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No Soal Tryout Pembahasan Tryout Jawaban

1 For many years the school system in Finland has Jawaban = C C

been very successful. In the PISA survey, which
Soal ini menanyakan sinonim atau
compares reading, math and science knowledge of
padanan dari kata ‘strikingly’.
15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only
the top European country but also competes with Strikingly sendiri memiliki arti secara
Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South mencolok. Dan sesuai dengan
Korea. But what makes the educational system in konteks kalimat yang menjelaskan
this small country so strikingly different from bahwa ‘sistem edukasi di Finlandia
others in the western world. memiliki perbedaan yang sangat
mencolok dengan negara lainnya’

First of all, the Finish government makes it possible

for all children to attend preschool, which comes Dari opsi jawaban yang tersedia
after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins yang paling tepat adalah
at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as prominently yang memiliki arti
much as possible. They have little homework to do secara menonjol / mencolok
when they get home. When teachers are not with
the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools Sedangkan pada opsi lainnya
working on the curriculum and new projects. They masing-masing memiliki arti.
teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach
their goals. That is why dropout rates are low
compared to other countries. Particularly = Terutama

Greatly = Sangat

In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a Really = Benar-benar

highly admired profession. Finland selects its Majorly = Sebagian besar
teachers very carefully. Only talented students can
continue their education to a university and receive
a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes
the best to educate its youth.

Schools in Finland are small, at least for

international standards. However, more than in
any other country teachers are ready to prepare
children for life. In some cases they know every
pupil in their school and can adjust to them.
Teachers try everything to succeed with their
pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in
their elementary school years, either by the
teachers themselves or through specially trained

What is the closest meaning of ‘strikingly’ in line 4?

A. Particularly

B. Greatly

C. Prominently

D. Really

E. Majorly

2 For many years the school system in Finland Opposite berarti berlawanan. Maka D
has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which di soal ini yang ditanyakan adalah
compares reading, math and science knowledge of lawan kata dari Compulsory.
15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only
Compulsory sendiri berarti = Wajib.
the top European country but also competes with
Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Maka selanjutnya dicari dari opsi
Korea. But makes the educational system in this tersedia mana yang memiliki arti
small country so strikingly different from others in berlawanan dengan kata wajib
the western world.
Mandatory = wajib
First of all, the Finish government makes it
possible for all children to attend preschool, which
comes after kindering 7. they spend a lot of time in Usually = biasanya
schools working on the curriculum and new
Necessary = perlu
projects. They teach in teams if it is needed to help
them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates Voluntary = suka rela
are low compared to other countries. their
education to a university and receive a master's Incumbent = berkewajiban
degree in education. Finland only takes the best to Maka dari pilihan jawaban yang
educate its youth. some cases they know every tersedia jawaban paling tepat adala.
pupil in their school and can adjust to them.
Teachers try everything to succeed with their
pupils. Most of the pupils additional help in their
elementary school years, either by the teachers
themselves or through specially trained educators.

"Compulsory education begins at 7.."

What is the opposite of the underlined word?

A. Mandatory

B. Usually

C. Necesarry


E. Incumbent

3 For many years the school system in Finland 'Author purpose' berarti tujuan E
has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which penulis. Maka pertanyaan ini
compares reading, math and science knowledge of dimaksudkan untuk menemukan
15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only tujuan / gagasan utama yang
the top European country but also competes with diinformasikan penulis pada
Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South paragraf terakhir.
Korea. But makes the educational system in this
Untuk menjawab soal ini dapat
small country so strikingly different from others in
dilakukan dengan mencari keyword
the western world.
pada kalimat-kalimat awal
First of all, the Finish government makes it paragraph terakhir.
possible for all children to attend preschool, which
Ditemukan bahwa pada kalimat
comes after kindering 7. they spend a lot of time in
kedua penulis memberi fokus pada
schools working on the curriculum and new
kata 'teacher' yang selanjutnya
projects. They teach in teams if it is needed to help
disebutkan kembali pada kalimat-
them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates
kalimat berikutnya.
are low compared to other countries. their
education to a university and receive a master's
degree in education. Finland only takes the best to
educate its youth. some cases they know every Maka untuk menentukan jawaban
pupil in their school and can adjust to them. dari opsi yang tersedia dipilih pada
Teachers try everything to succeed with their opsi yang menyebutkan kata
pupils. Most of the pupils additional help in their 'teacher' diikuti konteks yang sesuai
elementary school years, either by the teachers dengan paragraf 5 .
themselves or through specially trained educators. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah E.

What does the author purpose in the last


A. To tell us the procedure how to become a good


B. To inform the readers that Finland education is

one of the best according to PISA survey

C. To explain about how Finland teachers help the

pupils in the class

D. To give information that Finland schools is small

and good for international standard
E. To tell the readers that Finland teachers are
carefulness and give their best for the success of
the students

4 For many years the school system in Finland Di soal ini ditanyakan pernyataan C
has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which yang tidak sesuai dengan teks.
compares reading, math and science knowledge of
Untuk menjawab soal inidapat
15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only
diketahui dengan mencari keyword
the top European country but also competes with
dari masing-masing paragraf.
Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South
Korea. But makes the educational system in this A= Huge and good
small country so strikingly different from others in
the western world. Benar, karena sesuai dengan yang
dituliskan pada paragraf 4
First of all, the Finish government makes it disebutkan bahwa, sekolah di
possible for all children to attend preschool, which Finlandiakecilsetikdaknya untuk
comes after kindering 7. they spend a lot of time in standar internasional. B= Work in
schools working on the curriculum and new team
projects. They teach in teams if it is needed to help
them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates Benar, di paragraph 2 line 5
are low compared to other countries. their dituliskan bahwa guru bisa bekerja
education to a university and receive a master's secara tim jika dibutuhkan.
degree in education. Finland only takes the best to C= Additional help by parents
educate its youth. some cases they know every
pupil in their school and can adjust to them. D= Is not a big country
Teachers try everything to succeed with their Benar, disebutkan pada paragraph
pupils. Most of the pupils additional help in their 1 line 4
elementary school years, either by the teachers
themselves or through specially trained educators. E= Top country on PISA

Benar, disebutkan pada paragraph

1 line 3
The following statements are true according to the
passage, except.. Maka jawabannya adalah C.

A. The schools in Finland aren't huge for

international standards

B. The teachers probably work in team when

teaching students

C. Most of the pupils get additional help by their


D. Finland isn't a big country

E. Finland is one of the top country on PISA survey

5 Humans are uniquely smart among all the other Kata 'Inferred, suggest, implied' B
species on the planet. We are capable of mengindikasikan bahwa pertanyaan
outstanding feats of technology and engineering. ini meminta kesimpulan dari subjek
Then why are we so prone to making mistakes? And yang ditanyakan dalam pertanyaan.
why do we tend to make the same ones time and
time again? When Primate Psychologist Laurie
Santos from the Comparative Yale University posed Kali ini yang ditanyakan adalah
this question to her team, they were thinking in kesimpulan dari 'Laurie Santos'
particular of the errors of judgement which led to sebagai sosok yang melakukan
the recental biologically prone to making bad penelitian. Untuk menjawab
decisions. are intelligent and have the capacity to pertanyaan seperti ini dapat
learn. However, they are not influenced by any of dilakukan dengan cara menemukan
the cultural environments which affect his or gagasan pokok dalam setiap
making. The team wanted to test whether the paragraph dengan membaca 1-2
capuchin monkeys, when put into similar situations kalimat awal pada tiap paragraf.
as humans, would make the same mistakes.

[A] Of particular interest to the scientists was

whether monkeys would make the same mistakes Dari gagasan yang ditemukan dari
when making financial decisions. [B] order to find tiap paragraf diketahui bahwa
out, they had to introduce the monkeys to money. Laurie Santos melibatkan monyet
[C] The monkeys soon cottoned on, and as well as dalam penelitiannya sebagai
learning simple exchange techniques, were soon perbandingan dengan manusia
able to distinguish 'bargains' - If one team-member dalam pemilihan keputusan dengan
offered two grapes in exchange for a metal disc and berbagai metode yang dilakukan.
another team-member offered one grape, the
Dari opsi jawaban yang tersedia
monkeys chose the interesting when the data about
didapat jawaban yang paling tepat
the monkey's purchasing strategies was compared
pada opsi
with economist's data on human behaviour, there
was a perfect match. issues is risk-taking. Imagine B. (pekerjaan sebelumnya
that someone gave you $$ 1000$. In addition to this melibatkan monyet)
$$ 1000$, you can receive either $\mathrm{A}$ ) an
additional $$ 500$ or $\mathrm{B}$ ) someone
tosses a coin and if it lands 'heads' you receive an
additional $$ 1000$, but if it lands 'tails' you receive
no more money. Of these options, most people tend
to choose option A. They prefer guaranteed
earnings, rather than running the risk of receiving
nothing. Now imagine a second situation in which
you are given $$ 2000$. Now lose $$ 500$, leaving
you with a total of $$ 1500$, or B) toss a coin; if it
lands 'heads' you lose nothing, but if it lands 'tails'
you lose $$ 1000$, leaving you with only $$ 1000$.
Interestingly, when we stand to lose money, we tend
to choose the more risky choice, option B. And as we
know from the experience of financial investors and
gamblers, it is unwise to take risks when we are on
a losing streak. of exchanging their disc for one
grape and receiving one bonus grape, or exchanging
the disc for one grape and sometimes receiving two
bones and sometimes were offered three grapes,
but in option A were only actually given two grapes.
In option B, they had a fifty-fifty chance of receiving
all three grapes or one grape only. The results were
that monkeys, like humans, take more risks in times
of loss. help us to make better choices in future.


What can be inferred about Laurie Santos?

A. She believes that humans should never take


B. Her job frequently involves working with


C. She thinks that both humans and monkeys are


D. She designed monkeys technologies to help

them make better choices

E. She prefers monkeys to humans

6 The Galapagos Islands are in the Pacific Ocean, off Jawaban = B B

the western coast of South America. They are a
rocky, lonely spot, but they are also one of the most Soal diatas menanyakan kata 'their'
unusual places in the world. One reason is that they merujuk kepada siapa. Untuk
are the home of some of the last giant tortoises left menjawab pertanyaan ini dapat
on earth. diketahui dengan membaca kalimat
Weighing hundreds of pounds, these tortoises, or sebelum kata "their" dituliskan.
land turtles, wander slowly around the rocks and
sand of the islands. Strangely, each of these islands 'Their' dapat kita temukan di
has its own particular kinds of tortoises. There are paragraph terakhir line 2. Dan
seven different kinds of tortoises on the eight islands, jawaban bis akita ketahui di kalimat
each kind being slightly different from the other. terakhir paragraf ke 4 yang
Hundreds of years ago, thousands of tortoises menyebutkan 'The scientist'.
wandered around these islands. However, all that
changed when people started landing there. When Maka dapat dipastikan jawabannya
people first arrived in 1535, their ships had no adalah B.
refrigerators. This meant that fresh food was always
a problem for the sailors on board. The giant
tortoises provided an easy solution to this problem.

Ships would anchor off the islands, and crews

would row ashore and seize as many tortoises as
they could. Once the animals were aboard the ship,
the sailors would roll the tortoises onto their backs.
The tortoises were completely helpless once on their
backs, so they could only lie there until used for
soups and stews. Almost 100,000 tortoises were
carried off in this way. The tortoises faced other
problems, too. Soon after the first ships, settlers
arrived, bringing pigs, goats, donkeys, dogs and cats.
All of these animals ruined life for the tortoises.
Donkeys and goats ate all the plants that the
tortoises usually fed on, while the pigs, dogs and cats
consumed thousands of baby tortoises each year.
Within a few years, it was hard to find any tortoise
eggs-or even any baby tortoises.

By the early 1900 s, people began to worry that

the last of the tortoises would soon die out. No one,
however, seemed to care enough to do anything
about the problem. More and more tortoises
disappeared, even though sailors no longer needed
them for food. For another 50 years, this situation
continued. Finally, in the 1950 s, scientists decided
that something must be done.

The first part of their plan was to remove as many

cats, dogs and other animals as they could from the
islands. Next, they tried to make sure that more baby
tortoises would be born. To do this, they started
looking for wild tortoise eggs. They gathered the eggs
and put them in safe containers. When the eggs
hatched, the scientists raised the tortoises in special
pens. Both the eggs and tortoises were numbered so
that the scientists knew exactly which kinds of
tortoises they had and which island they came from.
Once the tortoises were old enough and big enough
to take care of themselves, the scientists took them
back to their islands and set them loose. This slow,
hard work continues today, and, thanks to it, the
number of tortoises is now increasing every year.
Perhaps these wonderful animals will not disappear
after all.
In the last paragraph, what does the word "their"
refer to?

A. Baby tortoise

B. The scientist

C. Cats

D. People

E. Resident of the Galapagos

7 The Galapagos Islands are in the Pacific Ocean, off Kata ‘Inferred, suggest, implied’ E
the western coast of South America. They are a mengindikasikan bahwa pertanyaan
rocky, lonely spot, but they are also one of the most ini meminta kesimpulan dari
unusual places in the world. One reason is that they paragraph 3.
are the home of some of the last giant tortoises left
on earth. Untuk menemukan kesimpulan dari
sebuah paragraph dapat diketahui
Weighing hundreds of pounds, these tortoises, or dengan menemukan ide pokok pada
land turtles, wander slowly around the rocks and kalimat awal dan akhir di paragraph 3.
sand of the islands. Strangely, each of these islands Pada kalimat awal disebutkan bahwa
has its own particular kinds of tortoises. There are ketika kapal berlabuh dipulau
seven different kinds of tortoises on the eight islands, Galapagos, manusia menangkap
each kind being slightly different from the other. banyak kura-kura. Dan di kalimat akhir
Hundreds of years ago, thousands of tortoises dituliskan dalam beberapa tahun sulit
wandered around these islands. However, all that menemukan telur kura-kura karena di
changed when people started landing there. When makan oleh binatanag peliharaan
people first arrived in 1535, their ships had no yang dibawa manusia.
refrigerators. This meant that fresh food was always
a problem for the sailors on board. The giant Maka dari pilihan jawaban yang ada,
tortoises provided an easy solution to this problem. jawaban yang paling sesuai adalah E.

Ships would anchor off the islands, and crews

would row ashore and seize as many tortoises as
they could. Once the animals were aboard the ship,
the sailors would roll the tortoises onto their backs.
The tortoises were completely helpless once on their
backs, so they could only lie there until used for
soups and stews. Almost 100,000 tortoises were
carried off in this way. The tortoises faced other
problems, too. Soon after the first ships, settlers
arrived, bringing pigs, goats, donkeys, dogs and cats.
All of these animals ruined life for the tortoises.
Donkeys and goats ate all the plants that the
tortoises usually fed on, while the pigs, dogs and cats
consumed thousands of baby tortoises each year.
Within a few years, it was hard to find any tortoise
eggs-or even any baby tortoises.
By the early 1900s, people began to worry that the
last of the tortoises would soon die out. No one,
however, seemed to care enough to do anything
about the problem. More and more tortoises
disappeared, even though sailors no longer needed
them for food. For another 50 years, this situation
continued. Finally, in the 1950s, scientists decided
that something must be done.
The first part of their plan was to remove as many
cats, dogs and other animals as they could from the
islands. Next, they tried to make sure that more baby
tortoises would be born. To do this, they started
looking for wild tortoise eggs. They gathered the eggs
and put them in safe containers. When the eggs
hatched, the scientists raised the tortoises in special
pens. Both the eggs and tortoises were numbered so
that the scientists knew exactly which kinds of
tortoises they had and which island they came from.
Once the tortoises were old enough and big enough to
take care of themselves, the scientists took them back
to their islands and set them loose. This slow, hard
work continues today, and, thanks to it, the number of
tortoises is now increasing every year. Perhaps these
wonderful animals will not disappear after all.

What can be inferred from the third paragraph?

A. Baby tortoises were hard to find few years ago.

B. Goats, donkeys, pigs and dogs arrived and

settled in the Galapagos.

C. The tortoise would die when they are rolled onto

their backs.

D. Ships dock in the Galapagos to witness

thousands of turtles.
E. Tortoises in the Galapagos has decreased due to
being hunted by humans and other animals

8 The Galapagos Islands are in the Pacific Ocean, off Jawaban = B B

the western coast of South America. They are a rocky,
lonely spot, but they are also one of the most unusual Pertanyaan semacam diatas yang
places in the world. One reason is that they are the menuliskan 'best replaced' berarti
home of some of the last giant tortoises left on earth. mencari sinonim dari kata yang
Weighing hundreds of pounds, these tortoises, or land digaris bawahi.
turtles, wander slowly around the rocks and sand of
the islands. Strangely, each of these islands has its Anchor dalam Bahasa Indonesia
own particular kinds of tortoises. There are seven selain berarti jangkar juga bisa
different kinds of tortoises on the eight islands, each memiliki arti berlabuh.
kind being slightly different from the other. Hundreds
of years ago, thousands of tortoises wandered around Berdasarkan pilihan yang ada
these islands. However, all that changed when people diketahui masing-masing memeliki
started landing there. When people first arrived in arti
1535, their ships had no refrigerators. This meant that
Hitch = Halangan
fresh food was always a problem for the sailors on
board. The giant tortoises provided an easy solution to
Dock = Dermaga / Berlabuh
this problem.
Iron = Besi
Ships would anchor off the islands, and crews would
row ashore and seize as many tortoises as they could. Set = Mengatur / perangkat
Once the animals were aboard the ship, the sailors
would roll the tortoises onto their backs. The tortoises Stay = Tinggal
were completely helpless once on their backs, so they
could only lie there until used for soups and stews. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B.
Almost 100,000 tortoises were carried off in this way.
The tortoises faced other problems, too. Soon after
the first ships, settlers arrived, bringing pigs, goats,
donkeys, dogs and cats. All of these animals ruined life
for the tortoises. Donkeys and goats ate all the plants
that the tortoises usually fed on, while the pigs, dogs
and cats consumed thousands of baby tortoises each
year. Within a few years, it was hard to find any
tortoise eggs-or even any baby tortoises.

By the early 1900 s, people began to worry that the

last of the tortoises would soon die out. No one,
however, seemed to care enough to do anything
about the problem. More and more tortoises
disappeared, even though sailors no longer needed
them for food. For another 50 years, this situation
continued. Finally, in the 1950 s, scientists decided
that something must be done.

The first part of their plan was to remove as many

cats, dogs and other animals as they could from the
islands. Next, they tried to make sure that more baby
tortoises would be born. To do this, they started
looking for wild tortoise eggs. They gathered the eggs
and put them in safe containers. When the eggs
hatched, the scientists raised the tortoises in special
pens. Both the eggs and tortoises were numbered so
that the scientists knew exactly which kinds of
tortoises they had and which island they came from.
Once the tortoises were old enough and big enough to
take care of themselves, the scientists took them back
to their islands and set them loose. This slow, hard
work continues today, and, thanks to it, the number of
tortoises is now increasing every year. Perhaps these
wonderful animals will not disappear after all.
"Ships would anchor off the islands, and..."
The underlined word above is best replaced by?

A. Hitch

B. Dock

C. Iron

D. Set

E. Stay

9 The Galapagos Islands are in the Pacific Ocean, Soal ini menanyakan statements yang B
off the western coast of South America. They are a tidak tepat dari keseluruhan teks.
rocky, lonely spot, but they are also one of the most
Untuk menjawab soal ini selain
unusual places in the world. One reason is that they
dengan membaca keseluruhan teks,
are the home of some of the last giant tortoises left
dapat ditemukan juga dengan cara
on earth.
melihat keyword dari setiap opsi
Weighing hundreds of pounds, these tortoises, or
jawaban lalu mencocokannya dengan
land turtles, wander slowly around the rocks and
kalimat yang ada didalam teks.
sand of the islands. Strangely, each of these islands
has its own particular kinds of tortoises. There are Opsi A = Sailors dan Food
seven different kinds of tortoises on the eight
islands, each kind being slightly different from the Opsi B = Dangerous dan Place
other. Hundreds of years ago, thousands of Opsi C = weighs
tortoises wandered around these islands. However,
all that changed when people started landing there. Opsi D = lie dan backs
When people first arrived in 1535, their ships had no
Opsi E = save
refrigerators. This meant that fresh food was always
a problem for the sailors on board. The giant
tortoises provided an easy solution to this problem.
Berdasarkan kata kunci ini setelah
Ships would anchor off the islands, and crews dicocokan dengan isi kalimat yang ada
would row ashore and seize as many tortoises as dalam teks diketahui yang tidak tepat
they could. Once the animals were aboard the ship, adalah B, karena pada paragraf
the sailors would roll the tortoises onto their backs. pertama line 2 “also one of the
The tortoises were completely helpless once on most unusual places in the
their backs, so they could only lie there until used for world”. Bukan dangerous.
soups and stews. Almost 100,000 tortoises were
carried off in this way. The tortoises faced other
problems, too. Soon after the first ships, settlers Maka dipastikan jawabannya
arrived, bringing pigs, goats, donkeys, dogs and cats. adalah B.
All of these animals ruined life for the tortoises.
Donkeys and goats ate all the plants that the
tortoises usually fed on, while the pigs, dogs and
cats consumed thousands of baby tortoises each
year. Within a few years, it was hard to find any
tortoise eggs-or even any baby tortoises.

By the early 1900 s, people began to worry that

the last of the tortoises would soon die out. No one,
however, seemed to care enough to do anything
about the problem. More and more tortoises
disappeared, even though sailors no longer needed
them for food. For another 50 years, this situation
continued. Finally, in the 1950 s, scientists decided
that something must be done.

The first part of their plan was to remove as many

cats, dogs and other animals as they could from the
islands. Next, they tried to make sure that more
baby tortoises would be born. To do this, they
started looking for wild tortoise eggs. They gathered
the eggs and put them in safe containers. When the
eggs hatched, the scientists raised the tortoises in
special pens. Both the eggs and tortoises were
numbered so that the scientists knew exactly which
kinds of tortoises they had and which island they
came from. Once the tortoises were old enough and
big enough to take care of themselves, the scientists
took them back to their islands and set them loose.
This slow, hard work continues today, and, thanks to
it, the number of tortoises is now increasing every
year. Perhaps these wonderful animals will not
disappear after all.

The following statements are true, except ..

A. The sailors use the tortoises for food.

B. Galapagos is one of the most dangerous places

in the world

C. Tortoises in Galapagos weighs more than a

hundred pounds

D. Tortoises just lied when they were put onto their


E. In the 1950 people started to save the tortoises

in Galapagos

10 Charles A. Lindbergh is remembered as the first Soal diatas menyebutkan ‘closest A

person to make a nonstop solo flight across the meaning’ yang berarti menanyakan
Atlantic, in 1927. This feat, performed when Lindbergh sinonim dari kata aviation.
was only 25 years old, assured him a lifetime of fame
and public attention. Charles Augustus Lindbergh was Aviation dalam Bahasa Indonesia
more interested in flying airplanes than he was in berarti penerbangan.
studying. He dropped out of the University of
Wisconsin after two years to earn a living performing
daredevil airplane stunts at county fairs. Two years Dari opsi yang tersedia masing-masing
later, he joined the United States Army so that he jawaban memiliki arti
could go to the Army Air Service flight-training school.
Flight = Penerbangan
After completing his training, he was hired to fly mail
between St. Louis and Chicago. Appreciation = Apresiasi

Then came the historic flight across the Atlantic. In Discovery = Penemuan
1919, a New York City hotel owner offered a prize of Pioneer = pelopor
$25,000 for the first pilot to fly nonstop from New
York to Paris. Nine St. Louis business leaders helped Professional = professional
pay for the plane Lindbergh designed especially for the
flight. Lindbergh tested the plane by flying it from San
Diego to New York, with an overnight stop in St. Louis. Maka dari opsi jawaban dan masing-
The flight took only 20 hours and 21 minutes, a nasing artinya. Yang paling dekat
transcontinental record. dengan arti aviation adalah A.
Nine days later, on May 20, 1927, Lindbergh took off
from Long Island, New York, at 7:52 a.m. He landed in
Paris on May 21 at 10:21 p.m. He had flown more than
3,600 miles in less than 34 hours. His flight made news
around the world. He was given awards and parades
everywhere he went. He was presented with the US
Congressional Medal of Honor and the first
Distinguished Flying Cross. For a long time, Lindbergh
toured the world as a US goodwill ambassador. He
met his future wife, Anne Morrow, in Mexico, where
her father was the United States ambassador.
During the 1930s, Charles and Anne Lindbergh worked
for various airline companies, charting new
commercial air routes. In 1931, for a major airline,
they charted a new route from the east coast of the
United States to the Orient. The shortest, most
efficient route was a great curve across Canada, over
Alaska, and down to China and Japan. Most pilots
familiar with the Arctic did not believe that such a
route was possible. The Lindberghs took on the task of
proving that it was. They arranged for fuel and
supplies to be set out along the route. On July 29, they
took off from Long Island in a specially equipped small
seaplane. They flew by day and each night landed on
a lake or a river and camped. Near Nome, Alaska, they
had their first serious emergency. Out of daylight and
nearly out of fuel, they were forced down into a small
ocean inlet. In the next morning’s light, they
discovered they had landed on barely three feet of
water. On September 19, after two more emergency
landings and numerous close calls, they landed in
China with the maps for a safe airline passenger route.
Even while actively engaged as a pioneering flier,
Lindbergh was also working as an engineer. In 1935,
he and Dr. Alexis Carrel were given a patent for an
artificial heart. During World War II in the 1940s,
Lindbergh served as a civilian technical advisor in
aviation. Although he was a civilian, he flew over 50
combat missions in the Pacific. In the 1950s, Lindbergh
helped design the famous 747 jet airliner. In the late
1960s, he spoke widely on conservation issues. He
died in August 1974, having lived through aviation
history from the time of the first powered flight to the
first steps on the moon and having influenced a big
part of that history himself.

The words ‘aviation’ are closest in meaning to

A. Flight

B. Appreciation

C. Discovery

D. Pioneer

E. Professional

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