Dom Unit 3 - 2 Marks

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(ARP CO Ll gs Dynamics of Machinery ay) 13; MayvJume 2006(1)) 9 What are the diferent types of vibrations? (4-U, Apr/ay 200 1. Free vibrations, 2. Forced vibrations, and 3, ‘ [, Now/Dec 2005) 1. Equilibrium (or Newton's) method, 2. Energy method, and 3. Rayleigh method. 5. What is meant by free vibration and forced vibrations ? after giving i Y Free or natural vibrations: When no extemal force acts on the a ib a an initial displacement, then the body is said to be under free or natural Vi eee Y Forced vibrations: When the body vibrates under the influence of external force, 6. ¥ Damping: The resistance against the vibration is called damping. Y Damped vibration: When there is a reduction in amplitude over every cycle of vibration, then the motion is said to be damped vibration. 7. Define resonance. [A.U,, Apr/May 2003] When the frequency of external force is equal to the natural frequency of a vibrating body, the amplitude of vibration becomes excessively large. This phenomenon is known as resonance. 8 What is meant by degrees of freedom in a vibrating system. [A.U,, Apr/May 2003; Nov/Dec 2007(2)] The number of independent coordinates required to completely define the motion of a system is known as degree of freedom of the system. 9. A cantilever beam has number of degrees of freedom. — [Ans: infinite] 10, Define steady state and transient vibrations. “ In ideal systems, the free vibration continue indefinitely as there is no damping. Such fibration is termed as steady state vibrations. systems, the amplitude of vibration decays continuously because of natural and vanishes finally. Such vibration in real system is called transient Ht By teen the Finding the navurat frequency of free longitudinal 1, Breray method, 2. Equilibrium methog and 3, Rayleigh’s method. nat is the principle of Raylein). : - ae of ae S method of finding natural frequency of vibrations ? rhe 'S method j Me jon HS €qUAL to the maint that the maximum kinetic energy at the mean ‘imu i mito. M potential energy (or strain energy) at the extreme is the nat , y. What i he natural frequency of simple spring-mass system? {A.U,, Now/Dec 2005] Natural frequency, ea nat NE in \im ~ In \ 8 Stiffness of the spring, m =~ Mass of the body suspended from the spring, and Static deflection of the spring due to the weight. 15 Determine the natural frequency of mass of 10 kg suspended at the bottom of two springs (of stiffness: 5 N/min and 8 Nim) in series. [A.U,, Nov/Dec 2007(1)] Given Data: m= 10 kg; s,=5 N/mm; sy=8 N/mm Solution: Equivalent spring stiffness, s,., = 5) +s) = 5+8= 13 N/mm where a= ele | Sen. 2n m 5 s2 ~ LACES "On 10 = 5.74Hz Ans. -© Natural frequency, f, = 16. What is the effect of inertia on the shaft in longitudinal and transverse vibrations? [A.U,, Now/Dec 2006(1)] (In Longitudinal vibrations, the inertia effect of the shaft is equal to that of a mass one third of the mass of the shaft concentrated at its free end. Merah mass at the free end = m + —3 vibrations, if the shaft is like a cantilever beam, then the inertia effect is that $s of its mass may be added to the mass of the dise while natural frequency. ee eel yp seat No. conditions for static and dyn Fpatancing- Justify. (or) How anne (0) Dynamic balancing implies ? ensure dynamic balancing of rotating [A.U, Nov/Dec 2003; Nov/Dec 2007 (1)] for dynamic balancing are: ‘The net dynamic force acting on the static balancing. 0 shaft is zero. This is called as condition for @ The net couple due to dynamic forces acing onthe tier eee from the above it is understood that gatically balanced one. of a shaft dynamically balanced system must be initially the conditions for complete balance of several masses revolving in different [A.U,, Nov/Dec 2003] @ The resultant centrifugal force must be zero, and jy The resultant couple must be zero Static Balancing Dynamic Balancing The dynamic forces as a result of the unbalanced masses are balanced by introducing balancing masses in the plane of rotation or different planes. The net dynamic force acting on the shaft is made zero. The arrangement made in static balancing gives rise to a couple which tends to rock the shaft in bearing. Dynamic balancing considers the net couple as well as net dynamic force to do complete balancing. (2 | itdeals only with balancing of dynamic | It deals with balancing of dynamic force forces. and balancing of couple due to dynamic | force. R Define Dalby’s method of balancing masses. Dalby’s method is used for balancing of several masses rotating in different planes. In this method several forces acting on several plane, planes are transferred to a single reference 1. Write the phenomenon of transferring forces from one plane to other. Transferring a force (F) from ‘0 transfer of the same force companied by a couple of magnitude ‘FI’. one plane to another plane having distance ‘? is equivalent , api resulted. That i aperiodic motion means the system cannot vibrate de to over ce the system is disturbed wil take infinite 1, What fs meat by ‘or magnification factor? [ts the ratio of maximum displacement ofthe forced vibration tothe deflection due othe static force 2. What fs meant by transmissibility? When a is Supported by a spring. the spring transmits the force applied the machine to the fixed support or foundation. This is called as transmisibiliy. 23. Define transmissibility rato or isolation factor. ‘The ratio of force transmited tothe force applid is known a transmissibility rato 4. Briefly explain elastic suspension. ‘When machine components are suspended from elastic members, the vibrational force proved by the machine components will not be transmitted to the foundation, Ths is called elastic suspension. ‘5. Specify any two-industrial application where the transmissibility effects of vibration are

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