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Database Marketing:
A Question of
Extracting Gold from
the Information a 1
Ore Neural networks and massively parallel computers are
used to erunch huge amounts of data that are common to
Databases are at the heart of contemporary direct attractive customers. Lands' End uses a technique known
marketing. The latter has been boosted by as 'data mining' to identify different groups of catalogue
improvements in computer technology, which help clothing purchasers; at the last count, it had identified
businesses to develop bigger, more complex databases 5,200 different segments! In Belgium, American Express
containing vast amounts of information about their is using its customer database to test a system that links
customers. Collecting data is one thing, using it cardholder spending patterns with postal zone data. If a
profitably is quite a different matter. More retailers new restaurant opens, for example, the company might
and manufacturers are now learning how to extract offer a special discount to cardholders who live within
gold from the informational ore. walking distance and who cat out a lot. Good pattern
They do so in a number of ways. spotting can help firms to replace conventional
advertising altogether. When Land Rover launched its
Fanning Relationships and Deepening Customer new luxury Range Rover in the United Kingdom, it spent
Loyalty nothing on mass marketing, but instead splashed out some
£30 a head on quirky gifts (seashells, chrysanthemums,
Database marketers track individual customers and
maple leaves) to 11,000 people whom it had identified as
work out what marketing stimuli they might respond
prime prospects. The strategy paid off: 85 per cent of the
to next. The aim is to form a 'relationship' with the
targets visited Range Rover's showroom to see the new
target customer. Loyalty schemes run by airlines,
model, compared with a 1-2 per cent response rate for
supermarkets and retail stores are good examples.
conventional mass advertising.
They identify the most profitable customers and
pamper them! Companies can also build customers' What works for a £42,000 Range Rover also
interest and enthusiasm by remembering their works for a 42p can of baked beans. In 1994 Heinz
preferences and by sending appropriate information, abandoned conventional advertising for its ketchup and
gifts or other materials. For example, Mars, a market baked beans, and adopted consumer database marketing
leader in pet food as well as confectioner;-, maintains instead. Using its database of 1 million names, gathered
an exhaustive pet database. In Germany, the company from people who had responded to an earlier promotion,
has compiled the names of virtually every German plus lists bought from brokers, Heinz built a database of
family that owns a cat. It obtained these names by 4.6 million consumers to whom the company sent a copy
contacting veterinarians and by offering the public a of a free magazine, Ac Home, which contained recipes
free booklet entitled Uaw to Take Care of Your Cat. and promotions of Heinz products. Heinz claims the
People who request the booklet fill out a strategy has paid off.
questionnaire, providing their cat's name, age, birthday
and other information. Mars then sends a birthday eard Deciding Which Customers Should Receive a Particular
to each cat in Germany each year, along with a new Offer
cat-food sample and money saving coupons for Mars Companies identify the profile of an ideal customer for an
brands. The result is 3 lasting relationship with the offer. Then they search their data bases for individuals
cat's owner. most closely resembling the ideal type. By tracking
Pattern Spotting individual responses, the company can improve its
targeting precision over time. Following a sale, it can set
A second use for databases is to find patterns of up an automatic
behaviour across large groups of customers.
sequence of activities: one week later, send a thank-you - and what not to shove through the letterbox! Yet
note; five weeks later, send a new offer; ten weeks later {if most people are not opposed to giving information
the customer has not responded}, phone the customer and about themselves providing they get something in
offer a special discount. One clothing catalogue company return, be this a tailored product, a discount for
that specializes in clothes for large people has 21 million goods and services, or even a fee. Thus, database
names on its database, which can be grouped into 75 marketers of the future may have to fearn how to
different segments. The firm adjusts its catalogues reward consumers for the privilege of being able
accordingly. It uses pink dresses on the cover for one to sell to them. Like many other marketing tools,
group; blue trousers for another; free credit for frequent database marketing requires a special investment.
buyers; overnight delivery for the impatient but high Companies must invest in computer hardware,
spending, valued customers and so forth, Reactivating database software, analytical programmes,
Customer Purchases The database can help a company communication links and skilled personnel. The
make attractive offers of product replacements, upgrades or database system must be user friendly and
complementary products just when customers might be available to various marketing groups, including
ready to act. One information service company, Firefly, those in product and brand management, new-
uses data about people's personal tastes - their likes and product development, advertising and promotion,
dislikes — to suggest new films, books and music. direct mail, telemarketing, field sales, order
Database 'miners' have to learn how best to use all the data fulfilment and customer service. A well-managed
they have extracted. In the past, the reputation of direct database should lead to sales gains that will more
marketers has been tarnished by supper-time interruptions than cover its costs.
by telemarketers and the notion that direct mail is 'junk'.
Then there is the threat to consumer privacy that marketers'
databases present. Supporters of database marketing argue
that the whole point of collecting facts is to learn when not
to telephone

The advantages of door-to-door selling are consumer

convenience and personal attention. However, the high costs of hiring,
training, paying and motivating the sales force often result in higher prices.
Although some door-to-door companies are still thriving, door-to-door
selling has a somewhat uncertain future. The increase in the number of
single-person and working-couple households decreases the chances of
finding a buyer at home. Home-party companies are having trouble finding
non-working women who want to sell products part time. Besides, door-to-
door selling does have an image problem, whieh, although inaccurate, has direct-mail marketing
stuck. And, with recent advances in interactive direet marketing technology, Direct marketing through
the door-to-door salesperson may well he replaced in the future by the single mailings that include
household telephone, television or home computer. letters, ads, samples, fold-
outs, and other 'sales-people
Direct-Mail Marketing on •cozies' sent to prospects
Direct-mail marketing involves mailings of letters, ads, samples, fold-outs on mailing lists
and other 'salespeople on wings' sent to prospects on mailing lists. The
mailing lists
are developed from eustomer lists or obtained from mailing-list houses that provide
names of people fitting almost any description - the supcrweallhy, mobile-home
owners, veterinarians, pet owners, the typieal catalogue purchaser and many, many
Direct mail is well suited to direct, one-on-one communication. It permits
high larget-market selectivity, can be personalized, is flexible and allows easy
measurement of results (the firm can count the responses it gets and the value of those
responses to the business). Whereas the cost per thousand people reached is higher
than with mass media such as television or magazines, the people who are reached are
much better prospects, since direct-mail marketers target individuals according to
their personal suitability to receive particular offerings and promotions. Direct mail
has proved very successful in promoting and selling books, magazine subscriptions,
insurance and financial products. Increasingly, it is being used to sell novelty and gift
items, clothing, gourmet foods, consumer packaged goods and industrial products.
Direct mail is also used heavily by charities, such as Oxfam and Action Aid, which
rely on correspondence selling to persuade individuals to donate to their charity.
Within the EU, direct mail is worth over ecu!2 billion. Direct mail in Europe
represents around d(J per cent of Europe's total spend on direct marketing. Over the
past decade, expenditure on direct mail has grown faster than expenditure by
organizations on other advertising media. However, a number of barriers must be
overcome to assure direct mail's future. These include: EU legislation that prejudices
its use; differences in postal standards, systems and prices; and 'cowboy' operators,
whose indiscriminate mass mailings earn direct mail the 'junl< mail' tag. In the case
of junk mail, the cowboys' efforts can effectively be strangled through compulsory
observation of industry standards or a code of practice, and linkages with national and
international regulatory- authorities to expose these operators. Users of direct mail
and the direct-mail industry, in general, agree that the way forward must be to seek
balanced consumer protection with a mixture of statutory and self-regulatory
The direct-mail industry constantly seeks new methods and approaches. For
example, videocasscttes have become one of the fastest-growing direct-mail media.
Some direct marketers even mail out computer diskettes. For example, Ford sends a
computer diskette called 'Disk Drive Test Drive' to consumers responding to its ads in
computer publications. The diskette's menu provides technical specifications and
attractive graphics about Ford cars, and answers frequently asked questions.
Until recently, all direct mail was paper-based and handled by postal and telegraphic
services and other mail carriers. Recently, however, three new forms of mail delivery
have become popular:

 Fax mail. Fax machines allow delivery of paper-based messages over telephone
lines. Fax mail has one major advantage over regular mail: the message can be sent
and received almost instantaneously. Marketers now routinely send fax mail
announcing offers, sales and other events to prospects and customers with fax
machines. Fax numbers of companies and individuals are now available through
published directories. However, some pro.speets and customers resent receiving
unsolicited fax mail, which clutters their machines and consumes their paper.
 E-mail. E-mail (i.e. electronic mail) allows users to send messages or files directly
from one computer to another. Messages arrive almost instantly and are stored until
the receiving person retrieves them. Many marketers now send sales
announcements, offers, product information and other messages to e-mail
addresses - sometimes to a few individuals, sometimes to large groups. As people
begin to receive more e-mail messages, including unimportant ones, they may look
for an 'agent' software programme to sort out the more important messages from
those than can be ignored or discarded.
 Voice mail. Voice mail is a system for receiving and storing oral messages at a
telephone address. Telephone companies sell this service as a substitute for
answering machines. The person with a voice mail account can check messages by
dialling into the voice mail system and punching in a personal code. Some
marketers have set up programmes that will dial a large number of telephone
numbers and leave the selling messages in the recipients' voice mailboxes.

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