PHILO Summative

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Romel J.


Summative Test – 1st Quarter
Philosophy G12
SY 2022-2023

1. Compare and contrast as being a philosopher and a “pilosopo”?
2. Define philosophy base on your own experience. Like how the philosophy
own you as a student?
3. Since philosophy gives the ultimate life of our reason, what factors does it
imply to our world? Explain why.
4. Would philosophy and time come together? Why?
5. When Adam and Eve came down from paradise, do you think there was a
kind of wisdom in a first thought? Explain.
6. For infinity and beyond what is the relation of God as a Transcendent Being
(as we cannot measure God’s thinking)
7. When common sense hits you to the ground and that logic seems to be
laughing you at, what do you mean by this? Exaggerate please.
8. 15+15+15=18 is why? Is it a right answer? Need to get your stand to this.
9. Why man tend to philosophize? Tell why?
10. What is really the philosophy of nature? Explain.
11. Why orange is called orange? Does it make sense?
12. Difference between having philosophy and being philosophical
13. What role of philosophy in our life? How dd philosophy get inside our life?
14. If you compare philosophy into a thing, what would it be and why?
15. Explain the difference and give an example between induction and deduction
in philosophy.
16. If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one around to hear it, does it still make
17. A chair. Imagine a man sits on this object to get some rest. He thinks it’s a
chair. Now imagine a dog lies under it to get shade from the sun, the dog
thinks it’s a shelter. So what is it? Chair or shelter?

1. A philosopher seeks knowledge. It is someone who asks questions and attempts
to answer them with his or her intellect. However, in Tagalog, the word pilosopo
is used as an insult. A pilosopo is a person who is sarcastic or who speaks back.
however, they are both reasoning
2. The philosophy to me as a student is a particular unique type of thought or style
of thinking that helps me seek knowledge about nature and our daily lives in
society as a student and a citizen.
3. Philosophy gives the ultimate life of our reason, it has an impact on our world
because if everyone has a high level of reasoning, everyone will have a broader
perspective on different things.
4. Discussions of the nature of time, and of various issues related to time, have
always featured prominently in philosophy, but they have been especially
important since the beginning of the twentieth century.
5. When Adam and Eve were brought down from paradise, they already had
wisdom because the bible says they were brought down from paradise because
they eat the fruit of wisdom
6. God's transcendence implies that God is beyond the scope of human experience,
perception, or grasp. God's immanence means that he is knowable, perceivable,
or graspable, just as the deep meaning of infinity and beyond which is the infinite.
7. This shows that common sense differs from logic because having common sense
means that you are not thinking and are only looking at what you see literally
8. 15+15+15= is 45, because it is checked from the rules of mathematics and
proven by the correct processing of mathematical methods
9. It is important for a man to philosophize because through philosophizing of a man
can assists man in better analyzing concepts and arguments, distinguishing what
is relevant from what isn't, organizing our thoughts, and dealing with value and
meaning questions. Philosophy assists man in discovering common ground
between opposing viewpoints as well as recognizing the most significant
10. Natural philosophy or philosophy of nature it was the common term for the study
of physics (nature), a broad term that included botany, zoology, anthropology,
and chemistry as well as what we now call physics.
11. Orange as a color adjective dates from the early 16th century; Therefore we can
say that the orange is called orange because it is orange, as well as orange is
orange because of the orange.
12. Anyone can be philosophical, but the philosophy is an activity people undertake
when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in
which they live, and their relationships to the world and to each other.
13. The study of philosophy improves one's problem-solving abilities. It assists us in
the analysis of concepts, definitions, arguments, and problems. It improves our
ability to organize ideas and issues, deal with value questions, and extract what
is essential from large amounts of information.
14. If I had to compare philosophy to something, it would be metal, because metal is
one of the hardest things, but when heated, it melts and changes shape
depending on what the person wants to do with it. Just like philosophy, it is very
difficult to understand, but when we study all of the aspects of philosophy, we will
“reform” philosophy based on the true meaning of it.
15. Inductive reasoning begins with specific premises and leads to a general
conclusion, whereas deductive reasoning begins with general premises and
leads to a specific conclusion. If the premises are true, the conclusions reached
by deductive reasoning cannot be incorrect.
16. The tree still made a sound even if there was no one to hear it because the tree
had an impact and every impact can create a sound 
17. For a dog, it was a shelter because the dog may have lived here and didn't know
that it was a chair and not a shelter. It was a chair, not a shelter in general, for a
human being.

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