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It is about 10 in. long (25 cm.

) and half to one inch in

3 Edited by Edward Thwaites as Heptateuchus (Oxford 1698);

attempts to establish the true salmon in alien localities

the year A.D. 1228, giving their name to the country. For

ADLER, FELIX (1851- ), American educationalist, was born

for their plumage are the marabout, crane, heron, blacks bird,

many adventures, and became involved in political intrigues,

guano by traders from the United States. Christmas Island

humour. He also painted some fine portraits. Alma-Tadema

of his division, General Hiller v. Gartringen having

Mahmud II., was born on the 9th of February 1830, and

BIBLIOGRAPHY.--For general information see A. B. Wylde's

a height of 210 ft., commanding a fine view of the city and

shown by fig. 7. When a current is passed through the instrument

Massachusetts, where he lived during the greater part of his

Arctic Ocean is the Arctic Slope region, a sloping plain

to his stimulating powers and his extraordinary range of

emergency service without disturbing the regular routine of

of entrance into the church (S). The large cloister, with its

polyzoa, only emerging for the formation of the reproductive

Abyssinia, by Bishop Samuel Gobat (London, 1834); J. L.

of those architects who, in the 6th century, built the

the greatest altitude in its native country, sowing these very

July. During the summer General John Sullivan marched with

letter to the community at Montpellier proposing to forbid the

some extemporized method of stopping bleeding and dress

| Acetaldehyde | CH3.CHO | 20.8 deg. | |

The success of the Comneni roused the jealousy of Botaniates

(2nd Life Guards) two years later. He aided in suppressing

by writers of all countries, the Albanians---if we except

a (privative) and masso, touch, ``not touching men'';

cells, by ordinary ohmic fall, so that a voltage reading of

settlers. Two-thirds of the villagers were to be French

in this part of the work, the following deserve notice:--

Signor Prinetti, then Italian minister for foreign affairs,

and became assistant to Philip Miller, then superintendent

who met to concert measures for its defence at Dessau in July

Herkomer and Mr Stacy Marks have been scattered broadcast by

who mutilates himself to escape military service. After

the prospects of the colony by treaties with Menelek and

a population of about 15,000. Abomey is built on a rolling

mineral crumbles and changes in appearance when heated

u. Biologie der Algen, by permission of Gustav Fischer.)

plateau of the Birnbaumerwald, between Laibach and Gorz.

of this sudden appearance of the great western republic in

all times seems as lucid as his mind, and his affections were

author of The History of Spanish Literature (1849), of

1 to 5 acres 117,968 22.68 110,974 21.69

with the Rhine is about 181 m., during which distance it

(2) Keratin.

A revolt of the native soldiers gave him his opportunity.

callus. While there is a general tendency in the group to

is comparable with that of the amalgams of the alkali metals.

undertook either to prohibit altogether the importation and

virtue of what he contributed to American romanticism in the

agents which affect silver but not gold, and Albertus Magnus

hour, and the inflation at Cremorne did not occupy more than an
probably to be understood either of investiture with the

Information concerning the aboriginal remains in the state may

responsible. The bill of gross adventure in French maritime

irrigated and most productive country where fruit is grown in

and was replaced by the present structure in 1689. Allestree

Beef. Mutton. Pork.

of art in aesthetic theory is carefully considered by J.

Allgemeine Theorie der monochromat. Aberrationen, etc.,

delayed by the way, it was not until 152O that he reached

quantiries may be taken and completely utilized which would

It is about 10 in. long (25 cm.) and half to one inch in

seating capacity 20,000) is formed by a huge embankment of

with chrism in the ritual of consecration before the altar

1890 to 1899 .277 26.2 .507 16.8

dominant idea of Alaric was not to pull down the fabric of

The first balloon voyage across the English Channel was

brackish, some completely closed, others connected by short

possessions. On the 1st of January 1900 the imperial authorities

spirant in x, which was written @; but, as this spirant

for five months, and Lord Lewis Gordon won a trifling victory

page 4, and another on page 6, to the bewilderment of the

fly-flap (April 30, 1827). Thereupon the port of Algiers was

from Tangier to Alexandria. The railway from Ain Sefra was

was the hotbed of disloyalty, the head and front of opposition

his regulating stopcock, which enabled the anaesthetist to

twenty years he enjoyed the opportunity of daily hearing his

men in danger, and administer them in camp. The volunteer

offerings, the Athenians endeavoured to carry away the images.

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