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Address: Manangle, Sipocot, Camarines Sur Subject: EDUC 200
CP NO: 09203367785 Date: November 3, 2022

I. Identification:
1. Statistics
2. Parameter
3. Sample
4. Population
5. Economy
6. Simple random sampling
7. Non-probability sampling
8. Lottery method
9. Cluster sampling
10. Purposive sampling

II. Critical Thinking Questions:

1. Why is sampling used in certain research studies?

Sampling means selecting the group that you will actually collect data from in your
research. Hence, sampling technique is certainly used in research studies because this
would help the researchers to make inferences about populations.

2. How do we determine sampling size?

According to Remesher’s blog year 2022 calculating your sample size must as follows:
(1) Define population size or number of people – knowing who are your important
populations would be a great help to make the answers to your questions more relevant.
(2) Designate your margin of error – through this, you as a researcher must be accurate
by designing how much error you intend to permit. (3) determine how confident you can
be – employing your 95% level of confidence that you are certain to any consequences
might be given by your respondents. (4) Decide the variance you expect – this would be
the standard deviation measures of how much individual sample data points deviate from
the average population.

3. When do researchers use the following sample size formula?

a. Slovin Formula – If you take a population sample, you must use a formula to figure out
what sample size you need to take. Sometimes you know something about a population,
which can help you determine a sample size. For example, it’s well known that IQ scores
follow a normal distribution pattern. But what about if you know nothing about your
population at all? That’s when you can use Slovin’s formula to figure out what sample size
you need to take, which is written as

n = N / (1 + Ne2)

• Where: n = Number of samples,

• N = Total population and
• e = Error tolerance (level).
b. Parten Formula – If the researcher is knowledgeable of the behavior of the population
(normally distributed), he should use Mildred Parten’s formula.

4. What is the best type of probability sampling? Non-probability sampling? Justify your

If you are a researcher who value the collection of data with timeliness and availability
resources, definitely the best type of probability sampling is the ‘Simple random sampling’,
not only for having known as the basic and best sampling but it is also one of the
techniques that helps saving time and resources. Whereas in non-probability sampling,
convenience sampling is most likely common non probability sampling method, because
of its speed, cost-effectiveness, and ease of availability of the sample. Thus far, regardless
of which is best it would still be choosing what is accurate and appropriate in solving the

5. What is meant by the statement: “the larger the sample, the better”?

Most of the time, people are thought to be more ambitious if they have bigger
dreams than modest. The more we looked for more, the better opportunities to come. Not
differing from the statement “the larger the sample, the better” seeing that, the bigger
sample size in research population, would certainly provide a wide varied answers and
way out. The bigger scale of population in research would also mean a more reliable and
valid results.

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