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How to achieve seemingly

impossible financial goals without
any prior finance knowledge
Utpal KC
Course Director

(This booklet is a part of the Crores Planners

Course as a reference. To get the proper
knowhow one should attend the complete course)

Your achievement is ours

How to achieve seemingly impossible financial goals
without any prior finance knowledge

Everybody works hard to earn and wants to make the best out of their earnings. Unfortunately
90-98% people lose money particularly in equity investment and many more waste their hard-
earned money investing in inferior products, and they are not even aware of it.

People are intelligent, but they are busy in their daily jobs and businesses. Free knowledges are
neither always trustworthy, nor properly organised, nor give personalised answers.

Crores Planners Course (CPC) is a first step towards the missing links.

CPC is a combination of 4 video sessions and one live session

conducted by renowned investment expert Utpal KC. In addition to
that there is also a live q&a session with Mr Utpal.

For details you can visit the webpage via the following link or scan
the QR code.

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1st Edition
April 2022

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Crores Planners Course (CPC)

Level 1:

Compounding Using Spreadsheet

This is the beginning of scientific investment

After the end of the session you will understand,

(1) if you invest a lump-sum amount in any instrument like fixed deposit or
mutual fund, how much it will become after a certain period of time.

(2) if the frequency of interest payment is more than once in a year like quarterly
or half-yearly, then how to calculate the final amount receivable after a certain
period of time.

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1. If you invest Rs 1,00,000 today in a debt mutual fund how much

money will you get after 3 years? The mutual fund is expected
to give an annualised return of 9%.

The applicable spreadsheet function and working is as follows:




A spreadsheet can be Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel or Numbers for


How I did this?

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The basic steps for solving any investment issue are as follows:
Step #1: Draw the timeline
0 1 2 3 Years

Step #2: Place cashflows under the timeline & note rate (if any)
0 9% 1 2 3 Years

-Rs 100,000 Rs ?
Note, cash outflows are marked -Ve.

Step #3: Name the elements as per spreadsheet terminology

[Number of Periods]
0 9% RATE 1 2 3 Years

-Rs 100,000 Rs ?
PV [Present Value] FV [Future Value]

Step #4: Choose the right function

=FV(Rate%,NPER,0,PV) =FV(9%,3,0,-100000) =129,502.90
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How actually the amount adds upto its Future Value?

0 9% 1 2 3 Years

Amount Today Amount after 1 yr Amount after 2 yrs Amount after 3 yrs
Rs 100,000 Rs 100,000 + 9% x Rs 100,000
Rs 109,000 + 9% x Rs 109,000
Rs 118,810 + 9% x Rs 118,810

=Rs 100,000 (1+9%)

=Rs 109,000 (1+9%)
=Rs 118,810 (1+9%)

=Rs 109,000 =Rs 118,810 =Rs 129,502.90

Sometime interests are payable monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or any

interval shorter than a year. In that case we need to do adjustments in

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2. If you invest Rs 1,00,000 today in an investment scheme how

much money will you get after 3 years?

The rate of return is 9% per annum payable half yearly.

Notice: Payable half yearly.

This means:
(1) Number of periods is 6 half years (Years x 2)
(2) Rate is 4.5% per half year (Rate / 2)
RATE (Half yrs) 6
0 4% 1 2 3 4 5

- Rs 100,000 Rs ?

=FV(Rate%,NPER,0,PV) =FV(4.5%,6,0,-100000) =130,226.01

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Crores Planners Course (CPC)

Level 2:

Future Value of Annuity (SIP)

After the end of the session you will be able to work out, how much you
can make by investing a fixed amount at a certain interval of time in any
instrument like mutual fund or deposits.

(Estimation of future value of a systematic investment plan (SIP))

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1. If you invest Rs 120,000 every year in an investment scheme,

how much money will you get after 3 years? The investment
scheme is expected to give an annualised return of 9%.

This is an annual systematic investment plan (SIP)

The applicable spreadsheet function and working is as follows:




Let me explain:

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First, the time line then cashflows

[Number of Periods]
0 9% RATE 1 2 3 Years

-Rs 120000 -Rs 120000 -Rs 120000 Rs ?

FV [Future Value]
PMT [Payment]

The right spreadsheet function to solve this problem is:




How the calculation is done manually?

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How actually the amount adds upto its Future Value?

0 9% 1 2 3 Years

Amount Today Amount after 1 yr Amount after 2 yrs Amount after 3 yrs
Rs 120,000 Rs 120,000 Rs 120,000

Rs 120,000 (1+9%)
Rs 250,800 (1+9%)
Rs 393,372 (1+9%)

=Rs 250,800 =Rs 393,372.00 =Rs 428,775.48

Like lump-sum investments, in case of SIP also we need to adjust the RATE and
NPER if the instalments are paid at an interval shorter than a year like in monthly
SIP, quarterly SIP or half-yearly SIP.

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2. If you invest Rs 10,000 every month in a scheme how much money will
you get after 3 years? The investment scheme gives a return of 9% per
year payable monthly.

This is a monthly systematic investment plan or monthly SIP. So our periods are
months not year.

There are (3 x 12 =) 36 months. So NPER is 36

Rate of return is 9% per year. So, per month return is (9% / 12 =) 0.75%
NPER (Months)
0 0.75% 1 2 3 35 36

- Rs 10,000 - Rs 10,000 - Rs 10,000 - Rs 10,000 - Rs 10,000




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Crores Planners Course (CPC)

Level 3:

Return On Investment (ROI) Estimation

After completing the session you will be able to work out the return on any kind

of investments like lump-sum investment, SIP or irregular investment patterns.

You will be able to use different methods of calculating ROI like RATE, IRR &

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5 Prime Elements of Investments:

0 RATE 1 2 3 35 36


The 5 prime elements are : RATE%, NPER, PMT, PV, FV

RATE is the interest rate or return on investment (ROI)

If you know other elements, then you can find out the RATE using the following
spreadsheet function:


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1. If you buy a bond (a kind of investment) that will give you Rs

100 per bond after 5 years and the current price is Rs 65 per
bond, then what will be the return on investment (ROI)?

The timeline:
NPER (Years)
0 RATE (?) 1 2 3 4 5

- Rs 65/- Rs 100

In this case,

RATE = ?

NPER = 5

PMT = 0

PV = - 65

FV = 100

Spreadsheet function is:

=RATE(NPER,PMT,PV,FV,1) =RATE(5,0,-65,100,1) =9.00%

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2. You have been investing Rs 1,000 per month in an SIP for 5

years. After 5 years the value of your investment is Rs 84,400.
What is the return on investment (ROI)?
The timeline:
NPER (Months)
0 ? 1 2 3 59 60

- Rs 1,000 - Rs 1,000 - Rs 1,000 - Rs 1,000 - Rs 1,000

Rs 0 Rs 84,400
In this case,

RATE = ?

NPER = 60

PMT = -1000

PV = 0

FV = 84400

Spreadsheet function is:

=RATE(NPER,PMT,PV,FV,1) =RATE(60,-1000,0,84400,1) =1.07%

Thus, ROI = 1.07% per month

= 1.07% x 12 = 12.84% per year

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3. Suppose you invest in a mutual fund in the following pattern:

1st year: Rs 100,000/-
2nd year: Rs 110,000/-
3rd year: Rs 90,000/-
4th year: Rs 120,000/-
5th Year: Ra 100,000/-

At the end of 5th year the value of your investment is Rs 775,000/-.

What is the ROI?
The timeline: NPER (Years)
0 RATE (?) 1 2 3 4 5

- Rs 100,000 -Rs 110,000 -Rs 90,000 -Rs 120,000 -Rs 100,000. Rs 775,000
In this case there is no PMT, because cashflows are not uniform. So we can’t use RATE

In this case, we use IRR (Internal Rate of Return) function as follows:

=IRR(CF1,CF2,CF3,………) However, in spreadsheet we need to give

the inputs in a different way.

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Calculating IRR using spreadsheet




Note that IRR can be used when periods are uniform, but cashflows are not
uniform. Cashflows can be +Ve, -Ve or zero.

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4. Consider, you have been investing in different shares. Some time
you invest, sometime you withdraw. You have been maintaining
your diary as follows:

10 Apr 2017: Rs 100,000/- Invest

15 Oct 2018: Rs 25,000/- Invest
05 Jun 2019: Rs 112,000 Invest
30 Mar 2020: Rs 125,000 Invest
20 Apr 2021: Rs 90,000/- Withdraw
12 Sep 2021: Rs 100,000/- Invest

On 31 Mar 2022 the value of your portfolio is Rs 692,850/-.

What is your ROI?

In this case time interval of cashflows are not uniform. So we can’t use IRR

In such cases we use XIRR function, which is as follows:

=XIRR(CF1,CF2,CF3,………, Date1,Date2,Date3….)

Like in IRR, in XIRR also we need to give the inputs in a different way in
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Calculating XIRR using spreadsheet



A8 B8


XIRR can be used when we know the date of each cashflow.

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Crores Planners Course (CPC)

Level 4:

Mutual Fund Return Optimisation

After completion of the level you will be able to explain different kinds of mutual
funds based on investments. And how different kind of mutual funds give
different kind of returns under different circumstances.

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• Mutual fund is the best investment instrument

for non-professional investors

• It is the most efficient product for financial


• Mutual fund is a big subject and one should

devote more time and effort to master it

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• Mutual fund companies collect money from the investors and then
the entire pool of money is invested in different types of assets.

• For our personal finance purpose we focus on only mutual funds

that invest in shares, debts and money market

Equity Fund: Mutual funds that invest only in shares (also called equities)

Debt Fund: Mutual funds that invest only in debt markets like bonds and

Balanced or Hybrid Fund: Funds that invest both share and debt

Money Market Fund: Funds that invest in money markets

From the above classification you can understand that to master mutual fund you
should have proper knowledge of shares, debt markets and money markets.
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• All mutual funds are good, but all mutual

funds are not good at all the time

• All fruits are good, but all fruits are not

good to eat at all the time

A huge majority of investors (estimated 90-98% in equity market)

lose money. This is because they don’t know when to buy which
asset class.

If you buy an equity mutual fund at very high valuation, then there is
very high risk. When there is very high risk, then there is very high
probability of losing money and vice versa

Price is different from valuation. Valuation of a share can be very

low even if the price is very high
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Equity Valuation & Risks

• Equity market, simply, is a market where shares

(understand as partnership) of companies are

• There are n number of methods to decide the right

value of a company.

• One simple method is P/E ratio or Price to Earning

ratio, where price is the price of the share and
earnings is the per share net profit of the company

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Equity Mutual Fund

• For non-professional investors we suggest to check only Nifty PE
ratio before buying equity fund

• Higher the PE higher the risk and vice versa

• Different types of equity mutual funds have different risk level

Equity Mutual Funds

Market Index Fund: Invest in index stocks. Moderate risk. Good when
market risk is moderate

Large Cap: Invest in large companies. Moderate to high risk. Good when
market risk is moderate to low

Mid Cap: Invests in medium sized companies. Higher risk. Good when
market risk is low

Small Cap: Invests in smaller companies. Very high risk. Good when
market risk is very low
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When equity valuation is very high, then we suggest people to

switch to debt funds

Debt funds are also risky, measured by duration, but they don’t
fluctuate as widely as equity funds

Depending upon return and risks you must decide whether you
want to go with equity or debt funds. Amongst equity or debt you
need to decide what kind of equity or debt funds.

Remember, if you want higher return then you should be ready to

take higher risks.

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Debt Valuation & Risks

• From mutual fund perspective, the major risk in debt
market is change in interest rate.

• When future value (maturity amount) and time period is

fixed, you enjoy higher return when you buy at lower price.

• Because of that fact, when interest rate goes up market

value of debt instruments goes down and vice versa.

• The price sensitivity of debts (including debt mutual funds)

to interest rate change is measured using Duration. That
indicates risk.

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Debt Mutual Fund

• One must look at the duration of a debt mutual fund before

• Longer duration means higher sensitivity to interest rate

change implying higher risk.

• Longer duration funds normally give higher return given that

risk is also higher.

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Money Market Mutual Fund

• Money market is short-term debt market. The tenure of a money

market instrument is 365 days or less at the time of issue.

• Money market mutual funds have very short duration meaning

they are very safe with minimal fluctuation.

• They are also called liquid funds and they are very useful for
businessmen to park idle short-term cash.

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In October 2018 Saintwords was founded by Utpal KC to

transform people and organisations through training,
coaching and consultancy.

The name, ‘Saintwords’, came from Assamese word

‘Xadhukatha’. In Assamese ‘xadhu’ means a sage or
saint and ‘katha' means words. Assamese 'xadhukatha'
actually means fables or stories.

Since 2018 we have transformed many lives and

businesses that include 20,000 plus paid trainees.

Google rating: 4.9

Utpal KC
Utpal KC has been into the field of equity research &
investment banking since 1997. He served the
corporate in various capacities at leadership
positions from 1997 to 2016. Since 2016 he has been
training people on leadership, investment and

Utpal authored books on finance and was featured

regularly in national and international media.

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