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Naskah Ujian

Universitas Bung Karno

√ UTS  UAS Susulan UTS/ UAS  Lain-lain : ………………………….… Ganjil/ Genap 2022/2023

Mata Kuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS NPM : 1101210114

Kelas : 1IKM1 Nama Mahasiswa :

Hari /Tanggal : SENIN, 07 Nopember 2022 Santo Deon Lumban Gaol

Waktu Ujian : 17.00-19.30 Diperiksa oleh: Tanda Tangan :

Sifat Ujian : -
Lembar Jawaban : -
Dosen : Drs.Yacob.M.Saleh, S.E., M.M.
Tanggal : ..................
Naskah ujian harap dimasukkan ke dalam lembar jawaban dan dikumpulkan kembali !!!

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris I

Read the text carefully,

WHO comes first?
A child’s place in the family birth order may play a role in type of occupations that will interest him or
her as an adult, new research suggests. In two related studies, researchers found that only children and to
a certain extent first born children were more interested in intellectual, cognitive pursuits than were later
born children. In contrast, later born children were more interested in both artistic and outdoor related
These results fit into theories that say our place in family birth order will influence our personality, said
Frederick T.L. Leong, co-author of the study and professor of psychology at Ohio State University. “Parents
typically place different
demands and have different expectations of children depending on their birth order”. Leong said.
( English in Common 5 Pearson )
I. Answer the questions:
1. What is the new research suggest?
2. What was the difference between first born children and the later born children in their career?
3. What is Frederick T.L. Leong?
4. Is our place in family birth order will influence our personality?
5. Do parents have demands and expectations of children depending on their birth order?

II. Choose the best answer:

1. She thinks about things in the same way with me. I really… ........ as her.
a. just clicked b. a lot in common
c. see eye to eye d. feel on the same wavelength
2. She’s getting pretty tall,… ........... ?
a. hasn’t she? b. doesn’t she?
c. isn’t she? d. wasn’t she?

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3. I can’t leave the party early, ................ ?
a. can I? b. do I?
c. am I d. be I?
4. I’m going to try and see my boyfriend.................... weekend.
a. any b. every
c. each c. some
5. She doesn’t have.................. to do.
a. anything b. everything
c. something d. thing
6. The market had flowers of .....................kind.
a. some b. any
c. every d. each
7. There is a lot of ........................ involved in juggling.
a. important b. art
c. frustration d. skill
8. I wish someone would take ....................... for the train crash.
a. art b. lonely
c. responsibility d. successful
9. It’s possible that we’ll go and visit my brother in Boston.
We ..................... go and visit my brother in Boston.
a. must b. may
c could d. might
10. That’s the law.
a. isn’t it? b. is there?
b. aren’t it? c. won’t you?
11. Would you like......................... else to eat?
a. something b. everything
c. anything d. nothing
12. My uncle was very wealthy and ................................. at the age of 52.
a. was fired b. quit his job
c. worked part time d. retired early
13. Would you like to ..............................reading the blind?
a. working flextime b. work the night shift
c. do volunteer work d. work part-time

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14. I with a co-worker at 5 P.M.
a. am playing b. have played
c. will play d. had play
15. By this time next week, he...........................................his art project.
a. will be finishing b. will have finished
c. will be finished d. finished
16. To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to be a ……………………………..
a. detail b. self-starter
c. quality d. volunteer
17. She stayed behind in the office ................................ the telephone rang.
a. just in case b. because
c. when d. for
18. As a journalist, I’m always having to meet very tight …………………………
a. pressure b. detail
c. person d. deadlines
19. I’d like to ask you................................................... your experience.
a. on b. into
c. about d. for
20. Having at least one very close friend is really ………………………….
a. interesting b. fine
c. needed d. important
21. Parents can do to make teens use their cell phones more ………………….
a. response b. responsive
c. responsibility d. responsible
22. Teens can also can get ........................... on their cell phones with
calendars and to-do lists.
a. to-organize b. organize
c. organizer d. organization
23. Every student needs ................................. the test before they can join the
a. to take b. taken
c takes d. took
24. Perhaps that’s the …………………….. work rhythm to which we will return
a. natural b. nature
c. naturally d. naturalized
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25. Make notes about the people they talk about and how they are. ….............
a. signification b. significance
c. significantly d. significant.

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I Answer :
a. A child’s place in the family birth order may play a role in type of occupations that will
interest him or her as an adult.
b. First born children were more interested in intellectual, cognitive pursuits than were later
born children.
c. Co-author of the study and professor of psychology at Ohio State University.
d. These results fit into theories that say our place in family birth order will influence our
e. Parents typically place different demands and have different expectations of children
depending on their birth order

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