Subject-Action-Plan-Reading @

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The Batt C of E Primary School

2020-21 INTENT - To become an outstanding reading school

At The Batt School, we believe in both the importance of developing children’s discrete word-reading skills and comprehension and the need to engender their love of
books and reading. We recognise that the two are intertwined; each relies on the other if the children are to become life-long readers.

Target: To ensure that all aspects of reading development are outstanding with consistently high expectations, so that all children are engaged in their learning and
make sustained progress over time. This will then contribute to achievement being in line or exceeding the Oxfordshire/National expectations.

The action plan has been devised through asking the question, “What does ‘reading’ look like at The Batt?” and taking action by: evaluating successes; research;
analysis of assessments and whole-school input and ambitions.

Priorities Actions By whom? By when? Time/Resources (£) Success Criteria Monitoring activities

1 - SUPPORTING STAFF Audit teachers’ and support staff’s confidence and knowledge as BH and HN By the end of BH, HN and SLT will have a clear vision of Monitor audit and provide
teachers of reading. What are their strengths and areas for Autumn what skills and knowledge teachers need and support. Monitor after support
development? Term 1 an accurate picture of their existing strengths has been given.
and areas for development.
To equip staff with the Support staff in their knowledge and teaching of: BH and HN
skills and knowledge Word-reading skills – both phonic decoding skills and the quick Ongoing HN and BH meetings All staff to teach each of the elements
they need to teach recognition of ‘common exception words’ (tricky words).
Coaching and effectively and skilfully through the reading
children to be ED gives phonics training for all staff – infants and co-ordinators.
Comprehension – including retrieving information, summarising, making mentoring from and whole-school curriculum.
accomplished and keen inferences and using evidence from the text to justify these. all staff.
readers. All staff will engage children by encouraging We have strong knowledge of
Intertwined closely with learning to read is the love of reading Online resources reading and promoting books at every staff reading children’s books.
and books and the desire to read. Support staff with these Training sessions for opportunity.
elements: Team-teaching phonics HN and BH discuss how reading
Big focus 2020 on early Knowledge about authors and books (keeping up to date with the latest Teachers will have a strong grasp of where is monitored in class by
reading and phonics children’s books, relevant texts and knowing where to find out). every child is as a reader, both their strengths teachers and share ideas and
• Whole school read Wednesday morning with staff participation.
Many learning walks and and the areas in which they need to develop. good examples that are
The language of books
Reading stamina discussion had with happening across the school.
Choosing books teachers in Term 2 + 3
Termly 2020. Teachers and SLT to confidently know the Analysis of attainment and
attainment of PPG and MA children across progress over time across the
Continue to raise progress of focus groups across the school; the school. school.
• Identify focus groups across each year group. Teachers to feel confident in improving and Co-ordinators track those chn
➢ Look at black dots from Summer 2019 and analyse these against
maintaining the attainment and progress of who failed phonics test in y1/2.
Autumn Term Teacher Assessments.
➢ Track attainment and progress of the focus groups MA, PPG and vulnerable children in their
➢ Analyse attainment and progress and evaluate findings through classes.
data and valuable discussions with class teachers.
➢ Teachers to make focus children clear on planning.
• Support teachers and support staff with quality first
teaching and learning.
➢ Ensure that all teachers have knowledge and an understanding
of the expectations required to meet Greater Depth/ Mastery.
The Batt C of E Primary School

Priorities Actions By whom? By when? Time/Resources (£) Success Criteria Monitoring activities

2 -TEACHING THE To support teachers with the reading curriculum to ensure that HN and BH Ongoing HN and BH to carry out Books and texts used across the curriculum Monitor planning and use of
READING CURRICULUM children’s love of reading is developed through motivating books KS1/KS2 team learning walks will be of a high quality centred on the resources /interventions
and TARGETING and texts. Children will have the opportunity to read and listen to recommendations of the Cultural Capital through discussions at staff/
texts and authors from new or unfamiliar genres. Books and texts texts. team meetings/PPA
RESOURCES Time to feedback
will provide opportunities for learning and reinforcing:
Word reading – as children encounter unfamiliar words strengths to class
The books and other resources used are
• Word of the day used throughout the school teachers/SLT and areas for
carefully matched to the school curriculum
To make use of every Grammar and punctuation – through seeing them in context and development during staff
and to the needs of the teachers.
considering how they are employed for effect. meetings.
opportunity the Comprehension – through listening to reading and discussing
curriculum offers and to challenging texts. Individual discussion had The school views access to great literature as
use a wide range of Vocabulary and spelling – by encountering new language. with each teacher about an entitlement, giving children access to a
different reading • Word of the day and magpie the English curriculum. world beyond their immediate experience.
Spoken language through participating in discussions about books
material to teach Writing (both transcription and composition). New class book brought
children to become life-
for each class to enjoy
long readers. Review reading support interventions – what impact are they having from CC text list.
on children’s enjoyment, learning and understanding of texts?
• Y6 reading for pleasure group

Build time for all children to read independently, read aloud and HN and BH Monitor through reading
be read to during the school day. journals / learning walks.
Give time for sustained independent reading within the school day.
In addition to this, provide opportunities for children to enjoy reading
outside during break/lunch times, before and after school.
Children to choose their own reading material for independent reading
with a teacher at hand to guide their choices.
Talk to the children about what they are reading. How did they choose BH and HN
this text? How long have they been reading it? Are they enjoying it? Do BH and HN to
they have plans/ideas for what they might read next? Introduce children recommend
to books that are beyond their current knowledge.

Carry out an audit of texts used across the curriculum in each year Co-ordinators have identified
Class teachers what texts are being used and
Use ‘Cultural Capital’ texts from ‘teachlikeachampion’ website to guide
book choices. BH and HN to by whom.
• Improved resources 2020 recommend
Texts should be selected to ensure they are both motivating and
BH and HN to
All class libraries to be audited oversee.
• Y6 have done this 2020
Both teachers and children (children’s voice) to have input on the
Class teachers
catalogue of books.
Use a percentage of PPG money to buy high-quality books, texts and

Develop good links with Witney Library BH andHN

The Batt C of E Primary School

• Y6 and Y3 have done this 2020 PPG money

Visit and join as whole classes.

Promote a culture of finding, discussing and using new and

unfamiliar vocabulary across the curriculum.
Word of the day is being used in all classes which creates great discussions
– continue to promote and record, e.g. a word of the day book, write the
words in or take pictures. The book is used as a reference for children.
Explore Averil Coxhead’s ‘Word Families’

Children’s voice will be a key influence and

Continue to provide opportunities for ‘Reading buddies’ where Class teachers meeting with the curriculum ambassadors.
different year groups pair up to share books.
• Y6 and R, 2020
• Y5 and Y2, 2020

Children’s Voice
Maintain positive attitudes to reading and an understanding of what the
children have read by giving opportunities for children to recommend
books to their peers, giving reasons for their choices (e.g. recorded book
reviews on See-Saw with a QR code for children to access).
BH and HN
Listen to children’s views about reading and involving them in selecting
books and resources to provide motivation which will play a part in
strengthening the school’s reading culture.

Curriculum Ambassadors to give views and support peers in their

• Term one 2019 completed, need to ensure it’s ongoing.
3 -DEVELOPING THE Audit the reading environment of the school – whole-school BH and HN Term 1 The library and book areas are welcoming, Ongoing monitoring of reading
READING library, class libraries, reading spaces around the school. How working spaces, where children visit, read, spaces
ENVIRONMENT effective are these spaces? How do they contribute to the school’s choose and talk about books.
reading culture and promote a love of reading? Learning walks and Share outstanding practice
• Y6, Y5, Y3 showed evidence of this 2020 during learning sharing outstanding In order to use all the time that is available to with staff during staff mtgs.
walk practice. promote reading, reading areas should be
To understand the role accessible before school, during break times
Are the book areas: inviting? Well-organised to ensure there are areas
the physical and after school for parents and children to
for both working and reading for pleasure? Are displays of books and
environment, including resources attractive, advertising the books in stock? Are books rotated visit together.
libraries, book areas around to keep the spaces fresh and prevent them from being
and displays can play in neglected?
teaching children to be Teaching staff
readers. Carry out discussions with staff about reading spaces. Create
priorities, e.g.
Updating stock, with children involved in stock selection
Supporting less-able readers to find books quickly
Considering the non-fiction section to make it more obvious that non-
fiction can be read for pleasure.
• Book reviews displayed in book corners and the library. BH and HN
The Batt C of E Primary School

Create ‘wandering book boxes’ where children can put a favourite

book from home when they have finished it and choose another BH and HN
(teachers created their own mini-library in the staffroom 2020
encouraging discussion of books amongst staff and children).

Think about the outdoor space, e.g. create a reading chair/bench/log

circle/ shelter where children can take books all year round.
Priorities Actions By whom? By when? Time/Resources (£) Success Criteria Monitoring activities

ENGAGING PARENTS Audit the views of families about reading. What works well for BH and HN Term 1 Parents will be aware of the importance of Monitor parent feedback
and CELEBRATING them? What would they like more support with? What challenges do reading and will have opportunities to learn
READING they face about their children reading at home? Analyse the responses how to support their children.
as a staff team and consider how the school can support parents.
• Term 1 2019 questionnaire went out to parents.
BH and HN Term 2
4 – To harness the
Create short videos showing different ways in which children engage
enthusiasm of parents
in reading for pleasure in school and share with parents via the school
to ensure the culture of website or Seesaw.
reading developed by BH and HN Term 1
the school extends into Hold annual Curriculum Evening for parents with information and prepare
the home. discussions about reading for pleasure and the reading curriculum. resources. Children will be involved in moments which
• Term 1 Teaching staff will enrich their reading environment.
To involve the school Ongoing
community in special
Celebrating Reading
events to raise the Books are to be celebrated and promoted every day.
profile of reading and • New texts are shared with class with speed book dating and
engage the children. Teaching staff Ongoing
blurb reading with discussion
Children recommending books
• Book reviews
Reading blurbs/opening paragraphs/key incidents to excite children
• Evident in teaching across the school using inference skills

Collect teachers’ ideas for promoting reading.

Use assemblies as opportunities to talk about and promote books
Take part in key events, e.g. Book Fair Takeover and World Book Day.
5 – PROGRESS AND All children’s learning is continually imputed onto TARGET Teaching staff Ongoing Teacher assessment is Percentage of children passing the reading Monitor reading data from
ATTAINMENT TRACKER inputted as ongoing SATs test is 80% termly assessments and black
Reading data to be robustly tracked each term to ensure that Carrying out assessments Through robust interventions children who dot
attainment and progress will be in line with expectations by the end of are below age-related expectations will make
SMT Monitoring reading data sustained progress to ensure they are age
the academic year.
To ensure 80% reach related in their learning of reading.
Where data is not inline then pupil progress meetings to be held to
expected progress by
address where support can be introduced to aide development
the end of the academic
year for reading

Last updated: September 2020

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