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Revision Worksheet (grade 8)

I- RL8.1
I can Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of
what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
1- Crack!  Thunder struck and rain poured.  Max stared blankly out the window,
trying to contain his emotions that raged like the weather.  He was beginning to
lose it.  Dropping the kite from his hand, Max broke out into full sob.  His
mother comforted him, "There, there, Max.  We'll just find something else to
do."  She began to unpack the picnic basket that was on the counter and offered
him a sandwich.  Max snapped, "I don't wanna sand-mich!"  A flash from the
sky lit up the living room.  Boom!  Mom sighed.
Which line in the text tells you that Max is upset because it
is raining?
a- He says, "I don't wanna sandwich?"
b-Dropping his kite from his hand, Max broke out into a full sob
c-Thunder struck and rain poured

2- Karina woke up with the sun blasting through her windows. She sleepily
rolled over and looked at her clock, which read 6:30 a.m. She yawned and
crawled out of bed. After lazily getting into her bathing suit and grabbing a ripe
banana, she swung her backpack on her back and left the quiet house.
Based on the passage what can we infer about the type of
job this person has?

a- She is a pilot.
b- She is a lifeguard.
c- She is a doctor.

3- The walk to the beach took her half an hour, but it passed by quickly.
Tropical birds kept her company, chirping hello from the tall palm trees, while
neighbours, on their front porches, waved as Karina passed by.

Once she left her neighbourhood and reached the entrance to the tourist resort,
things completely changed. The tropical vacation resort was full all year, as Bali
is a famous tourist spot—one island of many in the country of Indonesia, in
Southeast Asia.
Based on the passage, what can we infer about where this
person is?
a- island b- city c- subway

4-The sun climbed in the sky, and the day got hotter. Just as Karina turned on a
small portable fan to cool herself, someone began yelling in the water. Karina
immediately jumped off her chair and ran toward the shore. She soon realized
the person was yelling “shark.” She froze. She had never experienced a shark
sighting before but knew that she should get everyone out of the water. She
began to pull people out of the water and assisted young children who couldn’t
move quickly enough.

Based on the passage, what do we know about Katrina's

experience as a lifeguard?
a- She hates this job.
b- She panics and runs away.
c- She is afraid but knows what action to take.

II- RI.8.1
I can Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what
the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
5- "Many dedicated students think they can divide their attention in the
classroom without harming their academic success – but we found an insidious
effect on exam performance and final grades," Dr. Glass said in the release. "To
help manage the use of devices in the classroom, teachers should explain to
students the damaging effect of distractions on retention – not only on
themselves, but for the whole class."

What inference can you draw from the previous text?


6- Didyou know that it is possible to make music using water and goblets?
People have been doing this for centuries. In fact, Benjamin Franklin was
inspired by a musical performance with water-filled glasses in 1758. He was so
impressed that he invented an instrument called the armonica. The armonica is
made of glass and produces a wide range of different notes. You can see one of
Franklin’s armonicas on display at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia,

The armonica is a large complicated instrument. However, it is possible to use

regular goblets to make the same kind of music that an armonica makes.

First, you will need to find a glass goblet. Fill it half full of water. Next, fill a
bowl with water. Set these two items on a table.

Because goblets are fragile, it is best to work in a carpeted area in case the
goblet falls. You should keep one hand on top of the flat part at the bottom of
the glass. Then, using your free hand, dip either your pointer or middle finger
into the bowl of water. With your wet finger, lightly trace the rim of the glass.
Now listen carefully. Can you hear a note? By rubbing the glass with your
finger, you are causing the glass to vibrate. This in turn causes the air to vibrate,
which results in the musical note that you hear.

Once you have succeeded in making a note, it’s time to change the amount of
water in your goblet. This will change the pitch of the note. In other words, the
note will sound higher or lower depending on the amount of water in the glass.

If you want to put on a performance like the one that Benjamin Franklin
witnessed in 1758, try using several goblets. Fill each of them with a different
amount of water. Then, line them up on the table. You can combine the
different notes to make a song!

Before tracing the rim of a goblet with a finger, what can you infer the reader
should do?

III- RI.8.2
I can determine a central idea of an informational text.
I can provide an objective summary of the text.
7- Seatedon his throne, King Midas wore a golden crown. He had golden rings
on each finger and held a golden scepter. His vest was embroidered with golden
thread and even his shoes had golden ornaments. He had a golden box filled
with gold coins. He named his daughter Marigold.
What is the main idea of this paragraph?
A- King Midas loved gold.
B- King Midas sold lots of gold.
C- King Midas had a heart of gold.

8- Find the central idea.

Being a clown isn't all fun and games. Rodeo clowns expose themselves to great
danger every time they perform. When cowboys dismount or are bucked off of
bulls at riding competitions, rodeo clowns jump in front of the bulls and motion
wildly to get their attention. In this way rodeo clowns provide an alternate
target, and in doing so protect the rider. So you see, sometimes clowning around
can be serious business
a- Rodeo clowns protect cowboys by putting themselves in danger.
b- Being a clown isn't all fun and games.
c- Rodeos are exciting.

9- Most people think that gorillas are mean, but actually they are shy. It seems
that such a huge animal with very large teeth would be aggressive. Hollywood
movies help convey this image of the scary, ferocious gorilla. In fact, gorillas
only attack if they are provoked.
The central idea is :
a- Gorillas are mean animals
b- Gorillas don't like other animals.
c- Gorillas are misunderstood as vicious animals.

IV- RL 8.4
I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.
10- Earth is a terrestrial planet-- it has a compact, rocky surface.

What kind of meaning does the word terrestrial convey?

a- connotative
b- technical
c- figurative

11- During the gold rush of 1849 many gold miners used their sluice boxes to
sift through dirt in order to find gold.

Which word is a technical term that has to do with gold

a- gold b- sift c- sluice

12- In order to determine the correct solution, you will have to multiply the
standard deviation by the division of the hypotenuse.

What subject is being discussed?

a- Medicine b- Religion c- Math

13- 1) I recognized the familiar smell of my roommate's cooking.

2) I recognized the familiar stench of my roommate's cooking.

Which has a more negative connotation?

a- 1 b- 2
14- "The next morning thousands upon thousands of these black. winged
insects, known as cicadas, cover sidewalks, mailboxes, tree branches, and roofs
across certain areas of the United States. The loud throb of their alien-sounding,
high-pitched screeches fills the air."

Look at the underlined sentence. What does the author's

word choice suggest about the sound that cicadas make?
a- The noise is both awful and annoying.
b- It is so fascinating that everyone should hear it.
C- The screeches are dangerous enough to lead to hearing loss.

V- L.8.1.A
I can explain the function of verbals (gerunds, participles,
infinitives) in general and their function in particular
*- Identify the type of verbal for the underlined word.
15. The thief arrested for the robbery shot at the security guard.
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
16. They are sure the extra planning will make a difference in the end.
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
17. Delighted with the opportunity to learn, Christine took the internship in
New York.
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
18. The show offers everyone a chance to be a millionaire.
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
19. Samuel decided that missing the lecture every day was hurting his grade.
a. gerund b . participle c. infinitive
20. The swimmer, driven by the need to be the best in the world, made himself
sick with anxiety.
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive
21. The completed meal was so beautiful that the guests hesitated to eat it.
a. gerund b. participle c. infinitive

VI- L.8.3.A
I can use verbs in the active and passive voice to achieve particular effects.

* In the following questions, a sentence has been given in either Active or

Passive Voice. From the four options select the one which best expresses the
same sentence in the opposite. voice than mentioned in the question.
22. Never disobey your elders
1. You are asked not to disobey your elders.
2. You are ordered not to disobey your elders.
3. Do not disobey your elders.
4. You are not to disobey your elders.

23. The students were listening to the teacher.

1. The teacher is listened to by the students.
2. The teacher listened to students.
3. The teacher was listening to by the students
4. The teacher was listened to by the students.

24. I have to do it.

1. It is be done by me.
2. It should to be done by me.
3. It has to be done by me.
4. It would to be done by me.

25. Tell the maid to prepare tea.

1. You are ordered to tell the maid to prepare tea.
2. You are said to tell the maid to prepare tea.
3. You are advised to tell the maid to prepare tea.
4. You are asked to tell the maid to prepare tea.

26. Who stole your bike?

1. Your bike was stolen by him?
2. By whom was your bike stolen?
3. Your bike was stolen by whom?
4. By whom your bike stolen? S

RL.8.1 1 B
2 B
3 A
4 C
RI.8.2 7 A
8 C
9 C
RL.8.4 10 B
11 C
12 C
13 B
14 A
L.8.1.A 15 B
16 A
17 B
18 C
19 A
20 B
21 B
L.8.3.A 22 1
23 4
24 3
25 4
26 2

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