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yes. RASPURONIT ze BYEIee ECE “Tybes Oe SoluTions Fa e [a—-Sseneeenit ci Cauceirnanion's OF setupen PL Napavn peessuRe OF LiRuib” Soiurions ___afe: IDEAL Amp ton IDEAL SOLUTh =. ef ze IE LerGariVe PROPERTIES ND . DeréernieTi0n oF MOLAR 1p Beworrer _ 176 ryasces. By H.S. Raspurowir é 94610-0664: —T_ HS _GHemrstry class aoe Solutions ase Vues ogeneous 124s ths UA Wo Cie ou ente i Me Component ry, in_smell _quanpy eS Bresenf- = tian Ohtre} oH which y esen| Qu oe th debetminas T Liquid ox gad OTEF—= Sotvewe Fale (solid exicks. sical fh wnien selistion 7 3 < oe Raia __ Expres | Sane ie op | _-sro1ure} “ -SoLuTion, WES OE bio t Gas Gas Are o[iptude oF at Nay] a @)paedecus | rigid | Gas lotetgriinxed with Na aa| _ _ a t sind | as [Campo in Na ges = : ae aE ee Nl ec ose @|_bigud tiquid Liguig _[eWetel ciasolve in woke —Colled g t cold Liquid: [Glucose dikgelve ine ¥ — - “ Sa | cman pane age FE i EE @|_ sel iguid | cova [eimalgam oF Hg with No. log bs solid eolid [Gu th goid, ues. | S } —_ ae AE = sal a | ——— aa H CHEMISTRY é _@. I Vale : CH one 66952 Quelitalve Way > qualitatis AR OA ES is conce I barge quavbty of -coluts), at extra desdziphion Can a. oz | ceorfusten ntibalive Way I Mow be delinsd “Ge [ih Tam Phesent jy [saan = Massto! ia Bc iy ihe Solution “Tote] Hass o te Solution ‘e Component — Voltrne OF faa, Compouene oral Volunie OF the Solution | 2. . —_|»(faz= Gy Nolams. pereentoga. w/v’ pace ek : | ik ie Haws Of solute in dissolved jy joont : @ | lpParr Pee mos, x When 0 sole i Ppm [Pants a prion a, ROBO OFM of he Component pid Alokal woo} Pants of ail the. components oF chr (plofey, A Whe oF ceo Wales (Walghe 1030 2) contains I boul £xI07S g of dissolved onpgen (Ob) [ @ Gmol) coneniralion {3 exphessed ac 58 afehiog ___ [5-8 ppm]. of Seo Weter. _ eee 2 due Concdnksation oF PoUukonls in Woles o& _ ‘abmosphere fs ofen exptecsed i PPm. [py (Poms pew Gunseng- - Hurbex OF falls ftne Component tind. _efotel Now & Paths € aLAne componertt a Solubén Sf eetston, 3 HHiole_faecien of 0 Component a a a Number of Moles OF Ine component Te ‘al No. jes oF al fue Componente — dotel No. oF Mojes or al ro Nores, ° Sie t Tha bindas onietaae [b tiet Fnumuek of moles ob | ond @ ore hat he Aespectively . A Mole FAachon of A_( Xa) = ——S i i Mote Faachén or a (XR) — Ne hatne Fo 0 Golubon eontainin i numbes, oF Componente. a Pate Bet alae hetnat. we Pet Ma os] Biome x} Mole Praehon “is Veig We Calculations Hin “ASSO rag 4 bata gas! roinhireds ee ae 9 >eEiaaa aed tis is aii bed Os number of moles of Sovss ies ced se ithe of olution 4 )_ Melesior sowie 7 vet = | Wolune oF souatron OD E = emperdiune dependent = az les see ey bo ye MovaLiry Le) ee la a Molaliy fo Glepited as the mumbek oF mules ot | Pex “Kilogsam eg) ot tne Solvent. viata” Toles oF Solula fuel = md ex J | solste ~ Mase ef OF Solvent thes a? ts = depiued as jw NumbeA oF gpems_twchee guivalentsy’ Ajiesolyved in One Lie oF solution —Gaam Equivolenks of Seluke ee eee Volume of Solution Cb) unk = Gam Eq. far ef "Solubility amount tH mount oF jelusbian eee emia dululisn Molaiity becomes No Ie MN = MoNe or Ne Ne | On minng ‘colulioh 7 + ! Seluen 2.0 | S| pata (Hs) = PVE Nev— v Viavo jubili amount Hak ¢ @mount of |p) Nabure Of\ Selute —___y -empesobua )_ Pressuse o_given liquid. ‘elyente ond oe vents =a = 4 Tee : S| a Sele digedives in 0 solvent it” =) oo [infeamolecutor thlesactons che 4] {tee fin he for OR Like issolves | Eactoxe Aprectin =a oF sold in hi ah 4 . Nabite © Solute ond — Selvent. eck IE | iycheace wile Ai @ud if — demperatu Z Lg pata ck Gkect oF Pressude $= Now Sig [ Stpect. oF Pressuar Or. Se | Soli licks pin Nquides : — > Feslals Alectig sell “or gest P iNahile of oe) echt oad aoe : pe —_— Uke 02, fe, He ela vos | chiazotve lene th_woalev, ere a 1 7 fF = t. & S| biquifiosle gases ‘Sue Oe On sop 4 Factoiy < Hel te_vohichy ~ fonjde’ th” celvent ay Free Te ewe P2peUnd wih Solvent CwetY): ate mode : D Lemp Presse ;- sets eet tinene cots wie oF PACE SIAC. e _@ = bendy _ jive a Quankttativé Aelalion selween pseteure™ ond solubility of a gas in @ Solvent bshich is lenown Yensgs Law: > The law states pak a_conckant | Lemperatuie, The solu eee Gas ina laguid jg clisectly propdrdione| Lott adial pheseuvre op. the ‘gas present above ___ 2. surpace op louid Oe solution. >? ce (fiw pallial phessuke op the gas in Vapous phase (p) [© propostionol to the mole _FAackbn of The pee Cx) th hee the anes get a ep P= Hy tg a) — = pa Hen a eonskok [yee Ka i Ki = xq > Veit oF Ki usome SP Factomt coting Nyala CF Ky D> % SH of [D) fempetatar 3) Nabés of gas. or Ku fs Aifpetent Fes Ayes ent Vote | a me A =| scons ane ah ——}--clectease with tichhare be _ tampesatc, AY equilis |__ Pasta aR __Compouen 4 Sompoueb a Cet compouente ore Volatile liquide) “fobel. Napo Napour pressure is __= Postiol Napous pressure oF Comp-p Fadtiol Vapour bree ture of | itua' pe ee tee APLUr bioss Pua enpouat ta 4. QF tht sone Seanad esuhe-CPeatal) over stetae TT eli the: Conba ® oa. Fetal p24 Ut =a 4 plok_ or Fon Be 2 Vers —# Xt ond x2 Fas l Fase fue plot oF oF “Vapour ae _ou OF 04 ideo! Solution _ dashed ab _Constont- femperatunt, Wnt Fartiol Vapour pte te Compouents) jl { fe_Composition oF Vapoud. phase in qpuiliostum isih the’ Solution t= delete ~~ (a A Aes mt : RAouir's Acording = = rool fAatHOn OF Camp 1 p Vapeus ao ° Tus Vapo' Yo gh tad 2 came nef a By Vem Z oF ok T f@— Daron’ Jad of Partial pheesius: a) Ace oadins ip fs se Componerl | mete..raact onstan k VAPOUR. Acording\ iy Rapuits laws am The N@pour jprexsure oF o Volatile component in_@ given solution ig |F = Pix: J se AccoAding to Hen®y's Laot- P_ Lae? is seen-thab tne fantial prescuse of Volatile Componenl- 0% gas ic disccty Proportional to ‘th | mele FAacHOn th -colution . ery hs. breportionalsy Ionstan- Ky is cibfer from PP VAPOUR. PRESURE 0F SOLUTIONS oF soups iN Lrquips MiP of o Uduid i eliied o© The “ab | Conskanl- tempohatirr, ae equiltbAiue Con dition PAcsswe exert sey Nepour oF thy Lsuid a the Suakack 4 © tal. side a 2a 5 " [ ractoke Aes Napour piessvie t- z WO Natu. oF -Soivent (Uguid) meleents Afemperatuhe . es TPéear 7. me Faalial Vc ~\ ation We a FoA ony ©. fezcule of each NVo/atite omen = in te solulion te 2 ABetly PASPOAbe mele Fhactioo. "? ee = Sig Vapour precsumg 'Soluns s ——_}- __eltte_ & “Aeondor eee = fv Mun. : ea ag ce aos 1A@ So! ven}. “ae as Ipent al a a =a zs f= 2 Vipor PURE SclvenT_, kk SowuTions oesified Io4e. Nor loeaL Selukchs or Raowrs a (Gbest sauiows >| ne Whieh obey Raoult: law over ine entixe Konge of concentration ake Knowh __as_Ipent_sejursons. é ising OF jhe Purr Coroponenti Form pre solution I's zero (Amixusd) it steans that no reat 15 absorbed evolved Whew tht Componente ads mixed. I (Nes Toe molecukar level faleal dehavioys, hae thes eplutions.cao be Ler plained. 2 ig tie ohare “| ecnsideting tive cemponazts “| 2 Ase Conopowrens te —thibexr camel cater | -ateractive jnferactkong Last Ue bee Oe Taper preea and GR. whereas jn Solution [aa egpetifesackin dh thins | tee frfermofecute r tween Ut A=A ond B-2 WL Reatt, | Amx TF Tis Amik V#o a PrTiaal } i> Ara, B-e + ~A-B ze | due. Napouh pressure of suen a solution ta ethey higher op lower than thak Predieted by Rapuut baw. t <= Tk tht. Napour pressuar fs neigur lution. exnivite posikive Awietion and iL Bits Lowe th exnitt epative levintion F 7 Fhom Ravel tau si olusbion exninié Positive deviation emp ©. Zz Pex. B> Px pe AmixVS0. oR OmixV= +Ve ® -B < 2-2 and 8-6 lap tax Case oF oF Bos itite deviation Pte Raoul > those between AaA es a = the, lofew molecule ~~ — tee LAlbadine Fokcos belseen Ut “Zolube- Solver a than those Ge _— the codute ~ solute and solvent - aoe Aecutt th ample} :~- D&thanc| + Aceftowe In. FUL ethane) -molecists\ \aht hydangen berded.on adding aaetone 1 ryojoeith Jel- tn _deboeen Cthe host pmfecis ond bleak |.Some of the drogen boods bebiren moles. and srtistion shod ole viabiisny \Frém:i aout Leds @_ —s2' + Acetorye Tn Case of negalive devialion Flo, 00. Bapulis las She infetmofecitas atitkattve fotwss belioee, p-a Be Deckes thar those beliacen ond 2138 [a-a and Leads —— ee bsescsuy Ae. a — a wapou spative dfeiakion Nip.oF Soluen. iP AR OUR. PRES Be cxaction Hele — FAacton cte- 4 Us esse A is ack Do Volatiy, non= volabthe vent. oF so ustion connectd wii, exnedes on Snow pleneitAs- wevee og Relative lowering oF VAPOUA pressute OF solvent eesion oF Freez) ot {ub Solver’ 3) Elevalton oF _ boil in WE OF Ihe Solvent 4) Oemelie ste OF IK2 So bation a Colligalive Propeati 3 fiose Propestus end Or tht numbes Solite [Patties iprccpective of ther nebute Acbalive to tue toka| humbes OF abticles cot in fhe the le Fraction of Ink 1s qual wold, Ine gobention [Fon olibae solsban ya £44 Pe bo inne denomé nator ... Hemertivg th ONL MAL + Ta ee Ee Boiling Peiup :- is Int temperatuds at whic» Vapoud Pressure of Yguid on colidion is equal dns abmospnerie pressure. ‘2 Az we Know Vapour pressuaror ww solvent cleckeates th Int padcence of non- Vojatite Sots Bollixg pot of a solution vs alwoys Zonen 0 thay thal oF Tu boiling ‘poi oF I ie —entvent dw whien fue solution fs prepared. Boiling Poul or Salven pp litian 2 be SIR | ret Fo. cua shown ae ahion of bother. hyp wAtional te fhe plite 5 or. the bn Covolalibyy no: chssotved fy 4 kp or eaivent of melee oF Sodud 2 pare OF ee es ald ‘hioae Ma Solvent Aken fs_qiven 4 ~Zipslibuling tes Valin Mame Ws levabion Boiling NumbeA oF -S hase. 7? Volallle cottd i's added toe, non- essure clecreases. the solvent “Hts Vapour nt loweAir ux pAeSsSUAC OF a Solutio, causes Yo bWesing ar tht fAeeeiig. point Zom oF thw “Fins sSivent.. } EEZING Paes pa FReeaing 4 _ ae =f ms a aston th Faas es wilaa_to_ 2 og _Faeeathn *, qreset CU setution 4o ol 1 OF bpilin ¥ AT

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