BS EN 10300 2005 Ext Bit

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BRITISH STANDARD BS EN a ene 10300:2005 Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore pipelines — ~ Bituminous hot applied “== eniime! comprising a bitumen based material containig fer, oO: — reiniorcing gis fais mer-tiaps as requ bythe category ‘ofthe coating ensmal, — dless or composite fate oter-iraps as roquired bythe calgory of coating enamel; ‘. — er tte weer tn ite el pest fon se VOTE _ nse ae reap ran nt tact ator ‘mechanical protection of @ concrete weight coming ‘by sgreament: The lype and grade of outemwrap may be Tonal be sce otcaaacl alg tena ° 42 constinantmaterats A 24 cont 25 one 2 ‘Alt constituent materials shal Qe With the following identification: name of manufacturer, + dato of manuiactuge: meget ot pan Sr -u Joo ator: ~ exit whore aprcable) 422 Primers 4224 General ‘Any primer without the required dentifcation shall be rejected and replaced with approved material. The primer hall be supplied in sullable alright cortaners. ‘The primer shal be compatible withthe chosen bitumen based enamel coating. 6 - EN 10300:2005 (E) 4222 Primer Type Primer Type 1 for cold application shall consist of chfonnated rubber and plasticizer and, when requied, colouring matter, ogether with solven's needed 10 give-@ consistency suitabie for application by spray, brush or othat ‘approved method, Primer Type 1 shell conform tothe requirements given in Table 1 4223 PrimerType2 matter, ogether with solvents needed to give a consistency sullable for applcation by spray, other Primer Type 2 for cold application shall consist of hydrocarbon resins and plasticizer and, when required, colouring ‘approved method, Primer Type 2 shall conform fo the requirements given in Table 1 7 Table 4 — Characteristics of ojnthotic primers I PanerTinet | Pere? etoa et] Flow tine (For cup 0°4 925 °O), seconds 3560 i060 fF peatniso zs Fah point (Atel cna cp) nina 2B EN SO 1ST Vo ater, rasan by ass 5 we | Amott OY 4224 Otterpriners Pimiérs based on other imstrls (€9. epoxy resin based 13) may Be used providing that, when ‘wsed in combination with the seiected bitumen based enamel Eoaiing, Eiey full the performance citera given in 424. pay 423 Filler Q ~ ‘The filer shall comprise a finaly vided i is not hygroscopic, not electicaly conductive and is Inert with respect to the other constituents be costing and is resictant to attack by the medium to which it ‘wil ncenally be exposed. I shall be phy ‘chemically sable at the maximum application temperature of {he coating mato, NOTE. Powowssite antag yhoo otsutae res a ‘Te or raga most peo otis: 93% by ness; 6 than 98 % by mass; when tested wet sieving method in accordance with 7.8 of ISO 2561-1:1988, 424 ed coating enamels “ oN Bibs ld aes toicc tale iyo Aira va Seats ee eee NOTE 2 _ Bitumen based coating matorals ae further sub-dhided info @ number of gradee socorting to tho condons of application and sane, sex Annex 4.244 Oxidtied bitumen enamel (Category 1) Category 4 coating materials shall consist of uinlform madre of oxidized bitumen and ler. The grading of the filer shal be as descrived in 4.2.3. 7 EN 10300:2005 (E) Category 1 coating materials shall confor to the requirements forthe appropriate grade given in Table 2 when {ested by the corresponding methods. Category 1 coating metoriais detailed in Table 2, in corjunction wih an appropiate primer, shal also conform to : te requirements forthe appropriate grade given in Table 3 when lasted by the corresponding methods. Table 2— Charactoristics of Catpgory 1 coating enamels ~ Characteristics Grave | Grated | Grdee | Wetodoftsty, Fiction iro, % yess see [see [eee [oa Dona at 25°C, gl? iota | iia | wawtes | ame} Soong poi (ing ard “0 ‘oor | ob 10 | Taoioreo | gens Ponetaten 25°C, an toe | sun | tos |= phe Flach peint Cleveland open cup), minimum "C250 260 260 A, Bh is0 2502 ‘Table 3—Tests for Category 1 coating enamel 9° Property Gudea | Grae cc. | Wthod of test Sag, magnum mn a a) tnpetdebonded “e009 = : ate, masa mm if 5500 30 = roatnaed | a0 wey 30 eid Porasentanh faye, atnury oF, rm sore 30 30 ae [AS 30 30 ‘Bend a" ru, 2 5 10 nex “Catade dtondng, sbonsad 5 ateratanoimm nn ge | i (Maco 4242. Modified btu 1 (Category 2) Category 2 coating oo) Shall consist of @ uniform miuré of modified bitumen and filer. The grading ofthe 428 filer shall be as << Caoany 2 hi ots sat coor 0 he requrmens fre appa rade enn Table when tested by. Os ing methods, Cate ating materials specified in Table 4, in conjunction with an appropriate primer, shal lso confor to the nts fr the appropriate grade given in Table § when tested by the corresponding methods. EN 10300:2005 (E) Table 4— Characteristics of Category 2 coating enamels canna eesti] ese cova Fie cmon gn bys wen [sess [iron iat tei [saad ere Sek pal got séoes [wou [otser ers ‘eee [sos [evan Tampon (vd peop oan 2 [20 [some eS] asl nec tera ioaeeeeal EI a eit [toma eam] asf soumcimmnnn | 2B | 18 7 Kt uldaoas |e . rutitdend” | wie : actin | 2 2 AE | sommeee oe ae iawn |S | ie | Cathie isbonding,csbonded rac 5 ceo ‘er 28 4 may rm 425° Inner-vrap ‘The imerwrop shall be a ron woven Sager tissuo which comprises a continuous chest of randomly erranged glae fre fan open porous erga bonded by a suse run and hal be reiorced by coninuoue Fonghutina lass yarns atm men spacing “The hnersmrap shall have. appearance and be free from holes and tears. “The lanersarap sha} palble with the bitumen based enamel coating material wth which tt is used and shall have a texture such ‘be embedded completsy within the coating material, “The glass sh ic Claes S quality 28 minimum whan testod in accordancs with ISO 719, “The in hal conform tothe roquitemants of Table 6. EN 10300:2005 (&} ‘Table 6 — Characteristics of inner-wrap Characteristics Unit_—“[_ Speciticaton [Method of text a | ass pera on 048 Arment {Loss of mass on ignition tinder contend, maximum | % 2 “anne Tenale eng, intra EN 12511-1 moatied ~fonganaly : 80 mm 10 enaert Preparation of steel surfaces for the tests given in Annexes D, E, F and G Propare the stool surfaces usod inthe tests given in Annexes D, E, F and G as follows, Clean the surfaco of tho steel plata om all contamination by oll and groase. Then, blast to a grey {iish, removing rust, scale and all other foreign matior to achieve a minimum standard of Si ding to SJontotonmaeaee oe Rol adie tinea lees eee amc a ee 7 EN 10300:2005 (&) Annex B (normative) Priming of steo! surfaces for the tests given in Annexes D, E, F and G BA General Aftor preparing the steel surfaces by the method given in Annex A, prime thom using an -speciied in4.2.2.1. $0042.22 end 42.23, B.2 Method for primer Types 1 and 2 & ‘Apply iho primer with a clean ft bristle brush of 25 mm wich to hep ig horizontal positon. Apply the pitinr atthe coverage rate dotaed in 62 in such a manner that the Sua emily caverod wth an even fim ‘fee from sit bubbles. Alaw the primer to sey at an ale temperature sPhokless than 15 °C, n'a wall venti, abraspiere having e reltve huredy not groater than 60% i B.S Coating ‘ ‘nen the fm is hard ary, aply costing mato t, ‘he method given in Annex C, not iss than 4 afer appicaton ofthe pi B.4 Other primer types @ 004224, Vv ¢ NOTE, Ota sew bre spp osequt eran stout be sind in sloudone wine manasa Ha s 2 8 Te memento EN 40300:2008 (E) Annex C (normative) Application of coating material for the tests given in Annoxes D, E, F and G than 60 mm size. Melt the pioces in @ container of uniform cross-section not fass than’ 150 mm. ‘than 300 mm in ameter, and fited with ai, Break approximately 7 kg of the coating matarial, according to the numb of tests required, into pieces S areater Heat the container so that the coating matorial'reaches the appication temperature by he manufacturer within 2 h 1f gs is used, intorpoes a steo! plate of not less than 6 mm thicknéss betircen the and the gas fame. ‘Stir tho material frequently untl it reaches te application tomperaturekgoce replacing the id between interval of siting. Immodiatay afer has re Coating material over the primed sisface of esch plate, held Ina hi 48°C and 30 °C, n such 2 manner that fresh enamal constantly ‘Apply the coating material to a thickness of 15 mm to2,5 mm td eachNEst specimen. NoTte2 sete pate Sati eee ing by swoeping ff he suplus hot enamel with fended by the manufacturer, Sag a Oo 2 ~S x ™%. 9 EN 10300:2005(E) Annex D (normative) - : Sag test Measurement of resistance ofthe coating to slump under its own weight. D:l Principle =” = D2 Apparatus own, cotangent 70% 2°. eV D.3 Preparation of test specimens YY PRparé one steal tet plate, measuring al ieast 300 mm x 300 mm x: 1 by the method given in Annex B and oat i with coating material fhe method given in Annex A, prime by the method given in Annex C. + Leave a 18 mm uncoated border around the four edges ofthe plate. Draw thre ines parallel with one edge al 75 ‘tm Intervals actoss the surface of the coating material and, ‘on the uncoated surface ofthe plate to the edges. Draw the ines in such a way thal the prepared s 9 darieged, D4 Procedure Store tho plate in a vetical positon in an {he period speciiod for the appropriate grat tnd allow it to cool to room temper isogreement, ropeat the fest on two fresh Speimens, ¢ D.5 Measurement of Record the sag ofthe eon 28 the average of tho maximuni sage ofthe thee lines. D6 Test Report ‘sag in mm at the test temparature, 9 EN 10300:2005 (E) Annex E (normative) Impact test EA Principle = Dey et iin ta con mea £2 Apparatus ; & oe ' os eae Oo” 22° Cold cabinet oO E24. Block of wood. E.3 Preparation of test specimens, Qe £31 General Prepare @ test plate, measuring appro ‘mm x 200 mm x 12,5 mm, by the method given in Annex A, prime # by the method given in Annex B with costing matetal prepared by the mothod glen in Annex C. 3.2 Fortost at 0°C ns ‘After preparation allow tho, seach room temperature and then maintain i at a tomparsture of 0 °C 1 "°C in a rerigerator (S20 & 2.1) £3 re fosting. Remove the pate quickly from the retigeratr, dry it with a Hnl-fies paper towel (588 E.2 and subject to the impact test, £33 Fortest ‘Allow the least 8 23ch room temperature and then maintain tata temperature of 25 *C 3:1 °C in an oven for at ting. Remove the plate quickly ftom the oven, dry i witha intfoo paper towel If necaseary ond impact test Leap tot 4080 ‘Allow the plate to reach room temperature and thon malntan it at a fomperature of - 10°C +1 °C in a cold cabinet {see E.2.) for at least 6 h before testing. Remave the plate quickly from the cold cabinet, dry K wih a infec Paper towel if necessary and subject to ths Impact test. E.4 Procedhire for tests at- 10 °C, 0°C and 25 °C Support he plate on at oredtal suracs of block of woo (se 2.4 with the coated face uppermost, Drop a 630 to 650. spherical ste! bal with a well polshed suffaca from a helght of 245 m above the surface of the plate, s0 a8 fo strike the coating material atthe centre ofthe plate. 2 EN 10300:2005 (E) E.5 Measurement of results Examine the plate for evidence of disbonding (see Noto 1). Remove al the disbonded coating and measure lis area in square miietres, 7 Recotd the area of sisbonded coating for impact tesis at - 10°C, 0°C and 25 °C (eee Note 2). NOTE 1 __Disbondod coating f that which can be easily and ready removed from te ple wh Ife orca by the use of te ace or sina inirament. - NOTE2 Fortes at 0°C and=10 °C, W the wea debonded exceate the maximum given in Table 4 of Table ‘he test accordance with Clause £4 on'two now plales prepared i accordanca wih E.2-, £32, £93, Whe ‘Ssbond ares on each pat sos than to parted ares the marl s deemed fo have pessed the a “ Peon amctsttsennermnmatictattreeae. <> EN 10300:2008 (E) : Annex F . (normative) Peel test F.1 Principle = SddinaieUnuou oes evemeee uu) aed i ivr ean — method 2 shall be uss with modified bitumen enamel coatings. F.2 Apparatus F24 Oven, Oo 22 Whoa coineg ip wae.” — F.2.3 Sift scraper, wha sharpened, square-onde heerercinsey 20 mm width, 24 Spats, Sat with dimensions of approxi in width, F.25 Handheld tonsometor, with digi oak foreo indication and a minimum capacity of 200 8 Incorporating a wedge gi. ~ : F.3 Preparation of test specimens * Propare two tst patos, m apprxinately 200 mx 300 me x 12,5 mm, by tho method glvon in Annex A, Brime them by the i Arnox B and coat them vith coating matoral prepared by the method given in Annex. monte ‘material, alow the pais to ool to oom temperature. FA rime 4 QD Category 4 oxidized bitumen enamel coating et pale, without further treatment the inal pee! test Stowe the second teat plate in a horizontal ‘wih th coated sida up, in an oven (Gee F2.1) at 70°C + 2°C for 72h. A the end ofthis period remove {ns plats, allow to cool to room temperature and use hfor he delayed poo test. Ccany out the poe test by immersing tho plats in a waterbath (se0 F.2.2) for approximately 30 min a the lowest temporature spaciies forthe parleulr grea of coaing malarial n Table S. At the end of fis period remove tha plate fom the bath and immedi tot fr peel as fol. Make two paral! cus through the Goaing material approximately 20 mim apart and 100 mm fong toward the cde ofthe plate. 23 EN 10300-2005 (E} Using a tif scraper (see F.2.3), make a cut through the coating forthe full width between the parabel cus, With a ‘ote levering acon separate én approximately 16 mm long sip of coating fom the steel pate. Careful tum the ‘lade af the scraper, and the seperated coating, untl thoy are vertical tothe plate, Gripping the coating etd blade between finger and thumb, pull upwards unt the coating breaks. "Weazie the amount of pstna fom the point hore the separa rough verage acting had conse othe line of breakage ofthe coating. any out at east two tests at each temporature, ialgonp soprano oc tees ote Repeat tis procedure, raking sow paral cits, separate bya ast 15 mm rom he outs a et, ‘reach ofthe sucess tempos spctfed Tale 3 F.4.2 Mothod 2— Category 2 modified bitumen enamel coating YZ Usa ‘ne fest plate, without futher testment, forth hit oa est. store the sgcanbtt plate in a hoontah Boston, wih fh coated coup, in an oven at 70°C 22°C fr 72 Aten Supe ped ome he oe stow oon ream orga due rth loed pol ent mp Can out he poe test by immersing to platen wats bat for 0 na the fest temperature hoc for he petal grade of coating eter n Tale 5. At tidendpt tus pevod love te pas hoe Bh and inectatl ist x pol as ows, t Malco two parallel cus trough the ovating materiel. ees ‘apart and 100 mm long fowerd the cenire of te pate. Using a sti scraper, make a cut through the width between the parallol cuts, A fat spatula (so F.2.4) shall be inserted al the bottom ofthe cuts a ting shall be lite from the pipe surface, ‘Once sufficient coating has been ited, a h ensometer (soe F-2.5) shall be attached to the coating atts Intortace with the steel. Aopling an the coating shal be pulod at 99° fo the stee! surface. When tether, the coating begins to detach ‘surface or when the sip breaks, the tension is immediately ‘eased andthe pea vei habe ea the force cae. “The bond shalt be considered | the peak force gauge readiig forthe 20 mm wide stip complies with ‘the requirements of Table 6. Carry out at east two: temperature. NOTE ‘nore tests can be canted ou, exoniting the parle cuts # necessary and eporing tha average: Repeat th re, making new paralel cuts, separated by at least 15 mm from the cuts for the preceding test, fer temperatures specifed in Table 5. aon tent F.B1 Method 4 — Category 1 ‘Measure the amouni of pling from the point where the separation through leverage and cutting hed ceased to te line of breakage ofthe coatings. 24. EN 10300:2005 (E) F.6.2 Method 2— Category 2 Take the peak force gauge reading when either the coaiing begins to detach from the primer surface or where the strip bros, F.6 Test report ‘Report the resu as a pass or fl atthe fest lemperaiure. : 25 EN 10300:2005 (E) Annex G (normative) 7 Bend test G1 Principle & minors atta C a Anas A 021 Wht etn ip O cst tawnimnanveemanrammass A G24 Electical nolday detecter, G25 Straight brush, approximately 75 mm long arid 6 mm: "metallic bristles 6 mm long. G3 Preparation of ‘specimens g _ Fa tr ett, nse psn gBA FT om 100, embeds Ae Seca mre gh wom bs md ome me Ga Procedure S GAA Store the plates at the tesWtemperatura (0°C or -10°C es appropriate) in a watorfice bath, rekigoratontieezer (tee 62.1) 4F pinimam of 6h, Then remove and test immediately. by supporting them on the knife (see G.2.2) edges which are spaced on ‘ead centrally across the plete by means of a mandrel (see G_2.3) atthe rate 'n the coating) until cracking occur, es indicated by an electrical holiday dotector (266.24) opei yas ins, king by means of a holiday detector ctor witha straight Brush (see G.2.5), and adjust it to provide a votage of 10 KV so arranged that ‘shot circuit curent is not greater than 8 mA. If he holiday detector is nt equipped wih voltage et to give a 12 mm spark in air to a steel plate. Pass the holiday detector over the coated stool ignore edge effects and holdays detected prior io refigeation. G.6 Measurement of results Measure the dafiacion in ma at which the rst crack s detected. G17 Test report Report, in mitimetres, the defection producing te fist crack. 26 EN 40300:2005 (E) Annex H (normative) 7 ~_ Determination of volatile matter —- Percent loss of mass HAA Principle “The mass of volaiie matier which is lost fom the sample when held for a petiod of 3h at ‘measured, AR H.2 Apparatus & H2A Flatbotiomed creulr dish. Vv a XO 423 & 1.3 Procedure gr emer ya neve 109 mb 24 SS Font ted tpn her en AS Sone aaae hen st omen in tp Qi 0 Ae i ct cS Ta H4 Measurement of resuts ¢ Cala th volte mata gta Prcentage by mass of he primera flown: QB vier ‘cf eample before heating: Se HS Test report Repot the resul 0 the nearest 0,1 6 by mass. ar EN 10300:2005 (E) Annex! (normative) “ Cathodic disbonding test 11 Principle = Hnattemantannmsetentntynnmisim — : Holiday detection test RA Principle = Measurement of any porosity of defect in the coating using 2 scanning letrde energized by ahgifereYokage. peal Porosity shall be detecied by a Spark odcurting between the steal of the tube and the ‘accompanied by a sound or ht signal provided by the holiday detector apparatus. R2 Apparatus Y 121s ety nn pcp RON R22 Scaniihg elecifoss, in ths {Sth OF & Mek Urush, OF eoles spFPwah contmubUs spate, OF conauEAVe. rubber conforming othe shale ofthe tubes. oe R3 Procedure P : ‘is et shal onl bo uneraen on coating stu. ‘ite time of ne teste vokobe shat be perm f coating ickres up to a mximan of 25 WV. * Coane te scanning eecaode (ce R.2 Dh eit te coated ibe, The clecode shat be sutcheeug cet moved cotnuosy in contact wih the sitece ofthe coating to be inspected; the rate of travel shell be approximately 300 mms and it shall be demonstrated that a defect ofa diameter one be datected, R4 cxmsnne ‘The scanning’ shall be moved continuously in contact withthe surface ofthe caating and the number of setectad idays) noted and marked. ass non ‘The tube's or component's unique identification nutnbor ang the number of holidays detected shall be racorded. EN 10300:2008 (E) Annex S (normative) Field bond test SAA Principle = “To deternine thatthe factory applied coating hes adhered frmly tothe steet substrate le mea NOTE "This testi a vaiant of te pes! test given in Annex F, peaeeueayor aie o — cnt 1 Sat bo et cna en ean ns YY method 2 shal bo used with meed htuman crams! eoatngs. ° SS chesion testing sha te carried out 24 h ater coating has taker 1 pipe in evity 20. Three teed shall be cand out on the solected pipe. After testing the coating shaf begepared in accordance with the qualified recoaing. fF subsequent pipes do nct conform to ments, the coating process. shall be checked or ‘ieee Fst oot tno mgr eh ent fn ec ep Sauls ae ee S.2 Apparatus eS $2.4 Blade, sharp and heated. ~~ Z i ? 8.22 Flat spatula 8.23. Hand-held ten digtal readout, peak force indication end a minimum capacity of 200 incomorating 2 ON 8.3 Procedi ie) S24 MethBa3® category 1 oxidised bitumen enamel coating The ig and steol surface shall bs between 10°C ond 25°C for Category 1, Grade a and Grade b e ‘Detween 15 °C and 25 °C for Category 1, Grade ¢ enamel. Using heated sharp biade (see S.2.1), two cuts shall be made inthe coating 25 mm apart, 150 mm in length. The ‘ho cuts shal be joined by ancther cul on one end only. fla spatula (s8e 5.2.2) of the carect wleth shall bo Inserted atthe Botlom of the cuis and the coating shall be ified from the pipe surface. Once sufficient coating has been lifed, the coating shall be gripped betwean the thumb and the spaiula blade, and, applying an even, steady ‘force, an attempt made fe pee! the coating from tho pipe surace, = ‘The bond shall be considered satisfactory i the coating doos not exhibit adhesive fallue but only exhibite cohesive faire. . 47 EN 10300:2008 (E) S132 Method 2— Category 2 modified bitumon enamel coating ‘The pipe coating and steel surface shall be between 10°C and 25 °C for Category 2, Grade a and Gredeb ‘modified bitumen enamels. Using @ heated sharp blade, two cuts shal be made inthe coating 20 mm apart, 150 mm tn length, The two cuts hall be joined by another cit on one end oni. A fat spaiula of the comect width shall be inserted atthe bottom ot tha cuts and the coating chall be life from the pipe surface. Once sufficient coating has been ited, a hand held ‘tensometer (G00 6.2.3) chal be etiached to the coating at ts inferface with the steel Applying an even, steady {ores the coating shal be pulled at 90 * to the stool surface. When, ether the coating begins to det the primer surface or when the stip breaks, the tension Is immediatly released and the poak value shall m, ‘he tensometer gauge, t 0 tpeon ture Oo 8.4.1 Method 1— Category 1 Ton tte cnet atc tn cg estes aan yg Koy sot ssde a S Az tind 2 calgoy2 -O ‘he bind tte costed ala he pa ace guage ete 2m de sp ret han BON (.e 80 N20 mn. e 8.5 Test report Pe Report the result 2 2 pass or fel atthe fost tomy , EN 40300:2008 (E) Annex T {nonnative Inspection of coating thickness TA Principle = “The thickness ofthe applied coating Is measured, by means ofa non-destuctve process. se > 7.2 Apparatus i Magnetic, electromagnetic or ultrasonic measuring instrument, wath 10 %. De used. The Instrument ‘shall be calibrated with respect to the steel on which the coating is applied in the, anf} of thickness of the costing toe tested. I shall be adjusted ‘requently. Vv 13 Procedure cP ‘On each tube to be tested, at least 12 measurements shall bg cred Gut. For SAW besa ina or tcos messengers wel a ‘The measurements points shal be dstibuted ual spaced longitudinal lines at the intersection with three equaly spaced crcumieronial nes and: ‘fat feast 200 mm from the ond of tho coating. In case of dispute of the result at one bration of the instrument shall be undertaken and five ‘measurements at this point shall be car In. The artmetic mean ofthe five results shall be calculated fo Tepresent the measurement at is va 1.4 Expression of res; Aakash a fon tn macro vas sot be nade Te an and et tte re reese sal be a TS Te Coding thickness tothe nearest 0, men. 49 EN 10300:2005 (E) Annex U (informative) . Information to be supplied at the time of ordering For tubes and. components coated in accordance with this documant, the folowing information should be siuplied tthe time of ordering: + feferonés to the standard forthe tube'to which the extemal costing shall be applied plus total ameter and wall thickness; AS ‘utskio typeof primer, © ~ coating enamel ctogey rade an ol coating thickness; & = nurnber of innerswraps (fey) and wrap width; Mv ~ tt owe er wap iy Ow tong sr eutbace, : Oo 4 whether oF not 2 weight coating I © be api 60. a EN 10309;2005 (E) Bibliography EN ISO 8503.2, Preparation of stool substrates bofore application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned sical substales - Part 2: Method for the grading of surface _profie of abrasive blast-cleanad sioa!- Comparator procedure (ISO 6508-2'1988) oan aerate Syn et AS a1 BS EN 10300:2005 BSI 889 Chiswick High Road London, Waal BSI — British Standards Institution BSLis the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards. 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