The Hundred Dresses - II

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he Hundnad Dousss -I

Anaen be allaaing 4ustlans:

J.ohot dais Lsgg4 hink up h


madsmad the aocuse that sha had hot

sallud anda arugnen r made un a
-hen nam ahu thsught hat wando ould take
hon ehamiau 03
making un a he. dcarding
to a.wanda was
prsbabl gtting oad
ideas on hun drauings ohen she was asking
queshans abgudJer dresse. Othwuae, she

would hethave won ha cantest.

2.Ohat ae Maddie 'au thaughta s' tg ao to

Beaains taghts ?
n thain aoBoggins Huighta, Maddie haped
that they would s e Wada. she uountad to
tell Jan that ty ee soty hay had pickud
an hn, and hawwandayul Hu whale
Schaal thaughlsa was ard not o maxe AuaH
And NCkasady would bu nita. dhe and hggy
wald hE anybady wowas. not
3 wh daes Wanda's hauss amind Maddie o
Oanda'> hlu drus)

A Wando wasving in a tle white house. The

hause and its panis ttlh
yand laahed shabb
but clsan. eminded laddii ol anda's blus
duss, which was shabby Jbut clean.
1. Haw dmus Maddia palaten listuing
not am Wanda'slath?
Jistenins to ta

listuning to tha tton ldanda's

Jaher, Maddie becamu rustless. he l t

and aahamud. saty
Shanuld not cantentrate n
hwn studies. eSha had
wey didk feeling
h kottorm o han Stomach.
5.what das Maddia hink Jad
abaut what
deuisiean dats sko cama to?
w Maddie ink hard phaut 0anda and hn
aclad blu douss and the ittle Jausa
ahe lved in. And shs raughl thu
gousing pi ckurs thoa Jundud dousse she
made ha Jmpostant dacision which she took
a h e wad naNan asing to stand by ard
S04 notung again : sh INAN haod anybody
picRing en 0muans because thu oen unn

Saoking because thy had trango nama,

sha wauld apoak up. n it maant lesing
angu iandahip. a had
oay no
thinga Sught wrth Wanda, ram
sha uldruN make anyybody slse hat
brdappy agan.
Lahat did N atosnaki's Jetter say

Am his Jetton, Jhe wate that anda and Jake
uld notcoma tochaol: boLause thy
going to lhaus tha place to a nw
big oty n

hih no wneall teasi anyankn the-ham

hames a dresseg.

iss Mason AnAry h the cdlas, o

she unhappy aind upaat)
than angy
cdhe is awhappy and upsot athor dhan
thaught hat whatwen happened uith Wanda oa
unartunate and shBshoughtlossnesS.dta uwes
NAYans to thinkabaut it 30 hat A l l ot
happan in uwe

8 what daas Maddia wnt to do?

Aru Haddie ants to amand hen bohaviour tousards

Wanda. dhe uanks to o to Boggina Huight to mst
Wonda and to apmlogise dha wars to tel hn
hat she had nat uant to Jurt kon ihe also uwnts
tinum andothat ahe oon e daauing Contust
dut to the bcaubill designs she made

3.hat dad ha gils wsita to Lbnda?

Aa ha gila wrate to luanda a andl JetEten

llong abat the cantest/andtelling Wando
Bhe Jhad won. Thay tald
Jun haw putty un
drauinag ww. Amdhe askud hensha bkd
sha lkd
whwuha was ling9 and sha Lked hur r
tearhn Th had meant osay s a y buo
nded up with thuin just wwtinga pendly
bindly ut
Did thay e t a apyWha uas riau aruious
Jarn A p y . a n an Maddia? Hoo do you know?

P o. ths gils didn'i gat a saply om Wanda,

Maddis wa ma anziaus about gutting a Jutten

aptom Lianda. Ror slzpless hights and

Larudruama abaut. ounda sanalud this Jat

1 Hoo did He gids kne hat tdanda liked thun

ANa thaugh they had teased hn?

dns- danda qiltad hur beautilul dzstgas b ta girls

R aom umher hirtnan. dhaApecially gittud
tha blu drassto Maddie Jand qaen ane to lagg
dhe oven mada hain Jacas an bhaB git sher dad
nat kaap harqruudge suo dein tiasiy. dhe Cans-
dered ham asttnds

2Maddia thauaht hu ailane was as bad as

adasing. ossha aight

A , Maddis's dhaught 'oaa sight tht being ailast

Ja equally a ime thot Regg dio. e emained
o landa
nadwwheneen leggy askodLtions
apoding duas. Tnthnamaaun nd
ahipwithaggu unainedi Louwasd, a
thought sha had ha
3. 888s. I noven

Sense o now wua making kun oh Jan

anywa what Lad pagau to baliuu tha anda
as dumb Diok aha chinge Jun s oplnion Aata)

Wanda didn't Saspando hu way othws i -

tata huu dteunec madea Camplain and qane
no Lactions. This passie way a hehoia a
tuanda mads egaa tot think that she is dumb
latex, she changed Jhanopirian ohen she
heand te cantent a anda's ttn. Shu bgan
co think hat ando oasi anice girl who loved
dun. pharn hd saw Jaca draun on: ta dress
weade Jer opirion strangen.

k1 Ohat impotant darisian did Maddte maka?

tohy did aha haua to dhink hasd o do s

Cunawo 5.

wh do you hink anda axe Maddia and

Page hadsauangs o a dhused whu a

uthey supised
o ne atenbuing easu ayagg4and Madau
nda qitedhe beautiadasse.o hon.
did so bmaka. em soalisi ki tu m a
iandship wantad to show harn the
valus a argiwns8. dhe also wanted o taach
tham a lesson a ie hat *what e a is

ma impastat han whot we hau

I ueu think Wando rually thaught the gils
a a Jteasing: Jhun? why an why not ?

dues, I hink aha thaughtihat PeggH and and

Maddie wu tasing han Jn he name aher

drasses 1hal's why. she kex lather

and thin utiu Janily shited o a nu big
iky ghe thera tainoplau im teasing
he namt a drasses kurny hamls

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