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F/BERC 2 (2021)


Faculty/Branch Ethics Review Committee

Universiti Teknologi MARA

Participant Information Sheet

Research Title

Career Success : Influence of Entrepreneurial Leadership and Big Five Personality Traits
among executive employees in Tenaga Nasional Berhad

Introduction of Research

Tenaga Nasional Berhad (200866-W) is Malaysia's biggest power utility and a prominent
utility firm in Asia, with offices in the United Kingdom, Kuwait, Turkey, Saudi Arabia,
Pakistan, India, and Indonesia. As their aspiration is “To Be a Leading Provider of
Sustainable Energy Solutions in Malaysia and Internationally”, TNB believe that a
knowledgeable and professional team is key to accomplishing the company's goal and
objective (TNB, Corporate profile). Because the utilities sector has transformed into a fast-
paced and worldwide industry, having only leadership characteristics as a business manager
is no longer sufficient to preserve the business's growth, development, and sustainability
(ESMER & DAYI, 2017).

An examination of the factors that influence career success finds that a range of factors
influence employee's career advancement. (Kariyawasam & Welmilla, 2020). As an
executive, they should be able to search out innovation, possibilities, and take certain risks.
Executives that possess these attributes demonstrate both leadership and entrepreneurship.
The notion of entrepreneurial leadership originates at this period. Entrepreneurial leadership
is characterised as a leader who also possesses entrepreneurial talents. In other words,
entrepreneurial leadership refers to executives who are willing to take chances, grasp
opportunities, explore innovation, and be inventive in terms of producing, exchanging, and
strategic thinking (ESMER & DAYI, 2017). Ruvio et al., mentioned that entrepreneurial
leadership is not always applied in an entrepreneurial context (Nwachukwu et. al., 2017).
According to Renko et al., entrepreneurial leadership is not limited to any company, sector,
or culture, and may flourish in a variety of settings, including for-profit and non-profit
enterprises, as well as the formal and informal economies (Leitch & Volery, 2017b).
Tarabishy et al. revealed both transactional and transformational leadership approaches
have an impact on entrepreneurial leadership. Duplessis and Conradie added that
entrepreneurial leadership success is built on four critical components: confidence via
respect, meaning through communication, trust through positioning, and attention through
vision. Many authors have sought to characterize the outcomes of entrepreneurial leadership
and thinking, with the majority of them focusing on financial success and stability (Dube,

Furthermore, another study discovered that both worker-related characteristics, namely

personality and career success, are interconnected (Zakaria & Yusof, 2018). Some previous
research by Mount et al. found that that personality traits have been shown to influence
F/BERC 2 (2021)

performance and career directions (Kariyawasam and Welmilla, 2020). Therefore, the Big
Five Personality Traits are utilized to analyse the personalities of the workforce. It has five
primary personality dimensions. The Big Five Personality Factors include openness to
experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (Zakaria &
Yusof, 2018).

Purpose of Research

The main purpose of this quantitative, non-experimental study is to investigate the influence
of entrepreneurial leadership and big five personality traits on career success of executives.
The researcher has set the respondent whereby they working as executive in Tenaga
Nasional Berhad. This study will examined whether both variables have a positive or
negative relationship toward career success.

Research on career success is crucial for both employee and organization itself. For
employee who spend around one-third of their time at work, career success is a logical
expectation. So this study will help the employee to gain knowledge and identify the
significant relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and big five personality traits on
their career success.

Entrepreneurial leadership and the big five personality traits are the independent factors in
this research. In this study, the dependent variable is career success among executives at
Tenaga Nasional Berhad in Malaysia.

Research Procedure

The quantitative research begins by reviewing key terms in research, such as the objective
of the study, the problem of the study, the roles of theory that can relate to the study, and the
data or sources of study the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and the big five
personality traits on career success from previous studies or journals.

The researcher stated that the study of career success is conducted within the context of
scientific techniques and began with a broad discussion of scientific method before going on
to a discussion of various terminology and ideas within the scientific method. The theoretical
and conceptual framework of this study must be established by the researcher. As a result,
the researcher will concentrate on the theory as well. The data for the questionnaires was
acquired by the researcher from relevant sources. The researcher's technique for collecting
data for this study is to disseminate a questionnaire using an online Google form. As
respondents, executives at Tenaga Nasional Berhad should find the surveys acceptable and
understandable. Career performance is the dependent variable, whereas entrepreneurial
leadership and the big five personality qualities are the independent variables.

The information gathered from executives at Tenaga Nasional Berhad as respondents will
be analysed using the Social Sciences Statistical Package (SPSS) software version 26.

Participation in Research
F/BERC 2 (2021)

Participation in this study is completely optional. You have the right to decline to participate
in the study or to withdraw from it at any time without consequence.

Furthermore, only executives from Tenaga Nasional Berhad would be included as

respondents in this study.

Benefit of Research
(State the benefit to participants)

1. Executive Employee
The researcher hopes that the study will give executives at Tenaga Nasional Berhad
better understanding of career success and the importance of entrepreneurial
leadership and the big five personality traits in order to achieve it. Then, executives'
employees will have high morale and motivation to achieve career success in their
lives. Executives’ employee will enjoy their job. Apart from that, executives'
employees will be able to do jobs or tasks that are beyond their capability and will
believe in their ability to succeed. Thus, executives’ employee will feel very happy,
fulfilled and delighted in doing their job.

2. Organization
Organizations hopefully can minimize employee turnover because their executives’
employees have a better knowledge of what it takes to succeed at Tenaga Nasional
Berhad. Organization also may increase happiness index in the executives’ working
environment in Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Besides that, organizations may recognize
and empower their recruitment team to offer promotional opportunities internally
since they have candidates who are a good fit for the role, hence lowering the cost of
management recruiting.

Research Risk
(State the risks involved, if any)

- The researcher cannot guarantee that all respondents who work as executives for
Tenaga Nasional Berhad will complete the questionnaire for this study.
- The researcher cannot also guarantee that all respondents will reply with correct
answers as they should.
- The information gathered may potentially be skewed.

(Include the confidentiality clause provided below)

Your information will be kept confidential by the investigators and will not be made public
unless disclosure is required by law. By signing this consent form**, you will authorize the
review of records, analysis and use of the data arising from this research.

If you have any question about this research or your rights, please contact (state the name of
the investigator) at (state the direct telephone number of the said investigator)

**If you are using an online survey form (obtaining signature of participants are not feasible), please
include these statements at the beginning of the survey document:

By participating in this survey, I agree that:

1. I am 18 years old and above
2. I authorize the review of records, analysis and use of the data arising from this research.
F/BERC 2 (2021)

3. I understand the nature and scope of the research being undertaken.

4. I have read and understood all the terms and conditions of my participation in the research.
5. I voluntarily agree to participate in this research and follow the study procedures.
6. I may at any time choose to withdraw from this research without giving any reason.
F/BERC 2 (2021)

Consent Form1
To become a participant in the research, you or your legal guardian are required to sign this
Consent Form.
I herewith confirm that I have met the requirement of age and am capable of acting on behalf
of myself / as2 a legal guardian as follows:

1. I understand the nature and scope of the research being undertaken.

2. I have read and understood all the terms and conditions of my participation in the
3. All my questions relating to this research and my participation therein have been
answered to my satisfaction.
4. I voluntarily agree to take part in this research, to follow the study procedures and to
provide all necessary information to the investigators as requested.
5. I may at any time choose to withdraw from this research without giving any reason.
6. I have received a copy of the Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form.
7. Except for damages resulting from negligent or malicious conduct of the
researcher(s), I hereby release and discharge UiTM and all participating
researchers from all liability associated with, arising out of, or related to my
participation. I agree to hold them harmless from any harm or loss that may be
incurred by me due to my participation in the research.

Name of Participant/Legally authorized representative (LAR) Signature

Khairunnisa binti Kamalrudin

I.C No 920224-02-5832 Date 27/10/2021
Name of Witness3 Signature
I.C No Date
Name of Consent Taker Signature
I.C No Date

Original signed copy is to be retained by the Principal Investigator.
Delete whichever is not applicable.
A witness is only required for oral consent.
REC 4/ 2020/BM Pind. 2 (2020)


Jawatankuasa Penilaian Etika Fakulti/Cawangan

Universiti Teknologi MARA

Borang Maklumat Peserta

Tajuk penyelidikan

Pengenalan penyelidikan
(Maksima 300 patah perkataan menggunakan bahasa bukan pakar)

Tujuan penyelidikan
(Maksima 150 patah perkataan menggunakan bahasa bukan pakar)

Prosedur penyelidikan
(Menggunakan bahasa bukan pakar)

Penyertaan dalam penyelidikan

Penyertaan anda di dalam penyelidikan ini adalah secara sukarela. Anda berhak menolak
tawaran penyertaan ini atau menarik diri daripada penyelidikan ini pada bila-bila masa tanpa
sebarang penalti.

Manfaat penyelidikan
(Nyatakan manfaat kepada peserta)

Maklumat yang didapati dari penyelidikan ini akan memanfaatkan individu, penyelidik,
institusi dan komuniti dalam kemajuan pengetahuan dan amalan pada masa hadapan.

Risiko penyelidikan
(Nyatakan risiko yang terlibat, jika ada)

(Sertakan klausa kerahsiaan yang diberikan di bawah)

Maklumat anda akan dirahsiakan oleh penyelidik dan tidak akan didedahkan melainkan jika
ia dikehendaki oleh undang-undang. Dengan menandatangani borang persetujuan** ini,
anda membenarkan penelitian rekod, penganalisaan dan penggunaan data hasil daripada
penyelidikan ini.

Sekiranya anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan mengenai penyelidikan ini atau hak-hak
anda, sila hubungi (nyatakan nama penyelidik) di talian (nyatakan nombor telefon yang boleh
dihubungi secara langsung)

**Sekiranya anda menggunakan borang tinjauan atas talian (tandatangan peserta tidak dapat
diperoleh), sila sertakan pernyataan ini sebelum soalan tinjauan:

Dengan menyertai tinjauan ini, saya bersetuju bahawa:

1. Saya berumur 18 tahun ke atas
2. Saya membenarkan penyemakan rekod, analisis dan penggunaan data dari penyelidikan ini.
3. Saya memahami tujuan dan skop penyelidikan yang sedang dijalankan.
4. Saya telah membaca dan memahami semua terma dan syarat penyertaan saya dalam
penyelidikan ini.
REC 4/ 2020/BM Pind. 2 (2020)

5. Saya secara sukarela bersetuju untuk mengambil bahagian dalam penyelidikan ini and
mengikuti prosedur kajian.
6. Saya boleh memilih untuk menarik diri dari penyelidikan ini pada bila-bila masa tanpa
memberikan alasan.
Borang Izin1

Untuk menyertai penyelidikan ini, anda atau penjaga sah perlu menandatangani Borang Izin

Saya dengan ini mengesahkan bahawa saya telah memenuhi syarat umur dan berupaya
bertindak bagi pihak saya sendiri/ sebagai2 penjaga yang sah dalam perkara-perkara

1. Saya memahami ciri-ciri dan skop penyelidikan ini.

2. Saya telah membaca dan memahami semua syarat penyertaan penyelidikan ini.
3. Saya berpuas hati dengan jawapan pada kemusykilan saya tentang penyelidikan ini.
4. Saya secara sukarela bersetuju menyertai penyelidikan ini dan mengikuti segala atur
cara dan memberi maklumat yang diperlukan kepada penyelidik seperti yang
5. Saya boleh menarik diri daripada penyelidikan ini pada bila-bila masa tanpa memberi
6. Saya telah pun menerima satu salinan Borang Maklumat Peserta dan Borang Izin.
7. Selain daripada kecederaan yang disebabkan oleh kelalaian dan kecuaian
penyelidik, saya dengan ini melepaskan dan menggugurkan UiTM dan semua
penyelidik dari semua liabiliti berhubung dengan, wujud dari atau berkaitan dengan
penyertaan saya. Saya bersetuju untuk menjadikan mereka tidak
bertanggunggjawab terhadap apa-apa kemudaratan atau kerugian yang mungkin
akan saya tanggung disebabkan oleh penyertaan saya.

Nama Peserta/ Wakil Sah yang berkuatkuasa Tandatangan
No. Kad Pengenalan Tarikh
Nama Saksi3 Tandatangan
No. Kad Pengenalan Tarikh
Nama Penyelidik/Pengambil Izin Tandatangan
No. Kad Pengenalan Tarikh

Salinan asal disimpan oleh Penyelidik Utama dan satu salinan diserahkan kepada peserta.
Potong mana yang tidak berkenaan.
Saksi dimestikan memberi izin secara lisan.

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