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Judul Modul MODUL 2

Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Personal Letter
2. Invitation
3. Announcement
4. Advertisement
No Butir Refleksi Respond/Jawaban
1 Uraikan hasil diskusi bersama The material that is difficult in this modul is the generic
teman dan dosen mengenai structure of personal letter and advertisement.
pemecahan masalah dalam
The result of discussion:
memahami materi yang
Generic structure of letter:
mengalami kesulitan
1. Date of writing
2. Receiver
3. Greeting form
4. Ice breaker
5. Main purpose
6. Personal news
7. Closing
8. Sign off
9. Sender

Generic structure of advertisement

 Topic
 Purpose
 Name of product/service/event
 Target readers/users
2 Uraikan hasil diskusi bersama Miskonsepsi
teman dan dosen mengenai
miskonsepsi di modul ini 1. Generic structure of invitation letter and
invitation card
2. The differences between main purpose and
personal news in generic structure of letter.

Discussion result:

Generic structure of invitation letter:

 Heading
 Greeting
 Recipient
 The content (in paragraph)
 Formal phrase of invitation
 Reason of invitation
 Closing
 Sign off
 Sender.
Generic structure of invitation card :

 name of the event

 Name `of guest
 Date, day, time, place of the event
 Additional information (dress code, RSVP)

Main purpose of the letter is the reason sender

writes the letter. Main purpose of personal news
is tell about the sender's information about
3 Hambatan yang dialami pada Hambatan yang dialami adalah :
pemebelajaran berbasis masalah  Everyone has a different ability, so it must
di modul ini take longer time to understand the
material in one module.

 Unstable network conditions

4 Hal yang akan dilakukan untuk Banyak belajar dan sesering mungkin membaca
sukses di pembelajaran modul dan memahami isi modul supaya lebih menguasai
berikutnya materi sebelum pembelajaran dilaksanakan.

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