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Republic of the Philippines


Balilihan Campus
Magsija, Balilihan, Bohol
Tel: (038) 416-0797
College of Arts and Sciences
First Semester, S.Y. 2022 – 2023

NAME: Teo Berlyn E. Añong SCORE:


Answer the following question/s.

1) What are the limitations of ERP?

While ERP systems have many benefits when it comes to resource planning, they can’t provide all
things to all organizations.

 ERPs Can Take a Long Time to Implement

If you’re considering using an ERP just for resource planning, it may be a long time until
you actually get to work with it.

 ERPs Aren’t Truly Customizable

ERP systems have a lot of functionality, but they are not customizable.

 ERPs Don’t Track Time

While an ERP is designed to help you run your financials, it won’t keep track of your
employees’ time.

 ERPs Can Eat Up Your Budget

ERP systems are expensive on their own, and setting up the software and making sure all
of your employees are trained can be costly as well.

 Training May Be Extensive

As with any aspect of your company, having employees who are trained and
knowledgeable makes processes more efficient and effective.

 Your ERP Is Only as Good as Your Employees

One of the key benefits of an ERP system is the information sharing that happens between

2) How does Business Analytics (BA) help to understand business better?

 Companies have widely embraced the use of analytics to streamline operations and improve
processes. Analytics data is everywhere and sorting through it to find what is useful and
pertinent to your business is a necessary skill to be effective in the current marketplace. These
days, analytics is being used for everything from predicting Supreme Court case outcomes to
enhancing marketing campaigns and sales analysis. The challenge is to understand how
analytics can help your business and begin to address any issues you believe are most
important to short- and long-term success.

3) What is the difference between E-commerce and E-business?

 E-Commerce refers to the performing online commercial activities, transactions over internet.
It includes activities like buying and selling product, making monetary transactions etc over
internet. Internet is used for E-commerce. Websites and applications (apps) are required for e-
commerce. it is mainly connected with the end process of flow means connected with the end
customer. On the other hand, E-Business refers to performing all type of business activities
through internet. It includes activities like procurement of raw materials/goods, customer
education, supply activities buying and selling product, making monetary transactions etc over
internet. Internet, intranet, extranet is used in e-business. Websites, apps, ERP, CRM etc are
required for e-business.

4) Why should one understand the existing processes before starting a business
process reengineering process?

 Business process reengineering gives firms a realistic picture of the current process and aids in
effective ERP deployment by simultaneously reducing overhead costs and pacing the process.
Following the completion of the process reengineering, staff members can also quickly adopt
the new ERP system. Company process reengineering is a crucial technique that involves
redesigning current business processes to increase output and quality.

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