Things in Our Classroom

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Melati Vista Casa de Verona Blok V 20 Melati Mas Residence
Serpong Utara Kota Tangerang Selatan
Telp. (021) 53152139, 5379366, 5378951, Fax. (021) 53152140

Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Grade : VII A/B/C
Day, Date : Monday, May 3, 2021
Teachers : Yulfi Letya S.Pd. dan Elias T. Herwianto, S.Pd.


Hi, students, how are you? May you all be in good health. Today is a new day and we will
start with new material too. Today we will learn about things in the classroom and using
preposition of place. This study is very important because this subject is the basis for
mentioning the nouns in a sentence. So, pay close attention and read the learning module
that has been given carefully. Happy learning and still adhere to health protocols. Keep your
distance, wash your hands often and stay away from crowds. God bless you.


In this section, we will learn how to use things in the classroom and preposition of place.

Follow the instructions:

1. Read the module carefully!
2. Do the exercises given.


Send the exercises to you google classroom. If your google classroom faces some troubles,
send your exam via WhatsApp.

Berikut adalah daftar preposisi yang berkaitan dengan posisi/letak/lokasi daripada

tempat tertentu.

No Preposition Meaning
1 In Di dalam (ruangan, tempat, rongga)
2 On Di/Di atas (menempel di permukaan)
3 In front of Di depan
4 Behind Di belakang
5 Above/over Di atas (tidak menempel)
6 under Di bawah
7 Beside/next to Di sebelah/di samping
8 Between Di antara (dua)
9 Among Di antara (lebih dari satu)
10 Across from/opposite Di seberang/ berhadapan


1 There are some fish in the aquarium.

2 The lamp is above the chairs.
3 The bank is in front of the market.
4 I put the books on the table.
5 There is a cat behind the door.
6 Can you get me the ball under the chair?
7 The hospital is next to the hotel.
8 The cinema is between the museum and the shool.
9 Mr. Mustofa is among the ninth grade students.
10. The mosque is across from the supermarket.

Contoh dialog

Stranger : Excuse me, madam. Could you tell me where the police office is?

Just go straight this road. Please turn left at the crossroad. The police
Mrs. Nita :
office is opposite to the church.

Stranger : Thank you, madam.

Mrs. Nita : You’re welcome, sir.

Vocabulary Things in the classroom

Vocabulary Things in the classroom

No Things Meaning No Things Meaning

1 Chair Kursi 16 Bookshelf Rak buku
2 Table Meja (guru) 17 Book Buku
3 Desk Meja (siswa) 18 Ruler Penggaris
4 Window Jendela 19 Pencil Pensil
5 Door Pintu 20 Pen Pena/pulpen
6 Floor Lantai 21 Bag Tas
7 Wall Tembok/dinding 22 Sharpener Rautan/asahan
8 Picture Gambar/foto 23 Shoes Sepatu
9 Whiteboard Papan tulis putih 24 Scissor Gunting
10 Rubber Penghapus pensil 25 Vase Vas bunga
11. Eraser Penghapus 26 Ceiling Atap/Langit2
12 Calendar Kalender 27 Lamp/Light Lampu
13 Clock Jam dinding 28 Fan Kipas angin
14 Broom Sapu 29 Globe Bola dunia
15 Cupboard Almari/Lemari 30 Air Conditioner (AC) AC

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