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Independent Reading Assignment: Elements of Suspense

Check in #1 - due 12/2 (min. 4 entries)

Example/s from Independent Author’s Craft: Why is this

Reading Book significant? How does it help
create suspense in your IR
“Words from the text” (Author’s last book?
name page).

Foreshadowing “ More smell now. Bad. Brian turned again -It is significant because it is a
A hint to an event that to glance at the pilot who had both hands foreshadowing that there is something
will happen later in the on his stomach and was grimacing in pain, wrong with the pilot during flying and
story. reaching for the left shoulder again as something(something bad) is gonna
Brian watched. “Don’t know, kid…” The happen indeed.
pilot’s words were a hiss, barely audible. - The pilot is a really important person
“Bad aches here. Bad aches. Though it was while flying. Especially when there are
something I ate but…”(Paulsen p. 9) only two people: the pilot and a 13 year old
boy in the plane. So it creates suspense
because if something gets wrong with the
pilot, Brian would be in danger. He doesn't
know anything about driving a plane and
he might crash! That way, I got really
thrilled in this part.

“She reached over the back of the seat and The fact that his mother gave him a hatchet
brought up a paper sack. “I got something as a going away gift foreshadows that
for you, for the trip.” Brian took the sack Brian is going to need it for a basic tool to
and opened the top. Inside there was a survive in the woods.
hatchet, the kind with a steel handle and a This is significant because it tells that
rubber handgrip. The head was in a stout Brian will be in a situation that needs the
leather case that had a brass-riveted belt hatchet. It helped me create suspense
loop.” (Paulsen p. 8) because it was really interesting that his
mother, who wouldn’t have even imagined
that Brian would desperately need a
hatchet in the woods, gave a hatchet as a

Characterization ‘ He was thirteen and….’ - This is significant because it has a lot of

The distinctive nature, ‘ Now Brian sat, looking out the window information about the main character,
features, speech, or with the roar thundering through his ears, Brian. It lets the readers know what
actions of a character and tried to catalog what had led up to his situation now Brian is in, and what his
in a story. taking this flight. characteristic is like.
Divorce.’ (Paulsen p. 1-2) -I can guess that he is a quiet boy who
likes to think for himself at the phrase,
‘looking out of the window’. Also, it seems
that he has a broken heart about his
Independent Reading Assignment: Elements of Suspense

parents. And that way, it creates curiosity

and suspense about what will happen to
this boy.

Setting “The rocky ridge was rounded and seemed -It is significant because it shows the place
Time and place of the to be of some kind of sandstone with bits where Brian crashed. It shows how tough
story. of darker stone layered and stuck into it. the place is and how difficult Brian would
Directly across the lake from it, at the be in that place. Above all, setting is where
inside corner of the L, was a mound of the story takes place, so it is very
sticks and mud rising up out of the water a important.
good eight or ten feet.” (Paulsen p. 38) -This helps create suspense because it is a
new place to Brian and he is alone, cannot
do anything and the only thing he has to do
right now is to ‘survive’. So to speak, it is
a survival, suspense story.

How fast or slow the
plot moves along.

Repetition Divorce. -It emphasizes the situation that the main

Repeating words, It was an ugly word. character is going through. This is
phrases, situations. : significant because it is the reason why
: Brian is on the plane, heading to his
Divorce. father’s house. And by the way,
Secrets. something’s gonna happen. ‘Divore of
: Brian’s parents is the first beginning of this
: suspense story.
Divorce. - It creates suspense in the story because
The secret. repetition means something important.
: Also, it creates a suspense and thrilling
: mood. In this case, the phrase that was
Independent Reading Assignment: Elements of Suspense

Divorce. repeated was short and strong, ‘divorce.’,

The secret. so I felt more somewhat nervous.
(Paulsen p.2 - p.5)

Makes the readers

Imagery “Everything was green, so green it went As Brian begins to come out of his stupor
Sensory details used to into him. The forest was largely made up out of the class, he takes a lot of time to
create experience. of pines and spruce, with stands of some notice every aspect of his surroundings.
low brush smeared here and there and thick This part was really descriptive that I felt
grass and some other kind of very small like I was in that place Brian was, which
brush all over.” (Paulsen p. 36) created suspense. And it is significant
because Brian notices things all around
him specifically for the first time. It is
quite emotional, too.

“He waved his hands at Brian, made This passage details the happenings of
gestures in front of his face as if he were Brian’s dream, in which his father attempts
scratching something, and he worked to to tell him how to successfully make a fire.
make a word with his mouth but at first Detailed accounts of the way his father’s
Brian could not see it. Then his lips made a lips move, the gesture he makes, and the
mmmmm shape but no sound.” expression on his face allow readers to
(Paulsen p. 78) picture the dream as if themselves were
having it along with Brian. These are the
reasons why it helps make suspense. The
reason why it is significant is because it
shows Brian’s dream.

The emotional
response that the
writer wishes to create “Treasure. Unbelievable riches. He could This part shows the happy, delighted,
Independent Reading Assignment: Elements of Suspense

in the reader. not believe the contents of the survival bright mood when Brian found a survival
pack. The night before he was so numb pack looking around the plane.
with exhaustion he couldn’t do anything It is important because it helps create
but sleep. All day in the water had tried suspense, ‘so what will happen next to
him so much that, in the end, he had fallen Brian?’. He became able to do many things
asleep sitting against his shelter wall, with the kit and it made me curious, which
obvious even to the mosquitos, to the creates suspense. Also, it is significant
night, to anything. But with false gray because this part is the change of mood.
dawn he had awakened, instantly, and The mood had been dark and gloomy,
began to dig in the pack-to find amazing, dangerous but from this part, the mood
wonderful things.” (Paulsen p.171) changes hopefully that now Brian got safe.

Situational Irony It is ironic that the plane was what crashed

Something happening and put Brian into this terrible situation in
that is not expected. the first place, but in the end turns out to be
the thing that saves him when he retrieves
the survival pack from it. The plane nearly
brought death, but it also brings life.

Dramatic Irony “A fish jumped. Not a large fish, but it During his first few days in the forest,
When the reader knows made a big splash near the beaver, and as if Brian repeatedly notices fish jump in the
something but the by a signal there were suddenly little slops lake. This is an example of dramatic irony,
character doesn’t. all over the sides of the lake-along the because Brian does not realize yet that he
shore-as fish began jumping. Hundreds of can use these fish as a source of food, even
them, jumping and slapping the water. though some readers know it.
Brian watched them for a time, still in a It is significant because later he gets to
half-daze,still not thinking well. The catch a fish with a spear, bow, and arrow.
scenery was very pretty, he thought. So it helps create suspense because he
(Paulsen p.38) doesn’t know what we know, and he is just
so tired and exhausted. I was so sorry
about that while reading..

Verbal Irony
A statement in which the
speaker’s words are
incongruous with the
speaker’s intent

Point of View “ Brian Robeson stared out the window of - This is significant because it lets readers
The perspective from the small plane at the endless green know that the person who is telling this
which an author tells a northern wilderness below ” story is an outer existence and tells the
story. (Paulsen p. 1) thoughts or feelings of the
characters(omniscient point of view).
- It helped me create suspense in this book
because I could know all the things Brian
Independent Reading Assignment: Elements of Suspense

was doing specifically and feel the scary

emotion he felt at the scene.

**Help your lexile GROW! Keep track of new vocabulary here.

New Word Excerpt from book with page citation Definition

“Words from the text” (Author’s last name


1. ridge “ He started dragging sticks up from the 산등성이, 능선

lake and pulling long dead branches down 1) a elevated body part or structure
from the hill, never getting out of sight of 2) a range of hill or mountains
the water and the ridge ” (p.61) 3) an elongate crest or a linear series of

2. rear “ The doorway was about three feet, and 뒤, 후방

when he went in he found himself in a The back part of something, especially a
room almost fifteen feet long and eight to building or vehicle
ten feet deep, with the rock wall sloping
down at the rear ” (p.61)

3. knobs “ On the dashboard in front of him Brian 손잡이

saw the dials, switches, meters, knobs, 1) a handle or a door or drawer shaped like
levers, cranks, lights, handles that were a ball
wiggling and flickering, all indicating 2) a rounded button for adjusting or
nothing that he understood and the pilot controlling a machine
seemed the same way. ” (p.3)

4. abdomen “His whole abdomen was torn with great 복부

rolling jolts of pain, pain that doubled him The part of the body of a vertebrate
in the darkness of the little shelter, put him containing the digestive organs ; the belly
over and face down in the sand to moan In humans and other mammals, it is
again and again: “Mother, mother, bounded by the diaphragm and the pelvis.
mother…” ” (p.63)

5. porcupine “It was not unlike the sound of the 호저(고슴도치)

porcupine, something slithering and being A large rodent with defensive spines or
dragged across the sand, but when he quills on the body and tail.
looked out the door opening it was too dark
to see anything.” (p.92)

6. bulge “He looked down at his stomach and saw 부풀다

that it was still caved in - did not bulge out A rounded swelling or protuberance that
as it would have with two hamburgers and distorts a flat surface.
a freezy slush.” (p.108)
Independent Reading Assignment: Elements of Suspense




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