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Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Business

Unit 14: Digital Business in Practice

Modified by: Martin Ortega Azurduy

Based on : TMC Academy v1 – July 2021
LO3 Develop a transformational digital strategy plan to support the
implementation of digital technologies within an organisation

Learning objectives
• Follow an appropriate strategy process model
for digital business
• Apply tools to generate and select digital
business strategies
• Outline alternative strategic approaches to
achieve digital business

Martin Ortega Azurduy

September 2021
Modified from © 2019, 2015, 2011. All Rights Reserved
Management issues
• How does digital business strategy differ from
traditional business strategy?
• How should we integrate digital business strategy
with existing business and information systems
• How should we evaluate our investment priorities
and returns from digital business?

Martin Ortega Azurduy

September 2021
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Michael Porter on the Internet

‘The key question is not whether to deploy Internet

technology – companies have no choice if they
want to stay competitive – but how to deploy it.’
Porter, M. (2001) Strategy and the Internet,
Harvard Business Review, March 2001, 62–78.

Martin Ortega Azurduy

September 2021
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Alternative definitions of strategy
• What is strategy?
– ‘Defines how we will meet our objectives’
– ‘Sets allocation of resources to meet goals’
– ‘Selects preferred strategic option to
compete within a market’
– ‘Provides a long-term plan for the development
of the organisation’.

Martin Ortega Azurduy

September 2021
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What is digital business

Figure 5.2 Different forms of organisational strategy

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Sell-side e-commerce strategy (Chapters 7 and 8)
or digital marketing/CRM strategy

• Sell-side e-commerce is a channel strategy

• Objectives for online contribution percentage
should drive our strategy
• Our e-commerce strategy defines how we should
– Hit our channel leads and sales targets
▪ Acquisition, Conversion, Retention, Service, Profitability
– Communicate benefits of using this channel
– Prioritise products available through channel
– Prioritise audiences targeted through channel
– Select partners for this channel
• Channel strategy thrives on differentials
• BUT, need to manage channel integration
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Buy-side e-commerce strategy (Chapter 6) or
supply chain management strategy

• Buy-side e-commerce strategy is about maximising

operational efficiencies while improving customer service
• Operational efficiency KPIs should drive our strategy
• Our buy-side e-commerce strategy defines how we should
– Automate internal processes
– Link internal resource management systems with external
purchasing systems
– Prioritise suppliers/partners collaborating using this channel
– Prioritise applications for SCM – create a roadmap
• Involves selection of appropriate strategic partners

Martin Ortega Azurduy

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Strategy is the definition of the future direction and actions of a

company defined as approaches to achieve specific objectives
Typical forms of organizational strategy are business unit,
regional and functional level strategies

Sell side e-commerce (SSEC) is a channel strategy.

A strategy driven by online contribution percentage

Buy side e-commerce (BSEC) is about maximising operational

efficiencies while improving customer service quality
A strategy driven by operational efficiency KPIs

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Digital business strategy

Figure 5.3 Relationship between digital business strategy and other strategies

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What happens where there is
no digital business strategy?

• Missed opportunities for additional sales on the

sell-side and more efficient purchasing on the
• Fall-behind competitors in delivering online
services – may become difficult to catch-up,
for example, Tesco, Dell
• Poor customer experience from poorly integrated

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Figure 5.4 The Onedox revenue model

Source: https://www.crowdcube.com/companies/onedox/pitches/b9nE7q#categorise

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Examples of platform types
• Aggregation platforms – MoneySupermarket,
the App store, Ebay, Innocentive and Kaggle

• Social platforms – Facebook and Twitter

• Mobilisation platforms – Crowdfunder and


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Strategy process models for
digital business (1/2)

Figure 5.5 A generic strategy process model

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Strategy process models for
digital business (1/2)

Figure 5.6 Dynamic digital business strategy model

Source: Adapted from description in Kalakota and Robinson (2000).

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Resources and process analysis

Figure 5.7 Elements of strategic situation analysis for the digital business

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Stage models of digital business

Table 5.3 A stage model for digital business development

Martin Ortega Azurduy
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Digital business strategy should conside existing SCM/CRM/IS strategies

Platforms bring together multiple players into one place, eg. aggregation,
social and mobilisation platforms

A generic strategy process is composed by 4 phases: (1) strategic analysis, (2)

strategic objectives, (3) strategic definition, (4) strategic implementation

S1 Analysis : Techniques for external environment (STEEPLED), for internal

resources (portfolio, SWOT, etc) AND DB specific tecniques (stage model,
SSEC&BSEC opportunities and threats)

The stage model for digital business development has 4 stages: (1) web
presence, (2) e-commerce, (3) integrated e-com, (4) digital business)

Martin Ortega Azurduy

September 2021
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Application portfolio analysis
Analysis of the current
portfolio of business
applications within a
business is used to
assess current
information systems
capability and also to
inform future strategies.

Figure 5.8 Summary applications of a portfolio analysis for a sample B2B company

Martin Ortega Azurduy

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Organisational and IS SWOT analysis

Figure 5.9 SWOT/TOWS analysis

Martin Ortega Azurduy

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Impact of Internet
• For one of the industries below, assess how the
Internet has changed the competitive forces, for
example, has it increased or decreased power
of suppliers and customers?
• Industries:
– Banking
– Supermarkets
– Oil industry
– Rail industry

Martin Ortega Azurduy

September 2021
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Strategic portfolio analysis and SWOT/TOWS analysis are techniques useful

for analysing the internal resources

Portfolio analysis is used to assess CURRENT IS CAPABILITY and inform


It has CURRENT strategic importance systems on the x-axis and FUTURE on

the y-axis.

The 4 quadrants are: (1) HIGH-HIGH Strategic (2) HIGH-LOW High

Potential (3) LOW-HIGH Key operational (4) LOW-LOW Support.

The TOWS/SWOT analysis allow us to device potential strategies by pairing

them as follows: SO strengths-opportunities, S-T strengths-threats, WT
weakenesses-threats, WO weaknesses-opportunities

Martin Ortega Azurduy

September 2021
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Evaluation of internal resources (1/2)

Figure 5.10 Matrix for evaluation of external capability against internal capability
Source: Perrott (2005), with permission

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Evaluation of internal resources (2/2)

Table 5.4 Capability maturity model of the adoption of e-business

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Figure 5.11 Competitive threats
acting on the digital business

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Porter’s 5 forces
Porter’s Five Forces
analysis is a frame-
work that helps
analyzing the level of
competition within a
certain industry.

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Strategic objectives (1/2)

Figure 5.12 Elements of strategic objective setting for the digital business

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Strategic objectives (1/2)

Figure 5.13 VMOST analysis

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Table 5.6 Goals, strategies and objectives (key
performance indicators) for a sample B2B
company (in order of priority)

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Figure 5.14 Arriva Bus app

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The online revenue contribution (1/2)

Figure 5.15 An example of conversion modelling for an online retailer

Martin Ortega Azurduy

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The online revenue contribution (2/2)

Figure 5.16 Research Online Purchase Offline example

Source: Google
Figure 5.16 Research Online Purchase Offline example
Source: Google.
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Assessing the significance of digital channels

Figure 5.17 Grid of product suitability against market adoption for

transactional e-commerce (online purchase)

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Selection of digital business strategy options

Figure 5.18 Elements of strategy definition for the digital business

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Decision 1: Digital business channel priorities (1/2)

Figure 5.19 Matrix for evaluating digital business strategy alternatives

Source: ‘Econsultancy’ (2008a)

Martin Ortega Azurduy

September 2021
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Decision 1: Digital business channel priorities (2/2)

Figure 5.20 Strategic options for a company in relation to the importance of the Internet as a channel

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Decision 2: Market and
product development strategies

Figure 5.21 Using the Internet to support different growth strategies

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Strategy implementation

Figure 5.23 Elements of strategy implementation for digital business

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• You should be able to follow an appropriate

strategy process model for digital business
• You should be able to apply tools to
generate and select digital business
• You should be able to outline alternative
strategic approaches to achieve digital

Martin Ortega Azurduy

September 2021
Modified from © 2019, 2015, 2011. All Rights Reserved
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