Oim552-Lean Manufacturing Question Bank

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1. Name the basic elements of lean manufacturing. (N/D’12)
2. What is the principle of lean manufacturing. (N/D’12)
3. Explain the concept of lean manufacturing. (N/D’12)
4. Differentiate conventional and lean manufacturing. (M/J’16)
5. Name any two lean manufacturing tools. (M/J’16)
6. Define lean manufacturing (M/J’16)
7. State objectives of lean manufacturing. (M/J’16)
8. Mention the 3M focused by lean manufacturing. (N/D’17)
9. What is meant by lean manufacturing? (N/D’17)
10. Compare mass production with lean production. (M/J’15)
11. List the lean manufacturing tools. (M/J’15)
12. List down the merits and demerits of pull production systems. (M/J’17)
13. A company works two shifts of 8 hours duration per day with three breaks of duration 10 min,
10min, 30min. If the customer demand is 1500 parts/day, calculate the takt time. (M/J’17)

1. Explain the types of lean manufacturing tool. (N/D’12)
2. Why do we implement the lean manufacturing and mention the benefits of implementing lean
manufacturing. (N/D’12)
3. Write short notes on basic elememts of lean manufacturing. (N/D’12)
4. Explain 7 wastes as specified in lean manufacturing approach in improving overall customer
satisfaction. (M/J’16)
5. Discuss implementation strategies of lean manufacturing for a process industry (M/J’16)
6. Discuss the basic elements of lean manufacturing and explain their role in productivity.
7. Compare lean manufacturing and mass production (M/J’16)
8. Justify the followinf : “Lean manufacturing is also viewed as management technology for
manufacturing cost reduction. (M/J’16)
9. Explain the original seven forms of wastes according to lean manufacturing. (N/D’17)
10. A lean system is same as TPS. Justifu your answer with illustration. (N/D’17)
11. Explain basic elements and tools of lean manufacturing with suitable diagram. (N/D’17)
12. Describe the seven types of waste that can be costly to a production system. (M/J’15)
13. Discuss in detail the five primary elememts of lean manufacturing. (M/J’15)
14. Explain lean tools used in lean implementation in wet grinder manufacturing unit. (M/J’17)


15. Discuss the key principles of lean manufacturing. Also write its merits over traditional
manufacturing. (M/J’17)


1. Name any four pillars of TPM (N/D’12)
2. Mention the benefits of cellular manufacturing. (N/D’12)
3. Define cellular manufacturing. (M/J’16)
4. List the advantages of just in time. (M/J’16)
5. Define total preventive maintenance. (M/J’16)
6. Distinguish between cellular manufacturing and lean manufacturing (N/D’17)
7. What is a kanban system? Draw a simple diagram of it. (N/D’17)
8. List the objectives of cellular manufacturing. (M/J’15)
9. Mention the pillars of TPM (M/J’15)
10. List any 4 difference between process layout and cellular layout. (M/J’17)
11. Define OEE and preventive maintenance. (M/J’17)
12. Mention the various elements if JIT production system. (M/J’17)

1. What are the types of manufacturing layout in cellular manufacturing and explain them briefly.
2. Write down the implementation of the cellular manufacturing. (N/D’12)
3. What is meant by Just-In-Time? Whareis it implemented? (N/D’12)
4. With neat sketches,explain the classification of manufacturing cell layouts. (M/J’16)
5. Describe the significance of the pillars of Total Preventive Maintenance (TPM). (M/J’16)
6. With neat sketches, explain the various layouts of manufacturing cell and state their suitability
with an application. (M/J’16)
7. With an illustration, explain the implementation of kanban in a manufacturing environment.
8. Explain step by step procedure for implementation of TPM (M/J’16)
9. Discuss about product layout and process layout with neat sketches. (N/D’17)
10. Explain the 8 Pillars of TPM used as proactive and preventive techniques for improving
equipment reliability. (N/D’17)
11. Explain the various types of machine cells and layout in cellular manufacturing with neat
sketches. (M/J’15)
12. List the major objectives and principles of JIT and explain how JIT can be implemented in the
industry. (M/J’15)
13. Explain the different types of layouts with neat sketch. (M/J’17)
14. With neat sketch explain the concept of single card KANBAN system and multiple card
KANBAN system. (M/J’17)


15. What is meant by “six big losses” and explain how total productive maintenance provides the
tools to identify the losses and make improvements. (M/J’17)


1. List any four principles of value stream mapping (N/D’12)
2. What are the 5S principles? (N/D’12)
3. Define setup time. (M/J’16)
4. State the principles of total quality management. (M/J’16)
5. Define value stream mapping. (M/J’16)
6. Name any two strategies for reducing set-up time in manufacturing environment. (M/J’16)
7. Differentiate TQM and TPM. (M/J’16)
8. Define customer quality index. (N/D’17)
9. How is set up time reduced using external element reduction? (N/D’17)
10. Enlist the needs for TQM in industries (M/J’15)
11. What is the principle of VSM (M/J’15)
12. Define Value stream mapping (M/J’16)
13. State at least 4 mapping tips in developing VSM with example (M/J’17)
14. State importance of 5S principles an industrial scenario. (M/J’17)

1. Describe the pull system of production control in lean manufacturing. (N/D’12)
2. Explain the setup time reduction for smaller batch sizes. (N/D’12)
3. Write short notes on standardized work procedures in lean manufacturing (N/D’12)
4. Explain principles of TQM. (N/D’12)
5. Discuss any two cost reduction approaches used in industries and indicate their suitability for
the implementation of lean approach. (M/J’16)
6. Illustrate the step by step procedure involved in VSM. (M/J’16)
7. State the principles of 5S and prepare a checklist to implement stages of 5S in an organisation.
8. Discuss the implementation procedure of value stream mapping and also , state its advantages.
9. Explain step by step procedure of implementing SMED for setup time reduction. (M/J’16)
10. Explain with case study the implementation of TQM in a manufacturing industry. (M/J’16)
11. Explain the Shewhart cycle with a neat sketch. (N/D’17)
12. Discuss the 5S principles of TQM applied to health care industries. (N/D’17)
13. What is meant by valus stream mapping? Explain the procedure to be applied to implement it.
14. Explain about SMED system in details. (N/D’17)
15. Discuss in detail about the technology used for setup time reduction. (M/J’15)


16. Explain 5S concept and its steps and also its relevance to TQM. (M/J’15)
17. Mention 5Sprinciples and how it can implemented in automobile repairing unit. (M/J’17)
18. What is (VSM)? Write the nine steps of implementing VSM? (M/J’17)


1. Write the two role of six sigma implementation. (N/D’12)
2. Where does the six sigma fit with lean manufacturing? (N/D’12)
3. What are the phases of six sigma? (N/D’12)
4. State the significance of standard deviation in process capability. (M/J’16)
5. State advantages of six sigma (M/J’16)
6. List the limitation of design of experiments. (M/J’16)
7. List the different types of tools used in six sigma. (N/D’17)
8. Differentiate Cp and Cpk. (N/D’17)
9. What is six sigma (M/J’15)
10. List the typical applications of experimental design. (M/J’15)
11. State 4 key implication of quality at source. Relate these implications with quality of a product
with examples. (M/J’17)
12. List objectives and benefits of lean six sigma. (M/J’17)
13. List at least 4 difference between six sigma and lean six sigma. Which methodology is ideal for
an automobile industry? (M/J’17)
1. What are the steps in six Sigma design of experiments? (N/D’12)
2. Differentiate six sigma from lean manufacturing (N/D’12)
3. Explain the five phases of six sigma. (N/D’12)
4. How can you determine whether your company can benefit from six sigma implementation?
Explain. (N/D’12)
5. Explain importance of six sigma in reducing the variability in a production line (M/J’16)
6. Describe step-by-step procedure adopted in conducting design of experiments. (M/J’16)
7. Explain the influence of six sigma in product and process quality enhancement (M/J’16)
8. By stating an application, describe the step by step procedure adopted in the execution of
design of experiments. (M/J’16)
9. Describe about the process of FMEA. (N/D’17)
10. Exp. how the supplier input process output tool helps in implementing six sigma. (N/D’17)
11. What is meant by design of experiments? State its real time applications. (N/D’17)
12. Discuss the changes acceleration process in details. (N/D’17)
13. Discuss how design of experiments can be implemented for optimum production of gears in
gear manufacturing company. (N/D’17)
14. Explain six sigme methodology and discuss the steps involved and implementation of six
sigma in industry. (M/J’15)


15. Discuss in details about the guidelines for designing an experiments. (M/J’15)
16. Discuss the procedure involved in implementing of six sigma methodolgy in a manufacturing
firm. (M/J’17)
17. “Six sigma concept can be applied service industries” slao. Do you agree with this statement?
Justify your answer with a suitable example. (M/J’17)


1. Mention anu four types of case study of lean manufacturing. (N/D’12)
2. List any two software packages used in lean manufacturing. (M/J’16)
3. Name any two industries that are practicing lean manufacturing principles. (M/J’16)
4. What are the various types of maintenance costs? (N/D’17)
5. What is the significance of TPM today? (N/D’17)
6. What are the advantages of pull production system over push production in trying to establish a
lean production system? (M/J’15)
7. Mention any 4 successful applications of lean manufacturing. (M/J’15)

1. Explain in detail the case study of kaizen Even based lean manufacturing. (N/D’12)
2. Explain the value stream mapping with the help of an industrial case study. (N/D’12)
3. With use of suitable illustration, discuss the challenges in implementation of lean
manufacturing in industries. (M/J’16)
4. Explain how performance evaluation audit is conducted in lean manufacturing and indicate
suitable parameters to be included in check list. (M/J’16)
5. Discuss the possible issues and challenges in implementation of lean concept in industries.
Assume the suitable industrial scenario for the illustration. (M/J’16)
6. Suggest the suitable changes to be implemented in indian manufacturing industries in
comparison with global automobile manufacturers. Also, list the advantages and challenges in
achieving the global standards. (M/J’16)
7. With case study explain the successful implementation of 5S tool of lean manufacturing in
casting industry. (N/D’17)
8. With case study explain the successful implementation SMED principle of lean manufacturing
in forging industry. (N/D’17)
9. Describe the natural progression of changes that may seen in manufacturing system as it is
gradually converted to a lean system. (M/J’15)
10. Explain the various steps for successful implementation of lean in any industry. Justify the
answer by mean of case studies. (M/J’15)
11. With neat sketch explain the concept of dual kanban system used in a pump manufacturinf
industry. (M/J’17)


12. Explain the significane of standard operating procedure (SOP). Also discuss the components of
SOP with a sample format in an assemblt of electrical panel industry. (M/J’17)
13. For each of the following manufacturing situation, give an example of how you mignt error-
proof the action to prevent a problem: (i) A bolt continually loosens on a coupling and risk
falling out if it is not tightened (ii) The conveyor is manually adjusted for different product
sizes, with a potential of a conveyer jam if it is misaligned. (M/J’17)
14. Assume that you want to visit your bank to deposit your salary cheque and then withdraw some
money from your account. Using your knowledge of VSM, draw the process , Also perform an
NVA analysis and write a report to the bank manager about the current ststus of the process.
What are your key recommendations to the bank manager with respect to improving the
process? (M/J’17)


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