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Achieving Financial Freedom; The Foundation of My Ambition

(Ma. Lalaine M. Aguiflor)

As I grew up, I notice that people are striving to be financially stable while surviving for

daily life. If you are from lower class of the community, you can feel the struggle to achieve both.

Just getting through for daily basic need is already an adversity for some, then what else if it is

financial stability they wanted?

Almost every day, I saw my parents desire to make our life lighter. They work hard for us

to somehow afford a normal life. Mother always told me that I should not waste father’s hard work

to send me to school, and that education is the only thing they can give me as an inheritance. I

understand it well, she wanted nothing but me to be successful so we can be financially stable

someday. That was every parent’s dream specially if they strived really hard just to give their child

a better life. I think that is the reason why our parents wanted us to finish our study and why we

are striving to achieve our goals – to be financially free.

If you were to ask people to define financial freedom, the majority would respond that it is

a condition in which you have enough cash, investments, savings, or other assets to sustain the

stable lifestyle you desire for yourself or your family. Mthafeni (2022) says that it is about

controlling your finances rather than letting them control you. Mapeka (2022) think that it is more

crucial to be able to manage your resources and to be ready for both the present and the future than

it is to have a lot of possessions. There are also a lot of study that shows debates and indifferences

on how everyone viewed this particular topic.

Achieving financial freedom can be a difficult goal to achieve, but it is something that

many people strive for. Financial freedom can be different from having financial stability, which
you can be able to pay your bills and debts on time and in full every month. Achieving financial

independence will allow you to pursue other interests or spend more time with family. Attaining

financial freedom requires careful planning and hard work.

In general, however, it will take most people several years to reach their goal. It is important

to set realistic expectations when working towards financial freedom since you will likely need to

cut back on your spending in order to increase your income or make other changes in your life that

will lead to greater success. You will also need to have a long-term plan to help you succeed and

reach your goals in the most effective way possible. You may choose to set a deadline by which

you want to achieve a certain amount of wealth or how much money you want to save each month

in order to reach your goal. But always remember that there is no set timeline for achieving this

status since it will vary for each individual depending on your own unique circumstances.

According to Singh, a financial adviser, financial freedom requires discipline to step from

being financially unstable to financially stable. Who wouldn’t want to be financially free, right?

We all have this goal without even knowing we do. For me, being financially stable is the

foundation of all my ambitions and goals in life. I want my family to experience a quality life like

everyone else wanted. If I were to ask for my plan, I believe I already started it when I began

dreaming of becoming rich someday. I’m afraid my parents won’t make it to support me financially

in college but I can’t see myself elsewhere other than in school and studying. That is why I am

doing my best at school. In this way I can turn their sacrifices into something beautiful and

everlasting. My next step is to graduate even without flying colors and get a stable job. It doesn’t

matter how much is the income as long as I’ll be managing it wisely and if I commit to my plans

and goals, everything will fall into places. I will romanticize financial stability until I can be finally
financially free. I want my future children to have this kind of mindset just like how I adapted it

form my parents.

Those who learn about financial freedom and work for it can achieve it. Our parents only

want one thing, and that is to have a stable life and career someday. That is why they are doing

their best to give us the right to be taught in school. In return, we should always set our minds and

plan for our future by doing our best at school. Success won’t be happening overnight but if we

are committed to our goals, we can achieve anything. Let us start from small steps because being

financially free is a process. It might be a small progress, but still it is a progress. Work hard, pray

hard, God have a bigger plan for us. If you want to accomplish your goal, then start to take those

small steps now.

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