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12/26/22, 11:08 PM Case Study: Social Capital Performance in Construction Projects, Dar es Salaam

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A work plan for a case study on the role of social capital in the performance of
construction projects in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania could include the following

1. Define the research question and objectives: The first step in conducting the
research study is to define the research question and the specific objectives
that the study aims to achieve.
2. Conduct a literature review: The next step is to conduct a thorough review of
the existing literature on social capital and construction projects, with a
particular focus on studies conducted in developing countries. This will help
to identify research gaps and inform the design of the study.
3. Develop the research design: Based on the research question and objectives,
the research design should be developed. This may include the sampling
techniques, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques that will
be used in the study.
4. Collect and analyze the data: The next step is to collect and analyze the data
using the research design and methods that have been developed. This may
involve conducting surveys, interviews, or focus groups with construction
professionals in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
5. Interpret the results and draw conclusions: After the data has been collected
and analyzed, the results should be interpreted and conclusions should be
drawn. These conclusions should be based on the research question and
objectives and should address any research gaps identified in the literature
6. Communicate the results: The final step is to communicate the results of the
study through a written report or presentation. This may involve sharing the
results with policymakers, practitioners, and other stakeholders in the
construction industry in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

experimental design on "A case study analysis of the role of social capital in the
performance of construction projects in Dar es salaam city in Tanzania"

An experimental design is a research design that involves manipulating one or ··

more variables to observe the effect on a dependent variable. Experimental
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designs are often used in scientific research
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