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Republic of the Philippines LAGUNA LAKE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY National Ecology a + Ot Vel. Nos.: 332-2346, 376-4039, 376-4072, 376-4049, 376-4061 03 January 2017 MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2017- Ol SUBJECT: GUIDELINES IN THE PROCESSING OF APPLICATIONS FOR DISCHARGE PERMIT EXEMPTION In the interest of the service and in order to guide the Environmental Regulations Department of the Authority as regards the implementation of the Clean Water Act and the rules and regulations implementing the Environmental User Fee System (EUFS) in the Laguna de Bay Region, the following guidelines in the processing of application for exemption to secure a Discharge Permit from the Authority shall be adopted 1. COVERAGE These guidelines shall apply to all existing and/or new development projects, installations and activities that are exempted from securing a discharge permit, pursuant to LLDA Board Resolution No. 322 series of 2007 or the Modified Wastewater Charge System in the Laguna de Bay Region. ll, REQUIREMENTS FOR DISCHARGE PERMIT EXEMPTION APPLICATION If the facility owner believes that his/her facility is exempted from securing a Discharge Permit (DP) from the Authority, he/she will be required to complete a prescribed discharge permit exemption application form, under oath by the Chief Executive Officer or his/her duly authorized representative, in two (2) copies and by such documents, information and data as may be necessary, including but not limited to the following: * Letter request signed by its Chief Executive Officer; * A copy of the applicant's approved LLDA Clearance or LLDA Clearance Exemption; * Proof of exemption (e.g., certificate of interconnection issued by a local water utility, MWCI, MWSI, etc., latest three (3) months water bills, etc.) lll, PROCESSING OF DISCHARGE PERMIT EXEMPTION After receipt of the application for DP exemption and payment of processing fee, the LLDA inspector will perform a facility inspection to document and verify if indeed the facility qualifies for exemption to secure a DP. He/she will then provide an inspection report stating either a DP is not required or recommend denial of the request for DP exemption if the applicant's facility has the potential or actual discharge of regulated wastewater falling within the coverage of the EUFS. The Authority shall act on the application within thirty (30) days by issuing the corresponding DP Exemption Certificate upon compliance with all the requirements or by denying the application in writing stating the reasons thereof. . PROCESSING FEE A non-refundable processing fee in the amount of PHP 5,000 shall be paid upon filing of the application for a Discharge Permit Exemption EFFECTIVITY These guidelines shall take effect immediately and shall remain valid unless otherwise revoked, amended or superseded. ‘US O, ACOSTA, PhD LAGUNA LAKE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION LIST Document | Revision Distributed : “Retrieved — To | Ne. F pivision | Puited | stanature | pay, | Printed Name | sienature | Date cpaWENO| 9a} BOD : sorr-o1 i BA ener d ipo la [88% Lewy | ah pew 00 OAGM ~ ly — | ha H ilies 00 cos Lak 00, PPIMD- . Masque) | gern | [D7 OTTO Tanwar) ofl oo = |LAD vind iz bir oe ers Noor kK) a defy 00 MSD Vavens | Hlaprad | fiz 00 [ADIN ane) Uno apa 00 FINANCE |. Lee opty Moly ERD 7 8 Sicon | ty TH a-13} 00 CPD & Ita la ef 7 ED J ° Prreend | ff |p 00 SMD p Polarre hz 00 RPO |e eesheyat] Al [ cop ° bs atceat | yoy ELR EERO Pecpearenren| oo [POWED TF atte LLDA-QMS-Form-05 Issue Date : April 2015 Issue No. 1 LAGUNA LAKE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DOCUMENT CONTROL FORM [boson crear rooimernion Nore ORIGINATING DIVISION / DEPARTMENT: DCE NO, Sen ee SURGE DOCUMENT! MANUAL: (Cl ounsrymnun. (Zh PRoceDures [11 soe bescrinon [21 omners: NATURE OF OOCUENT CREATION /NODIEICATION ~ = (anew i rewsion [2 paeron {21 consouioanion DETAILS OF CREATION MODIFICATION : (Peaso use extra sheet i scasear Sa ee rs TY a : rashes ees ca Tae San pe a bo THead nd Oi to ficup is porbon air recent of has oy orevsed ‘Document Conor hu is poyfon upon receipt ofthis Note FORDC USEGNLY = esas D Frogs) pa se mare wa ae EE Jp a Sone pn nae anne nae] = cooument THODIECATIONS CEATIFIED CORRECT, “aston Autry to Bap is prton for eco of rl vised dace fort (21 Oisapproved [Ey Fovreson Luon-as-Fom 4 lesue No. OF

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