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14 Developing writing skills, WES uel ra LZ «Read the e-mail toa language schoo ' Lookat the NGhllghil@ expressions. How would they be Tick (7) the questions that Adriano diferent in an informal e-mail (rleter)? ‘wants the school to answer. Formal email Informal eal Ci How much do the courses cost? Dear Sir/ Madam G When do the courses tart and finish? 1am writing a CG How many students are there are in cas? 1 would ike as Are there Busines English lases? ook forward to hearing from you Where cant stay? Yours aithflly Gi Where are the teachers from? From. Adriano Ruocco [adranor@tiscalinel] ‘To: The Grange Language Schoo! enquires rangoedrbughl [Subject Information about couse. (Dee Sir/Madam, ‘Namyweting to ask or information about your language courses. | am especialy inate nan Irtansive couse of two or tre wooks. | a 31 and | werk the lr at Mian Urey | can ‘oad English qute well but | nee to improve my steing and peaking. The boo | am curenty studying is ‘pre-ntormeciate’ (Common European Framewerk lvl AZ) "have looked at your website, but theres no formation about intensive courses next sure, (Coul you please send me inermaton about datas and pices? I wus lo Ike some Infomation about accommodation, I pssile LUE fo say with a fami. My wes ging to vist me fora weekend when | am atthe eal. Could ee tay with me inthe sare fay? ‘ek torwardo nearing rom you: ‘yours atay ‘tno Ruooeo «¢ Read the advertisements and choose a course. Think of two or three questions you would like to ask. (ee Oem UNG LC RL [ennis courses! in France | K | \ ] WRITE formal e-mail asking for information. Write two paragraphs. | Paragraph 1 Explain why you are writing and give some personal information Paragraph 2 Ask your questions, and ask them to send you information, Hee your emai or mises A, OD, 2 SLAB ‘New English File Oxenden, Latham-Koenig and Seligson 4. Suggest how you would adapt or supplement the material in activity C3. 6

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