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Here is a brief chronological overview of world history:

 Prehistory (before the invention of writing): The earliest human societies emerge and develop over
 Ancient history (up to 500 CE): Humans develop civilizations, including the development of writing,
the creation of empires, and the spread of religions. Major civilizations include the ancient Egyptians,
Mesopotamians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans.
 Middle Ages (500-1500 CE): The collapse of the Western Roman Empire leads to the emergence of
feudal systems in Europe. The Byzantine Empire, centered in Constantinople, continues to thrive. The
Arab Empire expands, leading to the spread of Islam. The Vikings, Magyars, and Mongols engage in
significant conquests.
 Early modern period (1500-1800 CE): Europe begins to dominate the world through colonization and
the slave trade. The Ottoman Empire reaches its height. The Protestant Reformation divides
Christianity. The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment lead to major intellectual and cultural
changes. The American Revolution marks the birth of the United States.
 19th century (1800-1900 CE): The Industrial Revolution transforms the global economy and leads to
significant social and political changes. European powers continue to expand and colonize much of
the world. The abolition of slavery becomes a major issue.
 20th century (1900-2000 CE): World War I and World War II have significant impacts on global
politics and society. The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union shapes
international relations. Decolonization leads to the emergence of many new nations. The internet
and other technological advances revolutionize communication and information exchange.
 21st century (2000-present): The world continues to grapple with issues such as terrorism, climate
change, and economic inequality. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the global
economy and society.

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