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Form 2 Exercise : The Particulate Nature of Matter

1. The diagram shows arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas labelled Z, W and
V, not in their correct order.

Determine which one is Z, W and V and state reasons for your answer

Z gas

Reason – they move more freely and diffuse into the space available

W – liquid …

Reason- they some freedom to move around eachother

V – solid

Reason- they have less space to move around and only stay in fixed positions [6]


2. The diagram shows three states of matter and how they can be interchanged.
(a) Name the changes represented by the letters A to E

A- freezing …

B – melting

C – condensation

D- evaporation

E- sublimation [5]

(b) Name a substance that undergoes change E


(c) Complete the following table to describe three states of matter, The table has been
partially completed for you

Solid Liquid Gas

Shape Definite shape Not fixed, No shape

takes shape
of the
Volume Fixed volume Fixed volume No fixed volume


Movement of Only vibrate abut fixed Can move around Can move freely
particles positions each other and quickly in all


[Total : 14]

3. A mixture of three compounds, P, Q and R, was separated using a piece of paper.

(a) Name this method of separation.

RF value .[1]
(b) What could have been used to apply the mixture onto the paper?

(c) Suggest a possible solvent that could be used for this separation.

(d) Rf values are used to identify compounds

Rf =

Use the diagram to work out the Rf value of compound R


………………………………………………………………………………………………[2] [Total:


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