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Kiara Kynzel D.


TTL 1 – B

ICT Concept Idea: As you view the video, write down your thoughts on the following ICT
concepts on how you understood them. Place examples of their usage to teaching and
learning for further understanding. Place your answer on the second column. After you have
completed your part, find a classmate in TTL 1. Ask him/her on his/her thoughts on this ICT
concepts and discuss with him/her your own thoughts. Place your friend’s answer on the
third column.
It’s structured around the idea that A flipped classroom is a learning
lecture or direct instruction is not strategy which is designed to help keep
the best use of class time. Instead, students engaged, and keep students
Flipped Classroom students encounter information interested. This is done by assigning
before class, freeing class time for students something to read at home or
activities that involve higher order giving them problems to solve in the
thinking. The goals of flipping are classroom.
to make the classroom an active
learning environment, to enable
students to learn at their own
pace, and to give the instructor
more time to teach each student
individually, rather than the class
as a whole.
It’s a technique of learning that This is education when it is aligned with
relates to the fourth industrial the use of recent technologies and is
Education 4.0 revolution and focuses on applied throughout the classroom, this
transforming the future of can be done using PowerPoint
education through advanced presentations using the TV.
technology and automation. Smart
technology, artificial intelligence
and robotics are part of this
industrial revolution. It offers a
clear route to students by making
tools and techniques handy in their
learning environment. This means
that the students will be able to
choose the tools and techniques
through which they want to
acquire knowledge.
It means that although you will be It is learning when the teacher is around
Synchronous Learning learning from a distance, you will this means that the students' learning
virtually attend a class session each will be facilitated with the help of the
week, at the same time as your teacher.
instructor and classmates. The
class is a firm, weekly time
commitment that cannot be
rescheduled. Synchronous learning
tools provide a virtual learning
environment for students and
allow for live classroom
collaboration for distance learners.
During a real-time, online lesson,
the instructor and students meet
via web-conferencing tools at
scheduled days and times.
It can occur peer-to-peer or in It is learning when the students are
Collaborative Learning larger groups. Peer learning, or assigned into groups and in this way,
peer instruction, is a type of they can discuss their ideas.
collaborative learning that involves
students working in pairs or small
groups to discuss concepts or find
solutions to problems. Educational
experiences that are active, social,
contextual, engaging, and student-
owned lead to deeper learning.
Development of higher-level
thinking, oral communication, self-
management, and leadership skills
are some of the benefits of
collaborative learning.
It means having the skills you need It is how much a person knows about
to live, learn, and work in a society gadgets and the use of internet it may
Digital Literacy where communication and access help in allowing students smoother
to information is increasingly access to information and more
through digital technologies like convenience in doing tasks.
internet platforms, social media,
and mobile devices developing
your critical thinking skills. Digital
literacy skills allow you to find, use,
and create information online in a
productive and useful way. Having
an understanding about digital
literacy means you're able to use
technology safely and it helps you
avoid its dangers.
It is a collection or series of digital Podcasts are a group of people who are
audio files that are made available chatting with each other and sharing
Podcast for downloading or listening via the different ideas and information that
internet. Each individual audio they have discovered; it can help
recording is known as a podcast students learn because of how much
episode. Podcasts are typically information is shared.
hosted by an individual or
individuals who lead a
conversation, share stories, or
report the news. The main purpose
of podcasts is to entertain its
audience. Podcast listeners might
have one of several reasons to
subscribe to a podcast, such as to
hear updates and breakdowns of
current event or learn about a new
topic or industry.
Short for a video blog or video log, A vlog is a video blog which shows the
Vlog a vlog is a blog in video form. Think life of a certain person and sometimes it
of it as your own little TV show or can lead to people sharing their
channel, only it's on the web, experiences and thoughts with other
produced by you, and presumably people, it can help learners acquire
starring you (or maybe your super some knowledge about different topics
cute pet). There are several that may interest them.
platforms where you can create a
vlogging channel and publish video
It is a form of communication that This is the different ways topics and
Multimedia uses a combination of different subjects can be expressed and taught,
content forms such as text, audio, an application of this could be by means
images, animations, or video into a of music, drawing, or even videos.
single interactive presentation, in
contrast to traditional mass media,
such as printed material or audio
recordings, which features little to
no interaction between users.
It is a way of educating students It is the way students can learn even
online. Lectures and learning when far from the teacher by using
Online Distance materials are sent over the online means preferably through video
Learning internet. It enables people to conferences but can be applied when
receive education without having there are instances where a class cannot
to be physically present in a come to school.
It is an educational approach which This concept could be the use of only
involves pedagogical strategies one means of learning and one way of
Linear Learning concerning program-centeredness sharing education which is often not the
(directed, conducted, controlled, case, however it can be applied by
guided by the study program) and teaching students how to use a
linear formats. It stands in keyboard or how to move the mouse.
opposition to flexible learning.
Are your answers similar or different? Point out the ICT concepts where you have similar
ideas. If they differ, why?

 Yes, we have similar ideas about all the given concepts except for the podcast. While
Arby’s understanding of podcasts is about people sharing different information about a
particular topic by communicating through chat, mine is that podcasts are digital audio
contents that are distributed over the internet for listening and downloading, hosted by
individuals or group of people who usually share stories, report news, and even talk
about specific topics like how to manage time properly or how to earn faster through
home-based jobs.

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