless 4
(Jotter) (grammar and content). acceptable grammar and grammar and content.
Data/Results / Inconsistent data/results Consistents data/results with Acceptable data/results as Acceptable data/results with extra 4
Spreadsheet with major error. suspected error. required. effort to obtain data.
Calculations Incomplete calculation Partially complete calculation Complete calculation shown Complete calculation with no 4
and shown a major error. shown with some errors. with no errors but neglecting errors and shown correct
No significant figures is No significant figures shown. significant figures. significant figures.
Discussion Incomplete and poor Partially complete discussion Complete discussion with all the Complete with all the 10
discussion with missing of with some of the objectives/methods/results/disc objectives/methods/results/discuss
any objectives/methods/results/co ussion and conclusion has been ion and conclusion are very well
objectives/methods/resul nclusion is mentioned. mentioned. Clear results written. A very well discuss on the
ts/analysis or conclusion. obtained has been emphasized. results obtained.
Question Answer but incorrectly. Answer but inaccurate Answer correctly Answer correctly and details. 4

Format for report writing

1. Jotter (Objectives / Apparatus / Method)
2. Data/Results
3. Calculation/Analysis/Question
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
6. References

Fakulti Sains Gunaan/FSG/2022

©Hakcipta Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam

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