Inggris 2

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No Soal Tryout Pembahasan Tryout Jawaban

1 The Acadians were a group of French settlers who Jawaban E E

lived in Canada during the seventeenth century. They
established a colony on North America’s Atlantic Kata ‘them’ pada kalimat di
coast, in Canada and the state of Maine. Samuel de atas merujuk pada Acadians. Dapat
Champlain, the French explorer who later founded dilihat dari kalimat di akhir-akhir
Quebec, visited the Acadian colony in 1604, as did paragraf 3 menyebutkan “The first
French explorer Pierre de Gua. wave of removals sent the Acadians to
rural parts of Connecticut and New
The Acadian colony attained historical prominence York; the second forced them to
during the French and Indian War, a conflict between France, Britain, and Halifax, Nova
France and England in the in the middle part of the Scotia.”
18th century. As part of the Treaty of Utrecht, signed
between Britain and Spain, the Acadian lands came
under possession of Great Britain. However, the
Acadians were allowed to keep their land as long as
they swore allegiance to the British crown. The
Acadians were reluctant to accept that condition for
two main reasons. First, the Acadians’ primary
religion was Roman Catholic, while the British were
Protestant. Second, the Acadians feared that
accepting British rule would leave them vulnerable to
attack from the Mi’kmaq, a native tribe living nearby
that deeply disliked the British. Due to this, the
Acadians chose to remain neutral.
During the French and Indian War, the Acadians
began sending supplies to the French fortresses, and
fought together with the Mi’kmaq tribes against the
British. Military officer Charles Lawrence was
angered by the Acadians’ behavior and set into
motion what is known today as The Great Upheaval.
On Lawrence’s orders, over eleven thousand
Acadians were forcibly removed from their homes
and colony. The first wave of removals sent the
Acadians to rural parts of Connecticut and New York;
the second forced them to France, Britain, and
Halifax, Nova Scotia. Of the fourteen thousand
Acadians residing in the colony, only 2,600 were able
to escape capture and removal by the British.
The Acadians began forming their own French-
speaking colonies across the world; one group settled
in southern Louisiana and are known today as the
Cajuns. After the end of the war and the Treaty of
Paris in 1763, Britain took control of Canada, and the
Acadians ceased to exist as a political group. Acadians
were allowed to return to their home if they signed
allegiance to Britain; some groups traveled to Nova
Scotia or New Brunswick. In 2003, Queen Elizabeth II
issued a royal proclamation and formal apology to
the Acadian people for their forced displacement.
“the second forced them to France, Britain, and
Halifax, Nova Scotia “

In the third paragraph, what does the word ‘them’

refer to?

A. British crown

B. British Protestant

C. Roman Catholict

D. Mi’kmaq

E. Acadians
2 Walls and wall building have played a very Jawaban = C C
important role in Chinese culture. These people,
Karena arti wasteland dalam konteks
from the dim mists of prehistory have been wall-
kalimat diatas adalah: Gurun / tanah
conscious; from the Neolithic period – when
kosong. Maka kata yang tepat untuk
ramparts of pounded earth were used - to the
menggantikan adalah desert = gurun.
Communist Revolution, walls were an essential
part of any village. Not only towns and villages; the A. Temple = Kuil (salah)
houses and the temples within them were
somehow walled, and the houses also had no B. Island = Pulau (salah)
windows overlooking the street, thus giving the D. Rubbish = Sampah (salah)
feeling of wandering around a huge maze. The
name for “city” in Chinese (ch’eng) means wall, and E. Country = Negara (salah)
over these walled cities, villages, houses and
temples presides the god of walls and mounts,
whose duties were, and still are, to protect and be
responsible for the welfare of the inhabitants.
Thus a great and extremely laborious task such as
constructing a wall, which was supposed to run
throughout the country, must not have seemed
such an absurdity.

However, it is indeed a common mistake to

perceive the Great Wall as a single architectural
structure, and it would also be erroneous to
assume that it was built during a single dynasty.
For the building of the wall spanned the various
dynasties, and each of these dynasties somehow
contributed to the refurbishing and the
construction of a wall, whose foundations had
been laid many centuries ago. It was during the
fourth and third century B.C. that each warring
state started building walls to protect their
kingdoms, both against one another and against
the northern nomads. Especially three of these
states: the Ch’in, the Chao and the Yen,
corresponding respectively to the modern
provinces of Shensi, Shanzi and Hopei, over and
above building walls that surrounded their
kingdoms, also laid the foundations on which Ch’in
Shih Huang Di would build his first continuous
Great Wall.

The role that the Great Wall played in the growth

of Chinese economy was an important one.
Throughout the centuries many settlements were
established along the new border. The garrison
troops were instructed to reclaim wasteland and
to plant crops on it, roads and canals were built, to
mention just a few of the works carried out. All
these undertakings greatly helped to increase the
country’s trade and cultural exchanges with many
remote areas and also with the southern, central
and western parts of Asia – the formation of the
Silk Route. Builders, garrisons, artisans, farmers
and peasants left behind a trail of objects,
including inscribed tablets, household articles, and
written work, which have become extremely
valuable archaeological evidence to the study of
defence institutions of the Great Wall and the
everyday life of these people who lived and died
along the wall.

“The garrison troops were instructed to

reclaim wasteland and to plant crops on it…”
The underlined word above is closest in meaning

A. Temple

B. Island

C. Desert

D. Rubbish

E. Country

3 The Amazon is the world's largest tropical Dense dalam konteks kalimat di A
rainforest. It covers an area of nearly $2.8$ million paragraf memiliki artilebat.
square miles, which is nearly the size of the
continent of Australia. The Amazon Rainforest gets Dari opsi jawaban yang tersedia yang
its life from the majestic Amazon River, the world's paling tepat adalah
second largest river, which runs directly through
the heart of the region. The rainforest itself is A. Heavy = padat/ lebat.
simply the drainage basin for the river and its
many tributaries. The vast forest itself consists of Karena pada jawaban yang lain
four layers, each featuring its own ecosystems and kurang tepat untuk menggantikan
specially adapted plants and animals. kata 'dense'
The forest floor is the lowest region. Since only
two percent of the sunlight filters through the top B. Airy : berangin
layers to the understory, very few plants grow
here. The forest floor, however, is rich with rotting C. Wide : lebar
vegetation and the bodies of dead organisms,
which are quickly broken down into nutrients D. Dull : kusam
integrated into the soil. Tree roots stay close to
these available nutrients and decomposers such E. Open : terbuka
as millipedes and earthworms use these nutrients
for food.

The understory is the layer above the forest floor.

Much like the forest floor, only about 2- 5 percent
of the sunlight reaches this shadowy realm. Many
of the plants in the understory have large, broad
leaves to collect as much sunlight as possible. The
understory is so thick that there is very little air
movement. As a result, plants rely on insects and
animals to pollinate their flowers.
The layer above the understory is the canopy. This
is where much of the action in the rainforest
occurs. Many canopy leaves have specially
adapted leaves which form "drip tips". Drip tips
allow water to flow off the leaves which prevents
mosses, fungi, and lichens from occupying the
leaves. Leaves in the canopy are very dense and
filter about 80 percent of the sunlight. The canopy
is where the wealth of the rainforest's fruits and
flowers grow. Bromeliads, cup-like plants, provide
drinking pools for animals and breeding locations
for tree frogs.
The emergent layer is above the canopy, and is
the top layer of the rainforest. Trees in the
emergent layer break through the canopy and
may reach heights of 200 feet. Leaves in the
emergent layer are small and covered with a
special wax to hold water. Seeds are blown to
other parts of the forest. Trees which rise to the
emergent layer are massive. Many are braced by
huge buttress roots. Trunks can be 16 feet in
circumference. Many animals that survive in the
emergent layer never touch the ground.

"Leaves in the canopy are very dense and filter
about 80 percent of the sunlight."

The underlined word are closest in meaning to

A. Heavy

B. Airy

C. Wide

D. Dull

E. Open

4 The Great Pyramid at Giza is one of the world's Penjelasan: A

most amazing landmarks. Rising high above the
Sahara Desert in the Giza region of northern Pertanyaan semacam diatas yang
Egypt, the Great Pyramid stands some 450 feet menuliskan 'opposite' berarti mencari
into the burning desert sky and occupies an area lawan kata dari kata yang digaris
of 13 acres. The rough climate of the Sahara has bawahi
actually caused the pyramid to shrink 30 feet from
Magnificent dalam konteks kalimat
its original height. The pyramid was such an
ini memiliki arti megah / indah.
amazing feat of engineering that it remained the
tallest structure in the world for over 3800 years! Berdasarkan pilihan yang ada
The entire pyramid was originally faced with diketahui masing-masing memiliki
polished limestone to make it shine brilliantly in arti
the sun. A. Humble : rendah
B. Splendid : megah
Most Egyptologists, scientists who study ancient
C. Tremendous : luar biasa
Egypt, agree that the Great Pyramid was built
D. Immodest : tidak sopan
around 2560 BC, a little more than 4,500 years
E. Monumental : monumental
ago. It took tens of thousands of workers twenty
years to build. The pyramid contains over two
million stone blocks. Although most of the blocks
weigh two or three tons, some weigh up to 80

The Great Pyramid of Giza was ordered built by

the Pharaoh Khufu as a magnificent tomb. His
vizier (advisor), Hemon, is credited with being the
pyramid's architect. Khufu's pyramid is actually
part of a complex of pyramids that includes the
Pyramid of Khafre, the smaller Pyramid of
Menkaure, a variety of smaller pyramids and
structures, and the Great Sphinx. The Great
Pyramid of Giza is the last remaining of the Seven
Wonders of the World.


"The Great Pyramid of Giza was ordered built by

the Pharaoh Khufu as a magnificent tomb."

What is the opposite of the underlined word


A. Humble

B. Splendid

C. Tremendous

D. Immodest

E. Monumental

5 Auroras, often called Northern Lights (Aurora Penjelasan: D

Borealis) and Southern Lights (Aurora Australis), are
spectacular light displays most commonly viewed in Karena 'emitted' pada kalimat diatas
the polar regions. Auroras occur because of memiliki arti 'dipancarkan'. Dari opsi
interactions between Earth's magnetic field and jawaban yang tersedia jawaban yang
solar winds. The solar wind is a stream of charged paling tepat adalah opsi C. Released
particles emitted from the sun's corona that travels yang berarti : dirilis / dikeluarkan.
far into space at speeds of up to 400 miles per Sedangkan pada opsi jawaban lain
second. Charged particles within the solar winds masing-masing memiliki arti:
collide with atmospheric atoms and molecules when
they reach Earth's magnetic field. The collisions A. Spun : pintal
cause quantum leaps, which means the kinetic
energy within the electrons of the particles are B. Taken from : diambil dari
converted to light. The collisions of different
particles result in different colored lights. Atomic C. Grew : tumbuh
oxygen produces red and green lights, nitrogen
E. Sealed: disegel
produces pink, blue, or violet light, helium produces
purple lights and neon produces rippled orange
light. Auroras come in a vast array of shapes and
forms such as arcs, swirls, "curtains" and glowing
shapes. They often appear to be moving.

Auroras often occur as a result of a geomagnetic

storm. A geomagnetic storm is the temporary
disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field as a result
of an event in space such as a solar flare or coronal
mass ejection (the ejection of charged particles form
the sun's corona). In noteworthy geomagnetic
storms, Auroras can be seen well south (or north) of
where they usually occur. The famous Great
Geomagnetic Storms of 1859 produced what
witnesses call the most spectacular auroras ever
seen. Such auroras were seen throughout the
United States, Japan, and Australia. The event lasted
for almost a week.

"The solar wind is a stream of charged

particles emitted from the sun's corona that travels
far into space at speeds of up to 400 miles per

What is the best definition of the underlined word

as used in the sentence above?

A. Spun

B. Taken from

C. Grew

D. Released

E. Sealed
6 Brain drain, which is the action of having highly Pembahasan : D
skilled and educated people leaving their country to
D. Educated people
work abroad, has become one of the developing
countries concern. Brain drain is also referred to as
human capital flight. More and more third world
science and technology educated people are
heading for more prosperous countries seeking
higher wages and better working conditions. This
has of course serious consequences on the sending

While many people believe that immigration is a

personal choice that must be understood and
respected, others look at the phenomenon from a
different perspective. What makes those educated
people leave their countries should be seriously
considered and a distinction between push and pull
factors must be made. The push factors include low
wages and lack of satisfactory working and living
conditions. Social unrest, political conflicts and wars
may also be determining causes. The pull factors,
however, include intellectual freedom and
substantial funds for research.

Brain drain has negative impact on the sending

countries economic prospects and competitiveness.
It reduces the number of dynamic and creative
people who can contribute to the development of
their country. Likewise, with more entrepreneurs
taking their investments abroad, developing
countries are missing an opportunity of wealth
creation. This has also negative consequences on tax
revenue and employment.

Most of the measures taken so far have not had any

success in alleviating the effects of brain drain. A
more global view must take into consideration the
provision of adequate working and living conditions
in the sending countries. An other option should
involve encouraging the expatriates to contribute
their skill to the development of their countries
without necessarily physically relocating.

The word 'their' in the first pharagraph is refers to?

(1st sentence)

A. Country

B. Third World

C. Brain drain

D. Educated people

E. Company

7 Brain drain, which is the action of having highly Penjelasan: E

skilled and educated people leaving their country Karena dalam konteks kalimat
to work abroad, has become one of the diatas 'wages' memiliki arti upah.
developing countries concern. Brain drain is also Dari opsi jawaban yang tersedia yang
referred to as human capital flight. More and memiliki arti terdekat
more third world science and technology adalah 'salary' : gaji . Jawaban yang
educated people are heading for more tepat adalah E.
prosperous countries seeking higher wages and
better working conditions. This has of course A. Chance : Kesempatan
serious consequences on the sending countries. B. Heels : Tumit
C. Cost : Biaya
While many people believe that immigration is a
D. Place : Tempat
personal choice that must be understood and
respected, others look at the phenomenon from a
different perspective. What makes those educated
people leave their countries should be seriously
considered and a distinction between push and
pull factors must be made. The push factors
include low wages and lack of satisfactory working
and living conditions. Social unrest, political
conflicts and wars may also be determining
causes. The pull factors, however, include
intellectual freedom and substantial funds for
Brain drain has negative impact on the sending
countries economic prospects and
competitiveness. It reduces the number of
dynamic and creative people who can contribute
to the development of their country. Likewise, with
more entrepreneurs taking their investments
abroad, developing countries are missing an
opportunity of wealth creation. This has also
negative consequences on tax revenue and

Most of the measures taken so far have not had

any success in alleviating the effects of brain drain.
A more global view must take into consideration
the provision of adequate working and living
conditions in the sending countries. An other
option should involve encouraging the expatriates
to contribute their skill to the development of their
countries without necessarily physically relocating.

"The push factors include low wages and lack of

satisfactory working and living conditions."
(Paragraph 4)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to?

A. Chance
B. Heels
C. Cost
D. Place
E. Salary

8 Text 2 Pembahasan: D

“Boxing” Pilihan A, B, C, dan E (benar), karena

pernyataan-pernyataan teks tersebut
Boxing is a martial art and combat sport in which
ada di dalam teks di atas.
two people engage in a contest of strength, speed,
reflexes, endurance and will, by throwing punches Jawaban: D (Salah), karena menurut
at each other, usually with gloved hands. teks bacaan paragraph kedua,
Historically, the goals have been to weaken and “Boxing evolved from 16th- and 18th-
knock down the opponent. century prizefights, largely in Great
Britain, to the forerunner of modern
Amateur boxing is both an Olympic and
boxing in the mid-19th century, again
Commonwealth sport and is a common fixture in
initially in Great Britain and later in
most international games—it also has its own
the United States.” Yang mempunyai
World Championships. Boxing is supervised by a
arti “Tinju berkembang dari abad ke-
referee over a series of one- to three-minute
16 dan 18, sebagian besar di Inggris,
intervals called rounds. The result is decided when
dengan cikal bakal dari tinju modern
an opponent is deemed incapable to continue by a
di pertengahan abad ke-19, awalnya
referee, is disqualified for breaking a rule, resigns
di Inggris lagi dan kemudian di
by throwing in a towel, or is pronounced the
Amerika Serikat..”
winner or loser based on the judges’ scorecards at
the end of the contest. In the event that both
fighters gain equal scores from the judges, the
fight is considered a draw.

While people have fought in hand-to-hand combat

since before the dawn of history, the origin of
boxing as an organized sport may be its
acceptance by the ancient Greeks as an Olympic
game in BC 688. Boxing evolved from 16th- and
18th-century prizefights, largely in Great Britain, to
the forerunner of modern boxing in the mid-19th
century, again initially in Great Britain and later in
the United States.
(Adapted from: )

The following statements are true according to the

passage, except ...

A. Amateur boxing is both an Olympic and

Commonwealth sport and is a common fixture in
most international games- it also has its own
World Championships.

B. Historically, the goals have been to weaken and

knock down the opponent.

C. In the event that both fighters gain equal scores

from the judges, the fight is considered a draw.

D. Boxing evolved from 14th- and 18th-century

prizefights, largely in Great Britain, to the
forerunner of modern boxing in the mid-18th
century, again initially in Great Britain and later in
the United States.

E. The result is decided when an opponent is

deemed incapable to continue by a referee, is
disqualified for breaking a rule, resigns by
throwing in a towel, or is pronounced the winner
or loser based on the judges’ scorecards at the
end of the contest.

9 Text 2 Pembahasan: D

“Boxing” Main idea atau gagasan utama

adalah garis besar dari suatu
Boxing is a martial art and combat sport in which two pembicaraan yang menjadi dasar
people engage in a contest of strength, speed, dari penjelas atau pengembang
reflexes, endurance and will, by throwing punches at
dalam sebuah paragraph.
each other, usually with gloved hands. Historically,
the goals have been to weaken and knock down the Pilihan A (Salah), karena kalimat itu
opponent. tidak tepat dan bukan dari paragraph
Amateur boxing is both an Olympic and
Commonwealth sport and is a common fixture in Pilihan B (Salah), karena kalimat itu
most international games—it also has its own World tidak tepat dan bukan dari paragraph
Championships. Boxing is supervised by a referee pertama.
over a series of one- to three-minute intervals called
Pilihan C (Salah), karena kalimat itu
rounds. The result is decided when an opponent is
tidak tepat dan bukan dari paragraph
deemed incapable to continue by a referee, is
disqualified for breaking a rule, resigns by throwing in
a towel, or is pronounced the winner or loser based Pilihan E (Salah), karena kalimat itu
on the judges’ scorecards at the end of the contest. tidak tepat dan bukan dari paragraph
In the event that both fighters gain equal scores from pertama.
the judges, the fight is considered a draw.
Jawaban: D [Benar], karena
While people have fought in hand-to-hand combat memang, tinju adalah seni bela diri
since before the dawn of history, the origin of boxing dan olahraga combat/pertarungan di
as an organized sport may be its acceptance by the mana dua orang terlibat dalam
ancient Greeks as an Olympic game in BC 688. Boxing kontes kekuatan, kecepatan, refleks,
evolved from 16th- and 18th-century prizefights, daya tahan dan hasrat, dengan
largely in Great Britain, to the forerunner of modern melemparkan pukulan satu sama
boxing in the mid-19th century, again initially in Great lain. Dan jawaban ini tepat sekali,
Britain and later in the United States. karena terdapat di paragraph
(Adapted from: keenam. )
What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. The origin of boxing as an organized sport may

be its acceptance by the ancient Greeks as an
Olympic game in BC 688.
B. The result is decided when an opponent is
deemed incapable to continue by a referee.

C. It also has its own World Championships.

D. Boxing is a martial art and combat sport in

which two people engage in a contest of strength,
speed, reflexes, endurance and will, by throwing
punches at each other.

E. Boxing is supervised by a referee over a series

of one- to three-minute intervals called rounds.

10 Text 2 Pembahasan: B


Boxing is a martial art and combat sport in which Pilihan B, C, D, dan E (Salah), karena
two people engage in a contest of strength, speed, statements itu tidak sesuai dengan
reflexes, endurance and will, by throwing punches penjelasan yang terdapat dalam teks
at each other, usually with gloved hands. bacaan.
Historically, the goals have been to weaken and
knock down the opponent.
Jawaban: B [Benar], karena statement
Amateur boxing is both an Olympic and
di atas berbicara bahwa secara
Commonwealth sport and is a common fixture in
historis, tujuan adanya tinju adalah
most international games—it also has its own
untuk melemahkan dan merobohkan
World Championships. Boxing is supervised by a
referee over a series of one- to three-minute
intervals called rounds. The result is decided when
an opponent is deemed incapable to continue by a
referee, is disqualified for breaking a rule, resigns
by throwing in a towel, or is pronounced the
winner or loser based on the judges’ scorecards at
the end of the contest. In the event that both
fighters gain equal scores from the judges, the
fight is considered a draw.

While people have fought in hand-to-hand combat

since before the dawn of history, the origin of
boxing as an organized sport may be its
acceptance by the ancient Greeks as an Olympic
game in BC 688. Boxing evolved from 16th- and
18th-century prizefights, largely in Great Britain, to
the forerunner of modern boxing in the mid-19th
century, again initially in Great Britain and later in
the United States.

(Adapted from: )

Which of the following statements is true

according to the passage?

A. In the event that both fighters gain equal scores

from the judges, the fight is not considered a

B. Historically, the goals have been to weaken and

knock down the opponent.

C. Amateur boxing is both an Olympic and

Commonwealth sport and is not a common fixture
in most international games.

D. Boxing is a martial art and combat sport in

which two people engage in a contest of speaking,
speed, reflexes, endurance and will, by throwing
punches at each other, usually with gloved hands.

E. Boxing evolved from 13th- and 18th-century

prizefights, largely in Great Britain, to the
forerunner of modern boxing in the mid-17th
century, again initially in Great Britain and later in
the United States.

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