Hong 1990

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J Am Ceram Soc, 73 [7] 1965-72 (1990)

Phase Composition and Compatibilities in the

Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu Quaternary Oxide System at 800°C in Air
Byungsun Hong, Joon Hahn, and Thomas 0. Mason*
Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Materials Research Center,
McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, Northwestern University,
Evanston, Illinois 60208

Subsolidus phase relations in the system (Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu)-0 at superconducting phases exhibited compositional variations,
800°C were investigated via powder X-ray diffraction and i.e., solid solubility.
electron probe microanalysis of solid-state reaction prod-
ucts. Two recently reported (Bi-Sr-Ca)-0 phases were de- 11. Background
tected in quaternary assemblages and had the approximate
cation stoichiometries of 9115 and 825. The only truly qua- We will represent the quaternary system (Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu)-0
ternary compound detected is the superconducting phase as a tetrahedron with 95 BiZO3, SrO, CaO, and CuO at the
with the cation stoichiometry 2212. Tie lines, tie triangles, corners. Before approaching quaternary phase relationships,
and compatibility tetrahedra involving this phase and the it is necessary to review what is known about binary equi-
2201 superconducting phase were determined. Both super- libria (the six edges of the tetrahedron) and ternary equilibria
conducting compounds exhibit small but detectable Sr-to-Ca (the four faces of the tetrahedron). The experimental tem-
solubility and are Sr-deficient with respect to the "ideal'' for- perature of 800°C was selected for two reasons. First, the
mulas. [Key words: superconductors, phases, composition, phase relations in the (Bi-Sr-Cu)-0 are best known for this tem-
phase diagrams, solid solutions.] perature.6 Second, at much higher temperature considerable
melting OCCUTS.~(Even at 800°C melting occurs for Bi-rich
I. Introduction compositions.)6
(Bi-Cu)-0 is the simplest of the six binary diagrams. Only

F OLLOWING the discovery of =6 to 9 K superconductivity in

the (Bi-Sr-Cu)-0 system,lP2additional superconductors
with =80 to 85 K and =lo5 to 110 K transition temperatures
one compound exists, BizCu04, which is highly stoichiomet-
ric.' (We have used synthetic Bi2Cu04 as an electron micro-
probe standard in the present study.) The 770°C eutectic
were obtained in the (Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu)-0 ~ y s t e m .The ~ 110 K between Biz03and Bi2Cu04is the origin of melting in the Bi
phase now known to have a 2223 Bi:Sr:Ca:Cu stoichiometry, end of the (Bi-Sr-Cu)-0 system.6 Therefore, high bismuth
requires additional stabilizing elements, e.g., Pb, andlor high- compositions were avoided altogether in the present study.
temperature (melt) processing for its f ~ r m a t i o n .Recently,
~ In the (Sr-Cu)-0 system, Teske and Miiller-Buschbaum re-
the 80 K phase, now known to have a 2212 stoichiometry, ported on the synthesis and structure of S r z C ~ 0 3 1and
0 Sr-
was found to have a 98 K transition temperature when CuOz." A third phase, initially reported to be Sr2Cu30,'20r
heavily doped with Li.' These two phases therefore have the S~-,CU~O,,'~ was later shown to have the unusual stoichiom-
highest known transition temperatures to date except for the etry Sr14C~z4041.'4,15 All three phases are stable at 800°C ac-
thallium-based superconductors. cording to the phase diagram of Roth and co-workers.16
In spite of numerous works concerning synthesis of the The first phase diagram for the (Ca-Cu)-0 system showed
2212 and 2223 (Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu)-0 superconductors and a few only one compound, CazCu03," whose structure was subse-
studies of superconductor phase compositions, the authors are quently reported by Teske and Miiller-Buschbaum." A second
unaware of any systematic studies of overall phase composi- compound, CaCuz03, was also synthesized," but was later
tions and compatibilities in this important quaternary oxide shown to be stable only above 950"C.I9A modified CaO-CuO
system. Several versions of the (Bi-Sr-Cu)-0 ternary diagram phase diagram has been published by Roth et d Z showing 0
have been published6-8 and these provided a basis for the Ca2Cu03 as the only stable compound at 800°C.
present study. The (Bi-Ca)-0 and (Bi-Sr)-0 systems have considerably
The goals of the present study were to determine the stable more complex phase diagrams. At 800°C in the (Bi-Ca)-0 sys-
solid phases in the (Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu)-0 system with special at- tem21there are two Bi-rich solid-solution phases (aand p) plus
tention to the reported superconducting phases, 2201 (9 K), relatively stoichiometric compounds, CaBizO4, Ca7BiloOzz,
2212 (80 K), and 2223 (110 K), to establish the approximate and Ca7Bi6016. None of these phases were detected in the
compositions of each phase in the system and to determine present study. At 800°C in the (Bi-Sr)-0 system" there are
the equilibrium compatibilities between phases in the quater- also two Bi-rich solid-solution phases (a and p), another
nary diagram. An issue of particular importance to the defect solid-solution phase ( y ) with the stoichiometry Sro.9Bil,102.5~3
chemistry of the superconducting phases is solid solubility. at 800°C, and the stoichiometric compound Sr2BizOs. Just
The present study also sought to establish whether or not the above 800°C an additional compound, Sr3Bi206,was re-
ported, whereas just below 800°C the compound SrBizOd was
reported. More recently a new compound with the stoi-
H. OBryan, Jr. -contributing editoi chiometry Sr3BiOxhas been reported? In the present study
only the Sr3Bi206and Sr3Bi0, phases were observed.
No binary compounds have been reported in the CaO-SrO
Manuscript No. 197940. Received November 27,1989; approved March 21,
system, and apparently no phase diagram has been published.
1990. The only phase from this system to be detected in quaternary
Supported by and carried out largely in facilities of the Northwestern Uni- assemblages was essentially pure CaO. (See below for a dis-
versity Materials Research Center under National Science Foundation
Grant No. DMR-88. cussion of sluggish reaction kinetics in the SrO corner of the
*Member, American Ceramic Society. tetrahedron.)
1966 Journal of the American Ceramic Society - Hong et al. Vol. 73, No. 7

As of the writing of this manuscript, the only ternary dia- no 2223 compound could be obtained in spite of lengthy
grams to have been published are for the (Bi-Sr-Cu)-0 and reactions at this temperature in the absence of Pb. Our con-
(Ca-Sr-Cu)-0 systems. At least three versions of the (Bi- clusion is that the 2223 compound is not stable at 800°C.
Sr-Cu)-0 diagram exist?-* There is a general consensus that A list of compounds reported for the various binary and
the 6 to 9 K superconducting phase does not have the ternary systems is given in Table I1 along with the code we
221 Bi:Sr:Cu stoichiometry but is slightly Sr-deficient. It ex- will employ to refer to them. In each case the cation stoi-
hibits a range of solid solubility (see Table I) and is compat- chiometry will be given in the order Bi:Sr:Ca:Cu, e.g., 2201
ible with CuO, Sr14Cu24041, and a nonsuperconducting and 2212 for the two superconducting phases. To differentiate
compound very near the 221 stoichiometry (or perhaps between the 6 to 9 K superconductor and the nonsupercon-
Bi17Sr16C~70,).7 All four of these phases were major phases in ducting compound nearby, 2201(SC) and 2201(NSC) will be
the present study of quaternary relations. Additional ternary employed. Numbers greater than 9 will appear underlined,
compounds with Bi:Sr:Cu stoichiometries of 272 and 491 e.g., 91150 for Bi9SrllCa50x(see below). Where solid solution
were reported in one study6 and of 232 and 485 in a n ~ t h e r . ~ is involved, and "X" is used to account for variable Ca con-
None of these phases were detected in the present study. tent relative to Sr, e.g., 014x24 for (Sr, Ca)14Cu24041 and
The recently published (Sr-Ca-Cu)-0 950°C phase dia- 01x1 for (Sr, Ca)CuOz.
gram2' shows three extended solid solutions. A complete solid The strategy for the present study was to begin with the
solution exists between Sr2Cu03and CazCu03,an extensive relatively well-established (Bi-Sr-Cu)-0 face of the quater-
solid solution extends from SrCuOz out to (Sro.2sCao.7s)Cu02, nary tetrahedron and to study constant Ca planes. The 10%
and a narrower solid solution extends from Sr14Cu24041out to Ca plane was selected as it is intermediate to the 2201(SC)
Sr7Ca7Cu24041.In addition, a second limited solid-solution compound (0% Ca) and the 2212 compound (14.3% Ca). The
phase exists in the vicinity of the composition (Sro.16Cao.84). 15% Ca plane was then selected to place it between the 2212
CuOz. This phase and the Ca-rich end of each of the other compound (14.3% Ca) and where the 2223 compound should
solid solutions exhibit compatibility with CuO. In the present occur (22.2% Ca). Additional work was done in the vicinity
study at 800°C in quaternary compositions, only the Ca-rich of the 2223 composition, i.e., at 22.2% Ca.
extreme of the (Sr, Ca)2Cu03 solid solution was observed.
Only the Sr-rich end of the (Sr,Ca)Cu02 solid solution was 111. Experimental Procedure
obtained. A more extended (Sr, Ca)14Cu24041 solid solution
was observed. The new phase at (Sro.16Cao.84)Cu02 was not Ultrapure Biz03, SrC03, CaCO,, and CuO were mixed
detected in any of the quaternary compositions studied. under acetone with mortar and pestle, dried under a heat lamp,
In the (Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu)-0 system, only the 2212 and and prereacted as a loose powder or in pellet form at 750" to
2223 superconducting compounds have been reported to date. 800°C for 24 h in air. Compositions were then reground, pel-
There has been considerable controversy concerning the sta- letized, and reacted at 800°C for 40 to 120 h with numerous
bility of the 2223 compound, since high temperatures (melt- intermittent grindings. The earliest work was performed on
ing?) and/or Pb additions are required for synthesis. In the the 10% Ca plane, and 0.5 wt% Li2C03was added as miner-
present study, 2223 could be obtained only at higher tempera- alizer to these compositions. No mineralizer was added to
tures (860" to 875°C) and only in the presence of Pb. At 800°C compositions on the 15% Ca plane and, as a result, signifi-
Table I. Reported Solid-Solution Range for the 220l(SC) Phase
Ref. Solid-solution range Superconducting range
6 Bill-xSr9+xC~SOy (0 5 x I 0.4) x = 0.4
7 Bi2+xSr2-xC~l+yOr (0.1 < x < 0.6, 0 < y < x/2) x < 0.13
8 B i ~ S r 2 - ~ C u 0(0.1
~ I x 5 0.5) 0.1 5 x I 0.25

Table 11. Compounds Reported at 800°C

Code in
System Compound Ref. this study
Biz03-Cu0 Bi2Cu04 9
SrO-CuO SrzCu03 10 0201
SrCu02 11 0x1
Sr14Cu~404~ 14, 15 OLX22
CaO-CuO Ca2Cu03 11, 17 0021
BizO3-CaO CaBi204 21
Ca7Bi10022 21
Ca 7Bi6OI6 21
Bi203-SrO Sr0.9Bi1.102.~~
(Y) 23
SrzBi20s 22
Sr3Bi206 22 2300
SrBi204 22
Sr BiO, 7 1300
Bi203-Sr0-Cu0 Bi2Sr2Cu06
Bi 17Sr16Cu70y
76 ' 8
Bi 4Sr9Cu 0, 6
BiZSr3Cu2Ox 7
Bi4Sr8Cus0, 7
Sr0-Ca0-Cu0 Sr2Cu03-Ca2Cu03 20 0201,0021
SrCu0z-(Sro.25Cao.75)Cu02 0x1
S ~ ~ ~ C U ~ ~ O ~ , -20S ~ ~ C ~~CU~~O~~
Bi203-Sr0-Ca0-Cu0 Bi2Srz-,CaCuz0, 3,4 2212
*See Table I.
July 1990 Phase Composition and Compatibilities in the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu Quaternary Oxide System at 800°C in Air 1967

cantly longer times were required for these reactions to reach plane and in Fig. 2 for the 15% Ca plane. EPMA was per-
completion. Nevertheless, results on both planes are similar formed only for the 15% Ca compositions; average phase
(see Figs. 1 and 2), suggesting that Li2C03 does not adversely compositions are listed in Table 111. It should be pointed out
affect phase relationships. A mineralized assemblage consist- that not every phase could be detected in a given assemblage
ing of mostly 2201(SC) and 2212 phases showed an onset tem- via XRD. This is due to the great disparity in X-ray scattering
perature of 80 K. Although samples did not exhibit moisture power between Bi and the other elements; Bi-free phases sim-
sensitivity like other high-T, phases, care was taken to store ply do not show up in the XRD patterns if Bi-rich phases are
samples in a desiccator and to perform phase and composi- present. In such cases EPMA was extremely useful for con-
tion determinations as soon as possible after reactions. Nearly firming the presence of low-Bi phases. As mentioned above,
100 individual compositions were prepared in this way, whose the grain-to-grain agreement in EPMA results within a given
compositions are summarized in Figs. 1. and 2. specimen was usually excellent. Similarly, the sample-to-
Phase identification was carried out via powder X-ray dif- sample agreement in EPMA results for a given phase was also
fraction (XRD)* using CuKa radiation and a Ni filter. Silicon surprisingly good. This implies that the compositional varia-
powder was used as an internal standard. Composition analy- tions for the various solid-solution phases are not great in
sis was carried out via electron probe microanalysis (EPMA)+ moving from tetrahedron to tetrahedron within the quater-
at a 1-pm beam size. Standards employed included synthetic nary diagram, a very helpful fact in constructing quaternary
Bi2Cu04for Bi and Cu, Sr-anorthite for Sr, and Ca-Kakanui phase relationships (see below). The only exceptional cases
pyrope (garnet) for Ca. A lengthy grain growth anneal was were the new compound at 91150 and the OLMg phase (see
employed to achieve grain sizes large enough to accommo- below) which did exhibit some grain-to-grain variability, e.g.,
date the 1-pm probe. Samples were polished with y-alumina Table 111 and Fig. 3. We take this as evidence for extended
grinding media down to 0.05 pm. With these procedures, ex- solid solubility, as is known to be the case for 01_4xg.
cellent agreement with known cation contents was obtained, Two new (Bi-Sr-Ca)-0 phases were detected in quaternary
e.g., Table 111 and copper contents in Fig. 3, and grain-to- compositions with EPMA compositions of 9115 and 825. The
grain variations within a single specimen were minimal. principal XRD peaks of these phases occur at 28 values (rela-
Where previously unreported compounds were concerned, tive intensities) of 29.9 (loo), 29.4 (93, 38.2 ( 7 9 , and 43.2 (30)
essentially phase-pure materials were made at the EPMA- for 9115 and 29.3 (loo), 30.1 (43,42.3 (57), and 19.4 (33) for
derived compositions, and magnetic susceptibility measure- 825. During the preparation of this manuscript, the authors
ments were made.* Unfortunately, the new phases discovered were made aware of the recent work of Roth et aLZ4reporting
were not superconducting under any conditions employed new (Bi-Sr-Ca)-0 solid-solution phases with approximately
to date. constant bismuth contents in the vicinity of 211 and 231.
There is good agreement between the bismuth contents of the
IV. Results: Phases and Compositions phases detected in the present work (36% for 9115 and 53.3%
The phases detected in the present study and the composi- for 825) and in Roth et al.24(33.3% for 231 and 50% for 211).
tions where each occurred are given in Fig. 1 for the 10% Ca Three (Ca-Sr-Cu)-0 phases were detected in the present
study, namely the (Sr1-xCar)14Cu24041 solid solution (OgX24),
the (Srl-,CaX)Cu02 solid solution (OlXl), and essentially pure
'Rigaku Co., Tokyo, Japan.
i733 Superprobe, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan. Ca2Cu03(0021). Average compositions are given in Table I11
VTS susceptorneter, series 800, S.H.E. Corporation, San Diego, CA. and individual EPMA data are plotted in Fig. 3 on the pro-

cu cu cu

Bi Sr Bi Sr Bi Sr

cu cu

Bi Sr

Fig. 1. Compositions in the 10% Ca plane showing major phases as indicated (via X-ray diffraction). See Table I1 for a code of phases.
1968 Journal of the American Ceramic Society - Hong et al. Vol. 73, No. 7

cu cu cu

Bi Sr Bi Sr Eli Sr

cu cu cu


/ 8 . **./

cu cu cu

Bi Sr Bi Sr

Fig. 2. Com ositions in the 15% Ca plane showing major phases as indicated (via X-ray diffraction and/or electron probe microanalysis).
See Table I1 gr
a code of the phases.
for a discussion of this.) The most novel aspect of the present
posed 950°C phase diagram. In contrast to 0021 and 01x1, work on this compound is the 3% Ca solubility (See Table 111).
which exhibited narrow ranges of Sr-to-Ca solubility via An investigation of solid solubility on the high-temperature
EPMA, 014x3 showed a wide range of Sr-to-Ca solubility. and superconducting properties of this phase is in progress.
The average Cu content of O g X 3 was 62.3% ? 1.1% so ei- The only (Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu)-0 quaternary compound detected
ther the Sr14C~2404114915(63.2% Cu) or Sr3C~50,13 (62.5% Cu) in any of our reaction products was the 2212 phase. As
proposed stoichiometries would be allowed. The apparent pointed out above, the 2223 compound can be synthesized
discrepancy between the EPh4A compositions of the present only with the presence of Pb and only at higher temperatures.
study and the reported phase compositions in Fig. 3 suggests Normalized to 2Cu, the EPMA results for the 2212 phase
that the (Bi-Sr-Ca)-0 phase diagram is substantially different in Table I11 correspond t o an average composition of
at the two temperatures, i.e., 800°C versus 950°C. Bil,wSrl.56Cal.WC~20x. Again, a pronounced Sr deficiency is
The only (Bi-Sr-Cu)-0 phases detected in quaternary as- observed. On the 15% Ca plane there was very little sample-
semblages were the 6 to 9 K superconductor, 2201(SC), and to-sample variation in EPMA-derived composition. However,
the nonsuperconducting 2201(NSC) phase. The latter phase work at the nominal 2223 composition, also summarized in
was not detectable with EPMA, most likely because of its Table 111, shows a slightly different composition, Biz.asSr1.54-
needlelike m~rphology;~ however, it could be easily detected Ca1.26C~20x.The 3% difference in Ca content of the
in XRD patterns. Normalized to the measured Cu content, 2212 phase on the 15% Ca versus 22.2% Ca planes is similar
the composition of the 6 to 9 K superconductor is approxi- in magnitude to that between pure and Ca-doped 2201(SC) as
mately Biz.os(Sro.~2Caa.~s),.ssCu0,. The alkaline-earth defi- discussed above. Currently, attention is being given to pin-
ciency has been reported previously and may be responsible ning down the exact solubility limits for both superconduct-
for electron hole generation in this superconductor. (See Ref. 6 ing phases.
July 1990 Phase Composition and Compatibilities in the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu Quaternary Oxide System at 800°C in Air 1969

Table 111. Electron Probe Microanalysis Results

Average phase composition (mol%) Initial composition (mol%)
Phase Bi Sr Ca cu Bi Sr Ca cu
91150 34.6 k 2.3 43.7 ? 3.8 18.2 ? 3.1 3.5 ? 1.4 13 34 15 38
4 43 15 38
17 43 15 25
25 47 15 13
8250 53.0 f 0.4 12.1 2 1.0 31.4 2 0.9 3.5 2 0.5 25 9 15 51
2212 29.4 ? 0.9 24.1 ? 0.7 15.5 ? 1.1 31.0 ? 0.8 9 25 15 51
23 23 15 39
13 28 15 44
2201(SC) 42.2 ? 1.8 34.5 ? 0.7 3.0 ? 0.7 20.3 r 2.1 30 30 15 25
014x24 0.6 f 0.4 25.6 f 4.7 11.5 ? 4.7 62.3 2 1.2 9 26 15 50
13 34 15 38
4 43 15 38
30 30 15 25
0021 0.6 2 0.7 3.0 t 1.4 64.1 2 1.3 32.3 2 0.6 26 9 15 50
23 23 15 39
13 28 15 44
Olxl 0.9 ? 0.8 43.5 2 1.5 6.2 +. 1.5 49.4 k 1.5 4 43 15 38
17 43 15 25
25 47 15 13
2212 30.0 r 0.62 22.5 r 0.27 18.4 ? 0.42 29.1 ? 0.74 22.2 22.2 22.2 33.4
OEX22 2.1 f 0.34 24.7 f 1.91 12.9 ? 2.24 60.3 f 0.01 22.2 22.2 22.2 33.4

V. Results: Compatibility Tetrahedra they are involved. At low Cu contents, the most frequently
obtained phase was the 91150. A large number of tie lines
Using a three-dimensional wire model, the quaternary (Bi- radiate away from this ternary compound into the quaternary
Sr-Ca-Cu)-0 phase relationships were explored based upon system. To a lesser degree, the same can be said of the
the phase composition and compatibility information con- 8250 phase. However, lever rule considerations are respon-
tained in Table I11 and Figs. 1 to 3. In certain cases assem- sible for this phase showing up in smaller amounts relative to
blages of four equilibrium phases were obtained, and these other phases, given its larger Ca content (33%) relative to the
six tetrahedra were assigned a high degree of certainty, e.g., experimental 10% Ca and 15% Ca planes. Similarly, a large
“confirmed in Fig. 4. (The 2212-825O-CuO-220l(SC) tetra- number of tie lines connect to CaO and Ca2Cu03 (0021),
hedron was confirmed by a supplementary firing at the nomi- which showed up in EPMA results but were noticeably absent
nal composition 4223 which showed these four phases.) A in XRD patterns because of the absence of Bi in this phase.
number of additional compatibility triangles were confirmed By lever rule, very small fractions of CaO (100% Ca) and
and a group of nine “probable” tetrahedra were constructed Ca2Cu03 (66% Ca) would be expected in 15% Ca assem-
based upon these (see Fig. 5). Overall, the 15 tetrahedra, con- blages. At large Cu contents, CuO is ubiquitous in our experi-
firmed or probable, pack and fill space within the quaternary mental results (see Figs. 1 and 2). This is primarily due to
tetrahedron in such a way that there are no violations of the tie lines connecting CuO to both superconducting phases,
phase rule; i.e., no tie lines intersect other compatibility tri- 2201(SC) and 2212. To date the authors are aware of no
angles. We have opted to present individual tetrahedra as in high-T, cuprate superconductors for which this is not true. All
Figs. 4 and 5 for the sake of clarity; the overall quaternary are compatible with CuO.
diagram is extremely complex and difficult to visualize in Phase relations on the 10% Ca plane strongly resemble the
only two dimensions. (Bi-Sr-Cu)-0 phase diagram:-* , particularly at high-Cu con-
The most stable phases in the quaternary diagram are evi- tents. This is due to the compatibility of each superconductor
dent from Figs. l and 2 in their frequency of occurrence and with the 014x24 phase, their compatibility with one another,
from Figs. 4 and 5 from the number of tetrahedra in which and the compatibility of the 2201(SC) superconductor with
the 01x1, (Srl-,Ca,)CuOz phase. The major differences occur
as a result of tie lines involving the 911.50 phase at low Cu
CUO contents. This effect is even more pronounced at the 15%
Ca plane.
The frequency of occurrence of the 2212 phase (Figs. 1 and
2) and the large number of tie lines and compatibility tetra-
hedra involving this phase (see Figs. 4 and 5 ) support our
contention that it is the only quaternary compound in the
(Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu)-0 system. (We have not investigated the Bi
end of the diagram because of melting considerations, and
reactions in the Sr end of the diagram were too sluggish to be
certain of equilibrium phases; additional phases could exist
in these regions without our knowledge. Furthermore, high
:a2Cu0, Ca compositions need to be investigated to confirm our tie
line assignments in this part of the diagram.) The phases
with which the 2212 superconductor is compatible include
2201(SC), 8250, 91150, CuO, 014x24, Ca2Cu03 (0021), and
CaO. The tie line with the 2201 superconductor is not unex-
L--- . - ___ -~ \ pected. Multiple superconducting transitions are often seen in
S rO CaO multiphase assemblages of high-T, superconductors.
Fig. 3. Electron probe microanalysis points (small dots)
It should be emphasized that our knowledge of quaternary
superim osed on the Sr0-Ca0-Cu0 phase diagram phase relationships is only partial. As mentioned before, Bi-
from Rei! 20. rich compositions were avoided because of problems associ-
1970 Journal of the American Ceramic Society - Hong et al. Vol. 73, No. 7

cu C” cu

Bi Bi

cu C” cu


Bi Bi Bi

Fig. 4. Compatibility tetrahedra “confirmed” by coexistence of the four phases via X-ray diffraction and/or electron probe microanalysis.
(See Table I1 for a code of the phases.)

ated with melting. The most Bi-rich tetrahedra investigated relationship will require much more thorough study of solid
were the “confirmed” 8250-2212-CuO-220l(SC) and the solubilities. Nevertheless, the schematic representation of
“probable” 8250-2212-2201(SC)-9lJ50. At the Sr corner of phase relationships in Figs. 4 and 5 is presented as a first-
the diagram, phase relations are uncertain because of the order approximation of the 800°C subsolidus phase diagram.
sluggishness of reaction kinetics. This is not unreasonable
given the refractoriness of SrO and the high decomposition
temperature of SrC03. The most Sr-rich compatibility we VI. Concluding Remarks
have confirmed is the 2212-2201(SC)-ON2+9lJ50 tetra-
hedron. The confirmation of two additional Sr-rich tie trian- Of particular interest to the defect chemistry of the super-
gles, namely O~%-OlX1-91150 and CaO-9lJ5O-OuX24, conducting phases is their extent of solid solution. At least a
support the additional Sr-end tetrahedra assignments in 3% Ca-to-Sr solubility was detected in the present work via
Fig. 5. However, this corner deserves additional study and EPMA for both the 2201(SC) and 2212 phases. Current plans
experiments are in progress. Additional reactions are also are to perform careful EPMA studies in each of the tetra-
planned at higher Ca contents as part of an ongoing solid hedra involving the superconducting phases in order to
solubility study; these should help to confirm the phase rela- identify the extent of solid solution. Single-phase terminal
tions at the Ca end of the diagram. solid-solution compositions can then be prepared to correlate
As mentioned in the previous section, many of the phases superconducting behavior with composition.
involved in the (Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu)-0 quaternary are solid-solution A most significant result of the present study is the appar-
phases. Fortunately, we have not detected extreme variations ent instability of the 2223 phase at 800°C. We believe this to
in composition for most of these phases in going from be thermodynamically determined as opposed to merely a
compatibility tetrahedron to compatibility tetrahedron. The kinetic problem associated with the formation of 2223. Both
only exception to this is the OuXH phase, whose average Li2C03 and PbO were added in small amounts as mineraliz-
composition varied in the 0.6 5 x 5 0.8 range of (Srl-,Ca,)14- ers. Lithium carbonate is particularly effective in aiding the
c1.1~ in ~
~ ~ study and whose overall solid solubility reaction of 2201(SC) with other phases to form 2212.6 In no
is known to be much more extensive. Strictly speaking, the instance was any 2223 detected at 800°C via XRD, EPMA, or
representation of such phases as “points,” two-phase equilibria magnetic susceptibility measurements. Much larger Pb addi-
involving these phases as tie-lines and three-phase equilibria tions combined with higher temperatures (860” to 875°C) were
involving these phases as tie triangles, is incorrect. There are required to isolate the 2223 phase. We conclude that 2223 is
actually two-phase and three-phase volumes separating the not a stable compound in the (Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu)-0 system at
compatibility tetrahedra. A more precise assignment of phase 800°C.
July 1990 Phase Composition and Compatibilities in the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu Quaternary Oxide System at 800°C in Air 1971
cu cu cu


Bi Bi
8250B’2212-2201 SC)
(8250-CUO-0021 ) [91150-2212-221 !!(SC\) (9 1150-0 13X)(24-2201(SC))

cu cu cu

Bi Bi Bi
(8250-221 2-0021) (91150-221 2-0021) (91150-221 2-2201 (X))

C” C” cu

81 Bi Bi

(91150-COO-0 lAX24) (91150-COO-01 X1) (Ol~X~-OlX1-9~50)

Fig. 5. Probable compatibility tetrahedra based upon confirmed tie triangles as indicated. (See Table I1 for a code of the phases.)

References Takano, “Phases and Their Relations in the Bi-Sr-Cu-0 System,” Physica C,
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